VS..''? "-Mc ". ",-- ,t. fn- ..,-, , i , V . ' "ff "V V' it " " 'tr'inr Tfi ( " vt wwXpff? THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i f T ! v7 5 J k i t -T . i V my - OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT AT 8:15 THE WITCHING HOUR Prices $1.50, $1.00 and 50c WED. MAT. AND. EVE. OCT. 28. The Sunny Side of Broadway Mat 50c and 25c. Eve $1.00 to 25c THURSDAY NIGHT, OCT. 29 "THREE TWINS" mmm WEEK Of OCTOBER 26 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. MR. AND MRS. PERKINS FISHER In "the Half-Way House." FRANK THE M'CREA & CO. FANTON TRIO. HERBERT'8 DOGS. $10,000 Troupe of Canine Actors BARRY GEO. W. and HUSSEY. HUGHES. VIASCOPE. MI8S ALVA YORKE Charming English Commedlenne MATS Tub., Thur. & Sat 15 & 25c WEEK Of OCTOBER 26 All Records of Attendance Broken Second Week Second The Greatest Success of the Dramatic Season. " The Devil " Presented by the FULTON STOCK CO. MATINEES Wed. and Sat., at 2:15 EVERY NIGHT AT 8:15. PRICES 15c and 25c. ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" Street. LATEST AND BEST Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. O. R. lAOLF & CO. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES 119 North 11lh St., Ullli Block PHONE 643 L. J. HERZOC THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR The finest work demo and pric'os right Call at our now store 1230 o St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with Btant $3 Per Month. Rargalns In Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 1155-Boll 1181. 123 JTo. Uth " HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Wishing ifMNft Campus W. Gleanings jj C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O SL Wisconsin hns n socialists' club tblj year. Chapln Bros, llorlsts, 127 So. Thir teenth. Northwestern has appointed a phy sician for the football squad. Cameron's lunch counter, 123 So. Twelfth. . The freshmen cane spree team at Princeton to in need of heavy men. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes. 1107 O street. Henry Clapp of ISlmwood spent Sun day at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eleventh. A women's choruB of ono hundred has been organized at Northwestern. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. TheBtudent council of Phillips acad emy, consisting of fifteen men, has boon elected. 1 Greon'B barber Bhops, Tho Club house and Colo-McKonna, 1132 O. That's all. Arrangements are botug mado for a big reunion of the Boston Tech. alumni next Juno. Harry Porter, the School Supply Man, 1123 O St. Ernest Kroger, fullback on the Ne braska football team, spent Sunday at his homo in Polk Havo,t your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorium. Cor. 11th and O. Tho forestry clasB of California Is 00C3K5Q00000OffiO0000000OfflOOSO000 8 It's getting cold now is the time to buy a sweater $ $ vest don't put it off until our line is broken. Come 5s. i - i . w in and see ours. FULK, O 000050OS300000000000000000 o spending ton days in a logging camp near tho university. Mother's Dining Hall. Good home cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh St. Ray West, Law '01, is practicing tn Basin, Wyo. Mr. WeBt wasjormorly engaged n bunking. Mmo. Marcella Sombrlch will sing In the choral union series ol con certs at Michigan this yeaf. Copies of tho democratic campaign text book have been placed in the university law library for distribution. Part of tho fence of the athletic field at Wabash was' destroyed last Friday by a fire' set by a locomotive. i Tho sophomore class will meet to day at 11:30 a. m. for the election, of ofllcors and for other important busi ness. L. E. Brown, Bob Thompson and Hugh Wallace, former unlyerslty mon, have beon visiting at Alpha Thota Chi bouse. , . J. O. Wentworth, '08, spent Sunday In tho .city. Mr.' Wentworth is "with ,'ho Nebraska Central Building & Loan association.4 " Earl Trump, junior law, who fleeced froBhmon last week, was fined '$75 and costs In tho practice courts Saturday before Justice' Rice.) Resorved seatd at Harry Porter'. for Ames-Nebraska game at Omahu, November 7. On sale Wednesday. Tickets $1.25 to 1.60. There are two dallies at Yule now the Ynlo Now a, a morning papor, and the Student's Dally Post, which up pears in the evening. 'I he women's league of North west ern will hold a good-for-nothing party. Each guest Is leiiueBted to bring Honit thlng which has puusod to bo or use J i The inter-fraternity athletic council j will meet In Dr. Clnpp's offlce today atll a. in. Tho council will consldei arrangements for the next Indoor fra ternity meet. Kansas university has decreeed thai the Thanksgiving gamo with Missouri will be played in Kansas City or not at all. Tho matter has boon waiting for some time for some one to do cree. The junior class at WabaBh Is con sidering plans for reviving the Qulto non, tho college alumni. The book had boon published by the Junior class, but none has appeared since 190!. The class athletic board will meet Wednesduy, October 28, in tho Corn husker offlce of the Administration building at 1 o'clock p. m. Three rep resentatives from each claBB will at tend. It seoms tho seniors at the Mass achusetts Institute of Tecnology are either lacking in clasB loyalty, or are panic stricken. Only Blxty-ono of tho whole class have paid their class dues as yet. The Cornell rolerence "book, which Is published every ton years, has Just appeared. It gives n list of all the" trustees, faculty and students, with their present uddressos. Tho book sells for two dollars. J. H. Willis, '10. has beon in tho city for Bovoral days. Ho 1ms Just recovered from typhoid fever but rnces are rignt. $ 1325 Of hopes to be in school next semester. During the next few months ho will be on a ranch In western Nebraska. A want ad column win have a place in tho Nobraskan horoaftor. This is mado necessary by tho number of In quiries on lost ads. Special attention will be given to such ads inthe fu ture. The want "ad volumn may be found on page four. Tho Zoological club of the Univer sity of Nebraska will meet this even ing at 8 o'clock in the zoological lec ture room N. 210. Tho program will be: "Tho Tanoworm of Blrda." ro- llowed by Goorge R LaRuQ. A I Elood-Inhabltlng Castodo," by Henry B. Ward. - John McVlcker, one of the commis sioners In charge of tho government of Dob Moines, will address the members of tho Intercollegiate debating squad at 3 p. m. this afternoon In U, i07A. Mr. McVlcker comes to Lincoln to speak at tho banquet given by the Lincoln commercial' club at tho Lin coln hotel this evening. At Prof. Fogg's Invitation he has agreed to dis cuss tho question of tho' commission form of government before the' squad. Dick Grant, Harvard. ox-'07, Is Min nesota's" track coach for 1908-9. There has been a long-felt need for a fall track coach who could lead tho work generally. Dr, 'Williams has always been busy, in fho fall with football and bo's had no time 'to. devote to prd llmlnary track work. Superior Overcoats maye It is a self-evident fact that the Mayer Bros. Quality must be a supeVior quality. No one but a number of the lead ing manufacturers contribute their product ions to our assortment. Such makers as Rogers Peet, Brokaw Bros., etc. Each of these manufacturers have exclusive novel ties of their own; novelties ihat go to make up our superior quality. Thus you have for your selection a line of overcoats that can not be duplicated, for we are sole agents for these lines in Lincoln. Prices Range $12.50 to $35 rvmr COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY TO FLY. Aeronauts Adopt Class Yell and Qet Ready to Fly. Now York, Oct. 24. Hey, diddle, dlddlo, ha, ha, ha; Columbia In Cloudland, rah, rah, rah! Amended College Yell. Columbia university's class in aero nautics, the vury latest addition to the largo curriculum on Moringslde Heights, proved that It Is hero Jo stay by adopting the aforesaid aerial chirp t-wlthoul a dissenting vote Beforo the meeting broc up tho class was letter perfect In the lofty lament and turned It loose with enthusiasm. "Bully!" said Projessor William-Hal-lock, who will have charge of tho wing department, "Now that we've mastered our nnthemtho rest Is easy. All we have to do Is to go ahead and fly." After a hearty breakfast ot birdseed and stewed feathers tho new class got down to business without delay. Grov er Cleveland Loenlng was the first student of skypllotology to arrive. Paradoxical as it may seem, he pias the head and foot of- tho class. No, he Is not twins. Th6 situation he comes clearer when It Is explained that Loenlng Is tho only member of the class. "Loenlng" Is the only student taking the 'course at present," said ono of the faculty. "Many of the other students have jthe matter under consideration. Loenlng Is a thorough Btudent. Re got his, A. B. last June. Now-ho working for his B. D," "What is that?" asked tho reporter. "Balloon driver," ' was the ,roply. "Wo have received many Iqtters frota tho fathers of young men under our charge. They are urging their 'sons, to learn to fly, because they figure' out that If the boys stick to the skyline Vt " - VZ A r Bros. Co. ORDER YOUR PUHCH AT FOLSOH'S Hot Lunohcs a Specialty. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream Candies and Ices. 1307 0 St. Phoniti Auto 22(4, Bill 456. they wont squander as much as If they remained on Broadway." "Do vou expect any of the students to fly this yoor?" 'Several have flown already' laughod the professor. 'But, seriously, t don't oxpect any of tho class to exceed tho speed II mil. Half a dozen .ears from now It will bo different. All the students will fly to and from school. So suro Is tho faculty ofthls that a commltteo has been named to select a site for an aeroplane garage." UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. OCTOBER. Tuesday 27 Sophomore class. Mem orial Hall, 11:30 a. m. Tuesday, 27 -Convocation, Dean Chas. ' E. Fordyco1, "The Teachers'' Col lege." Wednesday 28 Dramatic Club Tryout Engineering Society meeting In the Temple. This is it OLYM RROM V CUireCOSHRUH quarter size COLLAR, 1 J Cent-a for 5 CenU Clnett, realty Co. Troy, , Y, r, 1 ' ' PIC4F A j u. JVI . -1 . r " Wtl . I'il c -1 1 t i .,. '.HI 7,y ; i Jt -',!