The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1908, Image 1

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-. -Or 'n, ;., - f
5 I?
Vol. VUI. No. 34.
'fcrice 5 Cent.
f V
j. N
Is First of a Series of Lectures To Be
Given to Forestry Studentc Dur
ing the Course of
During the coming week Mr. William
L. Hajl, pno of the moBt distinguished
members of tho United States forest
service, will speak at tho university
on the subjects connected with his
work. Mr. Hall comes to tho univer
sity as tho guest or both tho forestry
department and tho Forest club of tho
university, and whllo hero will glvo
several uddressos to those students
who are particularly interested Jn for
estry work.
Mr. Hall is acknowledged to stand
close to the head of his profession and
was ono of t'no first men to enter
forest .Horvlco , with . Mr. Plnchot, tho
chief forester. Ha bus charge of nil
the work which in being carried on in
wood utilization, preservation of wood,
' chemistry of wood .and. railroad and
mine timbers.
Work Is Well Known.
Mr. Hall is a native of Knnsas and
has been enghgod. in the foroBt servic
for jpvtof yearsHls work hiis now
become so well known that he is re
garded as Mr. Plnchot's right hand
man, and .has been prominent during
the last few years in t'no prnctical at
tempts , which,, have,., bben mado to
preserve buE.fOtcBtBlJ, Tho rocontJ;ngl-(
tatlon itiiiavorjot aiargor measure,, of
preservation of our natural resources.
"was largely due .to. the .efforts 'of Mr.
Pinchott and Mr. Hall and a few
others prominent in forestry work.
s Mr. Hall jins-Jhad ;chnrgo.of .the
estimate of standing timber oud the
nmounbvcut in tho United States ho Is
eapeciallyXquall'fled to spenk on tha
need .of theXproservatlon of our na
tional resources.
When tho taskNof making the Ap
pelachnin forest wasunder considera
tion air. Hall .was regarded as tho
only man who could bring the matter
to successful conclusion. Because of
an unfqrseen difficulty tho work was
never carried out. but it went far
enough to show that the judgment
of Mr. Hall's ability wnB entirely jus--lied.
He is the author of two of the
most Important forest service 'publi
cation's, boBides having contributed
m'ariyartlcles to magazines' on tho
gonoral preservation of' forests. J
To Give Several Lectures.
Mr Hall will speak boforo.tho class
66 'in rcbretatry on technical subjects
during thcrthree days that he will be
jn Lincoln, NovomVer 11, 12 and 13
On, the evenlnof,121
will dolivor a popular lecture on the
conservation of '"National Itesources
in thMaatettall of .thoVTemple.?, The
oeffiABttf SS l!luHtV.a-e(1lUifHl,rnj
optlcan views;1, and) ithVShbped. that
make a short talk on the conserva
tion of natural resources.
Mr. Hall is a friend of Dean BesBoy
and . ProfosBor PhlllipB.
j The lecturo o Up g'lvoiUbVw. Hail
Jb tho first of a BorlesVbfUenVlectureji
r 1
'i at' aa V vbJm . m m " m m " 7 ' , "" -' ZZ" ' J ' ' sv.&:rt j tJ u t !,- u'a
Onthcr at iUock on Cnnipus nnd March to Antelope Park Headed by the Band
courses to bo delivered by prominent
foresters during the course of the win.
ter. lly this means tho department
hopes to give tho students an ideft.of
what tho practical requirements of tho
profosHlon are.
One Named to Select Standard Pin for
At the junior class meeting on Tues
day the class decidod in favor, of a
stnndard pin for all classes to use.
The following committee was appoint
ed to look after ihe matter: Jnnnotto
Lawrence, chairman; Alfreda Powell
Grace Schallenberger, Ilalph Mosolcy,
Glen Pordyce.
President Byerts also anno.uncod tho
following cpmmlttee, which will have
chargo of tho junior prom: Joha
Alexander, chairman,' Arbor Burth,
mas tor of ceremonies; Miss Florence
Ulddell, Miss Irma Franklin, Miss
Marie Barr, Harry Ingles, VnlWhito,
J. Stewart Elliott, Webb Jones, Jess
Clark a'nd Frank Wheelock; &
Tho Junior prom will .be given at
the Lincoln hotel on February 20, 1909.
The committee which lias chargo of
the Junior hot) said that that dnnco'
iwill occur on January 8 at Fraternity.
hall. Eddie Wail's full orchestra will
furnish., music. The committee ,1s pro
paring for the bbt InfornpiUdahce of,
tho ydar.
Tho class decided to have a finance
committee. The following were ap
pointed: O. 0son, chairman; Paul
Pierce. W. N.,,Bozarth.
' The class decided to have a com
mittee appointed to look into the mnt
ter of hats and caps. It will -be an
nounced later. ? ,
Have'jinternational meet.
V is
Mt .;-. i , I
American and Canadian Teams to De--,
bate on Platform." ;
Debating in tho Northwestwill have
ns JUT moBt novel feature this year aiv
intornntlorinr debato between tho Law
Students' Society of Victoria and tho
University of Washington law school.
Tho debate Is scheduled to takoiplaco
some time In the latter part of No
vember, or tho early part of Decem-t
ber, and will be argued upon some
question of international importance.
A, challenge has been sent to tho
Canadians in reply to tho loiter re
c'olved from them Inst spring, inti
mating elr dpsire to debate
Washington this year. B. W
J. 13. Stimson, S. Patton, P. S. Mc
Elwain and G. R Bucks are 'the com
mltteuvappolnteu' ,by resjclont Clark
to confer with the Victorians.
If the debate with tho Canadians" Is
a. succoss"'itis"Irtten"dcd to 'make4 it
un annual nffnirX.
Professor Fossler, oftho Gorman
department, has received niuinvltntlon
to give an address to the Nebraska
alumni of the state of Washington.
He .will leav,e. somo time in Decomber
IT. A.' Clark, who took his masters
degro,e here in 1904, is now working
for his doctors' dogreo at Columbia.
He lias received a" leave of absence
for this1' purpose from Syracuse uni
versity, vh1erG he has held the posi
tion of professor in physics.
Tho' best oystor Stow Jn the city
la .that) served., at Tho Boston Lunch,
Try it,, .
Rooters Will Gather at Rock and Led
by Band Will March to Antelope
. Park Where Practice Will
Be Watched.
Seveinl hundred students came to-
gather in Memorial hall yostorday
afternoon at r o'clock to practice
songs and stir up a liltlo enthusiasm
for the great buttle with AniOB at Om
aha Saturday. Tho meeting wns pro
sided ovor by Profesaor Conant of tho
law collogo. Tim band waa prosont
and played several pieces.
At 5:10 Professor Conant cnllod thy
mooting to order, and in n few remark
told the purposoof tho-gnthering. He
said tljat It was planned to learn somo
aongB which wore to bo sung at Om
aha Saturday and to arouso tho No
braska spirit to tho support of the
Cornhusker eleven. Ho nnnouncod
that a short talk would bo given
by Dr. Condrn, and then called upon
that professor, who addressed tho au
dience for n few minutes.
Hard Struggle Expected.
Dr. Condrn declared that Nebraska
va-B going to have tho hardest kind
of a tussle with the Iowa Aggie. Ho
told of tho Ames strength, and said
that the CornhiiBkors would havo to
tight Uie very bOBt battle they are cap
able of in' order to win. - Ho- wns not
sure, even then, that they would win,
but he declared it was tho duty of tho
Nebraska students to got behind their
team in spirit, and glvo it tho greatest
kind of support at Omaha. Ho could,
not stay to take part in the singing
but he hoped the crowd would loam
the songs well and be ready to sing
them in good shape Saturday. Ho left
tho mooting at t)e closo of his speech
to discharge his duty in propnrlng for
tho entertainment of tho teachers in
attendance at the mooting of tho state
Montgomery Lead's 'Singing.
When Dr. Condrn had finished' Guy
Montgomery went to vostrum and told'
tho audience to prepare tossing tho
which had boon solocted for
the occasion
Cppios of these had
been distributed around tho tQom. .
The audience responded roadlly to
Mr. Montgomery's- request for thoi
siuging nnd with Miss Josophlnq San
ford playing at tho piano the several
selections were sung. "Ames Aggies,"
to tho tune of "MyMury Ooch,"-nnd
nno,ther song with an air to "A Wot
Time"' seomed to be tho favorites with
tho rootors.
Before tho meeting was brought to
n close Munagcr Earl O. Eager an
nounced that a special train would be
run to Omaha Saturday morning at
8:30 o'clock. He told tho students to
biiyx their tickets but ono way. He
said that there would be. a special
train returning from ,Omaha in tho
ovenlng but that If tickets, were
bought for one way pnly, that the stu
dents would not need to return on
this special truin ami could come back
any timo. There would be no reduced,
rates and nothing-'could he gained jy
getting a round trip ticket.
The Nebraska manager alsq an
nounced that another rally would bo
hell Friday nftornoon and that it would
toko place at Antelope park. Ho said
it would take pluco at 4:30 o'clock and
he urged all tho students to bo there.
Special Train Saturday.
Since the meeting yostorday arrange
ments have boon completed to havo
tho Btudnts rally at tho rock In front
of Library hall and tho load led by tho
band march to Antelope park, whore
song.? will bo sung, and whoro tho
team may be watched in its final prac
tice before tho gamo Saturday.
Twonty-five Men Are at Work on En
gineoripg Building.
With all material on the job and
with perfect weather for outdoor Work
tho walla of tho engineering building
are rapidly looming up. For sovornl
days carpenters havo boon engaged n
sotting window frames and when theao
are in pjaco it will' bo a very, short
timo until tho wnlla roach tho second
floor lovel.
Yesterday . about twenty-llvo men
worp busy, on tho building. , Tho con
tractors aro puslilng tho .work as fast
ns they aro ablo in their ondcavpr. to
got tho work aa nearly encloB.ed nB
possibio by tho time tho weathor gets
too cold for outdoor work.
Professor .Richards -declares that
practically nil contracts for tho: build
ing have been let so that there Is
nothing to prevent each contractor
from being ready to do his worc at
tho earliest ppssiblo moment. Enough
brick are now upon tho job to ontlrcly
complete tho workv- ; .
W 4-i
Seniors and juniors nro requested
to leave orders for ,tlieir pictures for
tho 190D CornhuBker at , Townsend's
ttudio at once. Air.photbgraphB taken
before Thanksgiving will he finished
iby Christmas. 6. 'BonfJey', 'iJiisineBH
The committee, in charge has an
nounced" that the freshman luw class
.i;op will be held Friday ovenlng, De
cember 11, at Fraternity hall. Ab
bott's orchestra with their full equip
ment will furnish the music. Only J.0CT
tickets at $1.00 each will be sold, y
County. Superintendent J. M. Malzen
of Dodge county was on tho campus
ye'Bterday. Mr. Matzon is president of
tho county superintendent's section of
the state teachers' association.
Claude Alden, '08, who Is ,an in
structor in tho .Kearney high school,
is attending the, teachers' convention.
Ho wl)l- witness the Amos-Nebraska
game n Omaha Saturday..
Laura Rhodes '08, who is teaching
Qerman and history, in the Fremont,
high .school, is. attending 'State, teach
ers' convention.
Byron Yoder, 08, .has returned to
Lincoln fro'm'Fairbury, where ho has
- "ft-"' '
been for the last two months. He
probably will enter tub 3ufai vers tyV
RoyCockran, principal of the Keat
ney high school1 and dn old' Nebraska
graduate, is lhf'ltib' city. Mr.'Cbck'rdn
was a fellow iii( American hfstory'las.t
year. "
" 'J . I. C, ,-J-!' W
The -characjors. for the German vplay
have 811,0680160164 axib; active ,wprk
wjji.oc cpmmoncou immeuiaoiy.
- e w
r I
;J M .v
Over .Three Thousand Educators of
the State Gather to Get 'Helpful
Induction hrt6 Meet
Otiti 'Another'-'
i "''' .. Mill . . .
.Opening last.ovoning with tho uuhm
collego banquet &V wh'lch' bvor. a tlibu-
,Band,toachcj8,bftho'rato wt)ro floatort.
at tho long. tableatlnr tho Lincoln audi,
tori urn, the NehxasKR S.tato toachcrs'
association : will, 'how-its'- 'ftf sL fteaerAt
session this morning and will continuo
us meetings dNlrtstrUction and nntuv
talmont for thotonsuing two days.
Over three"- fihousand . teachers re
oxpoctcd.40 hel ourollod! in .Uiu-asHi-ciutlon
boforo the qJoboM work
tvouing, according ,to. tlio consoryatjyo
estimates of '(iyoo tin phargo ot'jim
big meo.tlnRs. Theso, mop ami wonjeii
cojnc from all ,u(r.aof .tho 'state, frfpn,
city . sclmols and districLjephoplii,!' to
mc,?!H!p8ftajrUor and ochau
' ideas fqj thabctternjont of NebrA8karH
nuiuc BotipQi sytei. Thpy .will, meet
in gonoral nnd setiona scBs'lonJjnoni'
ing, aflbrn,boi und ovenJnK of Timrs
day andjKildttyjttndjWlU return totjjjeb-;
bcijoois iillqdvwth. a pew ontbusiasm
for their, wqcpdwijih'npw, .mciJiods
with which to accomplish results."
i. . .
Blggeet Number 1 Ever. . . ....
In point .of numbors itliis, tho forty
third annual, .meeting .of- t&o,.atau
iPvcr hold Jn Nebraska. Laat yeaivlt.
is conservatively qstJraated- thattho'
total eunollmont will be qbput 3,50Hj
In former .yonrs. tho.'ttssociatibtt'inecr
during UioChristmas- holidays and thin,
caused u large number to absent them
selves who-will bd'preseatiihia'farl.V
YetthclDOS sossion'Of the nmapln-'
Ubni wilknotbe notod for4ts nujjihorK'
only,.;acaoldliiRt, tcj tho opinion of.Uto
leaders of the work. Everything .pro
sagos a lively interest on the part of
the touchers and- a spirit. ofAnthutK
.lusm, which .will, do.much .toward inakr
ing thofmcotingia success, , Tho spifi
nual meeting of f the! Nobraski toachqrii
Ik not merely 'business matter )or
,is It a, thinu.fol'tho entertainment 'off
thoUoachorH.' It I primarily., for. ilib!ji-
instruction in nijxthds of their proffts-j
sion and for th'o cultivnllon of an ctiu
cafional spirit without which tho work
of tho public school system Is vcryy
sorloUsly handicapped: '
' Studente'Are Excilsed." a
Ip order Umt)rt(py may attend .,tlro
meotingH of,tho.asspcIatpn without W
convenience, aifl.students.,Qf tho uni
vorsity wlip 'presoni tiieir'mombVrshla
cards in the association to the regis
WU1; Reused fvm aectJ
either .re.cIUiftm pr. .a6oraory.r?
iodS. Til tho rnllnirn nf niliinaHnii.
- -- vvnv w. VWMUVU
.' ? '' r J.--f"?
fhq work, of the.univprsitvwiirbo.
ors during t)ie, two,, days of the .meet
Ing. Many teachora who had arrived
In the city yostofday"vfsTted tho cam
pus 'durIrfg;tlio'ftbThbaffdJsought
out those classsUnithQVork:. bf Vlifch
Jiy OWW ifeplarly rj ipto,rc.tflrt,
. '
classes will.bp virtually qipm,l8scd.anh
tho college" wilrat.tend ther session nl-