The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1908, Image 1
.... Ml I i'iIiH fcM-y. ftbe ail IFlebraekan VoL VIII. No. 15. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1908. Price 5 Cents. K- WAS CLOSE CONTEST SOPH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION EXCEEDINGLY CL08E. JAMES E. LAWRENCE THE WINNER Man Ranking Second on First Bal lot Made Phenomenal Gain Over Leader, Winning By Only 8even Votes. James E. Lawrence was yesterday elected president of the sophomoro class by a majority of only seven votes of the 306 ballots caBt. Announcement of Mr. Lawrence's selection was made by President Barker amid a scene of wild con fusion, when half the crowd was Jammed about the platform In an effort to discern the result of the count the moment that the figures were written on the board. Mr. Lawrence received 156 ballots. Mr. Mallery twos second with 149 and Mr Hare, who wilthdrew nrlor to - - r - the taking of the socond ballot, nevertheless drew one vote. Intense excitement marked the election from start to finish. Tho active contest which had boon waged unceasingly for tine past two wooks had served to arouse the sophomores to a sense of the closeness of the struggle and for this reason an un- UBirally large number were presont when the meeting was called to order. Three Nominated. President Barker called for nomina tions Immediately on taking tho chair. Sidney Collins obtained recog nition from the chair and made a strong speech nominating Earl Mal lery. Mr. Collins declared that thq mudsllnglng which had boon In dulged In was deplorable. Ho said that he supported his candidate from absolutely sincere motives, believing him to bo best fitted for tho presi dency. He said that he was satis fled that no machine was backing Mr. Mallery. At tho close of his speech he was energetically applauded. James Lawrence was nominated by Ernest Hahn, who spoke briefly In regard to tho qualities which he thought should make Lawrence re cipient of his classmates' votes. Ho also disavowed an alliance with any clique or machine. Frederick nominated A. W. Haro In a short but energetic spooch. He reviewed Mr. Hare's record prior to his ontrance in tho university and also called attention to his promin ence in class work last year. First Ballot Taken. No further nominations were made, President , Barker appointed throe tellers and the ballots wero dls trlubted. Colored slips were" used in order that there could ho bo founda tion for any charges of ballot-stuffing. The votings occupied pome llttlo time during which many guesses were made aB to the final outcome, but no ono, foresaw as dramatic a result as the actual finish proved to be. On tho first ballot Mallery led with 167 votes, Lawrence second with 102, and Hare third with 59. Mallery at this time lacked only two 'votes of having a majority, whlcbMs required for election by the class constitution. A second ballot being 'ordered, Mr. Hare arose with the request that his name be Withdrawn. He stated it to be his personal desire to boo Law renco elected. This declaration moved Sidney Collins to make, an impas sioned appeal to the class to Vote for his candidate. He said that if anything savored of a combine it was this attempt of Mr. Haro o deliver hfc votes to Lawrence. Hare Explains It. Mr. Hare took the floor Immediately arter Mr. Collins concluded and fur ther explained his position. He be lieved It expedient that the low man withdraw. For this reason ho askod his supporters to throw their votes to the other candidates. It was his personal preference that they sup port Mr. Lawrence, but ho said that there was of course nothing binding them to do so. Mr. Hare was given a generous ovation when he took his seat. Ballots were distributed for tho see on,! vote and the excitement of the voters was manifested as the close of the count was reached. Over half of the class men present left their seats and crowded about the platform, oager to see the outcome. President Barker announced the selection of Mr. Law rence by a majority of seven and the statement called forth a rousing cheer. INJURIES WEAKEN TEAM GRINNELL, HOWEVER, EXPECT8 TO MAKE GOOD SHOWING. f LAN AG AN NOT IN GOOD FORM Fast Left End Has Not Been Playing as Sensational a Game as He Did All During Last Season. Mr. Lawrence's Record. James Lawrence, the successful can didate, Is a graduate of Beatrice High bchool. He was promlrient In school affairs, representing Beatrice In Inter scholastlc debates. He entered the university In 1907 ayd took one year of academic work. He Is now "a fresh man In the law school. Last year Mr. Lawrence was a member of the con stitution committee and was active In class affairs during both semesters. Ho Is a member of Alpha Theta Chi fraternity. Orlnnell, Iowa, Oct. 7. The Iowa college football team is not looking toward the Nebraska game Saturday with a great deal of enlhuslnBm. The team Is light again this year. The work of several of the men hns beon hindered by Injuries and the team comes a long ways from playing the game It ought to at this time of tho season. Coach Andrews has, however, worked hard to Instill a little foot ball Into tho men and hopes to see them make a creditable showing against the heavy Nebraskans. Turner and Flanagan at end are playing their usual game. Turner is yet somewhat unfamiliar with his position, but should be able to hold the Nebraska backs fairly well. Gar ner and Greenwood at the tacklo posi tions are putting 'up a very credit able game, while Mason and Pierce, not playing In the form that he was at tho same time last yoar. Tho second out-of-door practice of tho weok was Indulged In yostordny aftornoon by tho foot ball squad at Antolopo park. Tho weather was por feet for fast ball and tho field, al though Btlll a bit heavy from Wed nesday's heavy rain, was othorwlso in first-class condition. Aftor bolng prevented from practice nearly ovory day this weok thero was a large num ber of mon who showed up for prac tice last ovenlng, altogether thoro wore enough men for four compioto elevens on the Hold. Tho staff photograpner from, tho State Journal got Coach Colo to allow tho toam to pose for soveral pictures, Immediately aftor which tho coach put them to worlc at scrlmago. The scrim mage work was bogun oarly so that a long, hard practice might bo had and Uio errors and woaknossoB which havo lately beon so plentifully dis played might theroby bo ollmlnntod. 8light Improvement. The team showed somo Improve ment over the miserable exhibition they put up Tuesday evening, but thero is still a groat doal to bo do slrod. Tho weaknoss in tho lino, which pormitted tho scrubs to play havoc with tho 'varsity formations Tuesday, Htlil cxlBted last night nnd tho scrubs continued to break through tho 'var sity lino almost at will. On soveral different occasions the forward passes and end runs which wero attempted BRYAN'S NAME CHEERED JUDGE A. 8. TIBBETS AROUSES GREAT ENTHU8IA8M. TEMPLE HEADQUARTERS OPENED Music Hall of Temple Decorated With Flags and Campaign Pictures Large Number of the Stu dents Were Present. 0HHHP9sllllHBlllllfllsBBkBHsHBUHM wBiBVyBv WLH mKsslllllllllllvBslllllllKi.mimBsllllBsrF smPVH)sBllllllllEj7f GRINNELL FOOTBALL SQUAD. PRELIMINARY DEBATE TO COME Hour Not Set, But Will Be Posted on Bulletin Board. The university debating .board met yesterday at 11:30 a. m. in U 107A, and decided upon tho date for holding the second preliminary debate for chposlng tho remaining members of the squad. The debate will be held tomorrow, but on account of tho Ne-braska-Grlnnell game, which causes many conflicts for the members, the hour has not yet beon get The board also determined to ap point seven additional members to thn tmnnd which with tho eleven An- possible. With more weight, OXperl .j , . . .... pointed last spring, will make ajGnce an( speed, they might be abla the two heavy mon of the team, are holding down the guard positions very successfully. Sparks at center, al though light, is playing a good. game. Back Field Not Fast. The back field Is hardly as fast as that of last year. Wells has been moved from half to quarter, while Bair Is still at his old position. Shinstrom Is playing a good game at right half while Loos fills in the middle position pretty well. The team looks forward to the con test as a good practice affair for Ne braska, but every man will be in. the game all the time, each Idolng his part to make it as much practice as clasB of eighteen candidates to pick from. There were twelve men ap pointed last May, but the failure of Ben Chorrlngton, who Is teaching argumentation in the Omaha high school to return, caused n vacancy. There aVe fourteen speakers en rolled for the coming tryouts, who added to those of last spring, makes a total list of forty-six. Each speaker will be allowed four minutes to pre sent his argument, except tho first arid second, who will be allowed five and three minutes respectively. The candidates will meet today at .on hour and place which will be in dicated later upon the rhetoric bulle tin board to draw lots for the order of speaking. to hold the NebraBkans to a low score, but under the circumstances nothing out of the ordinary can be expected. Zefgler, tackle; JarvlB, guard and tackle; Tllton, center; Bundage, quarter; Grimm, half, apd Hammond, end, will accompany .the team a "subs." The line-up: Years on Weight Team. The best oyster stew In the city is that served at The Boston Lunch. Try It. Sparks, c 155 1 Pierce (Capt.) 1. g. . . 165 ' 2 Garner, 1. t 158 2 Flanagan, 1. o 147 2 Bair, 1. h 145 2 Mason, r. g ... 180 1 Greenwood, r. t 160 0 Turner, r. e 165 1 WellB, q. b., .. 145 1 Loos, f. b 165 0 Shinstrom, r. h, 149 0 Flanagan, tho end who played such a sensational game 'last year, has not aB yet struck his real gait.. He is by the regulars wore broken up before they wero well under way. Of course this fact has to be reck oned with, in playing against tho scrubs mo 'varsity is playing against mon who know tho signals almost, if not as well a3 they themselves know them. Even " they don't know tho signals uiey are so familiar from con stant practice with tho various forma tions that thoy know almost to a cer tainty where tho ball is going tho mo ment the formation is made'. Conse quently it is not surprising if on every play tho regulars run Into a bunch of waiting players who, warned by their foro-knoVvlodgo of the play, had has tened to the place where the ball would be carried.. This is doubtless the reason the varsity has lately been utterly unable to work the forward pass against the scrubs. The scrubs in variably xoresee the play and conse quently it is almost impossible for a 'varsity end or back to get down the field far enough to receive the pass without being dumped by somo deslgnr ing scrub. 8crubs Get Into the Game. )f course all tnls is no reason why the lino men should allow themselves to be bowled over and plays to be broken up before they are fairly' be gun. And more, it, does not excuse them from being so,, weak on the de fense, if they are going to alow the scrubs, composed largely of Inexpe rienced men and whose backfleld is about naif as heavy as the 'varsity backfleld to make gains through their line and around their ends, what are we to expect from Ames, Minnesota, (Continued from Page 1) About one hundred students woro prosont last night to formally opon the hoadquarterB of tho Bryan and Kern club, and to hoar Judgo A. S. Tlbbots speak on tho campaign. Soveral tlmos, at the close of a woll construct ed climax, Judgo Tibbots aroused his audlonco to tho hlghost pitch of en thusiasm and Drought out groat choors for tho democratic candidate. Judgo Tlbbots spoke in part as fol lows: "Somo people call Mr. Bryan a droamer and that his notions are im practical and fanciful. Lot us look at the history of a dreamer. When a vory young man he entered Congress and during his four years thero he mado a tariff speech which attracted tho attention of tho wholo nation and raisod him to a place among tho great' est logicians of his time. Achievements of Bryan. A fow years later in tho great demo cratic convention he aroused an audl onco of 18,000 people as no other au dience was ovor roused. Later still wo see him traveling In Europe, not In tho pay of tne govornmont, on a war vossol, but as a privateoltlzen. Wo soVTilm going from country to country ampng all tho nations of the earth, being rocelved everywhere as the equal of those sitting on the thronos of tho Old World. We see him appoar before tho Peace Conven tion in London, not as tho delegate of this country, but merely as a private citizen. Wo had a delegate to that, convention who is now running for the presidency. But did you hoar from that delegate? No, but you heard from the people's delegate and the course which ho marked out, was fol lowed by tho convention. Long In Politics.' Mr. Bryan has been a long time In politics, and men often point to him and say, What has ho accomplished? A man who lives in Lincoln as a private citizen has been responsible for the passage of every great bill thit has boon passed in recent years. If he can oxhet this much influence'as a prlvato, what could he not do with the power and influence of tho administra tion back of him? The secret of his remarkable power lies in the fact that be Is with the people. We have hadgroat statesmen, groat teachers, great moralists, but when you see allthese qualities com bined in one mari, then you see one of God's greatestcreations. Such a man is Mr. Bryant It is sometimes said that Mr. Bryan was radical and fanciful. in his,advb cacy of free silver. If (his was the case, then it was also true that the republican party in Nebraska was rad ical and fanciful, for the republican 1 convention In 1896 declared In favor of an attempt 'to get the free and un limited coinage of silver. Convention Is Honest. y The convention at Denver was large ly a convention of the people. Tke efforts at Denver were honest, from top to bottom, and it mistakes were made at Denver, they were mistake of the heart and not of the bead. Not a' man will say that tke peofle were In control in Cklcago. Wkesi the campaign started the republicans, decided not to discuss platforms, bt, to attack Mr. Bryan oa bis persoaal record. Why? Because they didn't dare to discuss platforms. The. republicans planned treat (Continued on' page 4) . ,. - J hu?'iif & jH ,