The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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J, -
Cbc 3atlg Hebraeftan
nTiTrnoPKRTY of
Lincoln, Nebraska
PibliciHH mm, 1M M. 14(1 K
Itor Cly B. IHtatt
..anaolno Editor... Htrbtrt W. Psttsr, '19
News Editor Lynn Ltoytf, Ml
Aaioolnte Editor Victor Smith, Ml
Manager OterfS M. WtHiN, MS
Circulation J. ny Smith, St
Asit. Manaaor Karl CampttH, MS
Editorial ami Bu4flM '
Poatofflce, Station A. LlnaHl, Nat.
, m ! i l i
Payable In Ativans
Single Ceelta, S Cents Kaati.
Telephones Aut tSBL
for at the rato of 19 cent per Ineertlen
for every llftoen won! r fraction thereof.
Fnoulty notice and Unlvrrstty bulletins
will Rintlly 1m publish! free.
Entered at tlto pontn1r at Maceta,
Nebraska, aa second -cluiw mall matter
under the Act of Cnnffn-M of Itereh 3.
Whllo Nebraska to RtraffgltofC wHh
Iown at Iowa City, BatHnJay aUeraeo
Amos, tho husky team which the CerB
huBkers meet In Owaha. Netember 7.
will be fighting It oat wKh MlaaoHrl
at Columbia These two names will
givo n llao on the strength of Nebras
ka and Ames.
A week ae ftrtWatajr Iwa waa
defeated by Mkwewl at Cnhtmbl by
four peiBts. The Aggie o asjaJaat
tho same tesm that wtm from the
Hawkeyea. ami ht case they win. will
havo a strotifer claim to the lewa
stnto title lhaa the statu scfeeel Haelf.
And If lewa abe awtttita la ijefeat
lng Nebraska the Mie" HI then fa
vor the AmeH amtfes for IIh game at
Omaha next week. Hat In caso the
games come out awotber way tewa
wins and Ames loses th chance of
Nebraska aad xmr will aptwar abeat
When tho IUwkey hmjI Missouri
their team wok feasMHrappotl by befog
without the aHTTkea of the great drop
kickor Kirk. In tl second kH. Satur
day they jH have-fetor hi the name;
and will preveal a much stremfer Hao
up agates Nebraska than thry had
at CehtmMa. Mlserl is et any
stroBger cfcaa .vhea lewa waa played.
So if Ame sjbitiM lese an4 !ew,a wta
Saturday, tfcer wM ttal he savch
material from wMcfc tfHters ceM
make pretiUctfc. About the e4y
speculative tttteoHH&s they
make wouM to to ay that the c!
of winning-are ctwal between Xefcraa
ka and Ash.
By the entevme of tCTtwe pi at)
Saturday, fceer, the oylwioa af tkm
Nobraska stutteats i reanl Ui the
struggle at, Oira wUl smH be is tfc
least chaael. The rivalry wMca -lets
between NeWka aaxi Aa aa
sures a hard Jiawe whra the two
teams clash. CWm beta taeveme are
suriouBly lajrl Satunlay the ajaate
ono week fratu than 4ay wHI aaabaMy
bo tho greateat atmnile hi the SMa
Bourl valk'y thu aeoaea.
It la lucky for NeVaka tkt Amea
meets Miaawl gatamlay far the ag
gies will ru the aaaae risk of belac
.injured at Coluiahi tet the Cera-
llltalnro bI1J 1 mM t nsaral "Laa Ifclai
braska will acc4 h. r' tea
for Amea, aad la he tfc-K mm
of its me will he so baUr hrt tbat
thoy will Mt W altle te Hair at Oaaa
ha. If the ha asajln me ialeales!
Nebraska wHI have to bare tf heat
teum that eaa 4e iwatereJ mnn !
In Aatea t4e Tlffeea Mm y
a worthy fee. HhMt
tholr real f4r hi Mm
is unapprcclatcl W ar aaa hi
lnstltuUesv hi tUt Beet IMr he saet
and defeated somo of tbo boat schools
In the mlddlo woat.
Iowa has succumbed to tholr attacks
many tlmos, thoy hnvo tnkon tho big
end of tho scoro from Nobraska and
abovo all havo como dangorously noar
to walloping Minnesota. Hailing from
porjiaps tho largost agricultural col
logo in tho MIsHlflsippi valloy thoy
havo a husky bunch to pick from. Ad
ded to tholr wolgbt thoy hnvo spoed
and oxporlonco. Tho Hnwkoyos in
dellbly prossod it upon our trninors
that Amos has tho forward pasB down
to a fine point and tho votornns oxo
cuto It handily. This gamo means as
much to tho nnmo and famo of Old
Mlzzo as tho Iowa conlost. By do
fealing Amos wo would bocomo roc
ognlzcd by tho "nig Eight" schools in
addition to cinching tho Missouri val
ley championship. Evorybody bo out
and do a llltlo more than ho did whon
we beat Iowa. Missouri Indopondont.
Makes Feasible Progress of Engineer
ing Building. -
Tho reront plensnnt weather htm
iHrtdn It poHHlble for work to progress
on tho engineering building without
Itny Interruption. A forco of bIx brick
layers hart been nt work for several
1hvh and the wsIIh nro beginning to
show the effoct of OiIb. Tho putting
of the terra cntta in plnce has been
rry slow work and has caused con-
itldenthle delay.
The contractors are using a cement I
mixing machine to mix tho mortar for
the bulMlng. Whore enough mortar
l uxed to Justify It this machine
maketi it big saving In the cost of la
bor a tul Ik effltcient nnd certain. Thcl
delnllH for certain parts of the work
have not yet been complotcd by Pro
fcHKor Hlrhards, but will be flnlBhtvl
by the lime thoy nro nocdod.-
Farmer Nebraskan Presents
verslty With Collection..
Through a donation by William Clc
bHrne of Nownort, Ky.. n former resi
dent nt Omaha, the university herbar
ium baa come Into pohhchhIou of a
roller! Inn of approximately 200 spec
imeHH nf Kentucky plant life. The
KH-rimen are excellent ones of their
kinds nnd the donation h much ap
preciated by Dr. Hessoy and tho bo
tanical staff.
Mr. Cleburne was formerly u rosi
tttttt of Omaha, lie belongs to tho
oM-fashloned vchool of botanists who
t Hilled botany from pure love of It
Evbt wear any Budd Shoes? If not, why not?
You should make it your business to see that I get
-your Shoe Business. $2.50 and $3.50.
WHY PAY New shipment of Tans and Ox-
MORE? Bloods and they are right.
While la Omaha he made frequont
trips to IJhcoIhTo compare specimens
which he had gathered with the unl
verity herbarium. A fow years ago
he removed to Kentucky and has
there carried on his Htudy of plunt
Nebraska Teleahene Company to Re
pert lewa Can test
The Nebraska Telephone company
wHI give cempleto and continuous bul
letins hi front of their ofllco at 131
8e4h Thirteenth atreet during tho
Xebraaka-Iewa football gamo Saturday
These bulletins will be similar to
?? ' ?e. Mlnne80t&-
Z LlTl" 77 wfK eiofe la8t- A
me itewi win ue b nown, ana
threheiit the entire game the exact
tecatleit of the ball will bo given after
eali pkir aa ahowa on the mlnaturo
BehL A detailed bulletin report will
be sjlvea eat announcing whocarried
he baH and hew It advanced. All in
tereetlna; hamjkeBlBga preceding and
dwhig the came will be glvep out.
The Nebraska football team will
leave for lewa this evening at 6
e'cleek ever the Burlington. Bo at tho
Program of Exceptional Merit Is Given
In Which Noted Men Give
Strong Addresses and
Mombors of tho delegation who re
turned from Columbus, Ohio, yeBter
day from tho great Bible study con
ference report themselves us greatly
pleased with the work of tho conven
tion. Four men from Nebraska unl
vorBlty made tho trip, tho four being
Clark Oborllea, religloUB work direc
tor of the Lincoln Y. M. C. A.; E. "W.
Hills, president of tho university Y.
M. C. A., Joe Do Klndren, general'
secretary, and William ReynoldB. Tho
convention, 'strictly speaking, was n
conference of college men In North
America, who are Interested In Bible
study in all North America. Over 900
delegatoti, coming entirely from North
American colleges, attended tho con
vention. Clark Oberlies was Nebras
ka's official delegate.
Many Noted Speakers.
The program was one of tho strong-
P8t ever given at a convention of a
similar nature. The speeches for tho
m out part were discussions of effec
tive mothods for Bible study work in
the larger universities. SerlouanesB
or thought marked all of them
scarcely tiny nntedotes or utterances
of a light nature entering In. The
chairman Issued orders against ap
plause at the opening of the confer
ence, so that each speaker might talk
uninterrupted by the onthuBiasm of
tho audiences. Among the speakers
on the program were Robert Spear of
Philadelphia, tho noted Y. M. C. A.
lecturer; Dean Boswlck of Princeton
university; John R. Mutto, world's
secretary of tho student movement;
Dr. Jonks, the noted sociologist of
Cornell university; Booker T. Wash
ington, hend of the Tuskegee insti
tute, and one of the most noted lec
turers, and Bishop McDowell of Chi
cago. The discirsBions were of tho
highest- order, showing that great
preparation had been made.
The speakers given abovo took
part for tho most part in tho evening
lEOBsIon. Tho morning and afternoons
were given over to discussions of
different phazes of Y. M. C. A. work,
particularly tho Bible student depart
ment. The discussions were conduct
ed as round table work, a paper by-l
a member being followed by a dis
cussion In which members entered.
Notable Features,
Sincerity and seriouBnasa of purpose
was tho most marked feature of the
those of greatest intensity.
A noteworthy feature of the meet
ing was the fruternal feeling between
tho Canadian and American repre
sentatives. Flags of both nations were
entwined around tho platform, whllo
other evidences of tho bond of fellow
ship wore to be soon everywhere.
As shown by the immense crowds
attending the night sessions the ent
rance of so many college men of in
ternational reputation stirred Colum
bus to a high pitch. On tho night that
Booker T. Washington spoke tho hail
was Jammed full, fully 3,500 people
crowding in a hall ordinarily intended
to seat 2,700. Tho audience for tho
moBt part waB composed of colored
people, anxious to hoar tho colored
orator speak Oh Sunday thousands
wore turned away.
Reports showed a flattering state of
affairs in colleges of. this country, and
especially encouraging were those
from the eastern schools where re-
I The College
I M jttorwiard
you're never without ink. No matter where you may
be in your room, lecture hall, at tho post offico, telegraph
office or hotel, or on tho train all you havo to do when
your Conklin Pen begins to run dry is to dip it in any ink
well, press the Crescent-Filler and your pen instantly fills
Itself and Is ready to writo. Tho samo simple movement
also cleans it. No mussy dropper no spilling of ink no
interruption to your train of thought. Handsome catalog
direct from the manufacturers, Tho Conklin Pen Co., 310
Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on request.
mnrknblo progress has been made.
At West Point, the military acadomy,
out of four hundred studenta over two
hundred voluntarily take Bible study,
or better than 50 per cent. Western
colleges lead the eastern schools now.
They Want to See Gophers Play Chi
Chicago, 8aturday.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 27-UniversI-ty
of Minnesota circles are much stir
red as a result of today's action of the
co-eds relative to the advice of Presi
dent Northrop that "young ladles"
would not ntend the gnmo in tho windy
city. Despite the request that young
women connected with tho university
would not nttend the game in tho windy
have called a niaBB meeting for to
morrow to perfect arrangements for
making the trip.
Dr. Northrop early In tho week con
demned any such Idea, and recom
mended that women students remain
content with receiving bulletins of
the game in Minneapolis. But the
girls are In a revolt, and, though thoy
will not divulge of the place of to
morrow's meeting, they Indicate that
thoy are determined to witness the
game and want no interference. Ono
road has offered a privato car if
enough of the girls will make tho trip.
Several chaporones will be taken In
case the girls decide to go.
President Northrop was approached
several times after making his state
ment that he did not wish tho girls to
go, but he refused to alter his stand,
saying thnt his better Judgment kept
him from sanctioning anything of tho
Member of Diplomatic Service Boosts
Cause of Football.
"Football is the greatest game God
ever allowed man to play. Not only
does it require physical prowess of the
men engaged, but It oIbo demandB of
them those two greatest elements of
success courage and common sense.
The man who wins in football, en
as the one who succeeds in life, must
be possessed of courage and good com
mon horse sense."
The above doctrine, oxpounded by
tho Hon. John Barrett of tho Unite!
States diplomatic service, in a. strong
address before the student assembly
of tho University of Washington finds
its best demonstration in Mr. Barrett
himself. As manager of athletics and
participator in intercollegiate contests
while at Dartmouth College ho made
a name for himself, which has been
augmented by his engagement in dip
lomatic service, until today ho Is the
director of the Bureau of South Amer
ican Republics.
The dedication of the library ut De
Pauw which was to havo taken place
October 30, will probably bo postponed
until some time in November. Tho
question of removing the books from
the old to the new rooms is troubling
some of thoBo concerned.
John L. Sheldon, who took hig doc
tor's degree in botany in 1903, has re
cently been made professor of botany
at tho University of West Virginia.
Ho went to that state shortly after
leaving Lincoln as aBBistant in the
experiment station. Since then he
has risen by gradual steps to his
present position.
Throatfliout school days, college
days business or professional career
tho Conklin Pen will serve you faithfully and make
writing: a pleasure. You. don't havo to coax it or
fuss with it to got It to writo. Because of its won
dorful feed principle, ink responds instantly at tho
first stroke and maintains an even, steady flow to
the lost dot. Another great advantago of owning a
C. A. Tucker
S. S. Shean
Yovr Patronage Solicited
Here la a Good Cheap Outfit.
Trump Wig, BOcIb; Whiskers, 25cts;
Guuzo Wax Nose, 16cts.
Liner to blacken eye, lOcts. Grease
Paint, Deep Sunburn. 15cts.
Joining Paste, lCcts; Plpo, 6eta. Entire
Outfit. $1.20.
Send 4ct. stamp for largo Catalogue of
Plays, Wigs. Make Up Materials and the
"Art of Making Up."
Dep. C, Tradomore Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Wolcomen nM Btudonta.
nmrP nd Bllvor Latter
PIPES g2ffi
1182 O Btroot
Politics seem to hold tho center of
the stage In most of tho universities
at present. The Kamsas republican
and democratic clubs recently pulled
off a debate upon the subject," "Re
solved, That the interests of Kansas
demand the success of democracy,
both state nnd national." It does not
appear which sldo won.
Washington university la running a
series of articles In her paper, "Stu
dent Life," modeled, no doubt, after
tho "Letters of a Japanese School
Boy," so well known to readers of
Collier's Weekjly. Tho Washington
university letters purport to bo those
of "A Japanese College. Boy," Hltte
mono Koko, by name.
The Nebraska Telophono company
will receive bulletins of the Nebraska-Iowa
gamo Saturday afternoon as
it did for tho Minnesota gamo. A mln
ature field showing tho progress and
position of the b'all during tho game
will bo shown. Announcements will
bo made after each play. This will
be done in front of tho telophono offico
at 131 South Thirteenth4 otreoL
In ordor to save the studonts tho
trouble- of standing ln line In tho
night time the lecture course man
agers at Michigan adopted a scheme
of giving out numbers. The numbers
were given out at 4 and- 0 p. m. on
tho day preceding tho reservation of
seats and a lino was strictly prohib-'
ited until 1 o'clock. Ono man could
reserve ?lx seats.
The Nebraska section of tho Amer
ican Chemical society will hold their
fifty-third regular meeting, Saturday,
October 3L A very interesting pro
gram has been provided for tho meet
ing which will open at 8:00 p. m., in
tho lecture room of tho chemistry
laboratory. Dr. S. Avery will speak
on "Tho Nitration of Aromatic Glutar
lc Acids," and Dr. Bontdn Dales will
speak on "Magnesia in Some Rare
Earth Separations." Tho officers of
tho Nebraska sectlbn of tho society
are: President, P. J. Alway; vice
president, H. A. Sentor; executive
committee, Mary L. Possler, B. S.
Hopkins, and Geo. Borrowman: secre
tary, Benton' Dalos. -
- i