wmv ) iiiyiqininlwjgLUl'J'Vi I jSaBmartfiWwisn f? .--, '' I "! . i r t ' nr m ti r r- - . A fr' iff, Ubc ebraefean Vol VIU. No. 19. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCTOBERS 5, 1908. Price 5 Cents. V. - 4 V (4 MX aito 1' BIG POT-PIE SUPPER ANNUAL Y. M. C. A. FEED COMES SATURDAY AT 8T. PAUL'S. PR. PAYNE TO DO THE COOKING Chicken Pie, Roast Potatoes, Gravy, Hot Biscuits, Coffee and Other Appetizing Viands to Be Served By Boys. Chicken pot plo, roast potatoes, gravy, hot biscuits, and othor things too numerous to mention, prepared with the skill of a Frohch chef, await those who attend the annual Y. M. C. A. pot-pie supper, Saturday night Oc tober 17, in tho dining room of St. Paul's M. u. cnurch. That chicken pie it would require volumes to proporly describe. There Is just one flavor, just one" crust and that is tho plo which Dr. Pay.ne has made for tho Y. M. C. A. at tho annual suppers for tho past several years. It is often said that a boy is easiest roached through nis stomaca. Perhaps that explains why the univorslty boys have such a worm spot in their hearts for Dr. Payne, perhaps it don't but one fact remains and that is all of tho fel lows have a warm regard for Mr. Payne and his chicken pies. Spuds with Bkins on, baked to a turn what more could one wish for. Un der the careful watch of Chef Payne and his corps of assistants they come out soft and mealy and exceedingly appetizing. Flooded in brown gravy, also prepared by Mr. Payne they bring back tho recollections of homo, and mother's cooking. Thon there are tho hot biscuits, the coffeo, and all those little accompaniments which go to make up a square meal. No one knowB, no one can appreciate what a Y. M. C. A. supper, cooked by Dr. Payne means until he has attended one himself. It is safe to say thon, that he will not need to bo urged to go the following year. Eat All You Please. Buppers have always cost tho Y. M. C. A. from ton to twenty dollars, but Iho committee has decided to make no change in the price of the supper, s.t that it will bo the same as in previous years, twenty centB. Following the supper it is probable that subscriptions will bo taken of those who desire to assist the Y. M. C. A. Tho finance committee tak-s this means of raising the funds oncn year, rather than resorting to a per sonal canvass among tho students, per ferring that the subscriptions should bo entirely voluntary. It should be remembered by every one that the subscription is entirely voluntary and the supper is given primarily to bring students of the university together. It is a place for first year men and up per classmen to meet an excellent chance for tho freshmen to learn the ways of tho univorslty men. TEAM LEAVES TODAY PLAYERS CONTINUE BRILLIANT WORK IN PRACTICE. CHANCES BRIGHT TOR VICTORY Final Scrimmage Before Minnesota Game Shows the Varsity Pre pared to Defeat the Gophers ' en Northrup Field. FIR8T DINNER FOR FACULTY. Have you over sat down to a meal where tho waiter would bring in a bit of that and a bit of this? No danger of that at tho Y. M: C. A. sup per. There Is more than enough for all, there are a bunch of follows who are there for tho purpose of waiting on you, so it Is up to you to eat until your heart's content. Within one mo ment after the signal is given, every ono of the four or five hundred stu dents who annually attend the sup per are served. Fifty boys care for the tableB while twenty others assist in the kitchen in dishing out potatoes, -corn, chicken, moat .and various dain tioBr It is so carefully planned that everything goes off without distur bance. Selections by a male quartet, and speeches by prominent members of the Y. M. C. A. will follow the supper. With president E. W. Hills, Joe Do Klndren and Professor Condra, it is certain v that the speaking end of tho .program will bo well looked after. And perhaps Dr. Payne can he inducod to render" that little song which he gave last year, -''No Onp Works But Father." It is very probable that some Y. M. C. A. speakers of national re pute will bo secured to address the meeting. For tho Y. M. C. A. One feature of the supper in past years has not been mentioned and that is, that tho suppers haVo never been a financial success. They are. not given for a financial' purpose hut rather by tho social committee of tho Y. M. C. A., of which George W. Wal lace is chairman, and S. P. Dobba nnd Harry Hill assistants. Heretofore the To Be Held at Lincoln Hotel Next Fri day Evening. At 7:00 p. m., noxt Friday there will occur the first of a socles of faculty dinners. The members of tho univer sity faculty will meot at tho Lincoln hotel and will there enjoy a delectablo menu and a period of general sociabili ty. For some time .numerous members of the faculty have felt thai the stron ous university life threatened to make serious Inroads upon their social in stinct. Many of the faculty know each other only slightly, or only by name, or not at all. It is therefore deemed desirable to afford a few opportunities during the year to cultivate the social spirit. Last spring a movement was started to organize a university faculty club, but owing to tho difficulty of securing commodious and suitable quarters, tho scheme had to be abandoned. The readiness with which the various pro fessors and instructors, have taken up tho "dinner plan showB how greatly in need of the social element they fdol themselves. Some seventy havo al ready signified their intention to at tend the first dinner at the Lincoln, Friday evening. For the last time until thoy moot tho Gophers next Saturday tho foot ball Bquncl lined up for scrimmago last evening at Antelopo park. Thoy re newed tho fierce play which charac terized their work Tuesday, and from their showing last night it is safo to predict that tho two or three hundred rooters who are to make tho trip to Minneapolis will not return disap pointed. Every year since 1002 tho hopes of tho CornhUBkors havo risen and fallen with tho coming and going of the Minnesota game, but this ytoar as never beforo the mon aro filled with the confidence and determination which forbid the possibility of defeat Thoy intend that for tho first time In six years the Minnesota braves shall bo scalped on their own battle-ground and it is tne solo aim and desire of every player who is making the trip to do his utmost toward accomplish ing this end. In addition to tho con fidence whidh tho players havo in themselves they are encouraged by feeling that the earnest moral support of the entire student body is bohind thoni and that on Saturday aftornoon those who have not found it possible for a loss beforo ho coilld got started. Tho scrubB attomptcd nhqthor for ward pass on the noxt down but it resulted in a fumble and Templo grabbed the ball and ranfor a touch down. The varsity kicked off to HoworB, who fumbled and Frum foil on tho ball tor tho varsity. Bontloy mado IB yards on a quarter back run around right end. Blrknor and Chaloupka failed to gain and a forward pass by tho 'varBlty struck tho ground. How- over, Coach Colo declared that Franck had stiff-armed Captain Harvey who was to havo received tho pass, and allowed the 'varsity to retain tho ball. Two line bucks notted six yards for the 'varsity and a quarter back play failed to gain. At this point Slaughtor wont in at right half for Blrkner and on tho first play tho varsity fumbled, but rocoverod without any gain. However, thoy had failed to mako tho required distanco and the scrubs took tho ball. A forward pass to Chaunor notted twenty yardsj but on tho noxt play Hascall waB thrown for a loss of five yards. A forward pass failed to work and tho ball wont to tho 'varsity on their own 60 yard lino. A forward pass to Harvey resulted in a 20 yard gain and Sturtznoggor followed with eight moro off right tackle. Slaughter mado 10 yards on a line buck, but Sturtznoggor was thrown for a loss. Cooke went In at quarter and sent Minor around right end for 10 yards. Sturtznoggor and Chaloupka each mado flvo and Stutz added threo moro through con tor. Minor went over for a touchdown. Minnesota Formations. For a few momonts tho coaches drilled the 'varsity in special defense for Minnesota formations which wore being used by tho scrubs. Assistant Coach Ellott was in Minneapolis last Saturday and watched tho Gophers play ngalnBt the Amos "soil ticklers." He thinks the dpnhuskors have an oven chance to beat BANQUET BIG AfFAIR AUDITORIUM TO BE FILLED WITH EDUCATOR8. OVERFLOW MEETING IS LIKELY Professor Condra Enthusiastic Over 8plrlt of Nebraska Graduates Room Lacking For Those Wishing Tickets. ' - Tho Union " School Banquet ta bo hold in tho Auditorium promisos to oe. ono of tho blggoBt evonts in education al circles that has ovor takoh placo in tho state. . In fact, If prosont indica tions are to bo taken as of any valuo, it will surpass any similar political gathoring both In size and enthus iasm. Tho banquot will bo hold In the Au ditorium on tho ovoning of Novem ber 4. Every square inch of space will bo filled with tablos, and it now looks aB though a largo over-flow meeting could bo hold somewhere olse. The banquet capacity of tho Auditorium fl under 1,000 and already about 1,800 have signified their intention of be ing present McBrien as Toastmaster. Tho leading officials on this occa sion will bo State Superintendent J. L. McBrien, toastmaster, and Mr. W. K. Fowler, maBtor of coro'monios. The total number of plates has been di vldod up among the colleges of tho state, and each institution has its al umni procure tickets from it. Alumni and undergraduatos actively engaged CHANCELLOR'8 8END-OFF TO CORNHU8KER8. To the team: Boy 8 you represent Unl. all whom you leave behind. Our hearts are with you. Unl expects -every mother's son of you to do his best. Play the game hard, hard from start to finish; only play It square. Be gentlemen every minute you are away. Get Into the game the first trembling of a sec ond. Keep cool. Be fast. Work together. Stay with the game till It ends. And may it end to your glory I E. BENJ. ANDREWS. Fire at Illinois. Fire broke out in the top floor of tho Main Hall of tho Univorslty of Illinois I'rlday evening and for a time threatened destruction of the building. It seems to have caught just under tho stairs on tne fourth floor and gained considerable headway beforo the alarm was sounded. A quick response was made by the department and effective work was begun at once. At twelve o'clock the fire was completely undor control and later was extinguished en tirely. The greatest damage has come from, water, although Adelphlc hall and the engineering drawing rooms are very badly hurt by the flames. The- water turned on wherever possible, ruined books and equipment on all floors. On the west side is the damage especially great and the basement is literally fuil oi water. Members of three fire departments, professors, students and townsmen worked faithfully during the trouble and carried many articles of value from the water-soaked bui lng Junior Informal at Temple. One week 'from noxt Saturday tho junior class will hold an Informal dance at the Temple. Freshmen and Bophomores are especially invited to come1 out and meet the upper class men. The dance will be given at the popular price of 75 cents per couple. The committee in charge consists of: W. H. .Burleigh. Miss Eunice Bauman. Miss Esther Bailey. s J. G. Trudo. S. C. Slaughter. ( , H. W. Potter. to makp'the trip and attend the game in person, will uo congregated about the bulletin boards at home waiting eagerly for tho glad tidings of a Cornhusker victory. There is not a person In school who will not send his best wishes with tho team tonight and there Ib not a heart in Lincoln which will not beat joyfully on Sat urday If "King" Cole's pupils aro able to demonstrate Nebraska's suprem cy In that great contest. . . Hard 8crlmmage. The scrimmage work last night was a reproduction of the oxcollont show ing made Tuesday evening. The var sity's play was characterized by fierce ness and speed and the yells of "King" Cole, "That's moro like it" and "Now you're playing ball" wore hoard with greater frequency. The coach at last has apparently succeeded In inoculat ing the team with some of his speed, fire and enthusiasm and tho working of the squad the last night or two re calls to the minds of the rooters iho days of 1902, when Nebraska was wont to finish the season with a. clean slate. The varsity kicked to the scrubs at the beginning of the scrimmago and one of the regulars fell on the ball at the scrubs' 45 yard lino. OH the first down Blrkner, following almost per fect interference, made twenty yards around loft end. A forward pass to Captain Harvey netted twelve' more, but on tho next play, a fake line buck, the varsity fumbled and the serous se cured the ball. Tho scrubs attempted a forward pass, but Sid Collins threw the man this week has been drilling his scrubs In Minnesota formations against- tho varBlty. At first the scrubs made gains on them, but later the 'varsity men were ablo to broak up tho plays effectually. After thlB the 'varsity was given tho ball again and Frum, Sturtznoggor, Cooke, Chaloupka and Minor alter nated at making good gains. Sturtz neggor went ovor for a touchdown and tho 'varsity was given the ball on their own 15 yard line and 10 plays in which to make a touchdown. Blrk ner punted forty yards and out of bounds. Tho scrubs made 5 yards on a, delayed pass. Slaughter, who was transferred to the scrubs made 10 yards around left end, but fumbled." Gibson, recovered for the scrubs,- but on the next play, , a forward pass, Cooko secured the ball. Blrkner made 15 through center and Cooke added 12 more on a quarter back run. Minor got five around right end and Bill Chal oupka made 8 yards through left tackle . The 'varsity lost tho ball on a fumble to Chauner who made 25 yards. A forward pass to Gibson net ted twenty yards and the scrubs failed to work an onsido kick. The line-up last night was: Varsity. ' .Scrubs Collins ,.'... c Bowers Templo Johnson. L E Chauner Frum LT ,.' Stunner Ewing .liQ.. ...... Collins Johnson Harte..RG.., Shonka Chaloupka R T . .' , . Elliott Harvey ., RE McCarthy Cooke, Bentley..QB ,. Hascall Minor L H Franck Slaughter . ...RH.. Arnold Sturtznegger ...FB.. Musson The fo' lowing men have been chosen to make the trip and they will leave tonight at o o'clock over the Burling ton: Captain Harvey, Chaloupka, Harte, Collins, Ewing,- Frum, Johnson, Cook, Beltzor, Kroger, Blrkner, Minor, Templo, Sturtznegger, Beatley, C. Col lins, Slaughter, Elliott and Bowers. . . . .. .. . Minnesota and 5 ln public school teaching in Nebraska are offered first opportunity to se cure plates, second opportunity being given to present students and facul ty. Cannot Alt Attend, Originally tho University of Ne braska was allowed 200 plates, but this number has now boon cut to 175. This will mako it impossible for all the alumni who wish to bo with the Ne braska bunch to attend. Professor Condra, who has chargo of -the ar rangements for tho University of Ne braska, declares that the replies which he has received from graduates show the groatOB't enthusiasm. Much Enthusiasm 8hown. One letter Just received is typical of tho feeling oxhlbited by all the alumni. It is as follows.: "Your letter about reserving a plate with tho university gang of howlers, singers and banquetters Is at hand, and I want to bo with thom'of course. The enclosed dollar will secure mo a plate, I trust, and If a Jcnifo and fork, tea spoon and tin cup, and such like cost oxtra, I'll settle the bill when I get up there, or if they aro short on them, I'll bring along my pocket knife and use it. , The only stunt I can promise is an appetite as ravenous as a coy ote. Hurran for tne scarlet and cream. f Stunts Prepared For. The "howlers, singers and banquet tors" will be there and everyoae will know that tho University of Nebraska Is still alive. The banquet will be Hold on election night, and the results Will bo announced in the hall during tho coUrso of the banquet Professor Condra expects to have the teachers of the state ln good form for the oc casion and has cautioned them as fol lows: "Don't fail to work out. for this oc casion. If you think of an appropriate stunt, let us have it" ' Baked beans, baked oa tke premises and served hot with delicious brown bread, 10o, at The BostoaLaek. X N 4 i , j , "" .' TEAM LEAVES BURLINGTON AT P; flil BE