ft '4 THE-DlI;1r NEBRASKA K . GROSS COUNTRV TEAM i PRELIMINARIES HELD AT THE UNIVERSITY YE8TERDAY. FINISHES WERE VERY CLOSE Bauman, Gable, Georgo, Ambcrson and Ratcllff Will Probably Compose Team Which Goes ti Chicago. Tulou, Bauman, Gable, George, Am burson and Trump finished In tho ubovo named Iryouw liiHt night. Tho krun wqb mado Mo tho -Hlnto fair grounds, four times nround tho track and then back to tho armory. Tho finishes woro vory cIoho, Uio mon fin ishing inbunchou and In remarkably good time, tho luador complotlng tho llvo irtlleB In 27 mlnutoH and 47 woe ondjt: Twonty-olght conteBtantH entered tho race. Although Uio Hquud tltlH yoar was tho largest ovor getting out for cross country worn, tno numuor who ontorod tho preliminary wdro not above tho ordinary, the men dropping out for various reasons In tho lout wook. Tho mon who participated tiro ub follows: Abbott, Ambcrsou, Ank noy, Asbury, Buumun, Clark, CuBack, Dlnsmoro, Krsklno, Gablo, lllltnor, Himton, Levin, Lenard, A. C. and W. I. McGovorn, Mllok, Pattlson, Parks, Pntrasch, Drake, Norborg, Provcnaz nlk, Trump and Hatcllff. 8tart on Time. Tho Bquad lined up before Dr. Clapp shortly boforo.4:30 und nromntly on tlmo ilioy wore Bont off for n norve. racking raco of flvo miles. Dr. Cjopp accompanied the runners on a wheel as did a numbor of tho students. Ban man nnc Tiilon, the Pplrbury "bpy, wore obout fifty foot nhoad of tho bunch, both sprinting hard at tho close. It was nock and nock to wlthl'i r0 foof of tho finish when Tnlon drew away und nnlahod about six feet in Tront of Captain Baumun. Onblo, who llnlflhdd third, was pretty tired. George ran a strong race throughout and fln- DR.J.R.DflVIS DENTIST CHARGES REASONABLE Ow Bank of Cotwtrci HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN I INC. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1(23 0? STREET. YELLOW FRONT. Your Patrona.e Solicited W.ant-Ads ' x Sr Advertisements for tho want ad eolumn should bo loft at tho business ofllco, basement '-Administration Bldg betweon 10 a. m. and 12' m., or' be tween 2 p, m. And C p. m. . '- Cash must accompany all orders for vyant ado, at the. rato .of 10 ceilts per Insertion for every fifteen words or fhiqU(n tb,eroq for tho first inser tion; throo Insertions . 25 cents; flvo Insertions 40 cen,ts, J. LOST. C LOST On Monday envelope con taining No. 2 Brownie-films and pic tures. t Will the finder, please return to Nebrasknn offlco. J ' , Lost ConkHn fountain pqn. Return to Nobraskan ofllco. 33-tf-6 y BOARD AND ROOM. fift Room and board in private family - for n young lady. Auto 289G. 3t-33-G Ishod onslly. Trump and Hut cliff wovo close up on tho finish. Mollk, who finished olghth, wob welt In tho lead clear up to tho last fow blocks and would havo llnlshed with tho first flvo bu.t for ah , unfortunro "side acho" at the finish , Tnlon Is taking some freshman work, so It Ik possible that ho will not bo allowed to go to Chicago with tho loam In which ense tho team is com posed of Haiiman, Captain, Goorg Gablo, Amboi'flon and Katclirf. Make Good Time. Tho time mado in tho try ouIh was highly encouraging to tho coach and shows that although tho team 1h mlnuB tho sorvIcoB of four votorans, yet it will bo first class, tho first six flush ing bolter than twcnty-nlno mlnutoB. tho team will contlnuo tho work dally up till tho time of leaving for Chicago, vhore It moots Chicago and Wisconsin universities on Thanksgiving day. The CornhuskurH havo carried off three out or four nices in as many years, and chances aro bright that they will again repeat tho trick. Hy winning from Chicago and Wisconsin last year Ne braska became Mo permanent possen. sor of tho cup which had boon offerel. MORE SONGS FOR THE BIG GAME. Interest in the Ames-Nebraska Popular Aire Increasing. Tho following songs wore received at th" Nebrnskan office yesterday: (Air: "Buso Hnll.") Co-ed. co-ed Is football mad; Has tho rover, and him It bad; Tells or tho gamcH that ever she saw, And vows t'.nt sho'll go up to Omaha .Just to root for tho homo toam, And root, and root, and root. Chorus: .' So Its take me up to the football game; Take me to Omaha, There to root for tho home team And wire the iiowh to Pa. Buy nio some presents and cracker Jack I don't, care ir I novor got back, Hut let mo root, root for the home team, If they don't win it's a shame, For it's one two threes four Co-ed, oo-ed is counting tho score. Co-ed, co-ed sees. all, of the games, Knows the players byS their first names ' Buck and Harry, und Sid mid' 1)111 Aro houBohold words .on Co-ed hill; Jfm and Hugo, and Johnny and Pip She says them over with never a slip; Talks of their records in all or tho games. And tells how they'll win ovor tho Aggies from Ames. Chorus: Co-ed. co-ed knows well what to 'do Just to choef up a player or two; Tells of tho Gophor and tho Hawkeyo guinea And sniffs whon you talk or tho Aggies from Ames; Tolls' how. Chaloupka' can' always get through, '; And ne'er slackens hly pace for a hayseed or two. choriiB; ; ' -f iu '. ' 'iii : (Air: "When Johuftio. Comes March- "Wlion- Nebraska gets WbW wyeU, Himrah! Htifvrnti! We choor them on to victory, Hur-rah! Hur-rah! Whcu the gamo Is won, wo count tho scoro; " , Woslug to" victory, fore'venniofe, And; we u)way cheer for - - , Doar old Nebraska V.--' (Air: "Waiting" ror a Certain Girl.") Ames, poor old Ames, How the game 'Just meanders along When Nebraska makes their touch- j. downs You will ilnd that wo aro strong Anies, poor old Ames, you cannot' scoro nt all, But' Nobrasku makes a touchdown Nearly every tlmo thoy get tho ball- J ' : Ip England thero aro no college papers. It is estimated that the coli lego pnpers In America number about 300.' PREPARING FOR AMES C0RNHUSKER8 ARE IN POOR CON DITION FOR AGGIE8. "PIP" COOKE OUT Of HOSPITAL The Regulars Engage In the First Scrimmage Work Since the Hawk eye Contest The 'Varsity Does Good Work. Preparations for the big game with AmcH next Saturday ore going on vig orously at the state farm every after noon Yesterday tho squad again as sembled thore' on.l Tor tho first- time since Uio florce Iowa struggle laHt week tho 'varsity men were able to engage In scrimmage work. The players arc- faBt recovering rrom the lighter bruises which roll to their lot during that hard battle but tho results or tho severer hurts are still , apparent on several or the regulars. Captain Harvey was pretty severely battered up In the Iowa game. Ho was pitted against Stutsman, tho Hawkeyr's big lefL tackle, and the latter proved to be bad man to play against. Coach Catlln had evidently schooled his men in all or tho questionable methody which might by hook or crook bo used In the game. They were versed In all or the ways or holding In the line, tackling roughly, using the hands illegally, elbowing and even slugging. Iowa had expected to win by virtue or their skill in straight, football but, railing in this, they re sorted to the moans which have over been inseparable rrom Iowa rootbull and which have once already been tho cause or Nebraska's severing athletic relations with tho Iluwkeyes; namely, the use of dirty playing. Nebraska's forwards were certainly being held and toughed, and "Bill" Clmloupka wn.i put out or the game by u deliberate foul. Captoin Harvey was roughed repeatedly and wob badly battered uo but gamely stuck until the finish. In Poor Condition. These are only Instances of tho treatment which was accorded tho Cornhusker players and as a result of it they are lu no lit condition to go Into such a struggle as the Ames Same promises to bo. "Johnny'' Johnson 1 tho possessor of a bad anklo besides innumerable "Charley horses" and It is reared that biae may tend to prevent him from putting up his usual classy. exhibition. "Sid" Collins has a hand, which is badly swollen and extremely painful and l.t Is thought that it will trodblo him during Saturday's game. Tho other forwards are not bothered with any serious Injuiles but none of them aro enjoying what could be called per fect condition. In tho backlleld the most serious cause for concern is tho quarter back proposition. "Pip" Cooke was out of the hospital yesterday for the fint time and it will bo absolutely out of the question for him to play next Sat urday. He has been in tho hospital for two weeks and oven if his foot were in good shape ho would bo Jn no condition to go into n hard game. Tolt Bentley, who took Cooke's place .la the Iowa gamo, received qulto a serious injury and ho was recovering' as rapidly as could bo expected, when last evening he was hurt again. If Bentley Bhould be put out Saturday the Cornbuskors would be in a bad way for a quarter, since thero Jb no ono else who Is competont to fill the place satisfactorily. Hascall has been playing good ball at quarter on the acnjbs but his forward pausing is In clined to be Inaccurate and it' is ex pected that the forward pass wjll be fused considerably agalnBt the Aggies. Harry Minor played some at quarter earlier in tho season but his work' at half .back makes him infinitely moro valuable.in- tho latter position. Kroger, Boltior, Bltfknor and Tom'plo nfe In fairly gooil shapo so that on, tho of fonse at least, tho Coriihuskors "will probably bo able to put up as good a gamo .as over. Scrimmage With 8crubs. Tho 'varsity was linod up last night oooooooooooooooooooooo6ooo I THE STYLES I in Suits and Overcoats this season af- ford every man an opportunity to ex- ercise his individual taste, with regard g to fabric arid model. $ Plenty of "Gay Birds in our store. FJDP'C $ 8 ?Ienly ofprice8t08uitevery person, J .1 I X SEE THE $10 and $15 LINES , V-1-A g for about twenty minutes of Mtiff scrlmmnge work and some or the new plnys which wjll bo tried against Ames were good ror groat gnlns against the scrubs. On four consec utive plays Chaloupka carried tho ball fifteen yards and on tho next down i forward puss to BIrkner notted fifteen yards. The 'varsity attempted an other forward puss but It fulled on.l the scrubs took tho ball. On the first down Chaloupka broke through and tackled Brlggs Tor a loss. A HUe buck netted tho scrubs five yards but on the next down they fumbled and Ewing fell on the ball. On the first down the 'varsity attempt ed a ror ward pass which wu3 Inter cepted by Prauck, who made the first touchdown for tho scrubs. Tho 'varsity was given tho ball and on an attempted forward pass the ball struck one of the scrubs and was re covered by Chaloupka.. Harvey was tackled for a loss, Beltzer mado twelve yards on a fake punt, and on the next play Bentley was tackled for a two jardjoss. A forward pass to Captain Harvey mado twenty yards, a line-buck odded three more and on tho next down BIrkner went over for a touch down. Bentley was hurt and went out. Forward Paso Used. The 'varsity vus again grvon tho ball and on the first down Minor was thrown for a Iosv?. Harvey made firteen yards on n forward pass and on an onslde kick tho scrubs secured the ball. A forward pass to Chauner made ten yardB and Pranck mudo four on a cross-buck. Chauner mado fivo yards around right end and on an attempted forward pass Beltzer caught tho ball and ran for a touchdown. Tho 'varsity was given the ball In the center of thu field and Kroger made ten yards on a forward pass. Harvey failed to gain. Several changes In the lino up were made, Temple. Slaughter. Sturmer. - t Hascall and Carroll going lu. A forward prfBs failed and cost a fifteen yard penalty. Beltaor punted four yards to Powers, who fumbled and Carroll recovered the ball. Belt zer hit left tackle, got through a big hole which Johnson and Ewing made for him, and rau for a touchdown. The scrubs took tho ball and Gibson made twelve yards on a fako punt Carroll tackled Powers for a loss and Chauner failed to gain" around right end. An onslde kick netted ton yards, Gibson was downed for a loss and Franck made twenty yards on a for ward pass. The scrubs failed to gain on a criss-cross and an oiibUIo kick was caught by Beltzer and returned five yards. TEACHER8 ARE HERE (Continued from Pago 1) verslty visited old friends and familiar class rooms. In tho regular sessions tho teachers will bo entertained by speakers of note in the educational field. This eve ning Chancellor E.. Benjamin Androws president of the association, will de liver nn address and tomorrow even ing President Benjamin Ide Wheeler of the University of California will speak. President Wheeler occupies a high place in the ranks of thinkers on educational matters and his address will probably be a thing of valuo to tho teachers. Minnesota has a club of, women to promote equal suffrage for women. This club is a part of a national or ganization. It is reported that if tho wator sup ply at Indiana does not Improve very soon the school may havo to bo closed for n time. mm& iift HUP WT UtjiS; 22J2 S7ro' ff6 i!MlM ITONE AND VT THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE WolcomoH alt Btttdontn. a mrirc and BllTor Letter B PIPES Br I r I . uuuu r u u a ma awr Bnodalfcv. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1123 O Stroot Business Directory Every Loyal University Student is urged to patronize these Ne bra&kan advertisers, and to men tion the paper while doing so. BANKS Cpntral National; First Trust and Savings, BARBER SHOPS Greon'a Shops. BAKERIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE Chrfs', Eleventh and P. BOOK S.TORES Co-Op; Porter's; University. CIGARS Colo & McKonnaj .Wolfe & Co. CLEANERS Blumenthal; H. Smith; Weber. CLOTHING Bakor Panta Co. ; lUageo. & Doemer; Mayor Bro3.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spelor &SImon. COAL Gregory. DANCING ACAJDEMYS Pitts, Lin coln. DENTISTS J. R. DaviB; Younfcblut. DRY GOODS HorpolBhelmer; Miller & Pnlno. DRUGGISTS Riggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. PLORISTS-Chapln Bros.; C. H Prey.' " FURNISHINGS-Budd; Pulk; Magee & Deoroor; Mayer BroB. Palace Clothing Co.; Spior & Simon; Cerf. HATTERS Budd; Pulk; Unland. JEWELERS Hallott; tfubker: ' UNCHEONETTES Folsom. UAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS Goorgo Broa.; Simmons. RESTAURANTS Boston , Lunch; Cameron's. SHOES Be.ckmnn Bros.; Braith walto; Budd; Cincinnati ShooStoro; Sanderson. SKIRTS Tho Skirt Store. TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Hensog; Lud- wig; Marx; H. Smith. THEATERS-Lyric; MajoBtic; Oliver Elite. TYEffiBRSI4nCOln writer ' PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS OUR ADVERTISERS 1