The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1908, Image 1

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Qhe Bails IFlebraehan
i i
V6L Vm. No. 33.
Price 5 Cent
Cernhusker Football -Star Would Not
Let His Harvey Get the Better
of Him en National Elec
tion Deal. '
It Ib a safo bot at almost any oddB
that tho tiling moat studiod by uni
versity students yesterday was tho
genoral election of national and local
officials. In ovory class and whorover
a group of men happened to got to
gothor daring tho day tho topic of dis
cussion was invariably tho olectlon.
Numbers of tho men had a direct In
terest Iri tho selection of tho loadora
who are to govern tho nation on ac
count of thbir right of franchise. t)th
ors were Interested becauso they real
ized that hefore another four years
have brought around another genoral
olectlon they, too, will have acquired
tho privilege of voUng. Tho girlB
wore Interested because tho rest were.
All In all, class work took a decided
slump yesterday, both morning and
afternoon. Numbors of the students
were at home in various parts of tho
state casting their ballots and many
others, who had established residence
In Lincoln, were obliged to miss one
or more classes In order to vote. A
fow of the most ardent politicians
wore actively engaged throughout tho
day In hustling tho voters" of the city
to the voting booths.
Instructors Lenient.
Instructors generally recognized the
intense interest which prevailed by
dealing leniently with absentees and
quite a number assigned brief lessons
In order that their studentB jnlght
have more time to vote and to watch
tho returns In tho ovonlng. In one
class where tho regular assignment
was given out at tho closo of the class,
tho Instructor reduced It to one-third
tho uBual amount on being reminded
that yesterday was election day. It
was well that some instructors acted
thus since in all probability thero was
little studying done by a majority of
tho students last oyonlng. Thero was
tho excitement of a four-yearly crisis
Mn the air and. -the university students
felt It aB much as did the town voters.
While largo numbors wont homo to
vote thero "were qujto a number who
did their duty and yot managed to
stay in Lincoln by palrjng'off with an
other mn who would have voted on
tho opposite side of tho ticket If ho
had caBt his' ballot In this way tho
voters saved tho expense' of a trip
home and at tho samo time made suro
that tho Iosb of their vote would not
hurt either of tho two parties.
It was by some such an arrange
ment as this that Captain Harvey of
the football team an Bill Chaloupka,
both from Wilbur, had intended to
stay In Lincoln, yesterday. rBut Jim
couldn't roBt in peace while thinking
of how Taft might lose tho election
from lack of his vote. Hence, about
train tlmo Jim hit tho Pke for Q
station without letting his fellow
townsman, who is a Bryan follower,
know his intention. He boarded tho
train 'all right and chuckled over tho
way In which ho had won a vote for
Taft. '
But Bill Was There.
But Jim didn't quite credit Bill with
as much worldly wisdom as the husky
CprnhuBker player . possesses, BUI
caught onto the deal and made the
dust fly In his frantic endeavors to
get to tho Burlington station boforo
the train left
He did a stunt that
will go down In history as a record
run and climbed on the train Just at
train leaving time. Of courso he re
ceived Jim's explanations of how the
latter had forgo! to.leave word of his
doparture with mild and meok torgivo
ness. Tho two Journeyed to Wilbur
togothor and thoroby William Howard
Taft and William Jennings Bryan each
got one more boost towards the presi
dential chair.
Another football man who is almost
as enthusiastic for tho democratic can
didate as is Bill Chaloupka Is Kroogor,
who has boen playing a flno game all
year. Kroeger can't say enough about
his good opinion of tho Nobraskan.
Thoro are sonio Taft men in Coach
Colo's family, too, so whichever way
tho result shall be, tho disappointment
of, tho boaten ones will not be allowod
to -hurt-tho Cornhuskor play.
Congratulates Cornhuskers on Show
ing Against Mighty Gophers.
GREENVILLE, Col., Oct 25. Editor
of tho Dally Nobraskan I recelvod
the brilliant copy of tho "Rag" and
before I opened It my thoughts went
back to that other time In 1902 when
it came out tho samo way. I toll you
my heart pounded liko a good fellow
when I read of tho great fight our
team put up. I can see that green Hold
up thero and can feel how tho follows
folt when tlmo wrfs taken out and
their thoughts went back to tho old
tlmo and the bunch waiting thoro ex
pecting them to win. Somehow a fol-
low feels as If he hnd to win. Keen
up the good work, we are all backhavo nn opportunity to see tho team
of you though we. are a long ways off. at work ln tne ,aBt Practlco boforo tho
Yours in tho bond.
M. A. BENEDICT, '06.
Cross-Country Today.
Thin afternoon at 4 o'clock the pre- making arrangements for tho advortis
liminaries will be held to dotormino ing the game said that a largo crowd
which men shalL represont Nebraska; is, assured far Saturday. When he left
In tho Western Intercollegiate CroBS- ( thero yestorday morning all the soals
country meet in Chicago, Novombor ( In tho middle section on the north
14th. The team will be made up of sido had been sold, and tho peoplo
five men, and the first five to' finish in charge of the sale said thero would
tonight will make up tho team. j be fully 1,500 tickets disposed of ln
The course for tho run will bo ap- Omaha by Thursday evening,
pioxlmately five miles ln length and The sale of tickets In Lincoln has
will be as follows: Starting from the exceeded expectations. Over 700 res-
gymnasium at Twelfth and S Btroots, ervatlons have been mado by students,
oast on S streot to Fourteenth, north Lincoln peoplo, and alumni. A great
on Fourteenth to the railroad tracks, many students who are going to at
out tho tracks to tho fair grounds; tend tho gamo hayo not as yot pur
four laps around tho track there, and chased their seats but will do so with
return by the samo route. I in the next two days, when It is ex-
The finish will be at the gymnasium, ' pected tho totai- sales will bo over
and the tryouts will bo over by not ' 12,000.
later than 4:45, leaving plenty of time The students of Lincoln will go to
ln which to attend tho big football
rally 'ln-the chapel at 5 o'clock.
Tho Junior prom committee Is com
prised of tho following members:
John M. Alexander, chairman; Arbor
Barth, maBter of ceremonies; Stewart
Elliott, Frank Wheelock, J. S. Clark
and Val White.
E. E. HUls, president of tho Y. M.
C. A., received a sprained anklo Mon
day while practicing with the senior
football team. Ho was running with
tho ball and in dodging twisted his
The committees ln chargo of tho
eligibility rules for tho ."Olympics"
will' hold a mooting Thursday to form
ulate rules. Tho freshman and the
sophomores are taking much Interest
in the "Olympics" and promise big
delegation b.
DiSontor, head of tho chemistry
department in the Omaha high school,
will be in attendance at the conven
tion of state teachers' association.
Floyd Smith, '08, and Hugo Wollen
selk wore campus visitors yesterday.
They will ' attend tho Amos' gamo ln
Omaha Saturday.
Tho sophomoro hop has been sot for
January 8 at the Lincoln hotol. Walt's
' orchestra will furnish tho music.
O. L. Myer, '06, Js now taking ad
vanced work at Columbia university t
Ho was admitted into the1, school as
a senior. '
Both In the Metropolis and In Lincoln
More Tickets Have Been Disposed
of Than rHad Been Antic
ipated. Tho first of two rallies for tho gamo
with Ames at Omaha Saturday will
bo hold this afternoon at. 5 o'clock In
Memorial hall. The second ono will
occur at tho same hour on Friday.
At tho mooting this afternoon sev
eral now songs that have been written
for the game will be practlcod, and
tho best of them selected for Satur
day. Good. song leaders and tho band
will bo proBent to help keep things
An attompt will bo made to have
tho rally Fridays afternoon hold at
Antolopo park while tho team is at
practice. If arrangements can bo
mado tho band will head a procession
of tho studonts, which will march
from the university campus to tho
grounds. Yells nnd songs will bo
practiced there, and tho Btudenls will
big game the following day,
Big Crowd Assured.
Manager Eager, who returned from
Omaha yesterday, where he has been
Omaha on a special train at 8:30
o'clock Saturday morning. Tho Ne
braska, team and band will also go on
this train, which will arrive in Omaha
about 10:30 o'clock. It Is planned to
have tho students and band meet at
the big rock oa the campus and march
in a processlpn to tho depot. Tho
train will bo run ovr oither tho Bur
lington -or Rock Island road.
No Reduced Rate.
No reduced rate has boen secured
for tho round trip from Lincoln and
tho total fare will be $2.20 from this
city to Omaha and return. Ames has
been Jucklor than Nebraska ln this
respect and will have a rate of $3 for
tho round trip. Reports from the
Aggie school say that at least 500 peo
ple from thoro will journey to Omaha
for tho gamo, ' Tho Ames rooters will
be Bituated on thq north side.
The Nebraska headquarters wllL be
at tho Henshaw hotel
on jparnam
sireot ana tno AmoB neaaquarters win
bo at tho Romo on Sixteenth and How
ard streets. The teamB will stay at
those respective hotels.
The merchants ln Omaha havo bo-,
gun decorating their stores in tho
Nebraska and Ames colors and by Saturday-
nearly ovory business house in
that city will contain some display for
the game.
Freshmen Nothfe.
All freshmen interested inthe lnter
class wrestling and boxing $all at the
gym between 3 and 4 o'clock this
aftornoon, , ,
Your car 'fare would pay for a Bice
lunch at Thtf Boston Lumch. Why
'go home?
Interference In Municipal Affairs by
Organization of Nation and State
"I havo often hoard it said," de
clared Arthur Weathorly at convo
cation yesterday, "that tho city
is a Joint Btock company In which
the citizens nro tho stockholders, but
I moBt omphatlcally dony thlB. Tho
metaphor totally falls. Tho city Is a
dwelling together of human bolngs ln
which every man gives somothlng to
tho city that all may onjoy groator
advantages. Now York City Is not, In
tho trtio-BonBO of tho word, a city, but
It Is rntner an aggregation of Indi
viduals. "Tho real City has an atmosphoro
which expresses unity of purpoBo and
unity of lire. This Is tho only kind of
a community from which can como
great genius and great art The fact
that in 150 years Athens gavo to tho
world five immortals resulted from
the porfect unity of action ln tho city
and from the fact that all wero movod
by a common purpose In the me
devlal cities tho spirit and art which
was tho glory of tho world was de
veloped by tho same means.
"In order for the city 'to attain to the
highest, degree of ofllcloncy It muBt
express ovory phase of tho city's or
ganic life. Tho end and aim of tho
organization of the modern city should
be to obtain unity of organization,
which means tho development of unity
of life. When tho city owns tho -water
works every citizen from tno humblest
to tho wealthiest and most intelligent,
If I may consider that tno wealthiest
are tho most intelligent, 1b interested
In obtaining pure, good water. When,
on the other hand, tho necessities of
life are 01x01 by public service
corporations the wealthiest and most
Intelligent members of the community
aro ranged in- opposition to itB best
"Wo must ndmlt that wo' have failed
ln our attempt at good city govern?
ment ln America, and we can give
several 'reasons for tho inofflclonpy of
our governments. First nmong'thoBO
may do considered the Interference of
,tho state and of national politics.
Very few cities are permitted to do
anything that Is not specially stated
in tho charter. Another reason for
our failure was tho attempt to mako
the form of government which was
satisfactory for the nation do for the
"In. municipal gerernmont, as it has
existed for tho past, responsibility
has not been centered where it should
be. English municipalities have ar
rived at a high degree of efficiency and
responsibility wlthoutrthe intorforenco
of the nation, and with the use of
wards for the election of city officers.
I am in favor of the commission form
of government, becauso it places tho
responsibility upon tho people them
selves. It puts tho matter of good
government up to the peoplo, and-with
this situation we can develop unity of
action, out of which will como a higher
development of art and a higher sys
tem of Ideals."
Hawkeye Reception.
The Hawkoyo club of the University
of Nebraska will hold a reception in
the Music hall of tho Temple Thurs-
,i Avnnino, Mnvomhiw k if to tha
I uj unjiimsi tiuiuiuuvi v. ww
wish of tho committee that every
Hawkoyo attending the university or
members of tho faculty to bo present
If you aro already a member of tho
club como and bring one with you
who is not yot acquainted with us.
If you cap not spare the entire even-j
lng come Up for a half hour or such
a matter and get acquainted; whether
"barb"' or "frat" come. -The purpose
of the chili, is to promote friendship
and' fellowship among we Iowaas.
Come. Committee.
Sophomore Informal.
The sophomore Informal dance coast
mlttee will meet
Thursday 'at; ,U
o'clock in U 110.
A 1
Professor Condra of the Committee In
Charge Finds It Necessary to Re
fund Money of Some Who'1 '
Would Come.
On tne 0V0 of tho groat union
1 1
school banquet to bo glvon by the .
teachers' association of tho stato this '' ' ,'
ovenlng ovorything lndicatos that it
will bo an opoch-maklng ovont in tho
hlBtory of tho devolopmeu
tlon in Nebraska. For tho first tlmo
in tho history of tho .association a
groat banquet' will be glvon to promoto .
good fooling and good fellowship
among tho tcachors of tho stato.
Tho University of Nebraska will be ,
unusually woll ropresonted ,atr, this
banquet. At tho ,prosont tlmo,. ono
hundred and olghtytw,o tclkots have
been lBsued to Nebraska people who
either aro or havo boon students at
tho university fox scats on tho mata
banquet floor. Bosldos theso sovoral
of tho spoakers of tho ovonlng who
aro Nebraska graduates will beseatod
on tho stago. Tho unlvorslty has re
served two tables running tho full
length of the auditorium
Thoso holding tickets to the ban
quet floor will beadmlttod to the
building at 6 o'clock. Tho banquet
will be servedat 6:15. At 7:30 tho
doors to the' gallery will bo oponod
to thoso holding association; tickets.
Great Interest 8hown. '
Thereplies that havo been rocolved
by those in chargo of tho banquot to'
invitations to bo prosont indicate that
me mosc rcmarKamc interest is Doing
shown in tho ovont all over tho state.
Professor Condra, who has chargo of
tho university tables, 'declares that he
has boon nearly swamped' with the re
quests for tickets and has boen kept
busy during tho past fdw days rotiirn
Ing money to thoso whom he couldVnbl
Tho chlof purpose of tho meeting
will bo to have a good time and to
get. better- acquainted. Professor
Condra; has-made arraBgemeatswith
university students who will be pres
ent to havo tho yellB and songs of
the university given. Tho university
quartet will also, bo present to lead
the singing. The Sem. Bot has made
arrangements to bo on tho floor and
will do their stunts to' holp in the gen
eral merry-making.
Everything Complete.
Committees have been appointed by
those ln chargo of the association to
meet all the trains on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday and direct teach
ers to their stopping places. Sub
committees have been appointed to
direct visitors to the museum and
other ,places of interest osr the uni
versity campus. Arrangements have'
been mado for a group of teachers' to,
mako a special visit to the Beatrice
creamery in order that they may study
tho methods of an up-to-datA dairy
Superintendent Stephens has been
placed at the head of a commIftee,,tb ,
look after the genoral Entertainment
of teachers who will be present from
out ln tho state.
While tho main purpose of the ban
quet is to promoto good feeling,' Pro-'
fessor Condra declares that .there are
several deeper features of the meeting
that will' make it Important It will
tend- to develop a professional feeling
among the teachers of the state aad
it will tend to put teaching la the
same class with such other professloas
as"4 law, medicine, etc. It also te4sv
to unify the teachiag methods all. oyer
the state by brlagiag teachers who
ara enfiraarad la tlu aaraci llaaa of wni-Ir
together arfd making it possible for,
'SvMfcem to exchange' ideas.