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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1908)
wmmmmmmmmmfmamlmimmmmmmmmmmtmmmirmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmimmm'mmmm'mmmimmmmmmmtiimrmimmmmkmmmmmmmimm D i V (' T TL 3U nt MJ HUS MCElNtG new run wewet w laws atj m SMdMBVa ! ffadWda .. - - rin Pfw fflPl wbbj ! bji ws ww ww a flL-la-g-f-f-g m-at-af BBBJ bbbbbb HlwWy BWawwi 9 mmmmmmmm UAW 111,1111 RALLY iNTinilt -Mfc-a aBBAUM awaa-Laaa-LaW.BBdBa iM , 1 MWM,l4mt to Um "Cera- ika" BMM miHK kW Mil aBaBBk agaaaVl Bat a-aafaaBt aaJBaTBatdBP 4g ,HMW "tMb aBBrfw ivWwmf iwiivraM swa ----i A da--aaaadB L jp a b tdndaLsftA aLAd Mill B OTWPV VfPi fW WHCTiBH JAM M MNk otosns mr aMsmUsod If -JB-- 4 djdka -- - 1m ILU Jo. S9 OTVW mn bwbbjpbbbbbbpbbj t ! nv (Bbjibbbbbbbbbbbj BHHjpvv' 4Bvvnft nm niwwini , Main Mm mM to erttor. W. A. B?AaMBhBnBa1 akaMaa tarn' mmmLm9 Ad? Ikjl IpPv a MMVJWJ M BWVtM W SMm aaajMl a a taw 4wrUMit la jaBi jaBBBaWaBBBBsafta u - W tLjMiLja a JMOT VMMJHBKMn r " Jw arWBBBBBaaaBBBBBj, bbj, 9vlHMi ww WwW MMI JMHi IHWnl VJVvVBIVHMP OTWRm nVTvWIvrv HBVa W WM IMfVw ktV tska af sliUftiUHMMft Hw M) aw farwJ JfVW pH V f Lub dUa' A awl WJV WJPW s sktsw vsjv Hira a avy kaaalwara beea the toswlile betweea the IM IWwWI C Wl WVf4V dVw ywBB wSHs pWWiWw 99 k ready tor k wlW 9 9MIWC Mika adBma VAisV Ssw fBn dBJmA. ausBj BB B BnW nW k p& MHKBiaHt f ito I BBB BBaVBBBa, BBB BBBJVj sy Nnwit erf toe BmlBaWiBBm M A AdWBssVBJJdU-AB dftBaA Aaf ilP"iWj t dBBBflBBBBBi BBBB9 BBS Tato tefltetes AbM. K Vasal 99 9 a tksjBjA Bat taBamak ah aBaSBkaaBaBaVtoaW BfeBUkVJs BBBBfj ParBajt bbbj ajpaajpfaaaj aa lBaBWrVBrWfT BffBWft - faaW adWgmAAaBafeaidBksV " aaXlBs ' BBBBJI BFfBBJl BBBajBaK; fBBBBBBjBBj-TfaBafV W VfVViarfB; spaua to Ike ) .taarassA K l'c iB bjBJI fUBj BJSJBBk1 MaMaMiAkt H J HBsBl BBBBJBBBBmy flBBB aBVBBJBIBBBB aFBBBPBB Bv L BBSBBs BBaBPv B BaSJJBBBJ) BBajBBBBBBBi BBBB. BBVf BjBBBaRBBBVVVB BMBBBBB JBjaBnB BBJBBBBJ BBBBJ PBBBBBBB BBf BBBB; VBBBRB'BB W Bn wnsiBj Bw BBnmjt p asirmi ni imw .bbstwi 1 Wf mmMi to td anwrt f Last aMtof. W. A. IMMrtoaa, WBJ BBP BBBPBBBBM BBBVpaBBj to totoM. Ma imbm taM wraty mm t". . .... ... .. WBBajBa BPaw BaasssssjBBaay-aaiaswTaa awvwTvvarrfBj waaaiw sa FBBBB; BfJBBBBBJ BBJ BSSaBBBBB ; fBBBBj BBSBBBBB BBBBJ MMMsj BWBs"anr IW W"JW "IWbj r1P a JgB) au-ai BBtBBBVi tteoBa'BBBBVl BBBt 9 B'BBBBJ BaSBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBSBJ BBSBSBBBBI BaBBBBapSBBBBBBBBJ BB'S BS Psfw V9V4ML atosW VVsMM nPfw9fl9$k WMI tMWMis ' tsw tow BsNtMji to tdw tatfjtlAL MEBWAL V aSBBBBBBBQ BBBBBBJ BasaBBSBBaBB aSBB BBBBSaT i"BBBBaBBBBBBBJ "apaf - BSMI SBBBBPSBaB-JBar saasBsviaMsai aatr BSBBtO BaBBBBBaaaBB BaBBaBBBBSBBSa BBBBBaVB BBBBaa avBrvv ' aau-fBAa. f fJ-fg-aj ugftgkBkto Jk - SMBBBm MBBBBBBJ BBS BBBBBBBJBBBV BBBBBBBBBBJ BBBB HSTVB BS 4WBBB BBBBBBBja ijaBBBJ BBBBBBBBBXBBXBBBBBBaB aBBVBB BBaBBBB 1. at l..a a,. a m a A- - WfltMMMtlHHOTWinNawl "P" 'I'"' iiiib to MriN famrwtw at i aa mm wfm arlmarMy tow nwim, jh bmbbm bmc mm pP( m aan ( """"f alrv SWMto. i psBBjtaf aa)lB)sjaaBlr kealtoatoa. aaltor AStof aaaaaT aaaifa4 Mm ihmk BsF aaMaBsaaTaArJ aaaaP BaaaBBHatfBBaaaaTBl - " , ' 'iMIjfl Mbm llaato. A( a tossatoa X too gajdiamera Hop assBBjoBBag bbo) BsaBB asaasaasj a aaa l -.i .;t . . ilBfcA ami a ..j aaBBja BBBBMBaapwB wmjr aaB ' ? " Bwarsas w UNWlERSltY Of NElltASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, CXTT01ER 31, l0f tag Kebertsos aa' enthusiaatlo recep ttoa. The move for separate depart fMkta far the different colleges has Um approval of. 1Kb. taedloa and Rob erUea waa given to underataBi. that the atHdeata would aee thai their de partment was property .repreaeated. FOREST. CLUB DOCS Q000 WORK. Fawew To Bo Haiti at .Cawerth Park Tefilfht.-!' The -aMuwer la whtea m Forest alub has started' o Its year's work gives promise that the his reputation which l(has earaed brjjw work In past years 'will, be more" ihan, main tained this" yeah Progrinis, .tyr the seWester have been IstiUed by the club and a systematic coitmo of study Is being pursued. The Forest club wn ornsnlzed In the fall of 1904, nearly. two years after the forestry courso was Inaugurated la the University of Nebraska. The olub deals with technical forest prob lems but treats them In a popular manner so that they may be of Inter est to all. A definite scheme, of woik waa outlined last, year, which Is to be earned oa for 'several years, and cov an and augmeats the regular work given la the forestry course. Last year .nine professors and eleven students addressed the club-in fifteen regular meetings. It Is the aim of the etab to divide the formal programs aomwft'iiwi'a t O. A. BEL-TZklR Comhueker Right End mMmMwJV&irsJ-sJiirj'rrrti aa aearlr aa possible betweea foaaera aad ataaWts. Tata aveamK the fof oetrx.clui will ftoM a paw-wew aBpwarlh park. A M Sre will be bUt and it la expected that everyeaa -will have a Jelly lime. LECTURES, l.-- a -1 filkmfBI Will If WiBBaBTlfl tVTVfl W S I IBJ I WW JTB VB1B"BBI to Wtotor SarUa,3c AJtoBaassaient waa mad yeatorday aa at aLaraaaiAai aaaf tjakaTCaBalaU ataAatiABll tsftaaataaUPBsal "BBJ BBBBfBBBBBJ BBBJBBBJBBBaS aWBBBBJIBBBit VVTWan a Baal ssajtoMi a44W4sJr Madt TffJaltor'llir aMta BB BPfa BBB7aBjBf ( aawavtwaBj vBjsbiw ninivi avaj taarvaa Mto aalvepsKy toeaHy ad etoars tVVM f C Uw wwTa ' aTawfl awsary fJl Mm aartoa wW be ajKoa at a rotator afMkaamaTBrkAjlABa taAaMUF 'Lai giAildrl tlBai Jf AftkaaL BaBBBBJ'aBaBBBaBaaBjaBJ BSaBBBjaj ffa) Bt1BBB WTBJi aj BarBWaH rU Lai TBI -flafHI ""-" iaMaaUrValai as tAat jdBB'aaw'BB Vvavs BsaBjaB; aw, BBBBBBn aawwai bbti, wnat (4 -arnaiTf tiBjtll tka MbK m BjaBrBa BBBBBiaaB) anvaw6 BrawBB awBar bf la Ataril 'lnan'InntMrawi'' fWS V ! BS 4 BWVBBBB BVUfjail BBBSf 9( 9 "Jw'BnBwWBjS aBHwTBj ft- gj aaaajklft Bl f&aUulaU tLaLtliPA MM BBBB at BS'BBP'BB SB) BV'SFBBVBwa BBTWfc BBS W SBI to a raadtiy aadirstssd ar aU ato- BBBBjBBBBjpa BBBj a?PJVwwVS arAV waBMaaa AfaBBBaaMgaal "MaaaaaaB-aa "Ua BfcBBBBBBBrTtW- a sjaBBBBBBBPBTP t ' WW BtSTVJia MdUaVidB taTAMaUtol MHdl Tat ItfatJlaaBkMB ' Aa WBBBBBBBf aBBBTBBfrBJ BBWBBB Si f ' WW BBWWBBJBBBjtJK BB TBTAm BBBBBBj e aBBBaV -aiLw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB):-r v ,w 'BiBiBiaKLp'r aLLLLLkam . 'aLLLLLHtam1 sBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBa BBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBABaBBj BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJSBBBJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr LLbwLH,, BBBBBBBBBBBBBl TaTaiBTaiBTaTam BBBbB LaB 'tbtbtbtbtJ' btbtbts 'BBJ aaBBB BbW'.' svavJ BBBB BBBV Taraf ' raS BBBJ BJBf ,BbBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBu f ' sisimauimmsai TO MEET jOWA TODAY GREAT GAME EXPECTED AT IOWA CITY THIS AFTERNOON. I0TM TEAMS EXPECT VICTORY - , - ' The Cernhutkers Are In Qood Condi tion and Are Hopeful of cleaning 4he jowansr-Captaln fclrk'a " ,Too Is, .Greatly Feared. PROBABLE LINE-UF. rJebrMWa Wt; lowaWt. Harvey (Capt.) . (,174) . .. ... ..r. Chaloupka (tM)r. Harto (1B0)-st..r. e..,.iHylnd(lB9) X....,i Gross (190) g..k.. Connor (165) Collins (175)....'. o, ..Hastings (178) Ewlnay(18e)..... fl.,..iBeldell (216) Frum (186).. .....I. t... Stutsman (176) Johnson (170) . . ,.l eH. .Carbsrry (141) Bentley (142).. -..,q.' ... Stewart (131) Brrknor.(l76), ...,r.' h.Klrk (Capt.) (184) Beltzer (165) . . . .1. h Collins (163) Kroger (170) .....f. b.. , Hazard (170) Total Wt Nebraska, 1,M3; Iowa, i,i Average Wi Nebraska, 174: Iowa, 169. ' t 8C0RES ;n PREVIOUS YEARS, Year. ., Nebr. Iowa. 18M ..' 4.,......'.., 0 ).. 1993 ..4.y..:..,,,!...17 . 6 1904 " , a" ' t , . if M7 IMPORTANT GAME8. TODAY. West, '''. Nebraska vs. , Iowa.-- Chicago vs Minnesota '& Ames vs. Missouri ' Indiana vs. Illinois Ml&hlaaAJWOMidarbllt Kait. i? Carlisle vs. Navy Princeton ;va. W Point Harvard, vs. BroWn Dartmouth vs. Amherst IOWA CITV la-, Oct. 30.-,(Speclal to he pally Nebraskan.) With, "King" Colo's ''peek-a-boo'' play put ugalast Mark Catlln's" "angle play' ttia. elevens representing the Unlver- Wty. ,bf .Nab.raakk atld .University of 'Iowa, will meet to settle honors to hforrow afternoon, on Iowa field: ' It Is one of the moat .important; games In the Missouri Valley this season and tho result yllt be watched' wUh interest. Ir.wa Ts .anxious to de feat the Cornhuskers and thus claim superiority ovor Minnesota, the' team that could not defeat 'Nebraska, ' '' Beth elevens are cripple' accord ing t'o, the "dopo" sent out from .the respective institutions, Beltzer, Kro ger and Cooke are tfiebatte'red CJorn huskers, whlle.Captain Kirk, the great Iowa drqpklcker,"and Perrlne .are the Hawkeyes who will-be handicapped In the game. In fact, Perrlne will prob ably not be uaed, Quarterback Car berry taking, his plaee at left ead. At Uiree o'etoek this aftameea the' Corahaskers and Coaeh CatMa's lowaaa will batin a straggle to Iew City whteh, aeee.-dlag to preseatdope, will be a Maraa- 9M. Be far this sea soa, toe raaerd ef the lewa toam has, net btoa ae W1U aa that at the COTBhuatwrs, 'tott tkje to muah to be said to axtaatoKtoa of tow raac. Two weeks age tow dofeated by .Mis souri la a hard atruaflto'by he aaoye of 19 te 6." la lata game Iowa's stir aad eaptoto, Kirk, waa, latored and did net ptoy to Mm sesoad half, aad to this toat Um Iawa reeters attribute tha defeat at thalr toam,' m than; kewever , Kirk had had two waexa to. Vfktoh te ,g-st baok into. eaadlUea aad ha Isiaaid to be' la ajaad fern tor to day's . If -toa , Cefaaakers aaa preveal LKlrk freto soorlag aay e& Mi drop. ktoka NaVwam wlU frt4wUy wta, for. tW CaA rjalk'a sU. ' ; ,. m--TT' ba very algnlAonnt. Missouri and Ames clash today. and should the tigers wlh'ahd Nebraska iose to, Iowa, Missouri would have a claim to the Missouri Valley title., Neither of these; things' Is looked' fof, "however. If ail expectations are' fulfltled both1 Ames and Nebraska will win today, and In that cas the real climax will occur at, Omaha next Saturday when the CorofcUBkerr and the Ibwa "soil ucKiers ge iogeincr -e-' The Nebraska Telephone coslpaay will operate a complete bulletin and diagram of the Nebraska-Iowa game at thejr offloo1 on South Thirteenth bUeet this afternoon. . The 'varsity second team left yes terday aftornpon for Peru, where they meet the Normal students today. The players are in goo 4 condition, and ex beet to trim the Peruvians. The fol lowing men made the trip:' Tlghe, Drlggs, Mussen. Chauner, Lafgreen, Gibson, Anderson, Pierce, Neff, WaU ors; Bubl, Ford, Powers', Farley, Angel anJ Rathbono, Will Produce German, Play; Bxtenslve preparations are being made to put on a German play next spring. The departmont Is now. busy scouring the campus for suitable tal ent to take the male characters, of which there are a large number, The play which will tie' given Is en- iiiivfvwwxiflnmwMJWJtmwvwWiJMi LBUIS'-HARTE, Nebraska Right Guard lfijrftnftftaWT'WWWUiiMUuWW JlUed "MJ. yoldelbergS;''. tea Uy Wllhelm Meyer a nenulHe Geralah studtot "life to .Old; Heidelberg to a manner as td. prove of interest to every university TKudeat, As lt a student, play, the number of .saale characters fa Beseaeiarily la ftwre batagfRf teea or -tweaty; atoni aad'oaly three or four w'oaiea'la. the play.- The. "great' prepoaderaHee of ' -to female; ebanwters'maea, it lit Itoult for the Germaa apartmeat 'to aaltabto talw t te i 'Ue.ek fro a dapartatoa't la ' whte ; by" fr th greater Tr eet of the , otodaats are. wemaa,- ' " " j irA-. The Sato set; rertoe 'praeUoa Saa not beea'dadBlteiy settled upoa 'baC it will be'ttBM'Unto'toClMrtorDay WoaVaf V "" WflfW7t The library ban raeeatly reVotved a .large threa-vblanM ror'k aa Mm Na jtoaal, AaarttoVBpeMttoB, 1M1-1994. Tito work deato with. Uto BaatoawV abeL atw-aavd betoay'af UM ttoHoas TtoMsd. aa4-kT protosiry aiustratod: -An' t aattoa iaatotieal dtoeawtoais gtraa of tie' aalsMl -Htoef ta 'rWtoaaad ntoay fulVpaf '.'eoloraa ,.:totoa ' wm i Tb work.tottM rewort'of Mm Brtatod bar -n rT--r Tti BJBBBBBMfMmx' ' c H ' aaBBBBal mmW --. 'raralBBBTarararararM- ,BBBT 'BaBBBaBsHF ' BBBBBBBBBBH m ' BBBBBBBBarBBBBBBBBH ''V LXXWWW-' BbBbT"i BTbBTbV 'BBBBBBBBBBBHBBVjBtoSBBBTaf " 'bbbbbHbbb 1' . aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf 999mW oraar of Um . .. .--- rx T., . . ' PriceS Cant TIGHT WHITE PLAGUE DEAN WARD DELEGATE TO TU- r r ' BERCUUOSIS CONBREU. MAVE EXMMT (VOW W LtNCOiN Organlsatlena Whlth Are ttndsavorfng( td Step Inreads of Dread bfesaao r. "K -Have TravSllntf La'ctdrM-a zt to Eduoate FeopTs, At the special medical eoavocatloa yesterday afternoon Dean Ward .called the atteatloa of, the students to tha medical collage to the tuberculosis exhibition and lectures now.betog ooa ducted ,1a this e4ty by the ergaaiia tlons which are engaged la attempsg to. stamp out the ravages of the great y white plague, - -'! Dean Ward emphatically urged ev ery judeat la the medloai oeursa to "'" attend the exhibit and as maay of , the lectures as possible with a aote- ' ' book In hand might make' "' a Bote, of the many educational fea -' ; ures, -which will be developed. Ha , Y declared that the exhibit .had an edu- '., catlonal yaiue of great lmportanoe to all cltiwBB but-aepeeUily aey to tha "medical student. ' , n " The exhibit which opened yesterday In Lincoln is but part oil a great '- campaign of popular education bow, be ing carried on in all parti of. the country, The movement Is tk out growth of the recent tatanailenai tuberoulosis .congress ke4d in Wasav- Ington; D. C, to whiek Dr?Waf a delegate. That meeUag representative ef. the Bjrowto laatlea to rid aaaaaBltv af.tatM WaaoBBBBK,.!. , afaKafiaaKT tl possible.' The anti-tubereuloato aUa , ,'" tioi had, Its .beginning abVoaaV vlt -then' canie across to the. eastern aaa. ., tlon of the United States aad is now ' 5 sweeping the country. Tha Washington 'Centres. , - .ffhe international coagreae, of whtoh', r Dean, v Ward wad a memBr, met iiirr ' -Washington late In, Septeaibar.-: ,l , .discussed at lawrtk the progress ntada , ' , 1,i)'ftK.Bg e. rayagaa-ef mm drea .: . disease aad uadertoek t 1prosrUM'' -, further measures' f orjsesoaiaf Mm,' 'v danger of tofeetioav ;At tha maattog; - wai.nton.efMk-wlariaUsMlB' 4 the, medleal .Faaa'nMsaa; t were fully represented aid the solrlt ' y there, evldoaeed was" that aM natioaa -'' ' bad, a eotpmon cause asajaat aeaat- ' -J, mon eaefiay'waea toay JteagMi 'tobarC .' 'culosia. '" .,' ' ".,1 :; There ,, was aahiy ted in. Waahlngtoa. at toe itlme of thd doBgreaa avaat; ' t ttmwwa. jsi maierwi gaiaerea. -. City has ataee. palf 0,M ,Uat to aatlre aoUaettoa mtoht ba -----'' - tha pbJla of that ato.fer toeif ;9mwip ttoa(' ftXaea tha atosa W the psbstms a snll axWWttoa sbla UatWrtoto ; ravaaaa oi, onasnm,iioa?:aad: aMtod dl- aiiBra-- VeaUye BMasarea' oa bW 'yarof ,' ' Tf fj).'t.lJBtoB tha oeaatry, -ntoeh ;of t0M aaadetstoaa t )a a aeooaa mm tod ' b "a. toeWar .wao . potots 'out'Uto totoortoafa: of siasart- c ad;-aMtoa by iaa p-ok Jt Uto watt pto Uc b' raYd f roes a pramtoaat ,tostttoai iMtoac'totoi dt- eatos.-. AtiPotota. ha to ajtotbtt Hop tor.;aBUSiS.'ofd'H:to;toa m. te.Ma;BtosiMBJMli '. bfcja.. lui Wjhj.A' hMaat A - . . ! "T, mwrnt awswa . r- sveaaaaoaai . LWMI WfNI bwIc" . Ta asbibKtoa ; yaatordtoy .aad ' w Satoraay vaahic;, ,pairto' Mm rb k '' toh)raloato MMf ti; r1Hif BMhMn haitb will .apiaak.- tharawOl b kait aa4 Oovsraar IstoHtoJi. It ta Um bmbni at and .1? writ- gether by tubereulo4s. experts Twd ra- 1' rorater. tt w Mauag to , eKeotlve ' maasarea agalaat play. depleungHhe spread of taa disease. New,YorV r -".i, . ,' . .....-.. v.r---r - f X V 0 - if ; ,m V.' ih; if 1 . ,-.- s. aBflAW Si-U 221. '& el totajrv aaaaa will s Vw',ii,rrfft;ff J4t. 5,T?? -, d rifclJt-.'-Ai.l ; v i BafLlI r ' ''T' M ., .-. ( .JbbsIbIbL . v. ' - -.- i - "- - ' -