, ! "J". "WT-n 'miimmiimiimH)Kmmimm ill in ii ii m imam i iimym liiiDiinMlwMimMiiwiiiinlMMiniliLiiiiitniiirin.(nmn .lip mi inn iiiiiliT1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I & I m 7 The Essential Fall Coat There is no question about the practi cability of a cravenette as a fall coat It has every good feature of a light weight top coat with the protective feature added. It is away in the lead as a popular garment and grows more so each season. Not only very fine black fabrics are being shown, but nobby colors in handsome new models are very much in demand. We have never shown so many styles nor bet ter values than right now at $12.50, $15, $18 and $20 MAGEE & DEEMER Kensington Clothes They Fit O OffiO000000Ok500SO0)0000000500 o H Student Tickets FOR GIRLS AS WELL AS BOYS Admits You to All Athletics for $3.oo ON SPILE AT- Unl Trensu rer s Office Co-Op and Y. 7V . C. f . i 8 9 5 6 SOLD TO STUDENTS ONLY V $ Section Reserved for Girls' Rooting Squad BRYAN AT UNIVERSITV GREAT COMMONER TO ADDRE88 STUDENTS DURING CAMPAIGN. FIRST COLLEGE HOUR RECEPTION FOR MEN AND WOMEN IN MEMORIAL HALL TODAY. WILL BE WEEKLY SOCIAL EVENT WIIL SPEAK IN MEMORIAL HALL Bryan and Kern Club Open Permanent Headquarters In the Temple Music Hall Will Be Deco rated for Club. n oyoyoMoyoac INJURIES WEAKEN TEAM. (Continued on Pago 4) or ovon from Grhinoll? iho continued apparent lndlfferonco of tho men be gins to blight our hopoa for a succobb ful Hcuson. Tho fact that a lino made up of lettor men is not imprognablo, has boon ropoatcdly demonstrated this wook, and it Is to bo hoped that some of tho voteranB will take a braco by Saturday and will put up tho gamo which they are allogod to bo capable of putting up. At prosont tho scrubs arc away ahoad of tho 'varsity in the manner in which thoy got into tho game; thoy exhibit some Ufo, vim and spirit and the quicker tno regulars absorb somo of it tho soonor thoy will be able offoctually to maintain Nobraska's football prestige. BRYAN'8 NAME CHEERED. (Continued from Page 1) porch campaign, but this wasn't satis factory and bo Taft was sent to tho front. Even this was not satisfactory and bo Roosovolt jumped in. Lastly, Governor Hughes was sent out. Gov ernor Hughes criticized several of Bryun's Ideas, but ho offered no reme dies for known abusos. The reason Is that Mr. Hughes is n destructive statesman and Bryan is a constructive statesman. Fortune favored tho second year men of Coo In their tug-of-war Sop tombor 18. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. OCTOBER. Friday 9. Informal dance at Fraterni ty hall. Saturday 10. Football, Nebraska vs. Grinnoll, at Antolope Park.. Tuesday 13. Convocation, Professor Guernsey Jones, "Tho Olympic Games." October 20. Convocation, Doan Chas. E. Fordyco, "The Touchers' Col-logo." SPECIALSALE COLGATE & CO. TOILET PREPARATIONS Wo purchased from Colgate & Co, the completo lino of their prepara tions as exhibited during the state fair. The assortment includes a full package of almost every article this great firm manufactures. Most of tho articles are staplo such as wo. sell 'every day while others are unusual and seldom found on sale except "in large cities. Perfumes, Toilot Waters, Talcums, Tooth Powders and Toilot Soups are .all Included. Tho sale has been on for a -week and Saturday will be tho last day. ABOUT PRICE8 Each drtlclo In the line Is bolng sold byus during this sale at the lowest price pormlttcd by Colgate & Co. Wo quote a fow prices: 50c glycerine for 42c bottle. 35c' glycerine for 23c bottle. 20c glycerine for 15c bottle. 25c shaving stick for 18c box. 50c shampoo mixture for 42c bot. 25c shampoo mixture for 23c bot. $1.00 bottle perfume for 75c bot. $1.50 bottle perfume for $1.00 bot TRIAL PACKAGE FREE Each purchaser Saturday will be given free of charge a choipe of the following ltomB: Trial size bottle Colgate's Perfume. ' . Trial size bottle Colgate's Toilet Water. Trial size package Colgate's Coles 8oap. Trial size can Colgate's Talcum Powder. Trial size stick Colgate's Shaving Soap. OVER A THOU8AND 8AMPLE8 TO GIVE AWAY UNIVERSITY PIN8 AND BR00CHE8 ' We bare a very complete lino of University Stick Pins, Brooches and Hat Pins in storling silver, enameled in State University colors. They come Jn diamond, round and pennant shapes. PRICE8 25c, 35c AND 50c State University Seals In French gray or gold finish In the form of brooches, at 35c, 50c and 75c. Miller $ Paine 50c bulk perfume for 25c oz. $1.00 bulk perfume for $1.00 oz. 75c toilet Water for 50c bottle. $1.00 toilet water for 74c bottle. 50c toilet water for 38c bottle. 75c bay rum for 66c bottle. 50c ,bay rum for 42c bottle. 25c dental cream for 20c bottle. The Bryan and Kern club of the University of Nebraska have at last definitely announced that William J. Bryan, democratic candidate for the presidency, will speak to university students next Monday afternoon. At first there wa8 considerable doubt as to whether or not Mr. Bryan could find time during the rush of his cam paign to speak to tho studentB of the university, but the announcement set tles tliis point. Mr. Bryan was Interviewed by a committee of the Bryan and Kern club after his return from Havelbck last Monday evening, just as ho was preparing to leave for D&a Moines. He expressed his Interest In tho uni versity and declared that he would be glad to give the committee an hour of his time. Ho even permitted them to cIioobo the time and place of the meeting. In Memorial Hall. According to present arrangements the meeting will be held at five o'clock next Monday afternoon In Memorial Hall." It was originally planned to hold tho meeting in the Temple Theatre, but this would not hold near so many people and would not be as satisfactory in any way. Many extra seats can be put into Memorial Hall bo that it will hold at loast a thousand "people. The proposition of holding a big open air demonstration was for a time considered, but many considera tions causod tho committee to reject the Idea. In the first nlace no nart of the campus Is well adapted for such a mooting. Then, too, it would be much harder for Mr. Bryan, and would force all those who wished to hear him to stand in a crowd. Tho final arrangements lor tho meeting are rapidly being made. It Lhas already been decided that all four o'clock classes will be dismissed. oProfessor Howard will preside at the mooting and introduce tho speaker. V New Rooms Secured. The democrats of tho university liave secured Music Hall of tho Tom- pie as a 'permanent headquarters. It will be decorated and will be opon for. tho uso of tho club at all times. The Bryan and Kern club formally opened tholr headquarters' last even ing when Frederick Shepherd, presi dent of tho Lincoln Bryan club, and Judge A. S; Tlbbots made addresses. Promoters Are Trying to Establish a Club Where 8tudents and Mem bers of Faculty May Come Together Regularly. The first College Hour will be held this afternoon from 4:30 to 6 o'clock in tho reception room of Memorial Hall. Both men and women students and members of the faculty are In vited to attend this opening Boclal of the year. Light refreshments will be served. The College Hour 1b an inovatlon at Nebraska, and Is being Introduced by Dean MrB. Barkley and several of the Y. W. C. A. ladles. It takes the place of the Friday teas that were given In other years, but Is different fiom them In the one marked respect that the members of both Boxes arc to attend. Not only are the men in vited tills vear, but other changes will be made. 'The College Hour is to bo much wider In Its scope than the traditional teas of days gone by. it is to be more than a place where a few men and women can go to alp up tea. The women are going to mako it a place where the men will want to go and that frequently. Plans for Future. As the university women are now l-lannlng, tho future will see somo club rooms fitted up In fine style In the Temple, where tho students may collect at various times to rest and dlsciiBs topics. Here the light ro ll eshments will bd served on fre quent occasions. And here also will probably be a place where those who are so inclined may enjoy a nuiet smoke. If the present plans carry, many little conveniences will be placed at the disposal of tho students before many months. When these things come to pass tho College Hour will probably give way to the Col lege Club. Those who originated the plan of the College Hour have had in mind the College Club, and will mako a great effort to have the movement of this latter organization taken defi nite shape. It has been pointed out that a College Club would have about It a traditional college atmosphere, and would be a place to which the old "gradB" both boys and girls- could wander into when they returned for a visit to the university. It would be a place that would seem like homo to the returning Btudents. One Each Week. For the present time the College Hour will be conducted each week at Memorial hall and all students and members of tho faculty will bo wel comed. With a little encouragement the College Hour Is expected to grow into the College Club. fair weather. Then they ran into a terrific West Indian hurricane. All Thursday night the stanch lit tle vessel scudding along in the wind under bare poles was- tossed about like a cork by huge waves. When day broke Friday the wind was howl ing and tho storm had greatly in creased In Intensity. Twice the ves sel was almost completely overturned. It was a terrifying experience for all on board. Later In tho day as the vessel was pounding along in heavy seas Us mainmast wont by tho board and the foremast broke off about twenty feet from the dock, lit tering It with a mass of cordage, broken spars, and adding now ter rors to tho situation. In this condition the Mayflower was sighted Saturday morning by the steamer Advance of the Panama rail road line which halted and endeav ored to give aid. Until Sunday morn ing this vessel lay to, but owing to high seaB was unable to approach near enough to put out a boat or give any assistance. Tho Advance steamed on its way to Now York. Just as it seemed their vossol would founder, the steamship Ran, bound from Daiquiri to Baltimore, hove Into sight, but like the Advance, was un able to launch a boat. She did, how over, try to get a line abroad tho dis abled vessel. In each case the line fell Bhort. Then the captain of the Ran signaled he would stand by. Sunday afternoon tho Hippolyte Du- mols, laden with bananas from Port Antonio, Jamaica, to Baltimore, steamed up and Joined the Ran. By skillful manipulation Captain Daniel sen brought the Hippolyte and DumoiB to the windward of tho Mayflower, and by a well directed shot a lino was sent flying across the forward deck of the little vessel. A lifebuoy was launched, and man after man was dragged across to safety to the steamer's deck. Business Directory Every Loyal University 8tudent is urged to patronize these No braskan advertisers, and to men tion the paper while doing so. BANKS Central National; First Trust and Savings. BARBER SHOPS Green's Shops. BAKERIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE Chris', Eleventh and P. Porter's; -Cole & McKenna; Wolfe & HARVARD MEN CHEAT DEATH. The cross country team of Syracuse university reported yesterday after noon and was taken on a long run. Nearly fifty men started and from time to time others followed the course laid out by the advance team. Five Students and Crew Rescued In Furious Gale. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 7. Flvo sol diers of fortune and seven sailors they took out with them to hunt for sunken gold were brought safely to. port today In the Norwegian steam ship Hippolyte Dumols, after being shipwrecked and buffeted by waves almost mountain high in the Atlantic ocean, about 200 miles east of Wat ling's island. The fortune hunters are five Har vard men and in the old yacht May flower they embarked, expecting to find treasure In a sunken Spanish galleon in the Caribbean sea, but the vessel, which becamo a total wreck, is' now tossing a derelict in the At lantic. Tho; modern argonauts are: Q. H. Scull, Boston; R. A. Derby, New York; S. H. Noyes, Newport, R. I.; Hayden Richardson, New York, and S. S. Boylston, Baltimore; The party of five adventurers who had long planned to make . tho trip sailed from Now York on the old Mayflower which had been converted Into an auxiliary power launch, Until last Thursday night they encountered BOOK STORES Co-Op; University. CIQARS- Co. CLEANERS Blumenthal; H. Smith; Weber. CLOTHING Baker Pants Co.; Magee & Deomer; Mayer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spolor &Simon. COAL Gregory.' DANCING ACADEMY Pitt's. DENTISTS J. R. DaviB; YoungbluL DRY GOODS HerpolBhelmer; Miller & Paine. DRUGGISTS Rlggs. FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; .0. H. Froy. FURNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Magee & Deomer; Mayer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spoir & Simon. HATTERS Budd; Fulk. JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS George BroB.; Simmons. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Cameron's. BtiuiiiH uocKmpnx BroB.; Brainth waite; Buddjfctaciftfiatl Shoe Store; Sanderson. SKIRTS Tho Skirt Store. TAILORS-Elllott Bros.; Herzog; Lud wag; Marx; H. Smith. THEATERS Lyric; MaJeBtic; Oliver. TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS- ADVERTISERS V w9 '