The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Over Sank of Conmrct
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Cuffs, Pair 60
Let Us Do Your Woik
Business Directory
Every Loyal University Student
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braskan advertisers, and to men
tion the paper while doing so.
RANKS Central National; First
TruBt and Savings.
BARBER SHOPS Croon's Shops.
BATH HOUSE Chris'. Elovonth and
BOOK . STORES Co-Op; Porter's;
. Unlvorslty.
CIOARS Colo & McKonna; Wolfo &
GLEANERS Blumon thai; H. Smith;
CLOTHING Bnkor Pants Co.; Mageo
& Doomor; Mayor Bros.; Palace
Clothing Co.; Spoler &31mon.
COAL Gregory. V
coln. DENTISTS J. R. Davis; YoungbluL
DRY GOODS Horpolsholmer; Miller
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FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; C. H,
; Frey.
FURNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Magee
' & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Palace
Clothing Co.; Spier & Simon; Cerf.
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PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons.
RESTAURANTS Boston , Lunch;
SHOES Beckman Bros.; Braith
walte; Budd; Cincinnati Shoe Store;
SKIRTS The Skirt Store.
TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Herzog; Lud-
wig; Marx; H. Smith.
THEATERS Lyric; Majestic; Oliver;
TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter
Leaves 8uddenly and Without Expla
nation Corberry Will Take Per
rine's Place If Later Is
Hurt In Game.
IOWA CITY, In., Oct. 28. "Iowa
must and will win the Nebraska
game," 1b the slogan at tho university
tlioHo dayB, and tho gonoral Improve
inent In tho cloven makes tho war
cry Bound reasonable. The toam has
been remodeled since tho Missouri
slump, nnd tho honllng of bad knoos
and broken bonos has put an ond to
"benr stories" for tho current week,
at least.
Even Capt. "Chick" Kirk, Iowa'B
grentost punter and drop kicker, 1b
nonrly woll, and his knoo will lot him
onter tho Nebraska gnmo his flrBt
l,lny In two weoks, except easy prac
tice tonight. Iowa suffered ono bad
loss to-day, however, when Brugman
quit (he squad without an explanation.
He wns a valuable qunrtorback, an 1
hl going lenves only Stewart nnd
Carborry for that poBt.
If Pdrrlno's broken shoulder, now
nonrly woll, is hurt again Carborry
Will havo to tako Porrlno's ond Job,
and tho result would bo to leave the
olovon with only a single quarter,
Stewart. Leaving out UiIb hard luck
Ktory' tho toam Is Joyous, and lta
followers look for a victory over Ne
braskn but only after a redhot game.
Two mn8s meetings for ono foot
ball game Is the rocord set by the
University of Iowa In preparing tho
Htudont body for enthusiastic rooting
and support of Its eleven Saturday
afternoon in tho game agnlnst Ne
braska. Arrangements havo been completed
for a. great demonstration the Friday
night before the game. President
Goorgo E. MacLean, Regent Joo R.
Lane of Davenport, mombors of tho
toam, alumni and students will speak.
This afternoon a great open nir
masB meeting was hold on Iowa FIoM
while tho team hold scrimmage prac
tice against tho freBhmen olovon. Yoll
masters wore chosen and tho rooters'
club effectively organized.
Tho scrimmage last night was sat
isfactory to tho coaches. Hastings at
center and Connor at right guard
proved a winning combination on tho
defense. Carborry will probably play
loft end Saturday, as Poriine Is not
in condition for the game. Captain
Kirk was. kept out of the scrimmage
lust night, Feo taking hlB plnco.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 27.
Incessant rain for tho last week has
turned Northrop' field Into a sea of
mudfl and Coach WilliamB today, des
pairing of accomplishing satisfactory
results hy furthor work in mud and
water, took the first and second teams
to the state fair grounds, and practice
was held in ono of the big covered
live stock pavilions.
Punting wns out of the question, but
tho mon showed some speed playing'
on dry ground. The pony back field
executed some clover passes which
netted long gains aglnst tho scrubs.
The forward pass was Intercepted in
several Instances and the men havo
to learn much before this play can
be relied upon for consistent gains.
With tho Chicago game but four day
distant the coaches are working the
men to tho limit. Tho fact that the
Wisconsin game comes but one week
lator hais been forgotten for tho tlmo
bolng, and Marshall field Is tho pres
ent horizon.
Tho men are not being taught many
plays, but are being drilled to exe
cute a few turns accurately. As a
righting team It comparos favorably
With -the best Williams over has pro
duced. Tho mon aro capableof put
ting up a dofenso whldh will make any
team go tho limit to run up a score.
Storlos which havo been coming to
Minneapolis via Chicago aro amusing
to the Minnesota backers, for the
the lightest in years.
Asido from Rosonwald, tho now tackle,
there Is not a real heavy man on the
The ontiro back field is composed
of light men, and McGovern Is a ver
itable mldgot. Pottijohn Is a light
ond, and tho linemen havo been out
weighed In both tho AmoB and Ne
braska games. Tho team will be
given a rousing sondoff Thursday
night, and will bo followed by a band
of nearly 2,000 rooters Friday. Tho
codet band of sixty pieces also will
make tho trip.
CHICAGO, Oct. 28. "Tom" Kelloy,
right tackle on tho maroon football
toam will not bo In Saturday's Chlca-go-MlnnoBota
battlo. He quit the
Midway toam yostorday In a huff as
tho result of alleged slights and a mis
understanding with Coach Stagg, an
nouncing his decision to desert the
maroons for good and all.
Kolloy, who wan ono of the strong
est players on Stagg's team, will have
no chance to got back into the graccB
of Coach Stagg following his self-imposed
oxllo. Tho big tackle told of his
wrongB freely nnd refused to come
out for yesterday's Important- scrim
nrngo, and Conch Stagg made it plain
that he would not welcome tho player
back on the squad nfter his Insubord
The tackle loft the practice field
Monday afternoon, when Coach Stagg
shifted him to guard to make roqm
for Faulk at right tackle
mediately balked, nnd Stagg informed
him to return at once or quit the
team. An apology followed, and the
coach supposed matters had been fixed
up until yostorday, when Kelley came
out with his ultimatum and Bald ho
would leavo tho university this week
as well as tno team.
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 27. After a
severe Bcoldlng the 'varsity today
thowod better spirit in practice than
hitherto this yonr and In loss than
twenty-five minutes ran up six touch
downs on the strong freshman team,
which wbb unable to score. The
couches pronounced -It the best prac
tice of tho "season. Both Wllco and
Osthoff wore given a chance to rest.
"Butch" Boylo mado big gains In the
new tackle back formation play. Moll
did no drop kicking, but showed fine
judgment In using clover trick plays.
A long and perfectly oxecuted forward
pass from Moll and Mossmor to Capt.
Rogers netted great gains. Stlehm,
center, mado a beautiful kick off the
sixty-five yard line.
CHAMPAIGN, 111., Oct. 27. Tho 1111.
nols line may boast another mammoth
playor besides Capt. Van Hook If
Twist, aubguard, maintains the gait
Tio started In today's scrimmage.
Twist, who 1b a cholco morsel of 230
pounds, played In such a manner as
to mako him a strong contender for
Burnell's position at loft guard unless
tho Champaign boy backs up. Twist
pleased the coaches by his gritty work
in lino. Butzer is another player
whoso work makes the line-up for
Saturday against Indiana uncertain.
Ho Is striving hard for either a lino
position or Bremer's full back job.
With Slnnock resting today, Illlnl
slowed up, and tho coaches were dis
satisfied. It may prove hard to ginger
up the eleven for tho Hooslers. The
ofllclnls for Saturday's game will bo
Kelly, Princeton, referee; Wrenn, Har
vard, umpire; Fleager, Northwestern,
ANN. ARBOR, Mich., Oct. 27.
Coach Yost dopes It out that Mich
igan's chances in the Pennsylvania
game depends upon whether Full Back
Jimmy Watklns recovers from his In
juries. That he is not optimistic Is
manifested by u freely mado predic
tion made nfter the O. S. U. game,
that Pennsy ought to win by a score
of about 30 to 0. He figures the east
erners havo all the advantages which,
combined with tho hard luck that
Michigan has suffered since thoopon
lng of college, should make them big
favorites when the olevens lino up on
Ferry flojd Nov. 14.
Michigan scrubs tore the 'varsity
team to bits In this 'af to rnobn's 'scrim
mage. Assistant' Coach Teotzol has
been 'drilling, reserved In ne?jr plajrs,
Be Exclusive
In Your Dress
Every day we are receiving
New Creations in men's suits
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World's Best Tailors.
Remember, only one or two
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I Farquhar 13250
&ald to be similar to those Vanderbllt
has used throughout tho season. The
regulars were disorganized whon on
Kolloy lrirftiofoiiBo nnd could not gain consistent.
ly when In possession of tho ball. Tho
'varsity mon still suffer from injuries
?uBtninod in Saturday's game against
Ohio state university, and It Is prob
able Vandcrollt will moot a weak
CAMBRIDGE MnsB., Oc.. 27. Tho
work of tho Harvard 'varsity football
players today was long, though not
as, hard as usual for Tuesday. Tho
first part of the practice waB secret,
nnd wns held In tho stadium. After
about an hour of this kind of work
tho substitutes nnd tho second team
wore taken out on to tho freshman
field whore they'scrlmmagod together.
Tho rogulars did not participate In the
Tho line-up contained a number of
substitutes, as Captain Burr, Fish,
Hoar, Crowley and G. G. Browne, did
not play. Captain Burr is bothered a
great deal by his cold, which hangs
on persistently. Fish has not returned
to Cambridge from tho Annapolis trip.
Hoar has a bruised hip, which will
keep him from active work for a few
dayB, although It Is by no means ser
ious. An offsot in a measure to tho effect
of the absence of so many rogulars
was tho return of Smith, tho full
back who was Injured a week ago in
a manner which it was feared at the
tlmo would prevent his playing again
for tho rost of tho yoar. Ho got into
the signal practice, and ran wlthoutjL
sign of lameness. " Sprague, tho long
distance punter, was again on the field
In football clothes.
The University of Washington Women
Can't Go In for Boating.
The largest co-ed rowing squad in
tho United States, and probably In tho
world, was disbanded when, through
Dean A. R. Priest orders wore deliv
ered to the University of Washington
women, announcing that hereafter
only those sophomores who mado a
crew last season would bo coached.
The roason for this sudden and sweep
ing manifesto was stated to bo that
Coach Conlboar is needed in tho gym
nasium. Tho sixty womon who were turning
out for rowing were deeply incensed.
"Wo can not see why we should bo
deprived of this sport," said a promi
nent co-ed. "It Is - pleasant, healthy
oxorclse. Those who rowed last year
were splendidly developed, and we all
like it so much. Tho fact that tho
womon could row hero all winter long
has proved a strong drawing card for
tho university. In most places tho
weathor or tho winds ;mako it dan
gerous. "Now, after having had a taste of
tho fun, -wo are to bo put baok in -the
stuffy, old gymnasium, all because, for
sooth; our coach 'muafc be set to work
apparatus in
tho gymnasium.
"A mass meeting of all tho womon
In tho institution will probably bo
called and a petition drawn up asking
tho faculty to reconsider.
"Wo womon can't understand why
Rowing 'Coach Conlboar Bhould be
called away from tho lako to handle
a Job In tho gymnasium which any $2-a-day
jack-of-all-trades can do."
The board of control took no defin
ite action as to Coach Coniboar's du
ties in the gymnasium, but went on
rocord as favoring tho continuance of
women's rowing.
Thursday Convocation.
The.progrnm will constat of solos by
members of tho university band.
Trombone Bon Bolt, Knoass;
Toreador Song, Bizet. Mr. Soarl Da
vis. Clarinet Berreuse, Godard; Largo,
Handel. Mr. Oliver Fick.
Cornet Grand Fantasln, Hartmann.
Mr. Arthur E. Wood.
Texas will ask tho legislature for a
large appropriation next yoar to build
some now bulldlngB.
Cut Price
Eliotrlo Shot Htpalr Faotory
Saves Yov
1220 O Street
AdvortiBomonts for tho want ad
column should be left at tho business
office, basement Administration Bldg,,
between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be
tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
Cash must accompany all orders for
want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per
Insertion for every fifteen words or
fraction thereof for the first inser
tion; three insertions 25 cents; five
Insertions 40 cents.
Lost A paper pad of Sigma Phi
Epsllon pins (heart shaped) in some
Unl. fraternity house. Reward if sent
to R. J. F. Roohra & Co., Detroit,
Mich. 26-tf
Trigonometry in Unl. Book Store
and Lumont's EngliBh Composition on
Campus. Return to Nobraskan office,
For Sale Overcoat, nearly new.
Cheap. Inquire 1643 Q. Auto 4458.
For Salo Dross suit, out of the
ordinary. H. R. Doughty, 634 So.' 17th.
Auto. 4900.
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