$ NEBRASKAN 10000009000000000000000000000 GRAND OPENING UnivefsityRepttfelicanRooms SECOND FLOOR TEMPLE tonight Souvenir For All PKEDICIIMA VICTORY UT COACH STAQQ BELIEVES PER. DUE SCORE WILL IE LOW, Taft Tea for Co-Eds Sherman Schooners for Fellows o 0000Q000000000000000000000 f G. R.IAOLP1&CO. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES 119 North I1lh 81., PHONE 643 Lltt.i Block UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN I C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET.1YELL0W FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited MICHIGAN AND CASE SATURDAY Yost la Finding Considerable Trouble With Wolverine Line Gardiner Falls to Show Up at the Illinois Camp. DANCE PR08RAMS-BANQUET MENUS CALLINOXARDS SIMMONS, THE PRINTER PITTS' DAHGIHG SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINGS Mondays and Fridays Beginner's Claaaea Wed. Sat. Private Lcaaoaa by Appointment 1124 N Street Auto 401 9 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and 0 Streets P. L. HALL, President P. E. JOHNBON, Vico-Prosldont BBMAN 0. FOX, Caahlcr W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Aust Caabler hi lA DR. J. R.DAVIS DENTIST CHARGES REASONABLE fir Ink of Ctamrci Ladies' and Men's Clothes cleaned, Sressed and repaired. Hats cleaned, locked and repaired. 227 No. Ilth Auto 4876 One Block South of Uni BLUMEHTHAL PERU GAME NO TEST. (Continued from Pago 3) played on a dry Hold bo that a good lino on the Cornhuskor's prospects may bo obtained. Play Was Slow. In Saturday's gamo tho team as a wholo played slowly. They Old not start quickly or together and their old tlmo snappy gamo was noticeably lacking. Another feature of play which has alwayB characterized Ne braska's football teams was wanting Saturday, the men did not help the man with tho ball by holding him up, pushing, pulling, or dragging him along. These tactics are extremely vtl vnble and doubtless they will be em ployed to tho greatest advantage as the season advances. Coach Colo took ad van t ago of the opportunity Saturday to try out a great many now men. Wolcott re placed CollinB at the end of the first half and ho showed up well against Swenson, the heavy Peru center. El liott wont In at guard and seemed to have no dlfllculty in taking care of his man during the tlmo ho wan in tho gamo. Spellmeyer of last year's oophomoro team, took Bower's place and Sturtznegger replaced Kroger at fullback. In tho back field Hnscall took Rath bone'B place at quarter and ran the team in good shape. His misjudging a punt was excusable since nc one thought it posBlblo to kick the mud soaked ball so far as tho Peru punter did ou that occasion. Dwlght Bell re placed Beltzor at left half toward the cIobo of tho game. Slaughter took Arnold's place at right half and made several good gains. The work of Ar nold at half was watched with con siderable interest, as ho is regarded as likely material, and so far aB could be judged Saturday, ho appears to be a good man. unaioupka was taKon out early in the game on account of a slight Injury and ho failed to show up for practice last evening. Cooke Returns. At practice laBt evening the return of "Pip" Cooke, last season's sensa tional quarter back, was the occasion for general rejoicing. Tho Quarter back proposition has been one of the most serious obstacles in Coach Colo's path, but now with the return of both Cooke and Bentley, It seems effectually disposed of. There are now eleven "N" men on tho squad, counting Minor, who will be eligible again as soon as he removes a con dition in rhetoric. This will make a complete team of "N" men possible and the outlook is accordingly very encouraging. Coach Cole's principal dlfllculty from now on will be to de velopo substitutes who can fill the places of the veterans in case some of them should be kept out of the game on account of any of the In numerable contingencies which may arise. - :oocccccccocccccccccooo6oooqo Student "Tickets FOR GIRLS AS IAELL AS BOYS Admits You to All Athletics for $3.oo ON 8ALB T Ufil Treaaurer'a.Offlce Co-Op mndk Y. 7V1 O. A. SOLD TO STUDENTS OINLV Section Reserved for Girls9 Rooting Squad )000900CCCOCO000CCCOCOQO0000& Dlroctor Stagg predicts' victory for his Maroon footballists in tho opeuing gamo of the season with Coach Fred Spelk's Purdue eleven at Marshall field noxt Saturday. Ho bolieQ9, howovor, tho scoro will be a tiny ono. Ho ex pects to win on slmplo elemcnlar foot pects to win on slmplo elomontary plays at least that it what ho statod yesterday. Two touchdowns would bo a most pleasing margin of victory for tho Ma roon coach, but ho is not suro his mon can run over tho Boilermaker athletes so easily. It Is probablo that half tho Maroons' points will bo scored by Cap tain Steffen, olthOr on a long run or by means of a drop kick, and tho tquru Is boing coached with thlB In viow. "Purdue will givo us trouble," said Stagg. "But I beliovo wo ought to win. We have a slight advantage in tho fact that Speik is handicapped by not knowing hlB squad as ho might if he had been at Purdue a longer tlmo. In changing conditions as ho muBt bo do ipg, It requires moro tlmo for tho de velopment of an eleven. Strong Opposition Expected. "Still, FergUBon was there all spring and got a lino on tho men at that tlmo, and ho, of course, has given all his in formation to Speik. I don't know how many old mon are back at Purdue, but I understand the material has been un usually good, and wo can expect to go up agalnr.t a better team than Purdue has turned out in many seasons. I would not venture a prediction on the score, but I would be well satisfied If we got as many as two touchdowns. We will use so few playB, and those we do use will be so simple that we will not have much of a variety in our offonBO. I don't know how well our line Is going to hold, and I am doubtful of its endurance." Stagg's remarks about the simplicity of his plays came as a source of sur prise to many at the Midway, as he has been drilling his team in brand new plays which never have been seen in the west before These plays have to do with the forward pass, and thoso who have seen them declare they will prove strong ground gainers. Michigan. ANN ARBOR, Mich., SepL 27 The Michigan football squad will begin hard work tomorrow In preparation for the Case game next Saturday. The buckeyes for several years have opened the schedule for tho Wolver ines, and at times have proved hard propositions. Most of the week will be given over to formation practice, and it is announced the forward pass will bo prominent in Michigan's plays. Yost is finding his most serious trouble with tho line. The loss of Harry Ham mond, Reinschlld, and "Octy" Graham, 1b keenly felt, and, moro than that, some of the most likely candidates for line positions will be kept out of the initial games on account of deficien cies in studios. Illinois. URBANA, 111., Sept 27. Lyon Gard iner, Illinois' best half-back and punt er, captain last season, on whom the alumni coaches depended greatly, has failed to arrive as hoped and his pro tracted absence Is causing a lot ot worry. Gardiner's recent illness, which put him about twenty pounds under weight, Is believed to bo the cause of his delay and It Is feared even if he returns this week that ho will be un able to play in tne Chicago game. Gardiner's loss would be serious, and would reduce the number of veterans from nine men counted on by tho Illlnl until Green and Litt tell by tho way- sldo In their studies. , "I have not given Gardiner up," said Captain Van Hook, "and If his health is all right he will be able to take his place in the line-up in short order." Van cook's optimism regarding the crick half-back is hardly shared .by the uneasy rooters, however. The first wek of practice, which ended, yestor .day was characterized by iue players Via being the hardest of' their careers. Many plays have been learned and Wltn a change in the weather promjsed it is probable that there will be a scrimmage for the first time tomorrow or Tuesday. Trainer Rudderbam is expected to arrive tomorrow. One ot the beefiest lines in-orange and blue annals will be pitted againBt the maroon forwards October 17, with Captain Van 'Hook, 225; ltallsback, MO; Wham, 185; Twist. 240; Kimball, 200; Ekblaw, 185, and other" husky candidates to choose from. Director Huff expects to go to Chca- go this week to confer with the rail road regarding a Z excursion to Mar shall field. If this. Is granted 2,000 rooters will follow the. llilnl. Before .you purchase a fountain pen INVESTIGATE CONKLIN'S ; Self-Filling Fountain Pen SOLD IN LINCOLN BY E. FLEMING, 1211 O STREET It's different from all other fountain pens and better MANUFACTURED BY THE CONKLIN PEN COMPANY 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio DO WHERE YOU BUY? Wky on't You Go Where Tfyey Want Youi Tzade? The men who advertise in The Nebraskan want your trade the. others don't Your friends always treat you better PATRONIZE OUR H. ADVERTISERS 1 y ju 1 .' "i