, mt"- MiyiiiMti .Hum m&it(twmtH.i4',tfitit,,im inmrt THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ! l I iT OLIVER THEATRE '" f fc TOhllQHT, 8AT. & 8At. MAT. "Bunco In Arizona" Night, 60, 35 & 25c Mat., 25 & 10c TUE8., WEdTYWED. MAT., 8EPT. 29-30 UNCLE ZEKE POPULAR PRICE8 THUR8., FRI., 8AT. & 8AT MAT., OCT. 1-3 THE FLINTS The World's Great Funmakers liJuVjKilIi WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 21 The Famous EDDY FAMILY Wire Runners, Jumpers Dancers, Musicians and Acrobats. HOWARD, BLAND AND EFFIE LAWRENCE In "The 8tage Manager." TOM MAHONEY Monologlst and Vocalist CORA BEACH TURNER AND COMPANY "A Bluffer Bluffed." KEELEY BR08. Coniedy Bag Punchers. MARGARET KEAT8 Violin Virtuoso THE McCARVERS Singing and Dancing Comedians VIA8COPE New and Novel Productions'. MAJE8TIC ORCHE8TRA MAT8. Tues., Thuro. & 8at., 'at 2: Mats Tues., Thurq. & 8at., at 2:15. Prices Lower Floor, 25c; Bal cony, 10c and 15c. EVERY EVENING AT 8:16 PRICE8 15c, 25c and 50c. Hiau PROGRAM: TIIIIR., FRI. & SAT. POSITIVELY FIR8T APPEAR ANCE OF Moving Picture 8howing WILLIAM JENNING8 BRYAN, In and Around His Palacial Home Also W. J. KERNS r Receiving His Notification at Indianapolis "BUYING A TITLE" "IN THE NICK OF TIME" "8TORY OF KING FREGOLIA" "ARISTOCRATIC WEDDING" 5 OTHER GREAT PICTURE8 6 Extra Vaudeville Attraction KOLLIN8 & CARMON 8I8TER8 MI88 NELLIE REVELLE VIR. JACK WILD ' CHRONOPHONE MATT. EVE. 2:00 . 7:30 3.30 9.00 4 8HOW8 DAILY 4 10c ALL 8EAT8 10o TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand . t , $3 Per Month. Bargains n BobniU Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE;, Auto 1155-Boll 1181. 122 ftp. 11th V THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all Students. Bd rkirvrr" and Bllvor Lottor o HhV -inlaid Work a B Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1103 O Street V La Ja HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAM'S TA1LM The finest work done and prices right ' Call a$ our new store Campus Gleanings Cameron's lifnch counter, 123 So. Twelfth. Eugene T. Phelps, 1908, has been on the campus this week. He leaves next Sunday for Chicago to entor Rush medical school. See Luclwlg about your clothes. J, L. Grimm, Law, 1908, Is farming near Crete. Ho will enter the practice of law next spring, but has not yet decided where ho will locate. For rent Three rooms. Inquire Jan Itor Chem. Lab. All modern. For Sale Nearly new dress suit, very cheap. 1337 K. Auto 2312. Phi Alpha Tau meeting next Tues day night W. H. Reynolds, chairman of the Y. M. C. A. Bible Study Committee, reports that there are now 250 men signed up for bible Btudy. The com mittee has set their mark for 600 men, but at this rate It is calculated that they will pass that limit. Why not send the Nebraskan to the folks they would enjoy It, and It saves letter writing. The junior class will meet Tuesday, September 29, at 11:30 o'clock In Mem orial hall for election of officers. . Some of our readers send the "Rag" to out-of-town friends. It tells newa that would be too much bother to write. The practice courts In the College of Law will not open for about two weeks. This Is in order to give all students an opportunity to get their work well in hand for the semester. Sanderson's for shoes. They're the people that fit and please you. T. B. Davis, ex-1910, Is now located In Estancia, New Mexico, where he has taken a desert claim and spends part of his time in a, law ofllce, having a temporary permit toprlctlce. He will obtain a permanent right to prac tice In January 1905k C. H. Frey, florist, J133 0 St. . ,' .. Don M. Hunt, Law, ex-1909 has reg istered at the Missouri State Universi ty, where ho will finish his law course. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? George Babson, Jr., ox-1909, gradu ated from McGUl University, Montreal, Canada, this year. He has spent one year in the Golden, Colorado, School of Mines. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorium. Cor. 11th and O. The junior law class Is well repre sented in the new republican club, or ganlzed Wednesday evening. C. H. Taylor, D. L. RusselF., L. Burke, and R. O. "Van Orsdel were numbered among the officers: ,, Freshmen will do well to patron ize those who advertise in the Nebras kan. They want your trade and will treat you right The others don't care tor your business. A special meeting of the athletic board will be held Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Important business is to come up, . i 0000000000OSO00000000000000 F O O T J Antelope Park ""' ! 1 -n.il.. .., ., , 11 1 1 , . ,11 ii n SATURDAY, -SEPT. 2STH . - Some of our readers subscribe for out-of-town frlonds. What do you think about it? Carlos G. Bullis, 1907, who is in tho forest servlco Is In Lincoln for a few days finishing up certain flold work for tho servlco which haB engaged his at tention during tho past summon Ho will soon return to Washington, D. C, for the wintor. Beckman Bros. Flno shoos. 1107 O street. Tho Nebraska Arm Penant will bo sold by Paul Plorco at tho football game Saturday. Claude Tillotson and A. Q; Hamll, 1908, forestry studonts, spent tho Bum mer at Crete aslBtlng In tho flold work for the forestry servlco. Found Knlfo on campus. Owner may have It by paying for this ad. See manager. You will bo delighted with San derson's $3.50 and $4.00 special shoos. They are certainly good values. All tho swell styles. The republican members of the uni versity battalion will have tho oppor tunity of showing their enthusiasm in the Taft demonstration on September 30. Captain Worklzer waB roquosted to permit a number of tho men to ap pear in uniform at that time, and tho men wore called out of lino and con sulted upon tho subject at drill laBt evening. Tho uniform will have rod shields upon the breast bearing appro priate monograms and It Is expected that between twenty and thirty cadets will turn out Green's barber shops, Tho Club house and Cole-McKe'nna, 1132 O. That's all. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. The lecture course, Physics 1, will be given Wednesday and Friday, In stead of Monday and Wednesday. Tho two sections mee at 11 o'clock and 2 o'clock today. Fred Geer Harden, 1898 stopped yes terday for a few hours' visit with uni versity friends, enroute to his home at Chadron. Chapin Bros, florists, 127 So. Thirteenth. ----ltdA f Eternal Revenue Stamps a 120 In a Book for Only 10 Cents C Each book containi zoo script- ure vertei printed in 3 colon on I n iiitMM Ujd kM. UalUX X ACTUAL SIZE to .... OIlt ij7 nolt.V itimni and (tick on letters, enrelopes.yif iting cards, check, etc. etc. Six Million Sold First 8 Months Send ioc in stamps for book and agents' discount. Silent Erancel Soddr. 522 Mmichutettt by. Intfianapolklrr DiUrUmttnqf BiSls Mot, TracU, VooM th B ALL T I THE TO WNM I no less than the gown I has learned to like the I I Quarter Size Collar I The best are the I , I and the SI . aaSalBBaaa pl CtuaTtCii alton Arrow Alcom H I Claett, 85c each, Arrow, 15c each, H 9 for 25c - Cluett, Peabody & Co. I Makers of Cluett and Monarch Shirt j -' ' "My But the Weather is Cold!" Tho above phraso will bo heard a groat deal in a week or two. Boys! Get Measured Now For Your Fall Suits The Mayer Bro.'s Woolens are superior in both pattern, designs and quality. Select your pattern now while tho assortment is largo, don't wait until the rush is on, come in and see us NOW. Mayer Bros. Head to Foot Clothiers Merchant Tailors. Subscribe .. H " J " " ' 1" VfcW. ' P K I f m KmmtUk sLLh SOFTS and fine CLOTHING. . MIOHAKia, STERN , MOOHISTf H, N. V. G. R.lAOLi?feCO. CIGAR8, TOBACCO AND PIPES 119 North 11th St., Llttli Block PHONE 643 P !IU U .11- Tailored $20 and up made right in tho Bhop. WORK GUARANTEED Gleaning and Pressing a qpecialy. MARX Tht Tailor, 122 No. I2tk. X Half Million Glasses of Soda Water sold and drank from our, 20th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season 1008.' Agency Huylorn, Gunthers and Lown oys Chocolates and. Bonbons. '' TJ. fSr.ii. rull.r. tm Th Drug Cutter. ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP B ttwa to b oropttlr eulppM oMla th STEV. ENSandyouCAMMOTCOWKONO, ViuaLs miTLXs . . . fro$2.2itaflM.M PISTOLS . . . from a.ODto SO.OS BSOTQUNg. . from IMf M.M Aik your detlet and lathi on oiir popular make. I f Sou cannot oU.ln.we ahlp Irect. rtrriart ekmrru Send tat iio-tfa illua. trated cattloj. Ifintar etted la Shootimo, yoa oushttaKaro It. MaAod for four cow la ttampa ta frtalJ. upon, nedpt 61 caulof price ' coTwyaamtB. Ou attnctlra hielo Alomtwxa Htaaw wMI aa est aajrwbK for 10 ca M aaimpi. J. aVriTOU AXMS A3TD TOOL 00, P.O.BoX44 QMtayaa TttSiM, MiM , TJ. g. A. JUBILANT VOICES, 122:30 o St. Unooln . t 15 j"Tm"'r1 a A ' . '