The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. VIJI., No. lo
Price 5 Cents,
"TTMT-' -r - C5!,r-'t '
Coach Cole, Dr. Condra, Dr. Maxey,
Captain Harvey, "Pip" Cooke,
Earl Eager, Ernest Kro
ger, and Zeldai. Branch.
and related how In the Ames game I
laBt fall ho was pretty much discour
aged after the Aggies had made tholr
touchdown, and howwhen he heard
the rooters singing "Fight for Nebras
ka, Nebraska must win," that he de
cided to light and win.
Dr. Condra gave a good talk, mak
ing an appeal to the students to show
the right kind of college spirit, and to
help the team win by going to Min
nesota and showing the players that
everybody Is with them In this great
The final speaker was Miss Zolda
Branch. She said she wanted to see a
large crowd of rooters go with the
Some rallies held at Nebraska have
hpn hnttftr attended but few had a
bettei display of enthusiasm .and real I team to Minneapolis and help the team
win. one uiougiu me uornnumters
old Nebraska spirit than the one
which took place In Memorial hall at
7:30 last evening. It was a real en
thusiastic ocaslon upon which the loy
al Cornhusker supporters let Uooso
their spirit and "stirred up things"
for the football team and the excur
sion to Mlnnteota, Friday.
The hour at which It was-hold Tiept
down the attendance hut the crowd
filled tine Tower floor of the hall and
the first five rows on each side of the
gallery. Many of thosjtt who Were
there had just come from distant
places In the city to show their en
thusiasm for the team, and thoy did
It In the right way. Thecam, If bo
fore last evening It had felt that the
students wore not "behind It," had
changed Its opinion after the rally.
Much Cheering.
The crowd cheered all the speakers
and every mention of defeating the Go
phers was the signal for lound shout
ing and clapping of hands. The stu
dents made it plain that they all feel
the CornhuBkers are going to triumph
at Northrop, Saturday afternoon. They
all realized that this Is a golden op
portunity In the history or Nebraska
football and they endeavored to give
vent to their appreciation of that fact
by doing the right thing In the line
of rooting.
Short speeches were given by Dr.
Maxey, Coach Cole, Dr. Condra, Man
ager Eager, Captain Harvey, "Pip"
Cooke, Ernest Kroger, and MIsb Zelda
Branch. The rooters demanded that
"Bill" Chaloupka address them, but
when they started the cry "Chaoup
ka," the big tackle fled from the build
ing In consternation.
Manager Eager was the first speak
er to address the crowd. He explained
the plans for the excursion to Min
nesota saying that the train would
leave Friday evening at 6 o'clock, ar
riving In Minneapolis early the fol
lowing morning. He said the tickets
for the Tound trip were $7.20 and
could be secured at Harry Porter's
store on O street On these tickets
the passengers may return on any reg
ular train out of Minneapolis up to
and Including the 8 o'clock special Sun
day evening.
Dr. Maxey Makes 8peech.
Dr. Maxey was called upon and
after telling a story gave an interest
ing talk on the prospects of the team,
winding up his remarks by declaring
that, he thought Nebraska would get
the skins of the Gophers.
Coach Cole was the next speaker
and amid great applause found his
way to the platform. He made an
earnest appeal to the students to get
behind the team and show It that Ne
braska "had the spirit" He thought
Nebraska's chances of winning over
the Gpphers very good.
Captain Harvey gave a short talk,
saying that he felt the team would
win and all the members appreciated
the support of the students. "Pip"
Cooke In his talk said this would be
his third trip to Minnesota. The team
had always shown the Gophers a good
time on the other occasions, but this
trip would do better than show them
good time It -would win,
Kroger and Rooting.
Earnest Kroger explained how much
help good rooting Js to the players,
win with good rooting behind
a Hard, Fast 8crlmmage the 'Var
sity Regains the Confidence of
the Rooters Leaves for
North Tomorrow.
Delegates Will Go to Columbus
. -"' Bible Conference.
The first International student blblo
conference will be held in Columbus,
Ohio, from October 22 to 25. Nebras
ka Y. M. C. A. will be represented by
six delegates, the full quota allowed to
Bchools of Nebraska's class. The dele
gates selected at last night's cabinet
meeting are as follows: J. L. Der Kin
deren, general secretary; E. W. Hills,
president; "W. H. Reynolds, chairman
of bible study committee; M. V. Ar
nold, bible study committeeman: Pro
fessor F. D. Barker, member of ad
visory board; and L. C. Oberlles, re
ligious work director at the City Y.
M. C. A., who goes as an alumni mem
It'Isthe purpose of this conference
to bring to the attention of the stu
dents of North America, as never be
fore, the mighty, message of the Bible
to Individual and national life, to se
cure through the assistance of college
faculties, alumni and Influential stu
dents a greater development of North
American student Bible work.
Mr. John R. Mott, the great world
student evangelist, will preside over
the conference and such men as Bish
op W. F. McDowell, of Chicago; Prrf.
H. B. Wright, of Yale, and Robert E.
Speer will take part In the program.
Every Institution of high learning In
North America Is entitled to at least
one delegate, Nebraska, is entitled
to six and will send that number.
There will be about 1200 delegates al
together and there is no question 'but
that the Influence of this gathering
will be felt In the life of the church
throughout the entire world.
For the first tlmo In over a week
the 'varsity last night put up an ex
hibition of real football during tho
short scrimmage work which was In
dulged In. After the rather heartless
work which tho squad put up laBt
week, which was doubtless occasioned
by the continued Inclemency of tho
weather, tho hard, faBt play which
they indulged In last evening went far
to reBtoro the confidence of both the
players and rooters in tho ability of
the Cornhuskers to humble tho
Gophers next Saturday.
Early In tho season not a porson
could be found among tho host of Ne
braska's "faithful" who would con
sider for a moment tho possibility of
Nebraska's suffering defeat at Minne
sota's hands thlB year. An unprece
dented number of experienced, letter
men had returned. Both on paper and
In practice the team looked to bo a
winner. This spirit of, optimism pro
vailed until after tho Doano' gamo,
which proved to be a romp for tho
Cornhuskers, who won by 43 to 0.
This easy win by the team and tholr
alleged Invincibility seemed temporari
lyToir,,K!ngSJCoie,B pupflswItFa
spirit of overconfldence and according
ly the squad went through a short
period in which there was a slight let
up In hard, persevering work. It Is
an experience which every team goes
through at somo stage of tho gamo,
and It often occurs more than once
during the season.
Have Hit Their Pace.
Y. W. C. A. Bible Study Course Being
Well Received.
Many university girls are availing
themselves of the opportunity, to hear
MIsb Angy Manning Taylor of Chicago,
who conducting a special bible study
course under the direction of the .Y.
W. C. A. this week. MIsb Taylor's
clear; logical method of presenting her
talks appeals to the student mind, her
winning personality having much to
do with ' impressing the hearer with
the worth of what she says. She Is
'sincere In her belief and her familiari
ty with her subject Is unquestioned.
Monday Miss Taylor discussed the
study of the bible as a book, in the
same manner as any .other book would
be studied. Miss Taylor then- pro
ceeded to anafyze the gospel of John,
Yesterday Miss Taylor taught from
the .first four chapters of John. Each
noon this week Miss Taylor speaks at
tho Y. W. 0. A. rooms from 11:50 to
12:10, and each afternoon from 5 to
6 p. m. she wll speak in the Science
hall of the Temple.
Notice Engineer. '
Tho engineering society will hold
Its regular meeting tonight at 7:30
in the sclencfe hall of the Temple. AH
engineers are .urgently requested to be
In addition to working hard, as thoy
have been doing Individually, tho men
are now working hard as a team; they
are getting together on playB, and
judging from last evening's scrim
mage, they have hit a pace which will
bring them victory Saturday as well
as In tho later games of tho season.
Tho whole team sems to be possessed
with tho desire to get Into the game
and do something and they certainly
did it last night. Tho 'varsity put. up
the strongest defense which they have
exhibited this year and only occasion-.
ally were tho scrubs .able to make any
distance. The 'varsity line was im
pregnable and not only were- tho
scrubs unable to gain through it, but
frequently trio 'varsity forwards would
break through and stop the scrubs for
big losses.
Chaloupka and Frum both showed
up spectacularly yesterday in carry
ing the ball, as well as on defensive
work. Tho center trio, Harto, Collins
and Ewlng, were a veritable stone wall
and the scrubs could find no openings
through them at all. Captain Jim
Harvey and Johnson on the ends put
up tholr usual classy exhibition. On
account of Beltzer being out of the
gamo with a sore shoulder, they were
not called uj?on to receive any forward
passes, but on the defensive as vell
as in interfering on the offense, they
delivered the' goods. One characteris
tic of Captain Harvey's playing Is on
especially good one to follow: On, the
offensive, In interfering he goes after
a man and stays after him, making
sure that he Is down and out so far as
stopping that play is concerned. Tho
captain never lets up on his man. un
til tho ball Is down and, the whistle
has blownand sometimes1 he forgets
to stop even then.
Backfleld changes.
In tho backfleld yesterday neither
Kroger nor Beltzer were In the Hue-
nMAAt.nt ImIiiwIaM Mt A4.lj A la
i uy uu mwuuii ui mjuums ivwiieu iu
peared again nt loft half and Sturtz
neggor and Tbmplo filled Krogor'B
placo at full. - Minor will havo re
moved all his conditions this wook
and so will bo oliglblo to play at Min
neapolis Saturday. This Is exceeding
ly good nows, ns with Krogor and
Beltzer both on tho hospital list, an
other halfback Is badly needed. Hugo
BIrknor. played at right half through
out the scrimmage and continued his
oxcellont Bhowlng on tho offense With
tho advantage of spoed and weight,
BIrknor has tho stuff in him for an
Ideal halfback and ho Is demonstrat
ing It nt every scrimmage
At quarterback, Bontloy began tho
scrimmage, but aftor a fow mtnutetf re
tired in favor of Cooko, who ran tho
team with lotB of ginger. "Pip" pullod
off Boveral of his sensational quarter
back runB which last year so thrilled
tho rooters, and a sturit or two of this
kind against tho Gophers Saturday
may bo enough to win for Nebraska.
Details of the Scrimmage.
Tho 'varsity kicked off to Mussou,
whp returned 15 yards. On a dolayed
pass, Slaughter made 8 yards around
loft ond, but on tho next down tho
scrubs surrendered tho ball to tho
'varsity on nn unsuccessful forward
On tho first down for tho 'varsity
Chaloupka was downed for a loss by
Franck and was slightly Injured. On
tho noxt "play Frum made 5 yards
around right end and Birkner followod
with 15 more around tho other ond.
The 'varsity failed to work tho for
ward pass and wore penalized 15
yards, retaining the ball.
BIrknor punted to Hascall and on
tho first down the scrubs netted 10
yards on"Trforwar(rpaBS Thoy failed
to gain on a lino buck and in attempt
ing a tandom play they fumbled and
Harvoy fell on tho ball.
Minor made 25 yards around right
ond and Birkner added 4 moro on a
croBs-buck. Tho 'vnrslty got their
signals twisted and when Collins
passed tho ball no ono received it and
Bentley fell on It for, a loss of 10
yards. On a quarterback run Bontloy
was downed for a loss, but BIrknor
made 20 yards on a fake punt
At this point Temple replaced
Sturtznegger at fullback and Cooko
went In at quarter. The 'varsity lost
the ball on a fumble and it was tho
scrubs' ball on tho 'varsity's 45-yard
lino. On an attempted quarterback
run tho scrubs lost 10 yards and then
Slaughter was downed for a loss by
Chaloupka. McCarthy mado 10 yards
on a delayed pass, but on tho noxt
play Harvey throw Slaughter for a
lpss of 8 yards. Tho scrubs attempted
an end run, but fumbled and BUI Cha
loupka got the ball and ran for a
Shortly after this, "Pip" Cooke
pulled off a sensational 65-yard run
for a touchdown, recalling to the root
ers somo of his spectacular stunts last
year. Tho coach gave the 'varsity the
ball on the scrubs' 45-yard line. Tem
ple made 4 yards through center and
Frum mado it first down by a 'good
gain around right end. Cooko mado
5 yards on a fake play and on tho
next down got away for his second
touchdown, after shaking off and stiff
arming several tacklers. '
The playing of the 'varsity through
out, the scrimmage was the best of the
year and evidently they are preparing
to put up a game against Minnesota
Saturday which will reward the No
braska rooters for taking advantage
of the excursion to Minneapolis.
The team will leave for Minneapolis
over, the Burlington at 6 o'clock to
morrow evening.
The Cartoon Department Will Receive
Much Space and It Is the Inten
tion to Make Other Addi
tions to the Annual.
Tho task of proparlng tho 1909 Corn
husker for publication has just bogun
with tho selection of a staff, and with
in n fow wooks a largo forco of edi
tors will bo sot to work getting
"early" copy ready for tho printors
and making preliminary arrnagomonts
for securing photographs and other
matorlal for half-tones.
For sovornl days Edltor-in-Chlof W.
A. RoborlBon nnd Managing Editors
E. W. Hills and It. S. MoBOly havo
boon busy solectlng an efficient staff.
Tho last soloctions woro mado yester
day and tho comploto list was given
out In tho nftornoon. Tho editors in
choosing their aids endcavorod to get
the' roprosontativo studonts of tho two
upper classes. Tho number of studonts
on tho staff has boon increased.
Cartoon Department. ,
A department has also bon mado in '
tho way of a cartoon, or artlBt staff,
and the noxt Cornhusker will contain
Bomo clover drawings by tho best art
tBts in school and in tho city. It is
the intention of tho' editors to make
tho cartoon department one of the
main features of tho annual.
A mooting of tho newly appointed
staff has boon called for this evening
at 7:30 o'clock in Memorial Science.
hall of tho Tomplo. Plans for the
year's work will bo talkedover and
an effort mado to get the members of,
tho staff to work at onco gathorlng
matorlal for tho next book.
Staff Appointments.
Tho following studonts have boon
appointed to tho staff:
1909 Assistants. Holon Gray, Holon
Day, Gortrudo NIelson, Boss Holcomb,
Lenna TImmerman, J. B. Johnson,
Ivan Baker, G. H. Mattlson, F. A!
Jones, F. A. Crltes, G. W. Peters, Ira
Von Foroll, E. D. Drake, H. P. Won
der, E. C. Johnston, Guy Montgomery, -J.
C. Kotrldgo, D. T. Barrett Robert
DoVoo, E. F. Guldlngor. '
1910 Assistants. Florence RIdoll,
JcbbIo Doming, Lucile Cull, Esther
Bailey, Lucia Aronds, Sarrah Martin,
Hazel Rabor, Fred Hoffman, Max
Boghtol, Lorenzo Flower, James Tuck
er, William Byerts, William Burleigh, -Roy
Nelson, Earl Lantz, John Alexan
der, Eleanor Barbbur.
Artist Staff. Ethel Perkins, Blanche
Sperling, John Hogo, Carl Hall, K, P.
Frederick, J. T. Tate.
the Grlnnell game.
Juhior,Football Practice,
Harry Ewlng, guard on the Varsity
team, will coach the -juniors this year.
Everybody who can play Is requested
to' bo out at the north side of the li
brary next Thursday at 11 o'clock.
-Pies like mother tried to Make.
Baked fresh every day by an assart
Harry Minor ap-1 woman pie baker atTMBeeieaLfwefc.
President Matteaon Gives Out List of
Appointments. ,
rienfor Promenade Wellor, F, M.,
chairman; Davis, E. G., master of
ceremonies; Bell, H. O., Carney J.f F.,
Gaatt, R. A., Harvey, J. B Kenner,'w,
V. Wlldish, F, N.
Senior Pins Helen Gray, chairman;
Bigger, T .8., Proyd, B. A., 'Pry, Bes
sie, Guidlnger, E. P., Kruckenberger,
Minnie; Milllcken, Alma.
Seniors. Play Bess Holcombe, chair
man; H. Pike Letton, manager;
Barnes, Viola P., Davles, S. S Day,
Helon, Hewitt Lucy, Long, A. B.,
Montgomery, G. Legnor, S, Xi,
Members of. Inter-class Athletic
Board S. P. Dobbs.
Manager class football team, S, P.
Breakfast committee E. W. Hills,
chairman; J. Coupe, F. Crltes, H, Day,
V. Fink. M. Hart B. Holcombe, M
Hudson, F. A. Jones, J. Ketrldge, A.
Meyer, G. Nellsoo, O. Lyford, C, A,
Thompson, F: N. WIMlsh.
A meeting of the breakfast ' commit
tee will be held In U 1Q, iTkureiay
at ll:tt.