frwi;'"rvr''r'ft)'r,WPS7,fr ,n" rfffi"fmZ f HE DAILlT ItfEBRASKAN "an ' 9. Tor All ParJIssNttV? VHILiUr THE NEW i iR ? J . . r 5. --. '." s. 'JIm rA 'M 20f COLLAR 45? VJNITEOSHIflT&COtUR tV MAKERS V WV XTR0Y. NY. X 3 v0.6 r? OLIVER THEATRE TODAY, MAT. 2:30; TONIGHT 8:15 Zls)Kfs)ld's Folllts off 1907 Mat. $1.00 to 60c. Night $1.50 to 50c Mat. $1.00 to 50c Night $1.50 to 50c OCT. 10-21. ,KLAW & ERLANQER'8 'BEN-HUR" Prices .f?'0PJJo5C'jjj. THUR8. A FRI. NIGHT8, OCT. 22-23 PAID IN FULL mmim WEEK OF OCTOBER 12 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE 'Mat., Yues-TTTnirernd Sat., 2MB. Frank Mostyn Kelly & Co. Jeannle Fletcher, Five Arakl Japs. Clayton and Drew. The Misses Del more Maurice B. Cook. Blssett and Scott. Vlascope. EVE., 8:15 Prices 15c, 25c & 50c MAT. 1,000 Seats Lower Floor & Balcony 15c; 300 Reserved 25c. weakened by' the loss of some of Its strongest playors, will fare worso than at. the hands of M, A. C, whon 11 goes up against the Indiana team. Tho hopes of the varsity siipportors were not raised particularly when tho roBull of today's scrimmage with the scrubs becamo known. Although It is' report ed that tho team played better, still tho scrubs scored one touchdown o two made by the rogulars. . Notre Dame. NOTRE DAME, Ind., Oct. 1G A rousing send-off was given tho varsity players at a mass meeting of tho stu dents hero upon the Drownson hall campus this evening. A largo bon fire was lighted and speeches were made by Coaches Place and Lantry. Chief of Police McSweenoy of South Bend, a former Notro Dame star, and Captain Miller. All tho speakers took an optimistic view of thoprobablo out come of tho contest with Michigan. Tho local rootors were never more enthusiastic over the outcomo of any contest. Qrlnnell. GRINNELL, Iowa., Oct. 16 Coming throught tho hard Nebraska gamo freo from injuries, tho Qrlnnell eloven will be In fine fettle for tho hard game against Crotghton at Omaha next Sat urday. Marshall, last year's quarter back, who was kept out of tho Ne braska gamo by a misinterpretation of tho intorcollegiato rules, has boon de clared eligible. Rl8ser, who was on tho point of leaving for the University of Iowa, decided to remain hero. Yale. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 16 Yale has shifted Its policy for the game with West Point. Now formations have not beon learned well by the players and they havo been discarded for tho old smashing attack und varied de vices of last season. Yale will rely upon these to sweep tho army off Its feet on Saturday. Because of tho now policy tho gates wero opened p.U after noon and a lively fifteen minute half was ordered. As fast as the regulars wearied by the strenuous week and by tho excessive heat rotired, substitutes closed up the gaps, but there was no Bcoring until lato In tho practice, whon Coroy, playing quarter back on tho varsity, shot around tho right end for a touchdown. Harvard. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct 16 A sharp scrlmmago botweon tho varsity apd tho substitutes followed by a scrimmage between the substitutes and the second team .constituted tho bulk of the crimson practice this after noon. Both scrimmages wero hot af fairs and there was no scoring. Gil Browne, who has been out a week, was back In uniform and' played right end Instead of quarter back. Ho had plenty' of dash and mado one sen sational catch of a forward pass from Burr. Gray don waB at loft end. for tho fACULTY HAS DINNER PLAN TO MEET OFTEN FOR 80 ClAL ENJOYMENT. NEEDED WANT WILL NOW BE MET University Professors and Instructors Will Meet Frequently On 8o clal Grounds and Will Be come Acquainted. WEEK OF OCTOBER 12 THE HOME OF NOVELTY 10c AJ-L 8EAT8 10c Mats. 2:00 to 5:00; Eve. 7:30 to 9 . Last Week VAUDEVILLE PICTURES FULTON STOCK CO. Beginning & MONDAY,OCTOBER 19 to Opening SHI "the Devil" With a bountiful menu and n delight ful period of Informal sociability the university faculty last evening Inaug urated a series of Informal dinners which It is thought will serve to bring about a closor acquaintance botweon tho various professors and Instructors. Seventy members of tho faculty of the various colleges which comprise tho university assembled at tho Lin coln at seven o'clock to partako of the entertainment provided by tho mon who are at tho head of jtho movement for a closer union of tho faculty mon. Tho first thing of interest was nat urally tho dinner provided in the din ing room of the Lincoln. Tho menu was tempting and there was plenty of It, which was In itsplf enough to bring about a feeling of cordial good will and companionship, even If any artificial thing had been needed for such a pur pose. Impromptu Talka. Following' tho dlscuBsloh of the menu, various members of tho faculty who havo tho intorests of tho unlver-. Blty at heart spoko impromptu of their ideal for tho social life of tho faculty, as a body, and of' their belief in the usefulness of some plan wheroby tho members of tho faculty could bo brought into closer touch "with ono an othor than Is possible when thoy meet only In tho course of business connect ed with tho university. Tho course of other offorts of this nature was out lined, and tho bollef was oxpressed that the dinner plan, was tho succe ful solution of the problem. Some fifteen or twenty of those pres ent Bpoko on the subject and all came to tho same conclusion, namely, that the university faculty should meet to gether at periodical Intervals. Re gent Allen, who was present as an In vited guest, was called upon and spoko earnestly of his belief In tho power of a "pull together" .spirit among tho members of tho faculty. Permanent Organization. At the conclusion of the talks tho professors and Instructors unanimous ly voted to form a permanent organi zation and to meet frequently for so cial purposes. An exocutivo commit tee was selected consisting of Profes 6ors Fbssler, Avery, and Richards. This is the Way Buy Superior clothos and you will bo woll dressed. The Mayor Bros. Quality is a quality that is superior. befc us demon strate this fact to you. ' : . Note -Wo also offer Superior Quality in . Footwear. . .. 5. JHaSBVBpllSKasV Mi4tia,,.,..W!Mfl , A SBBBBBBBBBKJBJSBBt f """" F' nnrVV4CjgaaaaBBBj fT Jl ' MM :k& afc Fln;CleUi Msktrs ' BalHmers snii Niw Yttt '' 1V1YIHK DKUO. HAan fn Fonf fjrkfniwc 000OQO0000000000000000000000 Come in and see our fancy yests. Just what you want. Nothing newer nothing better. fiJl"kT32 5o OQO0000000000000000000000000 Bubstitutes and he and Withlngton tore holes In the defense. Thoy had Pish so worried that tho big varsity tackle .was unable to keep onsido and his team was repeatedly penalized. Gray and Sprague did tho best punt ing. Galqttl has become first substi tute quarter back because of the mov ing of Browne over to end. Mlnot at full back on the second team seems to' bo a find. Ho played a phenom enal game today and his line breaking was the beBt seen In practice this year. Drake. ELITE 132t "0" Street ELITE II 1330 "O" Street . LATEST AND BEST Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial . Invitation of every University ' ' ef Nebraska student ADMISSION 5 CENTS. Change ef Pregram Men. and Thur. Professpr DavldBon Is secretary of tho organization and Max Westerman 1b treasurer. The present movement Is tho out growth of qrecoptlon tendered somo time ago by the faculty of tho state farm to Professor Wilcox. This event brought home to tho teachers tho value of, an occasional meeting together and since that timet the plan has been worked out Leading membere-of tho faculty are earnestly behind tho enter prise and Its start probably marks an. epoch In tho social life of- the university. ra00H&OtfOe000K00000 CHICKEN POT-PIE FIRST Y. M. C. A. SUPPER Saturday, .October I 7th. Admission 20 cents 6:00:00 P. M. DES MOINES, Iowa., Oct. 1C For fear that Qrlnnell might learn tholr signals for the Drake-Grinnell game scheduled for Oct. 24, secret practice has been instituted by Coach Griffith for tho blue nnd white players, After the game last year tho Drake players complained that tho Iowan 'college eloven Boomed to know the numerals, so precautions are to bo taken this season. The coaches will pick some thing near a permanent line-up this week, to be tried out In' the Coo game Saturday. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN OCTOBER. Saturday 177:00 a. m., Senior break fast: ' Evening -Y. M. O, A. Supper at St". Paul's church. ' Tuesday, 20- Con vocation", Prof. Guernsey Jones, 'The Olympic Games," Thursd&y, 22 -Freshman election t llj30 a. m. In Memorial hall. Saturday 24 "Junior Informal at the Temple. Admission 75 cents. Tuesday 27 Sophomore class. 3tem orlal Hall, 11:30 a. m. Tuesday, -27 Convocation, Dean Chas, E, Fordyco, "The . Teachers' Col lege." 'Wednesday 28 Dramatic Club Tryout Engineering Society meeting In the Templei ; jjCampu3)j Slit Gleanings W 0000000000300000000 ' ! ;oooooooooooodoboooo Student "Tickets FOR GIRLS AS UELL AS BOYS Admits You to All Athletics for $3.oo : ohj SALE FiT. ; Unl Treasurer's Office Go-Op and "V WV C . ; SOLD TO STUDENTS ONLY Section Reserved for Girls' Rooting Squad m C. H. Frey, florist, 1183 O BL , Subscribe for the Nobraskan. With Minnesota beat, Ames will bt easy. Chapln J3n8, florists, 127 So. Thir teenth, . v- ... .-' ' r i Beckman Bros. Fine shoes; 1107 O street. Cameron's lunch counter, 123 So. Twelfth. - Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eleyenth. - .. Dr.- Chas. Youngblut, dentist 202 Burr block, Pot-pie. Tonight. St Paul's. By Y. M. Ct A. T, F. Mueller, 1908, was ,a visitor on the campus recently. ' C. E. Elliott, editor of the Dally W jbraskan, and M. S. Blnney of the Ne xSftAryn (&, ORDEH YPW PVHCM IT FgUWI Hot Lunches a Specialty. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream Candies and Ioe. , U07 St. Mmni Aatt 2214- It 411. COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at tile) BEST PRICES aWaJsiP .SieWeBaWssT "TreeW WE WANT -YOUR FRAT Y can giy you ths ksst prices, best foods, best tscyjbf L; 'Vl Capital Grocery jflPVgft 143& M St. J. :r- .i ".I , i' A -.JAL-:::iabu tkisai3ii& .iWhli.w y'f Ufa j.-.xAr-JL.?." .? n & t .' wwk I -.. avatftl xn vJf.