"?';( v " 7''Titr TT'i7,raP:,rf"" y -""?jkt!uv- V, "x - rv V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN yj)Campusjj)j W- Gleanings W OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT, THUR8. & THUR8. MAT. MINNIE DUPREEhn Th Road to YUrdy Mat. $1.00 to 25c. Night $1.50 to 50c "NWlFmbQHT,"CT?16 LEW DOCKSTADER AND HI8 70 MIN8TREL8 Pjce--$1.50 ta 5c ""IiAtTmAtTXI 17 "FOLLIE8 OF 1907." The School of footwear . if K ' , GMMH WEEK OF OCTOBER 12 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE 'MsTTTTticTrThTrvnrnB' Frank Mottyn Kelly & Co. Jeannie Fletcher, Five Arakl Japs. Clayton ana Drew. The Misses Delmore Maurice B. Cook. Bissett and 8cott. Viascope. EVE., 8:15 Prices 15c, 25c & 50c MAT-1,000 Seats Lower Floor & Balcony 15c; 300 Reserved 25c. rKsmi WEEK OF OCTOBER 12 THE HOME OF NOVELTY 10o ALL 8EAT8 10c Mats. 2:00 to 5:00; Eve. 7:30 to 9 Last Week VAUDEVILLE PICTURES FULTON 8TOCK CO. Beginning MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 Opening In " The Devil " Don't forgot. Everybody out. Team leaves nt 6 p. m. Be at Burlington Station. C. H. Prey, florlBt, 1133 O SL Subscribe for the Nebraskan. Quizzee are being hold in Botany 1 this week. Beckman Bros. Pine shoes. 1107 O street. t D. Wright, 1903, is visiting at Al pha Thota Chi house. Cameron's lunch counter, 123 So. Twelfth. Tickets for students at the Minneso ta game Saturday will cost fifty cents. e Chapih BroB, florists, 127 So. Thir teen thj o Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. O. N. Mun, ex-1908, Is at present recuperating his nealth at BellinghafiTT Wash. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath h.ouse, Eleventh and P streets? Senator Beverldge, of Indiana, will deliver a political speech at the audi torium this evening. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. . The seniors will meet in Memorial hall this morning at 11:30 o'clock, to complete the election of officers. J. Q. Hossack linn Just returned from registering for South Dakota land. He says he is sure of getting a farm. Green's barber shops, The Club the Burlington depot this, evening to Bee tho team lonvo for Minneapolis, and to holp givo tho CornhtiBkors a roiislng Bend-off. Senior prom E. B. Drako, and J. P. Coupe. Pin committeo Sidnoy Evans. Intor-class athletic board C. J. Wan gereln, and L. C. Hummel. Play com mittee Helon Gray. Tho third yoar law Btudents have not been handing in tholr casoB as fast as tho professors desire and It is considered ndvisnblo that porno ofrtbo cnBes be hurried In. It 1b Intended Saturday to perfect a further organization of tho practlco courts in the law school. Tho justice courts have not yet been organlzod and they will bo formed soon. The Cornhusker edltorB in giving out a list of tho staff appointments for the nnnual, Tuesday, omitted the namo of Vally White. It should havo been Included with tho 1910 assistants. Albert Aron, ono of last year's fol lows in the German department, has a fellowship In tho University of Wis consin. He writes that ho 1b exceed ingly well pleased with tho Badger in stitution. George Wendovor, ex-1910, was in Lincoln yesterday on business. M,r. Wendovor " may conclude to enter school the second semester. He 1b taking examinations to enter the gov ernment hospital service. All loyal students are going to wear scarlet .and cream colors and carry a megaphone to the Burlington depot this afternoon to make the Nebraska. team feel that the entire school Is be hind them in thiB great struggle against Minnesota. The Union Literary society has voted unanimously to grant the ubo of their hall for the Nebraska Teachers' association meeting. This action was taken because of the need of rooms by the teachers' association and a de sire to accommodate the teachers, many of whom are old Unions. Some of tho students who are going to Minnesota with the excursion to morrow evening, are trying to charter ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "0" Street. , LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMI88ION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. oAhy Way You Look at if WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shlrtt So U I0i Collars l-2t Cuffs, Pair 5. Let Us Do Your Woih MERCHANTS LAUNDRY 00000000000000OrBO00000000000 Come in and see our fancy vests. Just what you want. Nothing newer nothing better. F U L K 132 5 O ooocoooooooooooooqoooooooooos Freshmen will do woll'td patron ize those who advertise In the Nebras kan. .They want your trade and will ' treat you, right The others don't' care for your businesi. house and Colo-McKenna, 1132 O. That's all. The sophomore class will meet at 11:30 Tuesday, October 27, to elect vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Professor G. L. Taylor is still con fined to his home, with sicknesB. He will not be able to meet his classes for two weeks. Mother's Dining Hall. Good home cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh St. John Agee, a former university stu dent, has entered the law school of George Washington University Wash ington, D. C. . The following additions are made to the list of appointments given out, Tuesday by President Matteson of the senior class: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harrifeon of At chison, Kan., visited Registrar Harri son last 'Tuesday. Mr, Harrison Is a brother of tho registrar. Coaches Cole and Elliott, and Man-' ager Eager will accompany the team to Minneapolis thiB evening. Coach Borg will not make the trip. John Ridel, ex-1910, who has been traveling for a dry goods firm during the summer, was in Lincoln yesterday. He may decide to enter school tho second semester. (, , The cadets and band WlI march, to a Bleeping car which they Intend to oc cupy on the trip to and while in Minne apolis. This scheme will save them their bills at the hotels for lodging and will enable them jib make the rip a comparatively inexpensive ono. The cost to each manfor a birth In the sleeper will be fcl.85. The boys who are getting up the enterprise live at 1208 S street across from tho gymna sium where they may be seen be tween the hours of 11:00 and 1:00 today. There is such a school and every person should take advantage of it and learn all they can about proper footwear. There is the good and bad shape, the poor and perfect workmanship. Let us demonstrate to y?u,the value of knowing proper shoes. Attend our School of Footwear1 we dem onstrate with nothing but Superior Qualities. $3.50 is the price of a Superior Quality Foot Ball Shoe we have on sale. i . MAYER BROS Head to Foot Clothiers Q800ZO&WiQOa&O t UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. OCTOBER. Thursday 15 Convocation, Mrs. Si lence Dale Knapp. Thursday 15 Football team leaves for Minneapolis over Burlington, at 6:00 p. m. Saturday, 17. Y. M. C. A. supper at St. Paul's church. Saturday 17 7:00 a. m., Senior break fast. Evening Y. M. C. A. Supper at St. Paul's church. Tuesday 20 Convocation, Dean Chas; E. Fordyce, "The Teachers' Col lege.". Saturday 24 Junior Informal at the Temple. Admission 75 cents. ' Wednesday 28 Dramatic Club Tryout .Engineering Society meeting In the Temple. CHICKEN POT-PIE FIRST Y. Al C. A. SUPPER & Saturday, October 1 7th. I : -N ' ' g Admission 20 cents 6:00-8:00 P. M. 2 00000000000000OGO00000090j3pqp&0 KAN8A8 FRE8HMEN TOO FRE8H. Freshmen and sophs at Michigan had quite a number of "scraps" early Wednesday morning, the sophomores being the victors in the long run. The freshmen .were painted, and after hav ing flashlight picture taken of the bunch, were ducked In a large tank near the campus. The class hostilities wero called off Thursday night in or der to give the students a rest pre paratory to the final struggle on Frl day night. Upper Classmen Will Enforce Rules to' Hold Down" New Ones. That the K. U." freshmen are be coming too fresh seems to bo the con clualotwirrlved at by the upper class men of the -university At a mass meeting of the older students last week a set of ten rules was adopted, Which they say will .be rigidly en forced. Chancellor Strong, -In a state ment concerning the rujes said: "If tho upper classmen are In earn est and will play fair and not allow It to run Into petty persecution, I should think the plan might be a good thing. But It must bo perfectly open and In the hands of responsible upper class men." The rules adopted are as follows: Be It hereby decreed and ordained that from .this day and date all fresh men be- compelled to live up to the, following rules and regulations, as pre scribed ,by the council of upper-classmen of tho University of Kansas, to wlt: Rule 1. After .October 15, every freshman shall wear a light green skull cap with a bright red button not less than 1 1-2 Inches in diameter, every day In the week except Sunday Rule 2. The use of tobacco In any form is absolutely forbidden on the campus. Rule 3. Freshmen shall tip their hats to faculty members, touch their caps to seniors, give up their seats and make room for upnorclaSBmen on every occasion. Rule 4. All freshmen -muBt attf&rra chapel every; day and sit in tho gal lery. - .".""" Rule 5. High school pins will jxot bo tolerated on the person of any fresh man Rule 6. Freshmen must attend all student- celebrations. . Rule 7. Freshmen are supposed to be In their rooms by 10:30 o'clock, p. m. Rule 8. Freshmen Stinkers -will be called up beore the student council and dealt with in a severe and effec tive manner. Rule 9. No freBhman must be seen in the company of a co-ed on the cam pus. ' Rule 10. Freshmen are warned to conduct themselves in a meek and' un assuming manner, as befits one of their station, The student council of Tipper class men has unlimited, power to Inflict punishment on any violator of the above rules. The Daily Minnesotaa staff has ac cepted the challenge of the Gopher Mag. people to a football game to 1m played in the near future. If North rop Field can be secured it will be the scene of the conflict. The Dallies will . make known their terms soon. The football game between the two: sets of scribes bids fair to become aa aaawal affair- Last year the Clnphsfltjig's wrested the victory frei tlie Daily men after a 'meet exciting game. t .C!