w- - 1J t i whw iwwww muwuwiKiiWuw i i n mm iiMMrfwnMHHwn(WiM.Ji THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I Kl I tl I I Cbe B)atl 1fi"ebra9ftan Tnlfl PJIOPBRTY OF TUB UNIVKUBITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nebraska PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THIS STUDENT PUD. BOARD. Publication Otflci, 126 No. 14th St. Editorial staff. Editor... Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Managing Editor.. .Herbert W. Potter, '10 Newt Editor Lynn Lloyd, '11 Attoolate Editor Victor Smith, '11 BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager Oeorge M. Wallace, '10 Circulation J. Roy Smith, '09 Atit. Manager Earl Campbell, '10 Editorial and Bualnei Office) BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDO. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. UB8CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chnrgod for nt tho rate of 10 coiitn por Inaortlon for ovcry fifteen words or faction thoroof. Faculty notlccH and Unlvorslty bulletins will Kindly bo published froo. Entered at tho postolllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-cluBs mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. OCTOBER 1), 1008. AN HONORED GUEST. On noxt Monday aftornoon tho Uni versity of Nebraska will, for tho sec ond tlmo, do honor to a distinguished Amorlcan citizen who, nt tho proBont tlmo, Is promlnontly boforo tho pooplo of tho United States as the leader of ( ono of tho grout political parties and who may become tho next prosldont of tho nation. When Mr. Taft was a guost of tho unlvorslty tho wholo school united to honor him. Whon Mr. Bryan, on noxt Monday aftornoon, also becomes a guest of tho univer sity ho will llnd tho same kind of a welcome. It 1b a rare prlvilego that tho stu dents of tho university have In being ablo to llston to tho great leaders of both political partlos during tho pres ent campaign. In post years tho dif ferent parties have sought to win votes by parndos and a vast amount of nolso, but thlB year tho contest is being fought by an appeal to reason. Under theso circumstances It Ib nat ural that tho unlvorslty should play a more Important part In tho cam paign than It has over played boforo. Whon tho contest 1b changed from an My $10.00 Cravenette Game. We never regular priced $10.00 Cravenettes. It when I can buy at a "price" let me give you a $15.00 or for $10.00 that I cret busv. areshowingyouatll410. - w j- appeal to the Bonsos to an appeal to the reason, tho unlvorslty at once be comes legitimate lighting ground. In the university's honor to Mr. Bryan there Is more than just tribute to a great man. No man has over been more constant or sincere In his interest In the wolfaro of tho univer sity than has Mr. Bryan. Ever since Mr. Bryan entered public life ho has always been ready to give whatever tlmo was requested to tho unlvorslty. Ho has presided at Intercollegiate do bates and ho has many times ad dressed tho students at convocation. Whether all can agree with Mr. Bryan's politics or not, all can unite to honor a constant friend of the uni versity. RECOGNITION FROM CHANCELLOR Tjho coming of Miss Angy Manning Taylor of Chicago to our unlvorslty affords a great -privilege to univer sity women. I have read with Inter est tho way her scholarly work has been recognized and welcomed In va rious places, and am glad to Bee bat the organizations of women In .our university aro uniting to give tho lady as cordial a welcome as she has received elsewhere. B. BENJ. ANDREWS. - On Saturday morning if the weather is good the girls of Grlnnell are asked to take in a "Hare and Hound Chase." CHESTNUT IS, DROPPED . MINNE80TA 8TAR FAIL8 TO PA88 8PECIAL tXAMINATION. , AMFC fAMVOT PI AV TIIDFF MFW , ..... w vi.imv. m mj K.K. Ilim.11 Gophers Insist On Conference Rules and Aggies Lose the 8ervlces of Jaensen, Hubbard and Brugger 8aturday. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 7. Ed Chestnut, Minnesota's star end, todny wns declared Inellglbieby tho Gopher faculty owing to his fnfruro to paBB a rocont examination In engineering. The loss of (his speedy little player is n Bcver blow to Minesotn, and the proHpectH of having a winning team are now oven darker than before. He was depended upon to make a great record this fall. Considerable appre hension Ib now felt as to the out come of the AmcB gnmo on Saturday. Last year Aiiigh held Minnesota to an 8 to 0 Hcore, and this year's team Is reported to bo much stronger and composed of votoranB. Ames. Ames. Oct. 6. Amos has received a shock in tho announcement that Minnesota will insist on ploying the gamo Saturday under tho Chicago con ference rulos. ThlB is a blow to tho hopes of mo AnieB men of winning thiB game, as it moaiiB that Jaensen and Hubbard, two of tho best quarter backs In tho west, will not be allowed to ploy. It Is probable that the quar terback position will be filled by Knox, who has been subbing at end. Ho was sub. for Hubbard at quarter two years sgo, and has had more practice ,ln pluylng the positon than any other man who Is nvailablo. The line will bo greatly woakonedby tho disqualifi cation of Brugger, who Iiob been a tower of Btrength to the Aggies for tho lnst two years. Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 7. In the second game of tho season with the scrubs, the varsity was not able to keep their goal cloan, and ob a result the inellglblos registered a count on tho votoranB. ThiB tnno it wob not a touchdown, but a place .kick from tho thirty-yard lino by Fronoy, the Ida Grovo mnn who made tho score for tho fast bunch of scrubs that Conch Teotzol has developed. During the two twenty-minute halves, however, tho regulars were ablo to pile up twonty-olght polntB, due mostly to accurate forward passing have is onlv when spot cash will $18.00 or $20.00 Coat Th r fK !,: j .. .. -vv v M w niiiu w rr Right now. $2.50 Hats. U4I6. TlVOSTORE.5 1415, O. nnd the aggressive play of Douglas and Davison. Embs and Casey watched the gome from the Bide linos. Both will be in uniform tomorrow nnd will probably play In the M. A. C. gnmo Saturday. Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.. Oct. 7.Although Coach Barry Ib reticent, the 'varsity lineup tonight is 'thought to bo the one that will bo used in tho Lawrence game on Saturday, as follows: Rlgm end, Dean; right tackle, Osthoff; right guard, Dreutzer; center, Arpin; left guard, Messmer; loft tackle, Boyle; left end, Rogers, captain; quarter back, Moll; right half backs, Muckle stone and Richards; full back, Wllce; loft half backs, Bunker nnd Culver. In a short scrimmage with .the freshmen Messmer showed great form In throwing the forward passes, which tho 'varsity used to good advantage. Anderson, a Hyde Park lad, starred for tho freshmen. It was announced tonight that either Dr. Hutchons or McCarthy will go to Chicago on Saturday to got a line on Indiana and Chicago. Illinois. Urbana, III., Oct. 7. Tho stlffest scrimmage of the week on Illinois field today resulted In an even break "be tween tho 'varsity an,d "Prop" White s lively freshmen. McKowan scored tno first crack out of the box by a long run, after eluding Bevoral tacklors. Tho 'varsity did not score until the last minute of. practice Coming on top of a long signal drill, the varsity playors wore pretty well worn out, and tho signal drill ordered at night was called off. Illinois field had been wet to soften tho gridiron and nB a result tho field wob muddy, and Vnn Hook's men looked like miners after a few downs. While the mini played hard, the coaches fen that their work lacked tho requisite snap. Lyon Gardiner folowed tho plays In civilian togs. Ho is stronger and thinks 'that maybe he can put on his football suit next week. Bremer, RItchey nnd Hull all rested today, Kim ball and Twist ploying center. Pur nell wob given a long whirl at guard, nnd It lookB ns If the Chnmpnlgn boy may land the Job. With only one more hard day's work before the Marquette game, the Illlni nre somewhat worried for they look for n hard clash with tho Milwaukee colleginns. An Injury to a regular would be fntnl to the ornngo nnd blue chances ngolnst Chicago. Iowa. Iowa City, la., Oct. 7. Iowa's hos pital list Iiob been lengthened during the week, nnd the Hawkeyes are play ing poorer boll as a consequence. Tho university Is Bhy the services of Sei del, the giant guard, whoso knee Is knocked out; Stewart, the veteran quarter, similarly Injured; and Has tings, who hns been- lame for a week nnd out of the scrimmages. Prof. L. M. Byers or the board In control of athletics stated today that tho alumni game may be abolished, as President MacLeon is opposed to it. Coach Cat lln's nose, partly .broken in tho re cent alumni game, and Assistant Coach Griffith's ear, severely gashed, wero not necessarily factors in the movement to abolish the battle. Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 7. Conch Sjtngg's squad of seventeen 'varsity playerB was reduced yesterday to a small fighting band of twelve. Five of the regulars were kept on tho side lines while the others scrimmaged against tho freshmen. Injuries to ribs, shins, nnd ankles have developed a hospital list that frightens Stagg. Page and Schommor, tho two ends; Hoffman, tncklo; Worthwino, guard, nnd Iddings, half back, limped up and down the field and complained of soreness and hard knocks. Page has a charley horse, Schommer a few brubed ribs, Iddlngs'a similar ailment, Hoffman a wrenched neck and Worth wino is Blightly overtrained. Stngg probably will keep them out of tho stiff work todny nnd tomorrow, but he will be able to uso them in the gnme with Indlnna on Saturday unless the injuries develop seriously In the next few days. The team, how ever, has been slowed up consider ably in practice by their absenco from scrimmage. Clarence Horshborger tho great "Hershie," who was famoua ns a Ma roon kicker In the late '90s took his flrBt look at tho Midway squad yes terday and shook his head. Ho said ho thought tho material was poor and that a Maroon championship team meant a task for Stagg. Ho was much impressed, nowover, by the Bkill with which the team handled tho forward pass. Freohies Trouble 'Varsities. With the five regulars absent from the team the .varsity did not score so well against tho freshmen yesterday as they have been accustomed to do. Only three touchdowns were made against the "freshles" while tho first year men, through the dropvkicklng of Nichol, scored twice on the 'var sity team. 1 Stagg pursued his old time tactics of attempting to brace tho 'varsity defense by playing tho ball in tho hands of tho froshmon on tho twenty yard line and giving the "freshles" five downs In which to gain tho ton yards. The first year offense was poor The Home of Farquhar and tho defense little better. Anderson, tho maroon centor, who was disqualified for having played a few mlnutoB In the Indiana gamo four years ago, hob accepted a positon as line coacn o. the Knox football team. He Iiob been assisting Doseff In hand ling the frcBhmen. Owen Safford was unanimously elected captain of the Minnesota foot ball sqund for 1908 nt a meeting Sat unlay evening after the Lawrence game. The big center la one of tho most aggressive men Minnesota ever ployed and his handling of the initial position gave him two yeni-B ngo, the universal choice as All-Western center. The new library at DePauw Is nearlng completion. The interior decorating is now being lone. Purdue has revoked tho temporary appointments in the regiment and made new ones. The officers who are not reappointed are reduced to the rank of cadets. Brown university has received a gift of $8,000 which In to be used in keeping up the Metcalf botanical garden. The contract for the new Mining Engineering building of the Univer sity of Kansas was let by the board of regents to Eilenberger & Co., of Chicago and Kansas City. The build ing will cost $50,000. Work will be gin on excavation as soon as the ground Ib surveyed, which will bo In about thirty days. The new building Ib to be the first one west of the gymnasium. "They are at a critical period of their life," said Dr. Schurman of Cor nell In his opening address when re ferring to the new students. "Thoro nre only two others like It, ono when you come to choose your wife or husbnnd nnd tho other the time when you come to choose your vocation, and none is more critical thnn the present one." i""MMBBBMMBK POPULAR AMONG STUDENTS Speier & Simon's Clothing Store is becoming very popular among the College Men of Lincoln be cause of the fact that we handle College Clothes, the newest, snappiest, "faddist" things made, all wool and' every suit guaranteed. But there's another reason why this store is liked by the students. You not only get just what you want here, but YOU SAVE 25 per cent on the purchase price over what you pay in the High Rent District Glance in our windows-they tell the whole story an interesting and profitable one to you. We Sell Regal Shoes 1 1 . I SPEIER & SIMON We Save N. E. Cunir 10th 0 Stt. Good Clothes 1325 0 L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Tho finost work done and prices right Cull at our now store 1230 o St. Lincoln THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes nil Bhidont. B B DIDEC nnd Hllvor Lottcr B rlrfc Inlaid Work a " Specialty UNI SMOKE HOUSE li:i2 0 8troot G. R.IAOLF feCO. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES 119 North lllh SI., Little Block PHONE 643 TYPEWRITERS All mnkcH routed with stand $3 Per Month. Burtfnlns In Hobullt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 1165 -Bell 1181. 122 No. 11th HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing THEA No d-i c No More P10 Less 145 So. 13th St, Lincoln, Neb. You Money" Out of thi High Rint District I 1 ! N .tSftMA