THE DAILY NEBRASKAN P (The TDatl? mebraeftan TxiIO PJIOPERTY OP " TJIH UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Llncoh, Nebraska NHISHEi EVERY BAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AM NMBAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. ntlitttkt Itflei, 128 H. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Managing Editor... Herbert W. Potter, '10 News Editor ..Lynn Lloyd, Ml Associate Editor Victor Smith, '11 BUSINESS STAFF Manager George M. Wallaoe, '10 Circulation J. Roy Smith, '09 Asst. Manager Earl Campbell, '10 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. UBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, fi Cents Eaoh. ' Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho- rate of 10 conta por inaortlon for ovory fifteen worila or faction thereof. Faculty notlooB rtna University bullotlns will Kindly bo published froo. Entered at tho poatofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as sccond-olnss mall mattor undor tho Act of Congress of March 3, 187P. OOTOBEU 17, 1008. It 1b to bo hopod that tho action of tho. chaqcollor In presiding ovor tho flrst froshmnn clasa mooting will havo tho offoct of rostralnlng Bitch wholo salo kidnapping as tho unlvorBity was troatod to last yoar. It 1b undoubtedly a good thing to have class rivalry and iota of It, but tho way in which kid napping has boon carried on In rocont yoarB Can hardly bo dofendod. It is not only likoly to tako tho person who iajridnappod away from his clasBOB at i time whon ho can ill afford to bo ah sont, but it also 1b likoly to placo a dobt upon tho cIubb that 1b far moro than tho wholo thing is worth. Tho obJoctionB which nro noted nbovo do not apply Itv tho same way to BUch claBB contQBts as aro hold at Unted tlmcB nnd undor tho supervi sion of tho authorities. Such con tests dovolop intense rivalry while they last, but they aro not stretched out ovor a number of days. Thoy do volop cloBer friendship t and unity among tho dlfforont classes instead of being simply tho roBult of tho secret planning of a few. ItVould cortainly bo a 'groat stop forward if somo such contest as puBh ball could bo devol ' oped as an annual event at Nebraska. NEW UNIVER8ITY PIN. Tho attempt of the Bonlor class to develop a standard university pin on which tho numerals of each claBB can bo ongravod is an attompt worthy of tho hlghost commendation. Ono of T U4I.Q. TwoStonLS 4f.O. tho greatest lacks of this unlvorsity 1b tho distinctive features which bo many of tho eastern colleges havo.. At tho present time thero 1b no neat pin or emblem which tho Btudent can wear, both while ho is in tho universi ty and after ho graduates that is rec ognized as tho standard emblem of " the university. After a student has graduated from tho university, thb thing that is roal ly of most Importance to him Is tho fact that bo is a Nebraska man; tho fact that ho was a member of a cer tain class being of secondary impor tance. If tho scheme which is now under consideration becomes an es tablished custom at Nebraska, it will add materially- totho permanent value of the class pin and will alBo mako a standard university pin which stu dents can wear after thoy graduate. BULLETIN8 OF GAME. Those of the student body who aro so unfortunate as to bo unable to go to Minnesota should at least take time off tomorrow andf seo tho reports of the game as they are received. The Nebraska Telephone company has arranged to post bulletins of the game at their office on South Thir teenth and the Star will do the same at i(s office on South Eleventh. t it is impossible to actually be with the team we can at least be with them in spirit and show that the opportunity of knowing each play as It Is made Is appreciated. MANY BIO CONTESTS TODAY MARKED BY MEETING OF CLOSELY MATCHED TEAMS GOPHERS EXPECT SIlFf FIGHT Final Practice Held by Coach Wlllams Chicago ,and Kllnols to Clash On Marshall Field This Afternoon. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 1G--F1-nnl Bcrlmmnge play in nroparatlon for the Nebraska gamo was hold tit North rop flold yesterday. U wau C.'IO bo foro Coach Williams sent the mon to tho nrmory. Tho scrubs broke through tho lino on sovoral occasions and tho work of tho regulars was far from sat isfactory. Nebraska is coming with a toam of votora.n playors and will bo hoavlor than Minnesota. Tomorrow Dr. WIlllaniB will drill his mon In toam -play and signal work. If tho reports from Nebraska can bo rollod upon Minnesota will bo up dgalnsl a stiff proposition on Saturday. Chicago. CHICAGO, Oct. 1G With tho Ma roons In tho best of shapo and tho plays especially ovolvod for tho Illin ois gamo porfectod, it is probablo tho Midways will boat tho downstators in the contoBt tomorrow. Not slnco 1001 has Illinois trlumphod over tho Maroons. Since that time tho Orange and Dluo has had some strong teams, but thoBo woro novor able to win. Roports from Urbana have it that if Illinois is not successful in winning tho majority of its Raines this venr. tho graduate systom of coaching wllll bo dropped nnd another plan, hit upon whoroby bottor rosults will bo ob tained. This also is tho concensus of opinion among tho alumni, and if thoso roports nro truo. Bomo gigantic strldos must bo taken by tho coaches if thoy oxpoct to win tho goodly number or gnmoB. Tho state toam lias shown nothing in Its two games to warrant such con fldonco in fact, tho showing has boon poor. It is hardly likoly that a toam can improve enough in a weok to do foat an olovon that has played bril liant football in its contests. Chicago has dofoated its two opponents de cisively, while Illinois waB hold to a tlo gamo last Saturday by Marquotto and givon a cIobo call by Monmouth, tho Saturday bofore. Of course this is an unsatisfactory method of compar ing tho strength of tho two elevens, but It furnishes food for thought. Ono thing It certain, Chicago will havo a bottor assortment of plays than Its oppononts. Illinois is basing Kb nopoB ot winning on its lino. It Is ad mitted that tho lino is stronger, but tho versatility of tho Chlcngo back field offsets this advantage. If Illinois playB Van Hook, tho great guard, at dofonslvo qunrtor thoy will not bo using him to tho beat of ad vantage. It will bo hard for this giant to keep continually running all over the flold Intercepting forward pasBos and onsldo kicks besides Btop- Say you fellows that drill (hard luck) but the directions say take it Have you seen my new tan shoes in buttons and lace? They are the $4 and $5 kind I sell at $3.50 at my new store 1415 O. WHY PAY MORE? ping tho straight plays. The captain will have to be In mighty good condi tion to stand tho hard work. It would Beem moro advisable to placo a fast and shifty man in this position, as it is improbablo that Van Hook will be able to catch Steffon, Pago-or Iddlngs when they once get started around the end. Illinois ends and tackles aro not good enough to got down tho flold un der every kick and tackle tho fleet Ma roons without considerable gain. "On the other hand, tho Chicago ends and lino aro strong in covering Stoffon's kicks and tho catcher seldom haB been able to return tho punt any distance. Another asset which will greatly help tho Maroons is tho placo kicking of Schommor. Tho "big end 1b tho And of the season in this department. 0000000OffiO00 , ; FOOTBALL Wesleyan vs. Grand Island College ANTELOPE PAIK TODAY Game Starts at 3:00 p. m. 0OOPOO3 Illinois. CHAMPAIGN, 111.; Oct. 16 Doing dopod to Iobo Saturday's gamo with Chicago has not damponod tho spirit of tho Illinois rooters, who bought to day nearly 1,200 tickets in all. This moans that tho Illlnl will havo' a root ing delegation of over 1,500 on the trains that loavo horo on Saturday and Chicago alumni will swell tho to tal. Tomorrow the university band will lead tho rooters in a march to Illinois field, where a rootfost will bo held to give tho team a final Bend-off. Tho confident statements of Coach Arthur Hall and Captain Van Hook served to inspire tho Illlnl with a lot moro hopo. Illinois is oxpected to outweigh tho Chicago oleven slightly Saturday. The local team will averago 171 pounds and the lino from end to end will aver ago 185 pounds. Coach Llndgren bo lloveB Hull, tho now center, and Pur noil, tho gurad, will prove Btrong play ers. Today's practice gavo tho final tip on tho make-up of tho eloven. All thero was in doubt was the back field and RItchoy, Bremer, and Pottlgrow woro with tho varsity. Thoy went through two and a half hours' work, desplto warm weather, that may bo a backBot aB far ob conditioning the mon goes. Despite tho grueling atmoBphero, Van Hook and his mon jumped through formations with appropriate ginger and vim. Especial attention was paid to tho open work plays, which aro tfio greatest hope of the orango and blue. Slnnock's passes-were olegant, as us ual, and tho Illlnl will bo sorely dis appointed if tho forward pass doos not prove successful against tho Ma roons. Van Hook, Sinnock, Pettigrow, RallB back, and Wham, veterans of two cam paigns, who play their last Chicago game Saturday, clasped hands tonight in tho trainers' "quarters and declared tnnt inicago could and would bo beat on. lovva. IOWA CITY, Io"wa, Oct 16 A re port was circulated last evening that tho Iowa authorlUos would wire Pro fessor Clark W; "HothorJngton of tho Unlvorsity of Missouri claiming that Captain Miller, guard;' Anderson, tncklo, and Carothors, guard, all star momborB of tho University of Mis Bourl team, woro ineligible under tho conferonco rules. Tho Iowa officials woro silent on the mattor, meroly saying that nothing could bo given out. Thoy admitted that there might bo n question on whethor Jowa was playing Missouri undor conference, meaning "big eight" rules, or. tho regulations of tho Mis souri Valley conferonco. Tho claim Ib mado locally that these playors aro four-year mon, that 1b, playing tholr fourth yoar as members of tho Univer sity of Missouri team. Tho practice last night furnished no encouragement. Cnrborry was shifted to half, whore he was given a thorough trial. Feo played In Collins' placo at tho other half, with Stewart at quarter. Catlin 1b developing his sub halves for foar of injury to thp regulars. Missouri. . COLUMBIA, Mo., Oct. 16 Behind closed gates tho Missouri olovon is preparing for its big gamo with tho University of Iowa on Saturday. Mon- Haw, Misouri'B head coach, Is driving his men hard this weok, In tho hope of surprising the Hawkoyoa upon this, tholr first Invasion of tho Tiger camp Blnco 1902. Tho Mlssourlnns aro hope ful, notwithstanding tho fact that Iowa rolled up a 92 to J) scoro against Coo college laBt Saturday. Three squads are now running sig nals until after dark on Rollins field. Ono squad Is 'varsity," another is "Iowa," using Iowa formations, and tho third Is a remnant bunch of substi tutes Every night ono of these squads alternate at gymnasium stocking feet signal practice, mixed with blackboard lessons. ' In yesterday's scrimmage "Missouri" defeated tho Iowa" squad 5 to 0, but only after a lucky fluke. The men also are being coached in blocking kicks and Btopplng the . 8 Admission25c 1 111. The College IIKl Standard CONKUN'S Kg PEN 7-yoHre sever wlthoBt lalu No matter where you may be In your room, lccturo'hall, at tho post office, telegraph offico or hotel, or on the train all you havo to do when your Conklin Pea begins to run dry is to dip it in any ink-, well, press tho Cresccnt-Flllcr and your pen Instantly fills Itself and is ready to write, Tho samo simple- movement also cleans It.' No mussy dropper no. spilling of ink no interruption to your train of thought. Handsome catalog direct from the manufacturers, The Conklin Pen Co.310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on request 80LD IN E. FLEMING, Special Drive for Cr LINEN V If 6 lor 25c at tho house of big values and pmii.l prices. Men Outfitters lAny Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shirts 5c to lOo Collars 2 l-2o Cuffs, Pair 5o Let Us Do Your Woih MERCHANTS LAUNDRY G. R.IAOLF &CO. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES 119 North I1lh St., PHONE 643 Llttll Block "drag" play which Iowa uses bo ex tensively. At least two of Missouri's regulars, Anderson and Gilchrist, aro likoly to bo out of tho gamo on Saturday be cause of injuries. Anderson, tho big 195 pound tacklo, has been on crutches for more than a week with an in jured knee, and Gilchrist, right end, sprained an ankle in tho Itolia gamo last week. Missouri still needs a good punter and another good quarter back. In tho coming out of "Rod" Williams tho quarter back problem haB been improved, but as yet no one has appeared on tho field who can boot tho oval over thirty-five yards. Wisconsin. MADISON, Wis., Oct. 16 At the conclusion of tho football practice at tho Wisconsin University tonight. Coach Barry announced "that ho would take twenty-one players 40 Blooming ton, Ind., today for Saurday's game. Ho said that In all probability moBt of the men would got a chance against tho hooslors because the team is not now in tho best of condition for tho hard gamo which Is expected from the Indiana eleven. The team will arrive in Chicago at noon today. Light signal practice was all that Coach Barry asked tho men to go through yesterday. Indiana. BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct. 16 Coach Sheldon today held his last scrimmage practice, before tho Wis consin game horo on Saturday. The practice lasted an hour and a half and wob the third successive ono of equal length. Tho squad camo dut with plenty of speed and endurance, the two things Sheldon has worked on all week. It Is safe to say the In diana team will bo a third better against Wisconsin than it was against Chicago. Betting here is even money that Indiana wIqb tho game or 2 to 1 that sho will score two touchdowns on the Badgers. The student body gathered tonlgty for a bonfire and mass meeting, Speeches 'were made by the playerB, President Bryan, and the faculty members; Between 5,000 and 6,000 ,aro oxpected to attend the game. - Michlgan. ANN ARBOR, Mich., Oct, 16 Gloom still prevades the Wolverine camp, and some uneasiness is expressed as to the outcome of the .Notre Dame ganlo. It Is feared tho Michigan line-up, still - Throughout school days, college days, business or professional career the Conklin Pen will servo you faithfully ad'tnake writing a pleasure. You don't have to coax It dr ftwa with It to' got It to write. Because of its won derful feed principle, ink' responds Instantly at the first stroke and maintains an even, steady flow to the last dot. Another great advantago of owning a LINCOLN BY 12 J 1 O STREET Friday and Saturday COLLARS E Dozen for 45c Ulf 925"0"StldneolK.Neb. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with ntaxA $3 Per Month. Darfirnlna In Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto UW-Boll 118L 123 No. 11th L,. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAM'S TAILOR The finest work done and prices right Call at our now .store 1230 o St. Ilnfeoln PEG TOP CORDUROY PANTS ELIAS BAKER PANTS CO. 118 SOUTH 11TH STREET Tciilorecl Suits 20 arid up mado right In tho shop. WORK GUARANTEED Cleaning and Pressing a specialty. MARX Tin Tailor, 122 Ho. I2tb7 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets- P. L. HALL, Proaldont P. B. JOHN80N, Vlco-Presldont BEMAN O. FOX, Caahlor W. W. HAOKNEY Jr., Aflat Oaahltr An Arrov close "meete'r .that will try neither-tie, thumb nor temper 15c. 2 for 25c. Cloett, l'ebo4jr A Co., Troy, New York - M RTTIinn ' I 1 I B. I T CARLTON 1 '. 1 ..''V v I m ' i fc r:? vJ Jk vfldi u&- 'i -,