The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1908, Image 1

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    Ibe Bails IFlebraefean
VdL VIII. No. 36.
Heavy Line and fast Backfield of The Cornhuskers
Too Much Tor The Remarkable Defense
of The Speedy Iowa Aggies
Made After Cooke On forty Yard Run Had Placed Ball On the Three Yard Line From Where
Sturtzenegger Was Shoved Over Right Tackle Chaloupka Plays Wonderful Game
While Emm, Harte, Collins, Ewing and Birkner Also Star tor Cornhuskers
"Si" Lambert, Hubbard and Captain Law Do Great Work
On Offense Tor Coach Williams' Men.
Coach Clyde William's great foot
ballteam from the Iowa agricultural
ochool after struggling desperately
through two long halves of tho fastest
football played in the Missouri valley
lhiB season, went down to defeat be
fore the husky and speedy pupils of
"King" Cole at Omaha Saturday after
noon. The score of 23 to 17 fairly
represents the relative strength of tho
two teams. Nebraska outplayed AmeB,
and deserved to win but not by a very
large margin.
The Aggies never led in the scor
ing but managed in the second half
Nebraska, Right Half.
to tie the gome, making it 17 to 17.
There wore ton mlnuteB to play after
the score was evened up, aud it was
during the last two minutes of this
time that the Cornhuskers, through
tne brilliant work of Quarterback
Cooke, pulled out a victory.
Cooke's Long Run.
Nebraska had the ball on tho Aggie
40-yard lino with' two minutoB Vet to
play. Cooke, who a short time before
had relieved Bentley at quarter, es
sayed to try a run around the left
wing of the Ames team. It was a
fake quarterback run and Left End
Reppert and tho halfbacks of the
Aggies were drawn in. Cooke, carry
the ball tightly under his arm, sud
denly shot out from behind the Ne
braska line with Captain Harvey, Birk
ner and Harte forming good Interfer
ence, and sped toward the Ames goal
line, dodging by Aggie after Aggie
and placing tho ball on the three-yard
lino before he wbb downed. Tills run
virtually won the game for tho Corn
hiiBkors, for on iho next play Fullback
St,urtzenegger plunged through tho
Aggie line for the final and winning
touchdown of the game. Captain Har
vey kicked an oasy goal, making tho
B.coro 23 to 17 in favor of tho Corn
huskers. Superior In Attack.
Nebraska's superior attack and lino
work brought down defeat on the Ag
gies. Tho forward pass also helped
the Cornhuskers to win tho contest
In using this play tho Cornhuskers
made 160 yards to 27 for theij op
ponents. It was Nebraska's line, how
ever, that repelled the attack of th)
Aggies and forced them to resort en
tirely to end runs.
It also was tho men in tholino who
often broke through the Ames defense
and broke up plays or who, after tho
Nqbraska end had been boxed., brought
down the men carrying tho ball with
a pretty tackle.
On the offense the Cornhuskers wore
able to make good gains through the
Ames line .at times. Hero Right Tackle
Frum did brilliant work. Chaloupka
frequently was given the ball to carry
on a play through left tacklo and al
ways made good gains. He was aided
greatly on these playB by Frum, who
always had an -opening waiting for his
big teammate. Chaloupka plunged
through these holes made by Frum
Nebraska, Right Guard.
and it took five or six of the Agglea
to check his a'dvance.
" Chaloupka Gets Touchdown.
Nebraska's third touchdown was
made from the 10-yard line on this
,play off tackle. Nebraska, on a f,or
vrnrdpass Irom Bentley to Johnson,
had taken the ball to--the Ames six
teen yard Jine. Birkner made 'three
yards and the, ball "was, on tho 10-yard
line, Bentley, on the next play, called
for Chaloupka to carry the ball. Frum
made the opening and the giant tackle
shot through, twisting around until
he had placed the oval over the goal
NOVEMBER 10, 1908.
Chaloupka'B showing In this giimo
wnB the best of tho season and should
give him a plnce on tho All-Western
eleven. His work this season has been
watched closely and it is bolioved that
he will be tho unanimous choice for
o position on the all-Btar team.
Nebraska's backfield also did some
fine work. Beltzer was a star, punt
ing good distances and throwing tho
ball on the forward pasB with accur
acy. Blvkner made gains against tho
Aggie lino and played a strong, aggrea
ivo game. Temple and Kroger at full
back were speedy and hit tho lino
hard. Temple showed up woll on the
defense. Miner, while not shining as
brilliantly as in the Iowa game, played
consistent ball. Sturtzneggor, although
only in tho game a few minutes, work
ed well on the offenBo.
ColllnB Is a Star.
In the lino Collins, at center, played
the best, game of his football career.
Ho had his opponent, Rutledge, out
played, and swept hjm out of the way
at times. Collins played hard all dur
ing the contest and stopped several
Aggie plays. Once he made a remark,
able tacklo of "Si" Lambert, when
tho fullback was going rapidly toward
the Cornhusker goal.
'Harte played through the game with
a weak ankle, which threatened all
morning' to keep him on the side
lines. On his way to the train at Lin
coln he again turned his ankle, which
had been previously hurt In practice
and had to be helped off the train.
Doctors worked with his foot until
time for the game, and sent him on
the field with It bandaged. Tho
husky and gritty guart went into the
game with this handicap and played
great ball. He managed to break
down the offense of the Aggies many
times and was consplcuqus in block
ing plays and tackling runners.
Ewing Jn Good Play.
Left Guard' Ewing was a stonewall
to the attacks of AkkIob made on tho
I Nebraska line. At the beginning of
Price 5 Cent
tho game Amos trlod a fow plunges
rt tho loft side of tho Nebraska line
and, finding it imprognablo, did not
try to break through again.
Captain Harvey and Johnson at tho
end positions woro forced to play tho
hardoBt gamo of tho season. The
large numbor of end runs attompted
by the Aggies made their task an ex
ceedingly difficult ono. They stoppod
the runs as well as any ends could
have done. They, on Bovoral occasions,
managod to break through the de
fense of the Aggies au.1 break up
plays before they wore well started.
Nebraska, Fullback.
A tew times,, however, the Nobrasl
ends were boxed and other player
had to bring down the runner, whe
was circling a wing.
(Continued on Page 4)