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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1908)
ffiTf :' . . r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN L. '11 ?&&, I f I f I I r 8 ; U $ v i i I.-I If. I, , .. & H s t 1 I l ft ft 1 Cbe ifrajlE flebragftan TaaB PttOPBnTY OF tub UNIVERSITY. OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NelmiakA rtjBUJHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY ARO MMDAY BY THB STUDENT PUB.BOARDX Prtlicattoi ma, 126 m,141fcSC EDITORIAL 8TAF. X X. nor ciyao b..biiioii, -u ...naglno Editor... Herbert Vi. Potter, '10 News Editor .liynn Lloyd, '11 AmooUU Editor ..Victor Smith, '11 OUSINE88BTAFF. Mvrtagar Qebrgo M. Wallace, '10 Circulation y.....J, Roy Smith. '09 Aiat. Manager Earl Campbell, '10 eiy Editorial and Business Office: 8A8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofhce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rnto of 10 cents por Insortlon for ovory flftoon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices itnd University bullotlns will giadly bo publlnhod free. Entered at tho postofTlco at Lincoln, Nobraska. as socond-claHu mall matter under the Act of Commons of March 2, 1879. FRIDAY, OCTOnER 30, 1908 THE IOWA GAME. NobrnBka moots Iowa tomorrow at Iowa City In what undoubtedly will bo ono of tho hardost games on tho Corn huskor schedule Iowa has Nebraska on Its homo grounds and will play In ovory way that It Is possible to win. Nebraska studonts should not bo sur prised if tholr team Is taken into enmp by tho Hawkoyos. Sinco the Missouri contest, Iowa has boon pointing to this game. It has in condition to enter tho contest tho best playors In tho Iowa stato univorslty. Kirk, tho wondorful drop klckor, will bo lined up against Nobraska, and tho Iowa rooters oxpect that his playing will result in tho downfall of "King" Colo's mighty pupilB. Tho Cornhuskers wont to Iowa laBt night propared to fight to tho last ditch. They roallzed that tho gamo will be fully as stiff a proposition as tho Ames game at Omaha a week from tomorrow. Every man who made tho trip Is in fit condition for tho grueling gamo which 1b bound to be played with Iowa fighting to regain tho su premacy lost to Missouri recently. In tho loss of Quatorback Cooko No braska will bo seriously handicapped, but will bo ablo to put up probably as warm a gamo as Iowa can handle Bontloy is a good substitute for Cooko and should ho run tho toam as well as his practico work Indicated he will, No- II4luO. TWOSTOKLS braska should stand a good chance of winning. Whatever tho results, .the Nebraska students should welcomo the toam home, and encourago It for the great-, est of all contests on the schedule this fall the "game with Amea at Omaha November 7. October 30, Friday Collegb Hour 4,30 to 6:00 November. 3, Tuesday Convocation. Mr. Arthur E. Weatherly, "Tho Commission System of City Gov . eminent" , November 10, Tuesday Convocation. Prof. Powers, head of the Uqi veralty Bureau of Travel. , November 12, Thursday Convocation Dean H. B. Ward, "The Plague." November 17, Tuesday Convocation, Chancellor E. B. Andrews " Pub lic HoaUh in Its Relation to tho Preservation of Natural Re sources." 8oclal Hour This Afternoon. . Attention is called to the social hour from four thirty to six this after noon. Men as well as women are in vited. BE READY FOR THE NEXT ROUGH HOUSE. A Good Irish Bald Wlgr. 60cta; Blug uer Whiskers on Wire. 25cta. Gauxo Wax Nose, 16cts; Grcaso Paint, 15cta; Clay Pipe. 6cts. En tiro Outfit, 11.00. Send 4cta. stamps for largo Catalogue, of Ploys,. WIga, Make Up Materials and "Tho Art of Making; Up." Dep. .C, 'fradomore Co., Toledo, Ohio., MAKES POUR SHOWING IOWA 8TUDENT8 DI8APP0INTED IN WORK OF TEAm KIRK NOT IN SCRIMMAGE WORK Tbwa 8tar Fears to Enter Practice Be cause of Danfler of Again In jurlng Knee Perry Not In Game. IOWA CITY, In.,xOct. 29. Iowa's football stock took a Jumn downward Inst ntaht in the BcrlmmagcNnractice aguinst the freshmen eleven on Iown field. Conch Catlin was plainly dhv appointed with tho 'showing of hi3 playors and' was evon moro silent than usunl when tho squad was finally aent in to tho showers. StudontH wore admitted to Iowa floU and a large open nlr masB mooting for the Nebrnska gnmo was held. Flf teon hundred undergraduates accom panied by a couple of hundred co-eds Bung nud yollod thomselvcs hoarse in encouraging tho llawkoyo olovon. However, the work of tho stands was not benoflcinl to the regulars, as three touchdowns formed tho sum total of the work of Catlln's 3coring machine. At times tho head coach'? fplcn.lldly devised plays worked well The play was snappy only after Catlin had Kivon tho men n hard locturo. Tho open stylo of football resulted. Cnptnin Kirk, tho great Iowa star, ran signals with the team, but Catlin decided to keep him out of tho thirty minute's scrimmage. His kneo is not iln the best of Bhape and Frodler O'Urlen foarod a second bump on the tondcr spot. Fee look his place but his bud knee gave way and Haggerty was sent In. dorrlne will probably not be In shape to play against Nebraska nnd Carborry will tako loft end. Nebraska One of Best. CHICAGO. Oct. 29. In writing or Chicago's content with Minnesota next Saturday Walter H. Eckersall says: "It is conceded that Minnesota Is developing a strong olovon thin year, and many critics have given it cre.llt fif .making us much advancement as nny team since tho .opening of the foot ball season. In Nebraska tho gophers mot a team that gives promise of be ing ono of tho best In this year' standing. Although the CoruhuBkers wero outplayed in some departments of the gnmo thero was no doubt that says, my new store at 1415 O Street is selling hiore shoes every day. Bench made, electric welt, Roch oak soles, the $5 kind at $2.50. Any leather any styleany size suDoose vou stnn Nobraska was tho superior In other pointB of piny." Minnesota. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 29. Dr. Wil liams' gophers closed their scrimmage work In preparations f$r tho -Chicago gamo yesterday with a grueling two hours' Work behind closed gates. With "Pudge" Heffelflnger behind the sec ond team, the scrubs fought tho ad vance of tho regulars like demobs an.l the result was perhaps the hardest session since the season's opening. Tho men wero driven almost to ex haustion In the scrimmage, but when darkness put a Btop to this work Dr. Williams kept his men for another hour of signal work under tho big electrics. It was 6 o'clock before tho men got tho word to" hike for tho showers. Light signal work was indulged in early this afternoon and tho first team, twenty-eight strong, together with the coaches, will leave at 8o'clock In the evening bound for Chicago and the game which will decldo their football fortunes of 1908. Illinois, CHAMPAIGN, 111., Oct 29. Capl. Van Hook of Illinois had an ankle twisted in yesterday's scrimmage and may bo unable to line up against In diana on Saturday, although the big leader declares he will play, "Van's" Injury forced him to limp out of tho scrimmago, probably tho last before tho Indiana game. With Trainer Rudderham sick and Van Hook ancV several others' bunged up tho coaches began to worry nbout tho condition of the cloven for Sat urday. Twist, touted as a strong con tender for a lino position ox center or guard, or Butzcr will tnkeVnn Hook's place if the captain is unable to play. Butzor was unable to roport today. A superb stand by the 'varsity on tho ono yard lino was ft feature of .the scrimmage. Freshmen , and sophomorea will push the ball m n contest' to morrow nnd this will prevent pro longed practico. Sixteen hundred, student tickets wero sold for the Indiana game. Michlaan. aNN ARBOR.Mlch., Oot 29. Tho cheerfulness that has pervaded tho Wolverine camp the last two weekn recovered roih the setback of the. paBt day or ywo when tho results of yeBterdny'B scrimmage wero learned. The 'varsity tore through the scrubs for three straight touchdowns, gain ing consistently, it would appear that Yost's efforts at strengthening tho offensive piny had been successful. The coach now Is satisfied with th defense of the team, as it showed up well In thlH department in the O. S. U. game. He and four graduate coaches hnve contored their1 efforts In perfecting plays to carry the ball into tho enemy's territory. The forward pass, which failed bo signally In the O. S. U. game, was worked with great success today. The fact that the scrubs, when given the bnll on tho twenty yard lino, failed to get a goal until a continued trial of twenty minutes is taken as cause for lurther congratulation. Wisconsin. MADISON, Wis., Oct. 29. Thai tho Badgers connot stand prosperity was evidenced today when tho toam took n slump following tho brilliant show ing made last night. Excepting Mess mer and Wllce, tho regulars were In the scrimmage against, tho scrubs. Ragged form was shown, especially In the ubo of tho forward pass. A stu dent massmeeting will be hold tonight to arouse spirit for the Marquette Ramo. Tho faculty athletic council decided to hold a purity banquet for the maroona and badgers November 20, tho night before the game. Harvard. BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 29. The Har vard 'vnrBlty eleven was given the hnrdost practice of the year yester day afternoon. From start to finish tho men wero driven at top speed. Lieut. Graves coached McKay and Fish, Kersberg had charge of the, guards and contor, Daly handled the' backs, and Davo Campbell tho ends. Throughout tho scrlramago with tho Why Pay More? freshmen team tho head coach kept calling for moro speed, and the result was that the play was much faster than usual, -McKay and Fish doing well under the direction, of Graves. Capt. Burr did not take part In the acrlmmngo, as he Is trying to rid him self of a bad cold. Smith and Forschelmor, the full backs, are recovering from their In juries, and probably will be able to get back Into tho .gamo In n few days. Chicago. CHICAGO, Oct. 29. A football ver sion of tho prodigal son story without the fatted calf was staged yesterday at tho University of Chicago with Tom Kelloy, tho wayward lineman, In tho leading role. The mnroon tackle, who Jumped tho team In a huff Monday because ho felt he was not appreci ated by Coach Stagg, bogged his way back to Marshall field and will bo, given a chance to make good. Kelley may play against Minnesota Saturday, and he may not be judged classy enough to appear. Coach Stagg merely permitted him to join In the practice without making any promises to Eive him back his old position. If he can stand tho Marshall field rou tine and improve h's playing he will go agalnBt the gophers, the rooters think. Kelley made humble apologies for his action In leaving tho field Monday and objecting to being placed at guard and Coach Stagg finally consented to a compromise. He was used at guard in practice, where ho was satisfied to remain, anjl will he glad to play day after tomorrow. KKJK)KOJKO0OOb00 Just Received I A lot of Young Men's Spatt Suits coat and pants to match vest and gaiters of plain cloth kersey cloth. They are the swellest ever in the city for $15. Other stores ask $22.50 and $25 for them come in and try them on. ::::::: li XN Palace Clothing Co. I 1419 O Street 3 o oogoggogoogogiooogogK)gooooooooeo o NOTJ C E ! To All University Students When wanting the BEST, order it from COLLINS. Manu factures of Frozen Creams, Ices, Punches, Puddings and rancy Individuals. Northwest Corner 7th and L Streets Special attention given to student affairs. Bowls, Spoons and Punch Glasses are furnished free with each order. M FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION WH ITEBR EAST CO. 1106 O Street Auto 3228 Bell 234 gooooosiDffiooeocoTOooo The New JEvrt I t' ''4f. " MM Msmf J mmmmm MAGEE & DEEMED Kensington Clothes They FitThey Keep Their Shape 6ooooOQoeott&o Phones Bell 428 Auto 1228 GUARANTEED Overcoat The now Fall Coat that" we are selling so many of is striking in appearance be cause of the nobby models in which they are made. The fabrics are fancy Overcoatings of every shade. Double faced with fancy back so that the Coats are only lined through the shoulders. A coat that gives remarkable service. Cra vanetted - and guaranteed storm-proof. Some lojig down to the ankles; others only to the knees. We show a great assortment of styles and colors at all prices. $15 to $30 t s V A ? ''lit i fcs s r j tui pjitij.d-i,, t.": ii ' ritMmt . ana or"ttill tPTWClPywmr7fWH '.nwwwarrf c ., tH