'" -H ,VTfU , THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE STATE INSTITUTION ANNUAL WHERE COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY 18 MORE DEMOCRATIC, V.MXA "Stag" Reception Western college progress SATURDAY EE, SEPTEMBER 26 00 k B K J- j ! t rl Endowed Schools Said to Be Losing Ground Massachusetts Is No Longer In the Lead In Education. In rccont years ono of the most no tablo things In educational circles Is tho development of tho commonwealth college. Harvard, two and one-half centuries old, Yale already paBBed hor hundred and fiftieth birthday have all-told a atudont population of 0,172, On tho other hand Nebraska, IlllnolB, and Toxas state universities have nn enrollment of 0,925 students. In other words, whllo these famous old colleges gained a total increase of attendance of 5,575, thoBo three state universities gained 8,460. According to a writer in Collier's this 1b n measure of tho de velopment of the commonwealth col lego. Continuing his remarks tho Bame writer declares that the student loaves tho commonwealth college in debt, to tho state and pays his obligation in good citizenship and the expansion of tho common interests through tho de velopment of resources and the in telligent administration of affairs. Tho relation of tho state to tho student has never been better defined than In a sontence stamped on tho cover of the catalogue of the Ohio State Universi ty, which reads: "The state has no material resources nt all compared with ltB citizens and no hope of per petuity except In tho intelligence and Integrity of its people." Western 8chools Gain. Tho results of this now expression of democracy in education are sig nificant. The Old Bay State has long .boon estimated tho most literate state in tho union. How long Bho may re tain this distinction remains to bo seen, but Bho has already lost hor claim of being the first collegiate state of tho union. Within her Burvey stand the proud and honored ivy-grown wb.11b of Harvard, Williams, Amherst, Smith, Wollesley, Tufts, Boston University, and others, while Nebraska has no in stitution of higher learning of no(,o ex cept Kb state university at Lincoln. Yet the statistics of tho United Stated Bureau of Education show that Ne braska has ono regular collegian for every 400 of her population whllo Massachusetts, with all hor colleges, hUB but one In 600. Tho samo statis tics show that more people are today going-to college in the west than In the easL Tho state university is tho highest expression of tho people's Interest in education. Tho state university hosJ come to be tho most potential educa tional force In the nation, and the eastern states will not only como to recognize it, but they will will even tually adopt It. ' In tho west and south tho -atato university has reached tho fullest conception of what a university should be, so broad and comprehen sive that it brings to the people not .only tho highest promotion of skill in science and In trade, but tho fullest research Into those truths that under lie real demoracy and keep a people free. Person who loanea fountain pen Monday morning in registrar's office, call at Dally Nebraskan office. PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINGS Mondays and Fridays i Beginner's Classes Wed. & Sat. Private Lessons by Appointment 1124 N Street Auto 401 9 CEHTML HITI0ML BANK 2th and O Streets P. L. HALL, President F, B.r40HN80N,.Vlco-Pr8ldont BEMAN 0.-FOX, Cashier W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Aset. Cashier fOR ALL UNIVERSITY MEN I OFFERS ANNUAL PRIZE NATIONAL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TO GIVE $100 FOR THE8I8. NEBRASKA CREDIT IN ADDITION Political 8clence Department Will Co operate With National Body to Get Good Papers on City Government. ThQ National Municipal leaguo of Philadelphia has offered an annual prize of $100 to bo given for the best theslB on municipal government sub mitted by any undergraduate regis tered in any college or university In tho United States offering distinct instruction In municipal .government. The National Municipal leaguo Is tho best known and strongest organiza tion In tho United States interested in this line of work. Charles J. Bona parte, Attorney Goneral of the United States, Is president and Clinton R. Woodruff, of Philadelphia, 1b secre tary. Tho subject chosen for this year was selected with tho view of mak ing it general enough bo that any city that tho author might be familiar with could be used for an example. The topic la as follows: "A Study of the Practical Operations In Some Largo American City." Tho only limitations are that the city studied Is to havo a population exceeding 300,000 and that tho essay is to hnvo a maximum limit of 10,000 words. Although not com pulsory, It Is further wished that tho competitors follow closely the follow ing outline: Outline of-Plan. 1. A very brief outline of the cities political development. 2. The relation of the city to the state, Including a study of tho city charter, a summary of tho powers pos sessed by the city as a corporation, and a statement of those municipal functions which are directly exercised by tho state authorities. 8. A sketch of tho present frame work of tho city government, Includ ing a discussion of the division of powers among tho various- organs of government, executive and legislative, and a study of tho relation of these organs. 4. An examination of the adminis trative service of tho city, the struc ture and functions of tho various city departments, the methods of appoint ment and removal from office, and so forth. 5. Tho methods of nomination and olection to tho elective offices ; tho means whereby the accountability of the officials to tho electors Ib assured, and the relations; of the aimB and 00ffiCSO00O000-30S)00000000e-O00000 Student FOR GIRLS AS . Admits You to All Athletics for $3.oo 1 ON 8flLE PIT Unl Treasurer's Office Go-Op and Y. M . G . A. SOLD TO STUDENT ONLY & Section Reserved for Girls' Rooting'Sguad methods of local party organizations to thoso features. 0. A statement of tho writer's own views as to the governmental powers which a city should possess, the framework of government which would bo moBt advantageous, tho proper method of securing public officials, the proper relations between the vnrl ous organs performing governmental functions, and tho means by which tho suggested improvements may be" achieved. Due consideration should be given in this part of the essay to the feasibility and advisability of mu nicipal reorganization along the lines of the Galveston, -Des Moines, New port and other plans. Students wishing to try out for this prize Bhould register In Political Sci ence Thesis A-l and A-2. By this method the competitor is assured of two hours credit even If he does not win tho prize. Any further informa tion can be secured from the Political Science bulletin board or from the Instructors In this department. NOT ELECTED CAPTAIN. (Continued from Page 2) second squad and showed up In speedy fashion. Steffon's dquad lined up as follows: Left end, Briggs; left tackle, Hoff man; left guard, Baird; center, Bad enoch; right guard, Bohlander; right tackle, Kelley; right end, Nichol; quarter, Steffen; left half, Page; right half, Schommor; full back, Schott. Following were the varsity candi dates, with their weights: Steffen, 163; Pago, 161; Schommer, 166; Kelley, 189; Hoffman, 180; Worthwlne, 166; Ehrhorn, 164; Crowley, 177; Corn stock, 148; Schott, 176; Badenoch, 174; Rogers, 140; Briggs, 157; Smith, 195; Taylor, 165; -Baker, 172; Prlncell, 144; Elliott, 155; Bohlander, 185; and Grills, 166. WATKIN8 ON BRYAN. (Continued from Page 3) faults or abuses of a legitimate func tion of the federal courts; Roosevelt, head of a co-ordinate department of the government, Immoderately at tacks tho judges themselves and their decisions. , Unquestioned probity and purity in his private life, overflowing and im perturablo good nature, andl gener ous public Bplrlt are additional quali ties which leave little to be desired In Bryan. Tickets 1 VAELL AS BOYS $ YOU WfyVyon't You Go Where Tfyey Want Your Tzade ? The men who advertise in The Nebraskan want your tradethe others don't Your friends always treat you better PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THE SKIRT STORE I 121 North 11th Street Little Block. The SKIRT STORE m & $h90stre ! BUY? You will be sur prised aWhe good values we give at your price. . Don't fail to come in. You pass our store every day. ) 00000060000OffiO000000OffiO00000oS 0 I i il V : L