'T!$Qf$P?'?!wiw''' ,T ?'"" '"""i ''' ' ' T '. '" V'V' """'''"' A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . M I Patronize Our Advertisers Business Directory Every Loyal University Student It urged to patronize these Ne braskan advertisers, and to men tion the paper while doing to. BANKS Central National; First Trust and Savings. BARBER SHOPS Green's Shops. 1 III BAKERIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE Chris1, Hloventh and P. BOOK STORES Co-Op; Porter's; University. CIGARS Cole & McKonna; Wolfe & Co. CLEANERS Blu men thai; H. Smith; r- Weber. CLOTHING Baker Pants Co.; Magee & Deomer; Mayer BroB.; Palace Clothing Co.; Speler &Slmon. COAL Gregory. DANCING ACADEMY Pltt'B. DENTISTS J. R. Davis; Youngblut DRY GOODS Herpolshelmor; Miller it Paine. i DRUGGISTS-r-Rlggs. FLORISTS Chapin Bros.; 0. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Magee ft Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spelr ft Simon. HATTERS Budd; Fulk. JEWELERS Hallott; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. - LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. RESTAURANTS BoBton Lunch; Cameron's. , SHOES Beckmari" Bros.; Brainth- waite; Budd; Cincinnati Shoe Store; Sanderson. SKIRTS The Skirt Store. TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Herxog; Lud- wag; Marx; H. Smith. THEATERS Lyriol Majestic; Oliver. TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. s . PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-OUR ADVERTISERS 1RYAN THE WINNER IN MISSOURI Democratic. Candidate Wins Over Taft In Straw 'Vote. William J. Bryan, democratic candi date for prosldent, carlod tho univer sity Missourlan's straw vote election among tho students of the University of Mlsourl by a plurality of 113 votos over Taft. Of a total of 802 votes counted, Bryan recolvod 364; Taft, 251; Dobs, tho socialist party candi date, 98; Chafln, prohibition party can didate, 74; and Hisgon, Indopondonce party, 16. Tho ballot was taken by students In tho Department of Journalism. Evory male student In tho university, regard Iobs of voting ago, was asked to cast his ballot, tho purpoBO bolng to nrrlvo at tho gonoral sentiment among the studonts. No voto was taken on the stato candidates. Students in tho engineering depart ment wore not inclined to tuko the tho big voto rolled up for Debs and Chafln. On tho day before tho ballot was taken tho engineers held a caucus In tholr hall and decided to vote solid ly for tho socialist party candidate. Tho lawyers decided to throw their strength to Chafln. Men's Club at Washington. A meeting of all men students in tho Unlvorslty of Washington has been called for the purpose of adopting a constitution - for a Mon's Club. A temporary club was formod last spring and plans were made looking toward the organization of n per manent association and the securing of a building for tho use of its mem bora. The now men's organization will correspond In many respects to the Rovnoltls Club of Chicago and tho Minnesota Union -of tho University of Minnesota. Membership in tho asso ciation will bo open to all male stu donts, faculty and alumni of the uni versity. Tho main purpose of the club will bo to dovelop a spirit or comrade ship among its members and to secure on the campus a club building. Beginners in elocution at Oregon are tolling funny storlos as class prac tice Purdue has installed a new inter urban toBt car to bo used in thesis work. Tho rogiBtratlon at Chicago shows a 12 per cent increase over that of laat year. Washington is considering the pur chase of a $25,000 pipe organ for tho auditorium. Williams College is building a new commons dormitory to bo known as Curried Hall. Iowa is building a new president's house and will break ground for a new law building soon. A poison squad under the non do plume "starvation squad" has been started at Minnesota. Each member of tho class in de bate at DePauw muBt make a speech in class defending his party views. The sophomores have boon so ac tive in harassing the freshmen at Michigan this year that the faculty 1b thinking of abolishing tne class polo rush entirely. A big, spontaneous noise test was put on last week by a great horde of Callfornlans. The celebration was a sample of the vigorous, copyrighted California, spirit Idaho' will probably establish an honor roll of scholarships, which will be published throughout the state. The plan Is an attempt to mako tho scholar as prominent as the athlete. The MineBota Dally editors, report ers, and "cubs" enjoyed a much talked of hay-rack party last Friday evening to their fullest extent About forty members, and non-members of the staff were jammed onto' one hay-rack and an eventful ride waB had toward Lake Johanna. President Wheeler of California has prepared a plan whereby the universi ty Ib- to care for many' of. the sick of San Francisco. The university hos pital will take all cases except con tagious or incurable "diseases, and the medical students of the university will assist attending thorn' WORKIZER LIKES THINKS NEW PLAN FOR CADET ENCAMPMENT 18 GOOD. OUTING TO BE FOR SEVEN DAYS Allows More Time for Actual Instruc tion In Military Tactics Than In the 8ystem Used Past Years. in That the now rules of the regents legardlng tho annual cadet encamp ment are perfectly satisfactory to him was the declaration made to a No braskan representative yesterday by Captain J. G. Workizer, commandant of tho cadet battalion. "You may say that I am perfectly complacent with tho situation," sai.l the captain. "In fact I find that the advantages of the new plan will with out doubt outweigh tho disadvantages, bo far as the department Is con cerned. In the first place I believe that I will bo able to get more actual military work out of the battalion than haB been possible herotoforo. "Under tho present system prevail ing for several yoars past, tho cadets left- Lincoln for the place of encamp- mont some time after noon Tuesday. They usually do noi arrive in camp un til about tho supper hour and there was practically no time available for military Instruction Tuesday night Wednesday morning was generally oc suplod with getting things in shape about camp, so that Wednesdny after noon waB the first time afforded for regular drill. Then wo had Thursday and Friday for work and camp broke up sometime around noon Saturday. That meant only part of Saturday morning for real work. There you see that we had only about three days of genulno military work. More Work Now. "With the Bystem now ordered by the regentB, I think that we can get considerable more military work in the camping period. Now we will go into camp on Friday afternoon. No time will be loBt In transporting the battalion to some other place, for the camp will be held right out here at tho state farm. That place Is health ful and will mako an Ideal place for a Uprmanent or rather semi-permanent camp. The camp will be already es tablished so that no time will bo foBt In getting down to work. All day Saturday will be available for mili tary Instruction and gaining familiar ity with camp life. "Sunday there will of course be no drill, but tho cadets can get accus tomed to camp life as well on that day as any other. There will be the regular roll-calls and church call. Then Monday we will have one drill before the cadets go into town classes. Monday afternoon they will cut classes after 4 o'clock and we will have drill and guard mount in the ev ening. Guard mount will probably only last till about 9:30, as is the cub torn at West Point in order that the cades may have a chance to study. Tho Bame program will be'followed the other days of tho week closing Satur day afternoon. On Friday and Sat orday nights guard mount will prob ably be maintained for the entire night, since there are no recitations on the succeeding days. Much Less Expense. "Furthermore, the expense under the new plan will be hut a fraction of what is now required. The railroad fare and the baggage charges for the trip to and from the camp form a tidy sum for the railroads just now. There will be none of this expense next year. Then, too, it will be possible to feed tho cadets cheaper and better if they are encamped close to Lincoln. Tho camp fees have been mounting up enormously of late years and this system will end it" When asked whether or not he thought that the uncomplimentary press comment lndulgedjn by Nebras ka City newspapers with reference to the conduct of 'the cadets at last year's encampment had anything to do with causing the chang6, Captain Workizer said that the criticism probably had its effect on. trie regents. MT '0000000000000OS)00000000900 Carry a I iTiagcc vx He stated further that he thought tho attitude of the Nebraska City papers had been rather too severe. Although he had been at the camp during tho entire porlod he had seen nothing which warranted so severe an attack as the local newspapers made. The natural jealousy between the town boys and the university men probably had a good deal to do with tho ill feeling. The cadet battalion will bo fully uni formed November 2. At this time the companies of the second battalion at the agricultural school will bo or ganized, they not being uniformed, however, until Thanksgiving. California will hqUL. an informal dance on October 22, for the benefit of the training table fund. Eighteen freshmen at Cornell have been granted scholarships. These aro of the value of $400 each. Dr. John Plckard recently urged in an address at tho University of Mis souri that part of the money of the Institution oe expended in developing the university beautiful. I Solum bia" Choice New Suits There has not for a long time been a suit season like this the styles meet 'with hearty approval and prices are moderate. We are selling more suits than at the same" time in any previous season. Some very attractive styles have just, boon received by express. Good Broadcloths, Strictly Tailored; 45-inch coat, satin lined good skirt; black and colors , $30.00 Good Worsted; 45-inch coat; specially for stout women, good skirt, trimmed with satin folds '. , .$30.00 Striped Broadcloth in Empire style; Hipless skirt; fancy vest and wide seams; colors Smoke, Green. and Rose ..$3750 Exclusive NoveltloB, one of a kind . .$50.00 to $100.00 Millinery Specials Every day is a busy day in our Millinery department and yet we are getting, tho work out promptly. Last week was the greatost wo have ever had in this department, but we expect thls'week to excel it. We not only show all the now styles; but' also all the strictly correct shades in each. , ' We have special values in Street Hats at ,. . .$2.50 and $3.95 An exceptional assortment of choice designs at ......,.$5.00 Beautiful trimmed and street hats new shapes, correct colors......,', - ,. '. $7.50 to $15.00 Untrlmmed shapes in Black, Brown, Navy, Green, Gray, etc.......... i .;...... 95c, $1.50 and $20 Children's and Misses' Caps and Hats in all tho correct colors....... . . . .' .. .25c, 50c, 7c, $1.00 and' $1.50, MILLER & PAINE 8 pennant On to Minnesota with colors flying. . Be a Booster and WE'LL WIN Pennants all iiex new designs really a great " display s x 50c, 75c, $1 $1.25,$1.50 Look into mir East Window ucciiicr PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINdS Mondays and Fridays Begtaner's Claitc Wed. A Sat. Private Lcton by AppolnUnest 124 N Street Auto 40 1 p iiil ISBN VI L k amq " rl H Iri iiv,rlKs,,i5j tv. .V