T h V, '; 'vmv Ttbe IRebraeftan Vol. VIII. No. 16. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1908. Price 5 Cents. Dail TO MEET WORTHY TOE NEBRA8KA WILL CLA8H WITH FAST GRINNELL ELEVEN. ADMIRATION FOR CORNHUSKCRS Think This University Has One of the Best Teams In the West Outside of Big Eight 8chool8. Previous, Score. Nebraska. Grinned. 1900 33 0 1902...' 17 0 1904 46 ' 0 1907 30 4 The spheroid will be kicked off at 3:30 o'clock thiB afternoon In opening what is "doped" to be a faBt struggle between Nebraska and Orlnnoll at Antelpoe park. The time of halves will probably be thirty minutes. The Grlnnell warriors arrived In the city last ovonlng and nre quar tered at the Llndell hotel, where they were willing to discuss the game freely. They said they were not fig uring on winning from Nebraska, but hoped to make a good Bhowlng. Their success against the Cornhuskers last season, they explained, had taught tbom that they might be able to score on the Cornhuskers at any time and that they also might be able to pre vent Nebraska's scoring in the open ing.. They did not believe they would win. They said they had too much respect for the ability of "King" Cole and his pupils to expect that. Thoy have been following closely the work of the Cornhuskera this sea son nd think Nebraska has one of the best teams In the west. "Your team," one of them commented, "has a great deal on many of tho elevens in the west. Look at that line of yours. Nearly every man in It 1b a veteran, and Is a heavyweight. They ought to play terrific ball. In your back field you have Kroger at full and, at quarter, that speedy Cooke. Nebraska surely will tear things up this season. I look for them to de feat Minnesota." The Nebraska cadet band will fur nlsh muBlc at the game. Admission to any part of tho grounds will bo fifty cents. There will be no reserved seats. A stiff signal practice was the word last night at Antelope park and for over an hour the team was kept hard at It. They are in the best of phys ical condition and notwithstanding their poor 'showing at practice this -week, look to be easy winners today. Grlnnell has been sending out pessi mistic reports about the injuries to their team, their lack of weight and 'experience, and various other tales -which might delude the public and Incidentally the Nebraska players In to believing that the Cornhuskers will have a Qoft snap today in trimming tho Iowa collegians. However, these dire tales have all been taken with a liberal amount of salt and no too much credence has been given them. It Is an old trick of crafty coaches to circulate gloomy reports, on the eve of a game with tho Intention of in , jsplrlng the opposing team wjth over confidence and then springing a happy BurprlBo on them when the time for the game rolls around. , Different Now. But "for once this will h&ve no. effect on either Nebraska players or root ers. There is no reason on earthwhy the Cornhusker rooters, should be con fident of an "easy victory today, al though the Nebraska team on paper ' looks like a World beater. This is the way they staok up: Years on Wt. Squad Player. Position. Harvoy (Capt.)..R. E. Chnloupka R. T. Harto R. G. Collins C. Ewlng L. O. Frum L. T. .TohnBon ..' L. E. Cooke Q. Deltzer L. H. Blrknor R. H. Krogor F. 180 185 180 180 190 185 170 138 163 170 175 From these statistics It Is readily seen that tho. Cornhusker aggregation lncks nothing in experience. There is not a man on the squad who haB not played at least two years of foot ball at Nebraska In weight the team is as heavy as it has been any tlmo In recent years and the weight is well distributed among the players. With the exception of Cooke, tho midget quarterback, there are no very light men, and on the other hand, there Ib no one who weighs over two hundred. Every man on the team is active and shifty on his feet With experience, weight, and training in their favor, It is hardly conceivable that the team" should continue" In the dumps as they have been this last week and it is to be hoped that ttioy will take a big stride In the opposite direction this afternoon: Has Good Points. But the Grlnnell aggregation Is not without its advantages "too, Their average .weight is only a few pounds less than that of the Cornhuskers and (Continued on Page 4) i - - i i . MilTi & "''' ) ".' -Vvv.V-:- ;.-- V ' ' ' " ' ' '. " - - I NEW UNIVERSITY SONG MOVEMENT BEING 8TARTED TO GET ORIGINALMliBIC COMIVilTTEEHAS BEEN APPOINTED "Scarlet and Cream" 8ald to Bo Merely a Parody on Princeton's Famous 8ong the Orange and Black. Among several students moBt inter ested in tho welfare of tho university, a movement is now on foot to get a now school song. It 1b contondod by these students that tho present Bong is Jnot oven original, but Is merely a worked-over song taking for Its model ono of tho favorites in eastern colleges. It has been a custom In the past WILL IT BE THIS WAY? Flanagan, Grinnell Left End to get catchy music for athletic events by taking somo popular comic opera 'tune and fitting appropriate words to it It is contended that while this may be appropriate enough for such events, it is hardly proper to have the formal school song car pentered Mn such fashion.. To get the matter before the school a 'committee composed of Messrs. Hills, ' Montgomery and Dobbs has been appointed. ' ,Commlttee'at Work. This committee is now attempting to get students who hare awfeal ability Interested In the nutUer'M that tho movomont may havo somo practical result. In dlscuBBlng tho matter yostorday i m ad M b 4 .- - m && M & A - - ... A. .4 . ft 1 fl u Hiuuunt prommwiHiy connocieu wiin tho movement oxprossod hlmsolf very docidodly as follows: "Tho attomnt in irnt n nnlinnl nnntr does not mean a parody on somo ! tune which has boon tho favorito tune of Yalo, Harvard or Prlncoton, but an absolutely now and original song. The song called tho 'Scarlot and Cream which has boon Bung by tho Btudonts of this Institution for the last fow years Jb an exact theft In regard to tune and a parody as to wording upon tho old favorito of Prlncoton, tho 'Orango and Black.' "Even In such Imitations wo can not havo tho field to oursolvoaj for should wo encounter a student of tho Poru normal, of Doano collogo or of Bovoral other Bmall schools in thu state, wo are apt to bo treated to a rendition of our 'school song' slight ly revised. Nebraska has too far outgrown hor swaddling clothos to v n allow such a Btato of things to con tinue. We have now the' eighth largest state institution and the thir teenth largest Institution, public or private, In this country. Need It ladly. "Proudvof our traditions for clean liness and grltlin sports, for keen, clear-cut thinking In debate, and for scholastic excellence, Nebraska can not afford to be without a song of her own. The work, however, Is one in .which all must help, and any.sug eWons or material should be turned "over to the committee." Your car fare would pay for a nice lunch at The Boston Lnaehv "Way go home? TO CLOSE THE DOOR . . -. - ... SORORITY GIRL8 BAR OUT MEN TOMORROW AFTERNOON. IN COMPLIMENT TO MISS TAYLOR University Sororities Want To Help Make Y. W. C. A. Blblo Confer ences Most Successful Ever Held In Lincoln. With ono oxcoptton tho sorority houses of tho unlvorsity wll bo closed to gentlemen callors tomorrow aftor noon and ono wook from tomorrow. This action Is takon In compllmont to Miss Angy Manning Tnylor of Chica go, who Ib tho guest of. tho local Y. M. C. A. (ho comingwook. Miss Tay lor will spoak to tho unlvorsity girls both Sunday nftornoons nnd for this roason the sororities will not keep op en houso as iiBual. Tho olovon fra ternities wore notified to this, offoct last 'evening. Thustho interest takon by tho sor orities in tho Y. W. C. A. work will bo responBlblo for closing tho doors on tho fraternity men Sunday after noon for tho first tlmo In yoars. It has been the custom from tlmo Ims momorlal for tho girls to throw open ' tho doors on Sunday afternoons to any of tholr gentlemen friends who desired to call. Last spring a local newspaper camo out with a sonsa tlonal article to tho ofect that the sororities would probably put a stop to tho ustom for various reasons. Tho proposeST boycott was novor carried further than tho columns of this pap er and tho threatened slap at the university men did not occur. But now the girls are going to put up the bars and forego tholr fun In f order that tho work oMho Y. W. O. A. may rocelve additional impetus from the visit of Miss Taylor; Tho sororitiee which announce they have no wel come for unlvorsity men tomorrow are Kappa Alpha Thota, Chi Omega, PI Beta Phi, Alpha Phi, Delta Delta, Dol ta.Alpha Chi Onloga, Alpha Omricon Pi, and Delta Gamma. It Is reported, however, that somo frat, men have already secured Individual "dates" at these houses. Miss Angy Manning Taylor, for whom the sororities havo Issued the antl-man-on-Sunday proclamation will arrive in Lincoln today and will be a guest of tho PI Beta 'Phi sorority while In tho city. Miss Manning will next week conduct a series of Bible conferences which 'are expected to bo of Immense' value to the girls who attend them. She Is anjnstrtfctor of note and has had sufficient expert onco to know how to get the results. Miss Taylor Fluent.. Mies Taylor has visited many of the universities of this country and has had an excellent success In all of them. She Is a woman of pleas ing personality and she is a fluent speaker. Her presentation of Bibli cal subjects Is clear &nd logical. Tonight Miss Taylor will be the guest "of honor at a reception "given by tho university Y. W. C. A. at the homo of W, 'J. Bryan 'at Falrvlew. It Is- expected that a largo number of university girls wll be present to formally- greet' the association's guest and to enjoy tho entertainment which has been provided by a comlttee un der the direction of Miss Vibbard. Miss Taylor's first address will be on Sunday afternoon- at 4 o'clock at the Temple theatre. '" Each day next week Miss Taylor wll lead the Y. W C. A. noonday service from 11:10 ttf 1240. Beginning with Tuesdaxjf I terncon from 5 to 6 Miss Taylsjfplll conduct a Bible study lectwre oo ference in the Science hJ at 'the' Temple. All of these meetings are free to, all women of the elty; but, (Continued on. Fa 4) .. v "M.