The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 27, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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AniJLAMt,.y.Ni kail -wifcy. - t -y
,'S I
OTir Ink of CowHrci
cAny Way You
Look at it
Shirts 60 to lOo
Collars 2 l-2o
Guffs, Pair 60
Let Us Do Your Work
BANKS Central National; First
Trust and SavlngB.
BATH HOUSE Chris', Eleventh and
BOOK STORES Co-Op; Porter's;
CIGARS Colo & McKonna; Wolfe &
CLEANERS Blumonthal; H. Smith;
CLOTHING Baker Pants Co.; Magee
& Deoraer; Mayor Bros.; Palace
Clothing Co.; Spolor &Slmon.
COAL Gregory.
coln. DENTISTS J. R. Davis; YoungbluL
DRY GOODS Herpolsholmor; Miller
& Palno.
FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; C. H.
FURNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Magee
& Deoraer; Mayer Bros.; Palace
Clothing Co.; Spier & Simon; Corf.
HATTERS Budd; Fulk; Unland.
JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker.
LAUNDRIES Evans"; Merchants.
PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons.
SHOES Beckman Bros.; Bralth-
walte; Budd; Cincinnati Shoe Storo;
SKIRTS Tho Skirt Storo.
TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Herrog; Lud
"wig; Marx; H. Smith."
THEATERS Lyrio; Majestic; Oliver;
TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter
ft I vil? ro' 96 j
I Business Directory I
1 Every Loyal University Student I
' I Is urged to patronize thess Ne- I
I braskan advertisers, and to men- I
tlon the paper while doing so.
"Ghost" Ball Likely To Be Used by
Coach Catlln This Week If
Weather Permits Other
Football Gossip.
(Special to Dally Nebraskan.)
IOWA CITY, In., Oct. 26 Confidence
In tho ability of tho Hawkeyes to play
a hnrd gnmo against Nebraska noxt
Saturday Ib growing hero Hlnco tho
Mornlngaldo gnmo. Tho fact that
none of the Btar players woro hurt In
thnt contest, along with Captain Kirk's
improvement, have caused tho under
graduates to regain tho faith lo8t
over tho Missouri defeat.
To get tho right mental attltudo In
t It o pi lycr- l llif nn bition of tne
conches. Assistant Coach Griffith took
charge of tho squad today as Head
Coach Catlln stopped at his mother-in-law's
homo at Sloan, la., before re
turning to Iowa CJty. Determination
(o fight an uphill gnmo against the
strong CornhiiBker team Is tho spirit
which tho coaches will, ondoavor to
Instill this week. ,
If tho woather permits Coach Catlln
will bring tho "ghost" ball Into play
for the first time UiIb year. In all
probability If tho wet woather keeps
up signal practice in mo gym-
nnsium will bo given the players.
Chalk talks In Unity hall will also bo
given the men during the week.
Trainer Tommy O'Brien is pleaaoJ
over the condition of the men and the
way they stood tho hard trip to Morn
ingsldo. He predicts that they will
be in tip top Bhape for tho Nebraska
game, barring accidents In sorimmage
this week.
Recognition In Chicago.
CHICAGO, Oct 26. Nebraska
downed that always dangerous bunch,
tho Haskell Indians, and proved that
It Ib one of tho most powerful Btrnlght
football elevens in tho west to-day.
Chicago Record-Herald.
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 25. Coach
Barry has a hard week's work cut
out for the Wisconsin football team.
He Is anxlouB to prevent the Mnr
quMte team from scoring on tho badg
ers next Saturday, and will devote
much of hlB time to training the de
fense. The Mllwauko team has been
showing up so Btrong thla Beason that
Coach Barry is considerably worried
over tho coming game.
Boylo, tho crack tackle, Is under tho
weathor and may bo out of the Mar
quette game. If he fails to recover
Oathoff, tho strong man, will havo
to bo taken from right end and placed
in hlB position. This will require tho
reinstatement of Jimmy Dean al right
end. Jack Wllce, full baok, and Waldo
Mucklestone, right half back, are limp
ing around with bad ankles, and Moll,
quarter back. Ib far from being in
good physical condition. Coach Barry
said tonight that ho would havo to
give the squad the hardest possible
work from now on. The plan of de
veloping two good Beta of backs for
tho team has not turned out well bo
far, but the coach Bays ho thinks ho
can develop a good second sot before
tho Minnesota and Chicago games.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., Oct. 26 Tho
Michigan team returned to Ann Arbor
tonight from Columbus, after spend
ing the afternoon at Toledo. Owing
to tho fact that it was Sunday, but a
small crowd was at tho dopot to moot
tho players and there was little ex
citement. Tho men all are in pretty
good shape, although Schulz was bat
tered up.
Whon aBked about tho game with
Ohio state Coach YoBt said: "I pm
satisfied ,wlth the result of tho game,
but not entirely so with tho playing.
"'Some shifts will bo made In the
line-up. after Watklna gets-in again,
but that may not be lor a long time.
You can't make many changes 4n a
squad of only olevon or twelvo men."
URBAN A, HI.,. Oct. 25. Illinois will
begin work tomorrow to get ready for
Indiana noxt Saturday. Tho hoosior
gnmo Is tho first conference contest
to be played on Illinois field. Local
"dopesters" will not no surprised to
see a tight game, as word comes that
Indiana is greatly Improved and Ib
lying in ambush for the Illlnl.
Pottlgrow returned yesterday from a
week's absence on an engineering trip,
and tomorrow will take his placo at
right half back again.
Eatson had the post yesterday, while
Gumm and Bradloy were the sub half
backB. Butzer was tried out as sub
center, nnd seems to be a general
utility man. Tho coaches were fairly
woll satisfied with tho showing against
th freshmen, but harder work is the
order since cold weather has arrived.
CHICAGO, Oct. 26. Northwestern
football players were greatly encour
aged by their Bhowlng against the
Belolt team and will get Into the prac
tice for tho Illinois and Purdue gamoa
with renewed vigor. This victory was
tho best thing that possibly could have
happened for the purple warriors, aa
It will give them confidence for their
coming battles.
The players came through tho garao
in good shape. Capt. August suffered
a bruised shoulder, but aside from a
fow minor hurts tho oloven will bo In
condition to take up hard work today.
Bololt was not aggressive enough to
make Injuries possible, and its tack
ling was light.
Coaches JohnBon and Connor were
more than pleased with the showing
Both wore of the opinion that with
hard work Purdue can be defeated and
Illinois held to a lbw score. Connor,
the line coach, was not entirely satis
fied with the work of the line and haB
mapped out some hard practice for
the forwards. Ho claimed they charged
too high and wore not aggressive
enough. He Is determined to Instill a
fighting Bplrlt into tho big fellows and
mnko tho purple line as strong as any
In tho west.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 25. Yale
football prospects brightened tonight
when Frank Hlnkey, twice captain and
Yale's greatest end rush, arrived from
Kansas, where ho has been mining.
He wn8 summoned because Yalo's
three star ends, Capt. Burch, Kllpat
rlck and Logan, are crippled, and
Haines, Naodele and Mersoreau will
bo turned over to him to develop.
West. -
Northwestern, 44; Bololt, 4.
Michigan, 10; Ohio State, 6.
Iowa, 16; MornlngBlde, 0.
Nebraska, 10; Haskell, 0
Drako, 9; Grinnell, 0.
Notre Dame, JS8; P; and S., 0. -Wisconsin,
24; Freshmen, 15.
St. Louis Uni., 4; Wabash, 0.
Lake Foreat, 22; Knox, 0.
Ames, 26; South Dakota, 0.
De Paul, 0; Michigan A. C, 0.
Monmouth, 11; Normal Uni., 6.
Lawrence, 12; Hamllne, 0.
Creighton, 16; Ottawa Uni., 0.
Oberlfn, 18; CaBe, 10.
Depauw, 44; Georgetown, 6.
Stanford, 11; Nevada, 0.
Pennsylvania, 6; Carlisle, 6.
Yale, 38; .Wash, and Jefferson, 0.
Harvard, 6; Navy, 6.
Prlncoton, 0; Syracuse, 0.
Cornell, 9; Vermont, 0.
West Point 6; Colgate, 0.
Dartmouth, 12; Holy Crosa, 5.
Lafayette, 8; Brown, 6.
Williams, 40; Mass. Ag., 0.
Bates, 11; New Hampshire, 0.
Tufta, 23; Maine, 6.
Pittsburg Uni., 22; Bucknoll, 0.
Carnegie Tech., 11; Allegheny, 0.
South. ,
Vandorbllt, 29; Mississippi, 0.
Arkansas, 5; Hen'derson, 0.
Auburn, 6; Sewaneo, 0.
Colorado College; 16; Texas, 0.
Memphis. Un.f 42; Memphis' Me'cs, 0.
Tulano, 1Q; Central ol Ky., 0.
Nine New Members Added to Organ
ization This Year.
Tho English club had a vory suc
cessful meeting Saturday evening at
the home of Misa Louise Pound, 1632
L street. Prof. H. B. .Alexandor, who
was the founder of tho club, read a
verse-drama and a number of short
pieces. A story by Keone Aoord, an
other old-time member, was read, and
an amuBlng musical composition by D.
N. Lehmer, another of tho founderB
of 'the club, waB sung by Mrs. Alex
andor. The author's introduction and
tho latter number were road by Miss
Pound. Mrs. Alexander also sang ono
of her own compositions.
Now members added to the club this
fall are: Edith Robblns, Constance
Syford, Cella Harris, Harry Huse,
Grace Ryan, Eleanor Barbour, Jessie
Beghtol, Isabel Wolfe, Maxon Sprague.
Bender and "Bummy" Booth Heard
From Over Minnesota Game.
Johnnie Bender and Former Coach
"Bummy" Booth have both sent their
congratulations to Nebraska on the
great game played by "the Cornhuskers
at Minnesota. The letters from the
two men fellow
"Spokane, Wash.,' Oct 18.
"Dear 'Dog': Congratulations. Eat
up the rest. Good work.
"New York, Oct. 19, 1908.
'Earl Eager, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nob.
"My D3dr Ea:l: I am advised of
'be happv iosuUb. of the Nebraska
Minnesota gn e on Saturday last and
rongratula ? you and everybody con
c rned. Mv Interest la alT.ys keen
In what Nebraska does and Is doing.
"With best personal regijcJb, I am,
"As ever,
Manager Eager Wants Some for yse
at Omaha.
Manager Eager wants to Becuro two
or three good songs to bo Bung at the
Ames gamo In Omaha November 7.
All contributions should be mailed to
the Dally Nebraskan. The following
song was handed to the Nebraskan
That. Aggie Ames.
(Tune of "My Mary Ooch.")
When that Aggie Ames,
She play the Foot-Ball game
Down at Deltz's Park
Twill break her lienrt
She run llke-a-dls,
And she like-a-dat;
She make-a such-a charge,
Wlthout-a movln' a yard.
That's funny style
All the boys yell out like that
"Look out there, you brefcta-a-your
When that Aggie .Ames
She play the Foot-Ball game.
Walter Eckersall Gives 8hort Review
of the Contests.
Three of tho greateBt games in foot
ball annals were played last Saturday
in tho east. Never in tho history of
tho college gamo havo six great teams
struggled on the samo day for su
premacy without definite result in any
of tho contests. The battles were
among ,the hardest ought ever Been
on the gridiron, and It will take some
time for tho players to recover from
tho battering.
. The Pennsylvania-Indian game prob
ably was tho best of tho three. These
old rivals struggled for seventy min
utes in tho fiercest combat of 'recent
years. Before the game Ponn ruled
tho favorite, but this did not danjpen
tne spirits of the redmen, for they
went at tholr. adversaries t with that
Did Indian pluck and determination
rushing tho Quakers off their feet
most df tho time, and several times
dangerously threatening the goal only
to lose the ball on a' fumble or poor
try at goal.
Aa "was the. case In recent years the
Indiana did not get the jump on their
opponents, for tho Quakers scored
early In tho gamo by a fierce attack
directed at tho tackles. Tholr defense
also was strong. Tho Indians, not to
be dismayed, camo back in tho second
period, tied up tho Bcoro, and came
close to winning tho battlo soveral
times. Had Thorpo, the groat place
kicker, beeen In any kind of form
he would havo mado at loast one of
his attempts, but tho big half back
had been In tho hospital sovoral dayB
before the gamo and was not In Bhape
to play, much less make fiold goals
against a team of tho callbor of Penn
sylvania. The game showed that tho western
teams, Michigan and Minnesota, which
meet Pennsylvania and tho Indians,
respectively, later In tho soaso, muBt
make gigantic strides to ontertaln
hope of beating tho easterners. Both
teams showed wonderful dofonsive
qualities and neither olevon could
make ground consistently. Tho offense
waB mostly old footbalir with a littlo
mixture of tho now game, but tho
old plays off tho tacklos wore tho
strong ones for both teams.
Tho Harvard-Navy gamo was an
other hard fought bnttlo. Both oloven8
wero handicapped by tho weathor con
ditions, but the navy showed up tho
better In handling tho wot and slip
pery ball, aa their Bcoro was tho di
rect result of two cloverly executed
forward pasBes, whllo tho crimson
scored by old football. Annapolis
showed unlooked for strongth nnd be
cause of their Bhowlng In tho game Ib
made the favorlto over tho army in
their battlo on Novombor 28.
The Princeton-Syracuse gamo was
the other tlo gamo. Tho Tigers had
the advantage, although outweighed,
and came close to scoring several
times. Tho'New Yorkors never threat
ened their goal and Prlncoton seemed
content to try to gain by simple for
mations and did not show Its hand at
all. Walter H. Eckoraoll in Chicago
They Demand the Reinstatement
Eight Upper Classmen.
Students of Westminster Colloge, to
the numbor of 250, aro striking for the
reinstatement of eight upper clnasmen
who are expolled as tho result of n
hazing episode
The men woro expelled for trying
to prevent tho "freshios" from attend
ing a reception. Two of tho first-year
mon drew revolvers and hold their as
sallants at bay.
Tho reinstatement of tho upper class
men Is demanded by tho whole school,
and tho students havo threatened to
leave In a body If tholr demands aro
University of Minnesota polltlclanrt
who compose tho Taft club aro-rather
backward about defending tholr viows.
The Bryan Republican club a fow days
ago' Issued a hallengo to-thpm for u
debate "on the issues of the campaign
but as yet tho Taft men have not re
sponded. A debate between tho two
clubs would arouso a -groat, doal of
Interest in university political clrcleB,
and tho announcoment of acceptance
of the challenge is eagerly waited for.
r AdvortlsomontB for tho want ad
column should bo left at the business
office, basement Administration Bldg ,
between" 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be
tween 2 p. m. and 5"p. m.
Cash must accompany all orders for
want ads, at tho rate of 10 conts per
Insertion for every fifteen words or
fraction thereof for the first inser
tion; three insertions "25 conts; five
insertions 40 contB.
LoBt A paper pad of Sigma Phi
Epsllon pins (heart shapod) in some
UnL fraternity house. Reward If sent
to R. J. F. Rbehm & Co., Detroit,
Mich. ' 26-tf
For Sale Dress- suit, out of tho
ordinary. H. R. Doughty, 634 So. 17th.
Auto. 490,0. 2G(l-3)tf
i ,
For ;Salo Qvercoat, nearly now,
Cheap Inquire 1643 Q. Auto 4458:
- -a
r .
. ,?