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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1908)
2 Cbe Bails IRebraeftan IwliJ PltOPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nobranka fUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Olllcs, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Itor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 managing Editor... Herbert W. Potter, '10 News Editor Lynn Lloyd, '11 Associate Editor Victor Smith, '11 BUSINESS STAFF. Manager Qeorge M. Wallace, '10 Circulation J. Roy Smith, '00 ut. Manager Earl Campbell '10 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflco, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chargod for at tho rate of 10 conts por lnsortlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction tlioroof. Faculty notlccB and University bullotlna will Kindly bo published free. Entered at iho postofTlco at Lincoln, Nobranka, ns second-clans mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1908. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmtmmamammmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm D f DC ys Have your clothes made for you. We will give you indi viduality style and exclusive patterns. Our long suit is Dress Suits. v ) ' mi $- m WHAT IT MEAN8. Today tho Dally NobraBknn 1b lBBiilng mi oight-pago papor. It 1b doing this In order to proper- ly proBont to Kb renders tho roc- ord of what has happened In tho university Blnco tho last Ibbuo. This could hot bo done In four pagOB; therefore, tho size of tho Nobra8lmn Is doubled. ThlB Ib tho policy of tho " Dally Nobraskan. It almB to spare no offort and no oxponBo to glvo the Btudonta of tho unl- veralty the bost collcgo dally In tho county. Tho offort can bo supplied and Is Buppllod by tho workers on tho papor. But tho staff cannot supply tho money neceBsary to carry out its plauB. It takes money to got out a pa- per more money to got out a good paper than a poor one. Tho Nebraskan needs your support. There Ib no Joking, no lack of sincerity, In tho request for additional subscriptions. Tho puper la being read more than ovory, but tho subscription llBt Is not what it should bo. YOUR money Is needed if YOUR col- lege papor is to maintain ltB lead In tho 'field of university " dallies. Three of IJ4I,0. Two Stools 1415 O. A GREAT LOS8. On last Friday evening tho fact was made public that the chancollor of the University of Nebraska had re signed. It had been known for a considerable time that tho condition of his health was likely at any time to make it necessary for hira to with draw from all active connection with tho university, but tho fact that it was anticipated, made tho Borrow of those who have the welfare of tho univer sity at heart, nono the less severe. During tho eight years that Chan cellor Andrews has been the 'active head of the university UiIb institution has had a remarkable development along every lino. All tho most sub stantial buildings on the campus havo. been built while tho chancellor has been at tho head of affairs. In 1900, when the chancellor camo to tho uni versity, the total estimated valuo of the permanent improvements both horo and' at the state farm, amounted enly to $550,000. At tho present time tho permanent Improvements aro val ued at $1,200,000. In 1900 the total number of Btudonta In attendanco was w, M . TA f f' effi X w OJ but 2,256, while tho enrollment for tho present yoar bids fair to roach tho ",500 mark. In 1900 there woro only 135 students in tho agricultural Bchool, whllo at tho preBcnt tlmo tho enroll ment Ib nearly 500. In 1900 tho en gineering department registered 4G0 btudonts, whllo at the present time the number is well over 700. If these figures can bo taken as any indication, tho period during which Dr. Andrews has been at the head of tho university has been one of rqmarkablo develop ment and prosperity. Tho grent advance which tho uni versity has made during tho last few yours is an indication that during this time a l)lg man has been at tho head of affairs. It shows that tho university has lost a man who had a clear idon of what was right and who had tho courage to carry out that Idea. Among those characteristics which have won for tho chancollor tho re spect and lovo of all who havo come to know him, probably the moBt im portant is his broadnosB. It Is most unusual to find a man with as deep ami thorough a classical training us has tho chancollor, who can appre ciate so fully and judge so fairly of the lmportanco of different lines of work. It requires a man of doop in sight and great courago to work Into ono harmonious whole the conflicting Budd's Touchdowns i. My $2.50 Hats will make a great touchdown this week I have in the new lines of strictly new hats. 2. A Cravenette Manufacturer needed money so much worse than coats That means 50 new coats all the $15 kind that will be in today by express. 3. New Tan Ox Blood $3.50 shoes for the classy dresser and the drill boys. Budd will kick 3 goals on this dope. I Interests of a largo university. Such a man is unanceuor Anurows. During the tlmo that he has been at tho head of tho University of No braska the chancellor has made many lecturo tours throughout tho country. In this way ho has done more to ralso the reputation of tho univorslty than any ono thing which has occurred. Recognized everywhoro as a man of powerful intellect it has been worth everything to the University of Ne braska to havo such a man appear as Ub representative In educational circles. v The highest tribute that can bo paid to Chancellor Andrews Is tho way in which ho Is regarded among tho suidents of tho university. Whether the chancellor takes a position op posed to that which Ib popular with tho students or not, his word has thu weight of law. Tho students appreel ate what tho chancellor has dono for the university, ahd tho feeling la everywhere of doopost regret' that tho tlmo has como when ho fools that ha must withdraw. It has been announced that tho chart s- r x a i ',i " a. iC - &&' - :J "$$$? -" y s - . v.-,vs7 y ' ' -. iM. : LL : ' fpmnfw "KING" COLE'S 1908 MODEL cellor will st 111 reside in this city after IiIb resignation. It is indeed fortunate that the chancellor will still bo nonr, where his advico can bo obtained upon questions of Importance to tho wolfaro of the university. The Co-op has Bomo now posters in. POWER8 OPENS ART LECTURE8. Half Price for Matinee Address at Temple Today. At the Temple theatre last evening Dr. H. II. Powers of Boston Bpoke before an interested audlencG on tho artistic beauty of tho ancient works of tho old world. Dr. Powers has ap peared beforo at the university and little is needed In praiBo of his knowl edge and his treatment of his sub jects. LaBt evening's lecture was no exception to his usual standard of excellence. This afternoon at 3 p. m. Dr. Pow ers will lecture on "Art in tho Home." Tho Nebraska Art association, under whoso auspices Dr. Powers appears in Lincoln, havo announced that a spe cial matinee price of twenty-five conts per admission has been made for this Blnglo address. Tickets to tho even ing lectures arc sold at fifty conts e-nch. Season tickets have been placed at $1.00 for tho four addresses. m Dr. Powers will Bpoak this ovpnlng on "Athens, tho Shrlno of Culture," and tomorrow evening he will close his series with "Venice, Queen of tho Adriatic." Those lectures are' all un der the direction of the Nebraska Art ossoclatlon, which will devoto all profits to tho purchase of pictures for the university art gallery. SCHOOLS ADDED TO " LEAGUE. Prospect? Bright for Successful High 8chool Debates. The first annual meeting of tho Ne braska high school dobatlng league organized last winter was attended by representatives of between forty and fifty schools Friday afternoon In the Temple. Prof. Fogg was elected preai- dent of tho loaguo and Supt. H. O. Filloy, '03, of Albion, was elected secretary-treasurer. The league empowered Prof. Fogg to appoint tho Uirectors of tho leagues and to arrange tho districts so that thoro wlll not bo more than eight league schools In a district. Two now district leagues wore formed. The Southeastern district, which already has thirteen members, will be divided into two leagueB, and AInsworth, Atkinson, Long Pine, O'Neill and Valentino compose, the new Northern league. On account of the expenso it would Incur and because it would necessitate what some schools would regard aB tob many debates, tho lnter-dlstrlct series of team debates (among the schools winning tho district cham 1 lonshlps) will bo omitted, and each district championship school will send its beBt debater to the state champion ship debate on high school foto day. New members of the league include South Omaha, Fremont, Havelock, Valentine, Chadron, Central City, AIns worth, Atkinson, Ohlowa, Plattsmouth and Nebrnska City. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The meeting of the Nebraska Teachers' association has been a time of great rejoicing to tho Y. W. C. A. girls greeting old cabinet glrlB and many members of tho association of HARTE, Nebraska, huiiback. nast vears who aro still on the list as alumni members. Noon meetings havo been especially interesting. Durrng tho world's week o prayer, November 8-15, special noon meetings will be held as follows: Monday, Dr. H. B. Ward "Tho Holiness of God thes earchllght on our hearts and. the ground of our security. Tuesday, Esther Warner "The Holl neBB of .God Unfolded In His will, that is, the Word of God, the Incarnato Word and the Written Word." Wednesday, Ida B. Vlbbard, General Secretary :"Tho Holiness of God Manifested In the Cross of Christ." Thursday, LUllam Chambers "The Holiness of God Our stay In trial." Friday, Mrs. F. D. Barker "Tho HolinesB of God A. summons to wor ship and glad surrender." All young woman Invited to those meetings Irom 11:50 to 12:10 each noon. ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 142 South 12th Lincoln "We Make Those Tasty Togs" 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly iscortaln our opinion froo wbotlior an inrontln la probably jmtoiitnhlo,, Comnnuilca- uuiisnmciiTconuaontini. iinmiHiinn nn I'ntnm :IM. II Al out froo. Oldest attoncr for (ocurlmr patents. 1'iitqnta taken tlirouali Munn X Co. recolTa tpecuu notice, without cnarao, la tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tersest c..-. fMtlnllfitt rf anw ailmit ltt 4nninkl m... mn yenr; four montha, $L BoW brail nowBdealorn. HUNN&U0.3NewYor Branch Offlce. G V BU Washington. D An0 RROM CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR 16 'ent 2 for ?5 Cents Cluett, Pcabody 4 Co., Troy, N. Y. M IV Ham si Ijjnrra Km This is it aa OMPIC V i EV M I