X THE DAILY NEBRASKAN l hv Cbe all? TUbratfftnn a a Maa , TB PJIOPBIIT? OF, t TUB UNIVBR81TY OF NEBRASKA. Lincolj),' ffabraaka"' ; f IHIJHE1 MIT BAT;ilCE T IKHAY Ml MMDAf by tub Student pub. board. tm Itfici, 121 IK. Wl St. ROAST rOR WILLIAMS ; rniTORlAL STAFF. !.- ... cltHa K. Elliott. '00 ..anag'lno Editor... Herbert W. Potter, MO Niwi Editor Lynn i-ioya, 11 Aaioolata Editor Vlotor Smith, Ml ' " BUSINESS STAFF. Manaaai Qaoraa M. Wallace. MO Circulation J. Roy Smith, '09 it. Manager Earl Campbell, MO Editorial and pualneei Office! ASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. " Poitofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Nell. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Coplei, B Centa Each. Telephone: Auto 18M. .1 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rnt6 of 10 oonta per Inaortlon for ovory fifteen worda or fraction thereof. Faculty notlcoa ana University bullottna -will Kindly bo publlalfoa froo. GOPHERS NEED A. NEW COACH, SAYS MINNEAPOLIS) PAPER. INJURED IOWA STARS RECOVER Kirk and Seldei Will Both Be In Shape to Meet Illinois' Fast Eleven at Champaign Next Saturday. Entered al the poatofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, all sccond-claex mall matter under thq Act of ConRT08 of March 3, 1879. i1 ' "VVBDNEqpAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1908. POINTS TO A CHANGE. The banquet which 1b to bo glvon thjs ovoning by tho Stato Touchers' association at tho auditorium Is of moro than passing lntorost, as it is likely to mark tho boginning of a chango in tho methods of teaching in tho state Whilo tho banquet will mean a tlmo of jollification, it will also moan that teaching is boginning to tako Its rightful placo as a pro feBBion. Lawyors and bankotB, and, in fact, all thoso engaged in a dis tinctive profession, meet together to discuss questions of lntorost to all and to becomo moro thoroughly acquaint ed. Tho fact that such a banquot Is bolng undortakon means that teacherB aro beginning to reallzo that thoy aro not engaged In something that is merely temporary, but in a profession that is worthy of their best on doavors.. Tho attempt to put teaching on a highor lc.vol and mako It an attractlvo work 1b worthy pf tho bost ondoavors of ovoryono. Tho standard of educa tion can novor, reach a very high lovel until It attracts the best talent In our schools and Is regardod as somothlng moro than a moro stopping stone to something pormanont. When teaching is regarded as a profession and Is con sidered an honor, then ho school sys Com can bo' considered on a firm foundation. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 2. Tlrod and lamo from tholr battbrlng ly tho Chi cago football team in Saturday's game, tho Minnosota team arrivod homo in tholr special car this morning. Nono of the players was crippled as the re suit of the grueling, but sevoral of tho men are Buffering, slightly from sprains. Poter Ostrand, -tho big guard, sus tained a twlstod ankle during tho sec ond half, but was not obliged to loavo the garao, though his anklo has glvon him considerable lnconvonionco, and ho may bo out of practice for a Say or two. Tho samo kind of an injury was rocolvod by Johnny McGovorn, who was forcod to loavo tho gamo in the Bccond half in favor of Johnson. A local nowspapor, in commohting on tho Chicago gamo, hands tho goph or coach the following vitriolic roaBt: "Men who have tho real Interest of tho Univorslty of Minnesota at heart were heart-sick aftor tho gamo, for Minnesota never mot a more humili ating defoat than on last Saturday. She sont to tho field as willing and as capablo a crowd of young follows as any man would care to seo, and thoso follows had nothing with which to Bhow tholr football valor. They wore outclassed, not in strongth, not in courago, no, not so much In tho speed of Steffon, but In tho Indlsputablo in ability of tho Minnesota coach to ap proach tho valuo of tho plays now In voguo on tho gridiron. Othor univer sities at loast make a try to uso now football, This Ib tho third year of its reign. Why can't Minnesota havo at leaBt a chanco with tho other big colleges of tho west?" Iowa. IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 2 Battered by tho gruollng contest against No braska on Saturday, tho Iowa team started work for tho Illinois gamo on Saturday. Soldel, the giant guard, camo out of tho battlo with a broken noBc, but will bo ablo to work for tho gam? a Champaign. Thero wns much rejoicing at tho recovery of Capt. Kirk and Quarterback Carborry, who were knocked BqpsolesB on Saturday. Kirk did not recover fully until Sunday af ternoon and Carborry was out for tfh6 mon who wont homo to votcTand who will bo absent for Tuesday's prac tice also aro, Captain Schulz, Aller-.. dlco. Benbrook and vCrumriacker. Do I splto thb fact that tho team was greatly weakened by tho absence of tho four mon, that It was the first night aftor Michigan's hardest gamo and that Coach Yost was not well, the mon remaining in Ann Arbor over election day wero worked to tholr limit and tho blectrlcity had boon turned ,on an hour before they left Ferry flold. Casey wasn't out owing to a lato. class. Since Saturday tho student senti ment has Undergone a marvelous chango. Up to tho time of tho game last Saturday 5,000 students woro gamoly but desperately supporting what thoy firmly believed to bo tho weakest team Michigan had had since tho advent of Yost Then, in less than a week, tho smiling ono behind closed gates turned his bunch of inexperi enced material into an old-tlmo Yost machino and tho result was that Mich igan's largost scoro was registered in tho yqar that Vanderbilt was supposed to havo its best eleven and Michigan ono of its poorest. Illinois. CHAMPAIGN, 111., Nov. 2. Warn ing tho Illlnrthat Iowa was a lot bet tor than it looked on paper, Coach Jus' Lindgron and former Capt Gard lnor returned today from Iowa City, whoro they went scouting htfet Sat urday. "Nebraska has a mighty good team," said tlndgren. Fear of overconfldonco in tho orange and bluo camp becauso of Iowa's do feats by Missouri and Nebraska is on tortaincd and tho coaches will urge tho mini to, regard their opononts as more dangorous. Capt. Van Hook practiced today, but his anklo is slightly wabbly and it will bo handled with care all tho weok so that Van will bo ablo to play against tho Hawkoyes. It was a bitter pill for him to watch Saturday's game. Rlchoy, loft half back, is almoBt given up. A "charloy horBo" is his undoing and ho may bo out of. the game for good this fall. All tho Illlnl oxcept Bremer wero out in suits to night and "Brom" watched tho work. Cornell. ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 2. Halfback Mowo created a sensation on Percy field this afternoon by making six drop goals from tho 45-yard lino, and plac ing and missing only ono out of soven attempts. This Is a record for tho Cornell field. Today was given, over to light, work, most of tho xnen bolng bruised up aftor tho Penn stato gamo. Captain Walder, Hurlburt and Pope woro not on tho field, but the othora showed up lato. A toam composed of WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE We can five you the best prices, bet jjoodf, besfc sendee Capital Grocery $lfiih 1435 M St. COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at the BEST PRICES Auto Phone 48 NOTICE! To All Uriivers.ty Students When wanting the BEST, order it from COLLINS. Manu factures of Frozen Creams, Ices, Punches, Puddings and Fancy Individuals. Northwest Corner 7th and L Streets Phones ' Bell 428 Auto 1228 l Special attention given to student affajrs. Bowls, Spoons and Punch Qiasses are furnished free with each order. mmmmmmmmKammmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmm aaaaaaaLiiiiw1 saaiiiiiV aLaiiiiV aLLI aaaaiS .LH aLiiiiiS aaaVJaLaw aaaaaamaaaaaaa! amaaaal aeeeeV aaaaaaal aeeeeeel eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeV aaaaaaaaaaaaw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaav eeeeeeeeeeeeeeev VBselsseaJsalsW iaseaVPsW eaHaaaaaaaa7 aaaaaVaVaVsir U4i,Oi TW0 3T0KL3 1415, 0. Budd in the Cravenette Business again 100 new coats in Saturday in Blacks and Fancy Stripes. These are straight out and out $18 values My price $10. Budd's Motto: "Quick sales, and short profit Also $2.50 Hats and popular priced furn ishings. ' Why Pay More? Chancellor McCraokon qf New York university, with tho consent of tho faculty, "noB put the ban on aUJntor clasB contests Involving personal en counters. While football, basketball, track and basketball contests aro not affected by this regulation, a number of Important oyon,ts aro totally abol ished. Among', those aro: . Bloody Monday, on tho, first Monday of. tho college year; flag rush, on foundor's day (October 19) : tho liallowe'en cole bratlon and cano sprees on prepara tory night In April. By way of pro test against thl new ruling the fresh men and sophomore classes vmyuu marbles on Ohio field. tho day after the regulation! was promulgated. Twelve hundred and fifty-four stu dents In the University of Kansas havo contributed $3.00 on.ch to a fund for tho support pi student enterprises during tho current school year. Tho athletic association, the debating coun cil tho mandolin club, tho university . band, tho university orchestra and the glee club will each receive a share ofthe, uud. Tho contributors aro ad.v minted without "furthp'r charge to all ontertaltimorifs provided by thoso or ganisations during tho year This In sures a sustaining fund for all lines af student enterprise and .provides a series' qf ,hjgh grade entertainments for tho studenata. very omlnaLjox ponse. --- ' -' - over two hours. Both took part in tho practico today. Fortunately Klrkjs' weak kneo escaped further Injury. Cat Hn admits Iowa Is tho "underdog" In tho coming battlo and hardwork is In order for tho rest of tho weok. Wisconsin. MADISON, Wis., Nov. 2. Coach Barry put tho badgers through a longs stoady signal drill tonight Ex-Captain Messmor devoted almost tho ontlro afternoon to practico of tho forward pass, with some of tho scrubs receiv ing tho ball. Tho big follow was in great form and hurlod tho oval over forty yards repeatedly. One chango wns made In tho 'varsity line-up, Cunningham being stationed at right half, whilo Mucklostone, who herotoforo held tho position, was work ing with ' tho second 'varsity. Moll was drilled a long 'timo in quarter back runs. Arpin, sub tackle, is ill with a bad cold. Should ho be' forced to quit, tho team would bo left with' out a sUb tackle. Tho 'varsity will havo a scrimmage with tho freshmen tomorrow, the lat ter using Minnesotaformations Ths students arc. taking Up a 'contribution to send tho band up to Minneapolis. , Michigan. , ,ANN ARBQIt, Mich,? Nov. ,2. Whilo four of tlWJBtrS'Weron their way. tp tho polls" Coach! (ost twastpblged rto .work, tonight with a weakened JInoup. (JroBby and Bayer, ends; Leyentry and OKourke, tackles; Cosgrovo and Boll, guards; Wright, center; O'Hara, quar ter back; RIdoman and Mowe, half backs, and Ebollng, full back, ran through signals. Tho on-Bldo kicks fre quently figured. Hoffman hurt his ankle, but Shearer and Caldwell, who aro recovering, woro on tho field. Lieutenant Boacham joined the coach es today. Chicago. CHICAGO, Nov. 3. A hang-over celebration of tho maroon victory over Minnesota, tho return of Coach Stagg's Injured playors to the ranks, and rumbling warnings of tho prob able Ineligibility of soveral of tho Chi cago football stars cast an air of modi fied Joy ovor tho Inauguration of the preparations for Cornell yostorday at Marshall field, Whilo Schott and Ehrhorn rejoined tho team, it is f oared the annual In vasion of "con" notices today may play havoc with tho Midway machino. Tho professors will begin handing out their four weok-reports this morning and tho football players who receive below passing In two of their studios, will bo labeled undesirable for grid iron purposes. A number of the ma roons aro on tho anxious seat over their scholastic standing. Should a singlo ono cf the 'varsity players bo removdd from .tho eligible list by tho notices, Stagg would find himself in a tight hole again, and the Impending showup will bo watched with moro than upunl- interest bv tho coach. It Is probable tho standing of all the squad will not bo -known'iuntll tho ond of tho week, os some- 61 tho professors will delay their reports. QQOOQOQC0OfQOQOQOOQOSO0SQOiSOQOOQOQOiSiOQOQOOi The Skirt Store 121 3SLu&p Suits, Skirts, Waists, Furs, Jackets, Coats, Petticoats, Etc. It will pay you to try this store first. You save money by trading at THE SKIRT STORE, Little Blk. QOQOQ&808080QOQOQO$03Q )OQCCCCOCCO6&CCCCCOCCOCCCOCCOOe9 STUDENTS CLUB Suits Cleaned and Pressed Only $1.50 Per Month N T rrr- We mako a specialty of new suits made right here in our own shop $20 and up H. SMITH, TAILOR ISIS O Auto 5228 ooccccocccccoccoccccoccccooS "THE HOUSE COZY" WEEK NOVEMBER SECOND Fulton Stock Co. PRESENTS ( LENA RIVERS By Mary J. Holmes ,dJ tl.C A Comedy Drama All Will Enjoy; Matinees Wed. atd SaW2:J5 PrtceS I5ff &25c"s EVENINGS ar8:15 . . BOTH PJlONtC V c) a II f''LL . ft' ( i ft 'Vj y si- H t i' ': fcv l' a i " j - I" it . ,ti ran .1 ' W-'!. -Mi. is. i a-v." i! I D E I ft D V ' G Semi - Anthracite UMEIlUn I O $7.50 i Best for Furnaces. Ho Clinker.;-No' '!M':AlTf Heat i GREGORY. The Coal Man 'i iX.i t ' 1. 'In i".tcir t . . -f Ui A'.tJ! I l I j L. I 'Sr' ,4 a''y ." f" ' g, LITTLE BLDQ. ' -I0TR PpOWES. ' -j; ;;v,04?l 0 Et4(! ; fj W X&SCVVV$2VW&&&X o ( i