The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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. '4
(Contlnliod from Pago 1)
For Ames thoro woro four men who
stood out as stars. Thoy wore E.
Lambert, O. Lambort, Hubbard and
Captain Law. Tho flrat throe mado
up tho backflold, and Law playod at
left tacklo.
"SI" Lambort at fullback was by
far tho boat backflold man in tho
gamo. HIb work on tho runs around
tho ondB wqb sonsntlonal. Ho mado
good galnB nearly ovory tlmo ho car
ried tho ball. Ho was bo (loot that
Ames, Fullback.
tho Nebraska players oxperionced
much troublo In tackling him. His
spood and dodging ability enabled him
to make n touchdown from a punt
to tho forty-ynrd lino by Nebraska.
Hubbard, with "SI" Lambort, formod
a wondorful pair. Hubbard showed
up to groatest advantago In running
back punts. He also mado several
good gains on end runs. G. Lambort
did his best work on tho dofenso and
holped stop sovoral Nebraska playors
on runs.
Captain Law Plays Hard.
Captain Law of tho Aggies worked
like a tiger and on tho dofcnBO was
tho bost star on his toam. Ho showed
up especially well in tho Bocond half,
tearing after tho Nebraska players and
ickllng with a Burenoss that pre-
utod many gains by tho Cornhuak
era. Tho AmeB lino was noticeably weak
er than tho CornhuskorB' and fro-
quontly gave way to attacks. Right
guard and right tacklo woro not as
Ames, Left Half.
strong as tho men on tho othor si do
of tho line.
Ames excelled in tho certainty of
its tackling. Instead of tackling high
as the Nebraska players tho Aggies
hit low and brought down tho Nebras
ka runners with a surenoss that
stopped all further advance. Nebras
ka's tackling was so high that some
times struggling Aggie players were
able to slip 'away and gain a fow
foot 'or yards boforo being socuroly
fustoned to tho ground.
Nebraska Scores First. )
Nobraska mado tho flrBt touchdown
of tho gamo alter eighteen minutes
of piay. Beltzer caught tho ball on
Nebraska's teu-ya'rd lino from a punt
by E. Lambert. Ho returned it llue.
uiub, aud then punied to tho AwOj
ou-yard uno, whoro Heggen fell mi
mo ball. E. Lambert on an ona ruu
mado iltteon yurds. Thoro was rough
piaying aud AmeB was ponalized nt
toon yards. A punt by E. Lambert
was biucKoJ, but Captain Law recov
ered the ball. E. Luaibort puntod tu
lientley In tho con tor of tho Hold. Thu
quarterback returned tho ball ton
yurds. Chaloupka and Frum made
gains. A lorward pass from Boltzor
to Harvey took tho ball to tho Aggie
15-yard lino. Blrknor aou Krogor
gained. Blrknor went over tho b
Uno from tho oight-yard lino for tho
flrBt touchdown.
Blrkner a Sensation.
E. Lambert kicked off to Blrknor
on Nobraskas 2-yard Uno. Blrknor did
somo sonsatlonal running in returning
tho ball and brought It back forty
yards. Blrknor mndo flvo yards around
right end on tho flrat play. A forward
pasB from Boltzor to Harvoy was
caught by Hubbard of AmeB. Ames
tried a forward pasB on tho flrat play
from E, Lambort to Hubbard, but two
of tho Aggies woro offside and tho
team waB ponalized flvo yardB. Tho
ball was on tho Agglo 10-yard Uno.
E. Lambort circled loft ond for a gain
of ten yards. On tho next play ho
punted to Boltzor on Nebraska's 45
yard Uno. Tho ball wont outsldo tho
field of play.
Boltzor ran ton yards around right
end on tho first attempt. Chaloupka
mado flvo yards moro on an attack
at right guard. Nobraska was penal
ized ten yards for rough play. Bent
ley fumbled tho ball In receiving a
paBs from CollInB at center. Boltzer
puntod to Heggen on tho Ames fdrty
yard lino. Tho ball wag returned flf
teon yards. ColllnB tackled Heggen
In a pretty manner.
Hubbard circled loft end on a 25
yard run. A forward pasB from
Lambort to Hubbard gavo ton yards
moro. Law failed to gain on a chargo
nt tacklo. E. Lambort puntod outsldo
tho field of play at Nebraska's 15
yard line.
Boltzor punted to Nebraska's 45
yard Uno and Chaloupka, running rap
Idly down tho field, secured tho ball.
An onsldo kick was tried by Boltzor
and tho ball fell Into tho hands of
Hubbard. E. Lambert mado five yards
on a run around right ond. Hubbard
addod flvo moro on the samo play. E.
Lambert drew back aB If for a placo
kick, but instead of trying this play,
ho threw tho ball to Knox on a for
ward paBs and It waB carried to Ne
braska's two-yard line, whoro Qeorgo
Lambort carried the ball ovor for a
touchdown on tho next play.
8core Six to Five.
E. Lambert failed to kick goal.
Score: Nebraska, 6; Ames, 5.
Blrkner kicked oft to O. Lambert on
tho Amos 10-yard Uno. There was n
return of fifteen yardB. Hubbard
circled loft ond for thirty yards. Thn
ball was in tho center of tho field.
Hubbard drove through right tackle
for flvo yardB. G. Lambert failed to
advance on a plug plungo at right
tacklo. Ho made ton yards on a run
around right ond on tho noxt play.
Knox failed to gain through right
tacklo. E. Lambert waB thrown for
a Bmall loss on, an attemptod ond run.
E. Lambert tried to placo kick from
the Nobraska 30-yard Uno. The ball
fell at the 10-yard lino, and Boltzer
took It back ton yards. Chaloupka
mado three yards through right
tackle. Beltzor puntod forty yards to
the Ames 40-yard line, where tho ball
was recovered by Chaloupka. A for
ward pass from Beltzor to Harvey was
intercepted by Hubbard and the ball
wont to Ames on Its 15-yard line.
Q. Lambert hit right tackle for two
yards. E. Lambort was forced to punt
and booted tho ball to his own 45-yard
lino. Bentley returned the ball thirty
flvo yards. Chaloupka made two yards.
Beltzor added three yards. Krogor
took the ball over from tho 2-yard
Uno for Nebraska's second touchdown.
Harvey kicked goal. Score: Nebraska,
12; Amos, 5.
End of First Half.
E. Lambert kicked off to Kroger
on tho Nebraska goal line. Kroger ro
turnod tho ball thirty yards. Tim
yas called for tho first half with tho
ball in possession of Nobraska on Its
60-yard Uno.
Both toams bogan tho second half
with thoir lineups intact Ames was
defending the west goal and had tho
wind blowing at its back. Blrknor
kicked off to Nelson on tho Ames 40
yard Uno. Tho ball was roturnod two
yards. Hubbard was thrown for a 6
yard Iosb on an attempted end run.
a. Lambert made twenty yards around
loft ond. A forward pass from Heg
gen to E. Lambort netted sevon yards.
Lambert puntod forty yardB outside of
tho field of piny on Nebraska's 10-yard
Chaloupka was sent through loft
tackle for two yardB. Beltzer followed
with two yardB. Beltzer then punted
to Lambort on Nebraska's 35-yard
Uno. Lambort roturnod tho bull fif
teen yards. Krogor broke through the
Uno on tho next play and threw Q.
Lambert for a loss of flvo yards., Lam
bort booted an onBldo kick out of
bounds on the Nebraska 15-yard line.
Boltzer punted out from behind his
own goal lino to Hubbard on Nebras
ka's 30-yard line. Hubbard circled left
end on the first play, placing tho ball
on Nebraska's 5-yard Uno.
At this point Miner was substituted
for Boltzor at loft half. The first play
from thiB point carried E. Lambert
ovor the Nebraska goal Uno for a
touchdown. It was a play directed at
center. E. Lambort kicked
Score: Nebraska, 12; Ames, 11.
Temple for Kroger.
Temple was substituted at fullback
for Kroger. Blrkner kicked off to
Hubbard on tho Aggies' 5-yard line.
Iho fast Ames right half roturned tho
ball thirty yards. Harto broke through
tho line and throw Hubbard for a loss
of flvo yards. E. Lambertfp'unted to
Bentley at tho center off tho field. A
forward pass from Minor to Blrknor
gave tho Cornhuskors twenty yards.
Ames Was penalized five yards for off
side play.
Blrkner circled Uoft end for Boven
ynrds. Temple hit tho Uno at center for
throe more. Tomplo made flvo through
left Jackie. Blrkner followed with
two yards. He added another yard oo
the next play. Chaloupka added five
yards. Tho ball was on the Ames
7-yard Uno now. It was second down
and Nobraska had four yards to make.
Blrkner was given the ball to carry,
but the Aggio line held and tho ball
wont to Ames on its 7-yard Uno.
Aggies Tie It Up.
O. Lambert was thrown for a loss
xm tho first play. E. Lambertpuntod
to Blrknor on the Ames 40-yard line.
Ames was penalized fifteen yards for
rough play. Bentley waB . b,urt, but
stayed in the gamo. A forward paBs
from Bontloy to Johnson gavo tho
Cornhuskers twenty yards. Tomplo
was thrown for a loss of thrco yards
on tho noxt play. Blrknor mado threo
yards and the ball was on the, Ames
tea-yard lino. Chaloupka was given
the ball to carry on tho next play anil
plunged .between left tackle and guard
for another touchdown. Miner puntod
cut from behind the Ames goal lino,
but Harvey failed to catch tho ball,
and Nebraska received no chance to
kldk for .a goal. Scoro: Nebraska,
17; AmeB, 11.
E. Lambert on tho klckoff sent the
ball to Nebraska's 5-yard lino. Blrkner
returned it ton yardB. Minor made
two yards off tacklo. Chaloupka added
threo yards at tho same place. A
crlsB-cross play from Bontley to Minor
gavo threo yards. Miner punted to
Hubbard on Nebraska's 45-yard line.
Hubbard tried an end run, but lost
eight yards, being tackled by John
son. Tho ball was In tho center of tho
field. Lambert punted out of bounds
on Nebraska's 35-yard Uno. Blrkner
ran around left end for fifteen yardB
Minor then tried an onBldo kick,
which was blocked by Captain Law,
who also recovored tho ball. Lam
bort puntod ovor tho Nebraska goal
8ome Fierce Work.
Minor punted out from tho 25-yard
line to St. Lambert on the Agglo 40
yard Uno. Lambort carried tho ball
back ton yards. Q. Lambort mado two
yards off right tacklo. Hubbard failed
to gain. Lambert punted ouf of
bounds on tho Nebraska 25-yard line.
Minor punted back to tho Nebraska 40
yard line. E. Lambert caught the pu
and ran with tho ball for a touchdown.
Ho had fino lnterforenco on this run
ning, Q. Lambert and Hubbard getting
In good work. E. Lambort kicked goal.
Score: Nebraska, 17; Ames, 17.
Cooko was substituted for Bontley
at this point. E. Lambort kicked off
to Harvoy on the Nebraska 10-yard
line. The Nebraska captain made a
return of ten yards. Cooko on an ond
run mado eight yards. Temple plunged
through center for six yards. Minor
added four yardB. Blrkner circled left
end for twenty yards. Frum made
two yardB through left tacklo. Cooko
added ten yards around left end. Ne
braska waB penalized fifteen yardB fop:
holding. Minor punted to E. Lam
bert on Nebraska's 40:yard line. There
was no return.
Hubbard Makes Gain.
Hubbard plunged around right end,
and made fourteen yards. Q. Lambort
added throe yards. Heggen on a
quarterback run made flvo yards.
Lambert punted and Nebraska secured
tho ball. Miner ran around loft end
for two yards. Tomplo hit center for
six yards. Ho addod five through tho
samo place, but was Injured and haJ
to quit tho game. Sturtznegger took
his place at fullback. Blrkner mado
five yards. Nobraska was penalized
fifteen yards for holding. Blrkner add
od five yards to the Nebraska gains on
an end run. Cooko mado flvo moro
on an end run. Minor punted to Heg
gen on the Amos 10-yard lino. Hog
gen returned the ball thirty yards.
Hubbard circled right end for ten
yards. He added seven around tho
name wing. Heggen was thrown for
a 10-yard loss, Johnson tackling him.
E. Lambort circled the right wing for
ten yards. Lambert was forced to
kick and punted the ball outsldo on
Nebraska's 25-yard Uno. It was a 40
yard punt. Harvey carried tho ball
flvo yards. Cooko carried it fifteen
yards moro. Cooke fumbled tho ball
on tho next play and Nebraska lost
threo yards. Miner punted and E.
Lambert returned tho - ball twenty
Nebraska Cinches It
A forward pass from E." Lambert
to Hubbard fell Into tho hands of Har
vey. On tho first play Cooke took the
ball himself to carry and on a long
run of forty-five yards placed the ball
on the Ames 4-yard line. This waB
the run that won tho gamo for No
braska, for on tho next play Sturtz
negger was given tho ball and parried
it over for another touchdown. Cooke's
run was made in the last threo min
utes of play. Harvoy kicked gpal from
tho touchdown. Score: Nebraska, 23;
' Ames, 17.
E. Lambert kicked off to Cooko
on tho Nebraska 10-yard line. The
Nobraska quarter roturned tho ball
twenty yardB. Miner mado flvo yards
on an end run. Time was calle'd af
this point, tho. ball being in the pbs
ses'slon of Nebraska oh its 35-yard
Nebraska. Ames.
Harvey (C.) ro Knox
Chaloupka rt. Wilmartho
Harto rg Murphy
Collins c Rutlodgo
Ewlng lg Nelson
Frum It Low (C.)
Johnson le Rlpport
Bentley, Cooke qb Hcggon
Sturtznegger ...rh Hubbard
Boltzer, Temple, .lh Q. Lambort
Kroger, Miner ....fb E. Lambort
Referee: Captain King of West
Ames, Left Tackle.
Point Umpire: Ralph Thompson of
Princeton. Flold Judge: Thompson of
West Point. Head linesman: Stow,
art of Michigan. Touchdowns: Belt
ber, Blrkner, Chaloupka, Sturtznegger
E. Lambert (2), Q. Lambert. Goals
from touchdownso: Harvey (3), E.
Lambert (2). Time of halves: Thirty-five
and thirty minutes.
Otto Kotouc, '08, was,pleasantly sur
prised at his homo at Humbolt, Neb.,
last Thursday night by a number
of his university friends and members
of tho "Komensky" club, who came
down from Lincoln to help him cele
brate his election to the state legis
lature. This was Mr. Katouc's first
venture In politics. Ho will undoubt
edly be tho youngest member of tho
legislature, tho "Boy Representative"
from Richardson county.
Ames, Fullback.
' -V : : .-: ..; ,.
Seniors Meet Thursday,
An Important mooting of tho senior
class will bo hold Thursday morning
in Memorial hall at 11:30. Class pins,
class flag and class football will be
discussed.- Reports of Chairmen
Breakfast, Commencement Orator,
and Cap and Gown committees wlll be
made. Tho assessment of class t dues
for various functions will bo discussed;