WV&J IU T'- 1 ri '? . Jf K- ,r - s -w v n - '. .:. 'a 1 - . v. 4 iih,jmf Sm " A.fi r. V-w- s -r -' 'V.- JWt 'j''i i " - ' .h'r.. v ,!'U ,4'jA ttf BWI feetrmsmsfrnm t fvoWvnirNo. 32. UNlVERlITyvdF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1W, H Price 5 Cant. v Wm- & 1 - ifl M." . ..x'maMt1 ''MP.- ' Bl ' NEBRASKA HIM HI IS Battering Conhisker. Down Vaunted Defense of Hawkeyes and Rolling up II Points Against Opponent's 8 - ;: $ FAMOUS STONEWALL LINE IN WONDERfUL PLAY AGAIN Attacks CHCh Catlin's-Men Stepped CMtiiiHNsly by Scarlet art Cream Players In Brilliant :, Defensive Wwk MNem, fMtWI Plays Iscd With Great Success By "KIhi" Csle!s Pupils. : - Gains '.y 't'ti&it' "By? desperate playing for sixty-five minutes ' Nebraska's powerful football loam whipped over-cbnfldent and haughty Iewa so decisively that tho final Bcoreof 11 to 8 does, not show the relative strength of 'the two oloveris. Eloven to nothing; or even sixteen to nothing, would, show mora equitably tho rolatlvo standing of tho teams. The Cornhuskors mado their ploven points on two touchdowns earned by hard fighting, whllo Coach Catlln'S .tfinBnBBjBnmn. - HLeneneneennaL: TaBwaBwaBwaBwaBwaawaawaawaawaW HHHHHHHHHHHUBbbV IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjmw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 'BBBBBVBBBBBBm-t " 1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb -.., &m WbVbVbVbVbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBttBBBBBBBB) BBBBBBB vBBBBBBBj HSflvSeBeBBl v wgenaeBeBBH- ' BbVBBBBT BBBBBBBam.: BjBBBBV 'BBBBBju BvbTBVA BBBBBBBBBBBr , bTbTbTbTbTbTbI . LTbTbTbYbTbTbTbTA 'jBBBBBBBBBBJBJVPJPT jBBBBBBBBBBaiBlBniBBwPi . IBBBBBBBBBHPSrV ''PLVfliHBMiw Fullbuck Kroger, Who Made the First Touchdown men pulled out their eight' points by . drop kicks. ,,' Nebraska Kroade its flrst touchdown on,atralgb. foptball, after a forward pass from Beritley to' Hiryey asd placed the ball ba, the Hawkey e twen ty yard line. Dirkner, Chaloupka, Beltrer and Kroger on straight Use attacks carried the, ball. to the 1-yard line, where Kroger 'plunged oyer o the first down, The second touchdown- came before the second halt was many minutes old; ,and was1 resulted from a forward pass. Bentlev sent the ball from Iowa's 40-. h, yard Jine, land fa Captain Harvey, who eaught it aaa ran over uie;awKeye goal line with RlgH Tackle, prow holding on to him. Twe. .DroR Kcks. " ,. Iowa made a drop kick In each halt., the much vaunted .Captain Kirk se curing the flrsbne from Nebraska's' 30-yard line." Luck entered into Iowa's etttag this dr6p kick. Kirk had punt ed tojBeHtley. ob Nebraaka's 3-yard Use, where the quarter,, gambled the halKand it'was picked up. by Qross. .Kirk then fell back for a drop klek ,:and Beat' the ball flailing squarely be tween the eroeabant Hyland, who did the, kicking, ajter Kirk, was taWea ' but in the aecoad r' halfi made the' seeond drop kick from; j-NeurasKa'a w-yara nae, iwia, urK aa iiywaa aepiea several arop ,, kleki.but all eofteBtlat the two that were nade were blooked or west far 'froM the Muu-t ' ' .dachrCtfler hai ha men save, Jh; IOWA i. I IN A FIKIOIS SIKlliliLt Backfield Plays in Whirlwind Fashion Breaking Farwarl Fass art Onslde Kick ResNltlftf In TmcMswns ly Harvey and Krtfer. now famous'' ''peekaboo" plays for Ames, but instructed them to use, the outsido kick and two or threo varieties of tho forward pass, which were'' em ployed on several' occasions for. many gainst After tho Hawkeyes had secured their first drop kick tho Qornhuskcrs "camo, back at thorn" with tho furious attack that swept away tho opposition and soon fcsulted in a touchdown. All during tho rest of tho. game Nebraska's ytfas attack was fiercely dlroctod and bat tered down, the jowa defense until Coach Catlln wab forced to send new men Into the game to relieve players wh6 were worn out In defending Idwa,'s(goal, - Nebraska's backfleld lore, fhrougli Iowa's llfie and around the ends for gains In both hl$e. Kroner- and Btrkner-:proved great1- ground gainers when they oarrled the ball. In the opening halt Blrkaer did. Bonie spec tacular work. He Was given; the ball to carry repeatedly arid hit the, Iowa .line like a battering 'ram, with head down, and running at top , speed' he sailed Into openings and advanced ten and fifteen yards before he was tackled and' then, after he had' been grabbed, he, carried his tackier on , f or 'af ew yarda more. i r Kroger did nqt Btay. in' th game long, the "eoach desiring to save him for' Ames'sext. Saturday. He hit the line hard and pledgked thrbagh for good gains, He-jnade the Rrsftouch down f rem the 1-yard line. Temple. Who BMCceeded Kroger'played fast aad.charged with speed and force. His work on the offense' was.' not sp good as Kroger's hut on the defense be threw himself. Into, the line and helped Btop'the'attaoks of, the Hawkeyes. ' Beltier. piayed ;a 'briAianL klcljlng- tronid "rltlsi kuautct WAsat fma 'tnjrtif nasal fifty .yards. On the, Inside kicks he booted the baKila'dust:the right 'way for' the CqrBhaefcers to-reoover if Tt was abt' saat, .aaa tarrbut, sailed low -H' ' I r .m ' . - '., Jl.. 'A'i .u ' wf ?if?!S ;5i:!a,i7T,t 'W g ; -. W MrHfht eHa4sioe,' for, th play to work in fine style. JBoltzer also returned tho ball woll on punts and carried It fast on runs', ' Miner's Long Runs. ' Miner, who 'went In for Beltzor bo fore tho close of tho first half, played tho most brilliant game of bis. Ne braska football career. Ho made four aonsatlonal runs, that netted Nebraska over 120 yards. Ono of these, was for forty yards! Ho dodged among' tho Hawkoyo. tacklers with sensational speed. Ho' alsd punted well, sending tho. ball nearly as' far as Bolb;er had done Bontloy, who' played his first big ganio. handled tho ' quarter "back luSsltioh with all tho skill and aagaclty of a veteran. With tho exception of the first flvo minutes when he was a llttlo nervous, his "work was bb good as could have been desired.. He ran 'off tho right plays In the right 'time ana in. the right place. He returned, punts good distances', Probably tho, greatest Individual star or the name was "Dill" niialnu tNebraaltfi'BWAHderfttrliieMe wruuRiu mere mttc,ih,im jewa-MM than any of the oUier Coraaustwi. ,He tore through lt carrying the ball on many plays ror ten ana fifteen yard, gains, throwing out of his way tackier after tackier and only finally being. stopped in ma advanced by the piling on him 'of four of Ave men. His ex hibition In this game will practically mark him as tho unanimous choice for ah all-western tackle. No work like his .had even been witnessed on fowa flpld before. w Ends Are Fast ' Nebraska's .ends, Captain Harvey and Johnson, outclassed tholr oppon ents and cutoff, attempt after attempt to.clrclo the wings, Both of them watche'd thq ball constantly 'and were after It all th'o time. . They both went down under pun,ts with speed, that pre vented tho Hawkeyes from' returning tlioljall any appreciable dlstakee.' Tho Nebraska line again proved It self tobo a stonewall, Iowa being un able to gain through either Bide' "The Hawkeyes had only one play that made them any ground. It was a tan dem on tackle play "which was hard to stoj and at first gave, them, fair' gains., The- Cornhuakers soon solyed. this play and after that Iowa's attacks were .repulsed continnouslT. Harte, Bwlng, Collins, Frum and 'Chalonpka formed, this Wonderful. defense, and each. of. them 'more' than, outplayed his opponent be butchtssed him, There4really were 'not stars la the Hawkeyes,' but Kirk, Hyland-and Gross showed up to the best advantage. The former, with his drop ,kiek taad Ma work at returning pnnts, looked like a star for the Urst few mlBUtaa',,of play, but he Seen let 'up In hla fast play and was eeMpsed. by Hyland and Gross. HylandlearrJed the ball aajrartd times and, played hard but' ha;eeld not gain consistently. jQross played real dirty ball,, slugging and taekjlng hard. nl '"? ' ' Starts "dAi tread ' u Iowa began the 'game wHa, fat play but was foreed to quit, this saea, for the, men on the team ware stayed a their' fet by 4the Cornkuakars and won: outvby the "constant a tUwks, and rapid, play, f Before' the' end of thd ae4 ed half ,the entire: Hawkay e Warn was exhausted and barely a,bl to continue the garte' The variety of plays e. ployed .by ''King" Cole'.s pupils kpt theMowa' nien guessing -so mach that another .ten mmutea.:of' iUv.wbmia awaat at lMt.oo, more toaeh- lo for.jlw Cornhwakara.1 , Thegaba -was, the blf ala asV tha Hawkeyc schedule and the one that tho Iowa players, coaches and rooters had banked en winning. Bverybody in the little city "was confident that 'PAAflli JaHI..., .mam ... 1 .. .m uwi vnuiii p uicu nuuill vniij Ull the. victory. The stpdents did net hide their confidence, and freely admitted tnat they thought .Nebraska would be easy. The rooters had figured on Captain Kirk's being the chief element In bringing victory to their team, He la a great drop Kicker, all right, but he, proved In the game1 that there Is some thing' wrong with his nerve,' and what he blight to have, been td the Hawkeye team Saturday his fear of being hurt kept him from being. Fully 3,600 pebplo witnessed the game. Many Visitors Iowa alumni and others poured into lowa City for tho game. Late In Beginning. ino contest was not stArtod until 3;10 o'clock. If had been scheduled to begin at 6 o clock but tno Iowa team delayed the gnmo,' not appearing on tno Held until 3;0, o'clock. , Iowa won the toss and choso lo, de fend tho north goal. At 3:08 tho teams faeed each ether, tllrkner kicked off for Nebraska lb Kirk on Iowa's ...6-yard line. " The captain re turned it fifteen yards. The first play was a, forward pass from' Hyland to Carberry. The ball hit the ground and went to Nebraska, tllrkner on tho first play punted to Stewart' on Iowa's 23-yard line". There ai no re turn, Gross tried a tackle play, There was no gain, Nebraska being offside was penalised Ave yards. Kirk punted to Bentley. who .fumbled, Stutsman recovered tue ball on Nebraska's 36 yard line. Kirk tried a forward pass, to Carberry:; Ho was not flvo yards out from center and tno pass was Illegal, Iowa wb penalized, fifteen yards. On the noxt play Kirk punted to Bcntley, who fumbled on Nebras ka's 30-yard line. Tho ball was picked up by Gross. Stutsman made throe yards on a playoff tacklo, Kirk fell back"for a drop kick from tho, 26-yard lino. Tho ball sailed squarely between the cross bars'. 8core,:'' Nebraska, 0J Iowa, 4. Drop Kick Falls. Dirkner kicked off to Kirk on Iowa's 10-yard, lin.e.- He returned It five yards. Kirk punted to 'Beltseu in the .center of-the field; He, returned it five yards. Chaloupka. plunged through tackle fer ten yards. Ulrkner circled left end for ten yards more, Kroger hit center ree, Chaloupka added two yards lawa. took the baH on downs. rk kicked Bentley at the center of the field. .A. forward' pass .rom Beltaer to Harvey: was 'tried It-hit the ground, Nebraska, was offside, and was, penal ized Ave yards. Beltaer punted (o Vff-i ' K offdnfdnV "' . . bBBSjUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBx bbb aTMUFABnafamnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm 1 r x. j VBwfPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj -. .BMB-Brm fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl ntnnnnnnnnnnnBmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn . annnnnnnnnnnnnnlBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV ABBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB inBmmmmmjinaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-W HBmmnnnnnlBnnm. avafBjBjBBr' .AvBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBwrBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn BmnfsTsY ' ' LnnnnnnnnnnnnfsT LVannnnnnnnfM V jlw ' Lnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl1 flBBBBY sanBBBBBBBBF pBBBBBBBBl- . 'BBBBV. ' BmBBBBBBBV.--. 'haBBBBBBBi. 'fl'dnfsf 4lLfnntnfsBBSBBSBBSBT iBntssfssfssfssfstV r ' 'BrnmnnV ' 'JjKKM 'anBBBBB , babbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjp"hpabbvf7: - "BBBBBBf" K ' ? Hj:ii!89;i " . " . . , Oross In the aeatar el floU. X triple forward 'pass froor Siowart to Cohtos' to Hyland gave Iow thirty Tarda.., ;HyUnd made -ivo. ynraa off rigat -Ucklo: Kirk, fell back" tor a drop Matt ChakKipk bloekod the ball and. Carberry: -reoavered It' tar. Jowa. wda Bsssrliii tost yards tor holding. 4 asiaido kWc by Kirk yaw a sanity. Ha retimed the bail to Kirk on ) VOTERS AlHOMf TftBAY STUDENTS WILL CAST BALLOT IN NATIONAL ELECTION. ' ' ACTIVE. CANVASS OF STUDENTS Poll ef th College oft Law tlvos tho Noted Nobraskah. Dsetded Load Oyer His Republican Opponent tf ; Students from 'all sections ofrao "' state began leaving for their nomea )ast night to voto. Although student are, allowed to register and vot,iln Lincoln It appears that tho majbrltr of the votors prefer o go home nod cast tholr ballot thee. The election la ft special Interest, being a. national ' pne. consequently hundreds, of Vouns; men will go to their homes to oast their first ballot in the presidential nlectionV So Interna In the Interest taken by the students that it Is safe to predict that every man ,o' voting; bko will take advantage of his right pf franchise. Peculiarly, too; the cam paign has been largely "waged among; I ho strident body over the country, demonstrating that the party leanora roallzed that tbero was an Jwwdoms Vote to be polled from young men who were cnstlng their first ballot in presidential contest- .Among the -law men especially was nn active cam paign waged. The presidents of' tho Tafti Bryan and Republican nj'yaii clubs are alt law students, coiifie-juent- V. 1 not n lunmbor of the' law' college , escaped tho canvass, Poll Significant ' ' About a week ago fPresldent Cop- - -nollus of tho Taft club, started to take a polLof (he unlvorslty students, by . having them express their preferenoo . ' for the two leading candidate. Bryan, and Taft, nut the students did not take proper Interest m the poll esd sequently It could not be taken autkeaf' ,' tlcally and the movement was dropffpaV Since -'then, however: several .nana: .have been taken, of the law ; eollon resulting in. an overwHeiHWHrvioiOUt for the Nebraskan'lh the, two appsr classes and about a tie In the towor ciass, ie voting in the lw resulted In 37 far Bryan and M Ssr Taft. The eanvass was Inter .--vOiRM by a 'Saoead .poll i of theslsser the socialistic candidate tor! nreslien. received, two votes, fiiu " & ' , This .does not represent' H&' toia4,. vuuna, .mi cur wi (ft ins oihab - - - l,. ' ."TT7. awthsrs ninety ln'aM. u k.Hiingbr, . bowover. that tho few vaIbb Utt iU not tr UUy otauuM;,tWnlaai.' and! that tha mWttim Mrtdtd' forvTart and Bnraa. 1st tha yearlawjetaos; oat of orair ataty stsW oonu, sji ppt seven .aavea w" rproBIor wyna. This to nil M mora emoa most ociae aaeoad pear insi. are voters. In the senior elaatvBA' wi uunjifTei winvsk .isr (Oeatlaoad Pgfe ) i) r .'i v- . ti -i . ..tf .. hy $rw " . tfj