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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1908)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 OLIVER THEATRE WED. MAT. & EVE., NOV. 11. FAUST Mat. 50c & 25c. Eve. 75c to 25c THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12 The Man From Home Prices $1.50 to 50c FRI..-8AT. & 8AT. MAT., NOV. 13-14. Two Merry Tramps AN. INTER-CLASS SCRAP 80PHOMORE8 AND FRE8HMEN ARE 8LATED TO MIX. SATURDAY AT ANTELOPE PARK tfrillKlILl ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE THE FIVE COLUMBIANS In "A Bit of Dresden China." HALLEN AND FULLER In "My Wife's Hero." HAWAIIAN QUINTETTE Vocalists and Instrumentalist. MISS BE88IE BROWNING The Charming Entertainer. CLADIU8 AND 8CARLET The Mufcical Past and Present. 8EARLE8 AND GEORGE ALONZO COX Matinees Tues., Thur. and Sat. I Price 15c and 25c. A New Custom Is To Be Inaugurated at University of Nebraska Marathon Race, Tug-of-War, Boxing and Wrestling. wmz4 THE HOU8E COZY Week Commencing Monday Night, November 9th A Great 8cenlc Production The Power of Truth Will Be Presented by the FULTON STOCK CO. Matinees Wed. and 8aL Prices 15c and 25c. Many of the older heads about the university are rejoicing to note the conception nnd manifestation of a college spirit at Nebraska the like of which has never been known hero before. Although equal to and oven mirpass Ing eastern colleges In many respects, yet wc aro constrained to admit that in the mattor of university spirit the student body at Nebraska has hereto fore lagged far behind the student bodies In schools of even less prom inence and Importance than our own. However, this state of affairs is BWift ly vanishing and the spirit which is being manifested here this fall bids fair to increase in strength and grad ually to become more and more firmly Imbedded In tho hearts and minds of our students, until In the near future we shall boast of a "Nebraska spirit" which will rival In intensity, sincerity and strength the far-famed "Yale spirit." In a talk to tho students at a re cent mass mooting Dr. Condra de plored the non-exlstenco of tradition and legends in connection with col lege life at Nebraska. Ho attributed to this In u great measuro tho fact that we had not a' stronger collego spiilt here, and suggested as a remedy the Immediate inauguration of some such traditions, or rather tho Inaugur ation of customs which will soon de velop into traditions. Suggestion Bears Fruit. Spurred on by these suggestions and by the favorable sentiment which followed, the two lower classes ap pointed committees to confer with Dr. Condra and Dr. Clapp In regard to holding a "class scrap" of some kind See LUDWIG About YOUR CLOTHES ELITE 1329 "O" Street. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet two classes Will hold Bomo'tlme before Friday. 8ophs' Tryout Tomorrow. Tho sophomores havo alrendy an iiounced that their tryouts Swill bo held between Ave and bIx o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. Tho wrestling nnd boxing tryouts will tako placo in tho gym and tho cross-country tryouts to the fair grounds and back, approx imately three miles. All those evonts will be judged by compotent ofllclals. Chairman Mallery of tho sophomore .toninilttee urges that every sophomore (overy second-year man In Bchool) who has skill in any of those events should be present and tako part in tho tryouts so that the beBt men may be chosen to represent the class. It will be Impossible in the Bhort Interval which remains for the committoo to bee personally those of the clasB who are able to compete In these evonts, and accordingly every one Is asked to take It upon himself to show up at the tryouts. The nature of the 'big "scrap" In which everyone of both classed may take part, has not yot been finally settled. The prosent intontion is to havo a large rectangle marked off on the gridiron and havo tho members of the two classes line up outsldo of it. At the firing of a gun they will all ruBh for the rectangle, and for tho next twonty-flve minutes tho member of each class will try to put out and keep out of the llguro the mombors of the other class. At the end of this period the. class having tho moBt rep resentatives still within tho rectangle will have won the so-called "battle royal." Scrap To Be Fierce. Whatever tho nature of tho scrap, and the presont intention will very probably bo followed out, tho fight will be a fierce one as tho prestige of each class for the remainder of the year will be at stake. Each class may have as many representatives In this scrap as if can muster, provided they are eligible according to ther ullng of the eligibility committee. TIiIb rul ing provides that all first-year men in school, except men entering from other colleges with advanced Btanding shall be conBlderod as freshmen; and all second year men In school, includ ing freshmen laws who have had ono rr v Say Girls Wear HOLEPROOF HOSE You won't have to darn for six months. Wc guar antee six pair to wear six months. A new pair free with every pair with a hole inside of six months. c$QQOQ&QOQOQQQQOO0QOO0O0000O00OO&Q0 We can show you an up-to-date line of Manhattan g and Earl and Wilson Shirts. All kinds of pleated and A .t-icc u... i en q en $ RULK, 13250 000000OS00000000p000000000 LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. G. R.UQLF&CO. CIQAR8, TOBACCO AND PIPES 119 North Hth St., PHONE 643 Lltlll Block L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR The finest work done and prices right Call at our new. store 1230 o St. Unooln TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with atn4 $3 Per Month. Bargain la Babullt Machine. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE to Wt-Bftll 11SL 1B No. 11. between tho freshmen and tho soph omores. The outcome of this confer once has beon a decision to Inaugur ate such a custom at Nebraska and the date sot for the big doings is next Saturday morning, November 14, at Antolope park. Instead of having simply a class scrap as wan the original intention, tho idea has been enlarged upon and additional events will bo held. The additional events will bo three wrest ling matches for heavy, middle and light weights; three boxing matches for the same classes; a tug-of-war, and a cross country run or "Marathon race." Tho wrestling will bo in three diff erent classes, heavyweight over 158 pounds, mlddo weight betwoen 168 and 135 pounds, and lightweight under 135 pounds. The bout In eaoh class will be decided by the best two of three falls of seven minutes each. The box ing matches will be divided into the same three classes, each bout to be of three rounds' duration. The tug-of-war will be between a team of ten men from each class and the pull to last not over five minutes. The cross-country ruu promises to be one of tho features of the contests, and the course chosen for it 1b as follows: Star.tlng at Falrview, north to O street, west on O street to Ante lope park, and two laps around the gridiron at Antelope park. This course is approximately three miles in length. The cross-country team from each class will probably be five men, chosen at tryouts which each of the MAYER BROS. year academic and Junior laws who ore in their second year In tho uni versity, shall , be considerea as soph omores. The representatives of tho two classes will be distinguished by bunt ing tjed to their ankles. Tho soph omores will have scarlet bunting and the freshmen cream. The events will be scored as fol lows: Battle royul, 35 points; tug-of-war, 15 points; cross-country run, four places to count, first 10, second 5, third 3 and fourth 1; the wrestling and boxing matches will each count 5 points. The class securing the majority of points from all of these events will be declared tho winner. Those events will tako 'place at An telope park Saturday morning be tween 9 and 12 o'cloVk. Admission will be free and everyone Is Invited to come and witness the lnitlutlon of u new custom Into Nebraska college life. IF THE STETSON - SHOE were all style or all comfort or all econ o my. v e w o u Id n't recommend it. It is because it combines - - these qualities in the largest measure of any shoe we know, that we say it's the shoe for you. LOOK FOR THE RED DIAMOND ON T -HE 'STRAP. $5.00, $5.50. AND $6.00 A PAIR C llinFDSON . , CllinER60Nr57 ffg SANDERSONS ut-trtur,P ;Nlggo 'HwstjJ JximSSTMUr. hfe ORDER YOUR PUNCH AT FOLSOM'S 1 Hot Lunches a Specialty. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream Candies and Ices. 1307 0 St. Phonisi Auto 2214, Bill 456. The first meeting of the year was held by the Hawkeye club in the Temple last Friday evening. The evonlng was largely spent in social pleasures but a short business meet ing' was held at which officers were elected. Tho new officers are as fol lows: President, Mr. Ballingor; vice r. resident, Miss Ina Williams; secre tary, Miss Mary Clodfotto; treasurer, Mr. Under. 300ffi0&00000000000000000000000 75c Chapln Bros, florists, 127 Bo. Thirteenth. Let Us Send You the Daily Nebras kan till Feb. for 75c t This Includes the Football Number. SUBSCRIBE NOW 75c 000000OffiO00000000K00000000b o v