1 --jg- --srf'Vr' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .3 V. , ( T OLIVER THEATRE THUR8. NIGHT, SEPT. 24 James O'Neill In "ABBE BONAPARTE" PRICES $1.60 to 50o FRI., 8AT. & 8 AT. MAT., 8EPT. 25-26 "Bunco In Arizona" Night, 50, 35 & 25c Mat.,25&10o TUE8., W E dT&W E D. MAT., 8EPT. 29-30 UNCLE ZEKE POPULAR PRICE8 WEEK Of SEPTEMBER 21 Tho Famous EDDY FAMILY Wire Runners, Jumpers, Dancers, Musicians and Acrobats. HOWARD, BLAND AND EFFIE LAWRENCE In "The 8tage Manager." TOM MAHONEY Monoloalat and Vocalist CORA BEACH TURNER AND COMPANY "A Bluffer Bluffed." KEELEY BR08. Comedy Bag Punchers. MARGARET KEAT8 Violin Virtuoso THE McCARVERS Singing and Dancing Comedians VIA8COPE New and Novel Productions. MAJESTIC. ORCHE8TRA MAT8. Tues., Thurs. & 8at., at 2: Mats Tues., Thurs. & 8at., at 2:15. Prices Lower Floor, 25c; Bal cony, 10c and 15c. EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 PRICE8 15c, 25c and 50c. IBktJlin PROGRAM: M0N.TUES. & WED. Extra Vaudeville Attractions ARTHUR COLLIN8 AND THE "CARMEN 8I8TER8." World's Greatest Banjoists. NELLIE REVELL Monologist and Vocalist. MR. JACK WILD 8inglng . "WHAT WILL THE AN8WER BE?" CRONOPHONE 8lnglng and Talking Selections. First Appearance of "A Tale of a Harem." Imperial Canal of China A Trip Through the BEAUTY 8POT8 OF DEVON SHIRE "Magic Dice." .. "MAGIC DICE" "MOTOR BOAT RACE8." "BATHING" "THE BLACK BANDIT" RA8TU8 GOT HI8 PORK CHOP8 "LITTLE BREADWINNER8" LYRIC ORCHE8TRA A BIG 8HOW FOR A DIME 10c ALL 8EAT8 10o Four 8hows Dally 2:00 3:30, 7:30 and 9:00. DR. J. R.DAVIS DENTIST CHARGES REA80NABLE Ow Bilk of Cimmrci Ladies' and Men's Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. Hats oleaned, blocked and r.epaired. BLUMENTHAL 227 No. Ilth Auto 4876 One Block South of Uni L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY HAW'S TAIL0B The finest work done and prices right Call at our new Btore 1230 o St. Iwlnooltf Notice of Meeting. The Renubllcan Club will hold a meeting In the music hall of tho Tom- pie at eight o'clock Wednesday even ing for the purpose of organizing and .electing officers. SPEAKS FOR MR. BRYAN WATKIN8 IN DEFEN8E OF PARTY CANDIDATE OF DEMOCRAT8. ANSWERS LEADER'S OPPONENTS Takes Up Categorically and Answers Arguments of Republicans Gives 8cholarly and His torical Address. "Every radical, or real, popular leader Is perforce misunderstood, misinterpreted and maligned and pro portionately to the extent and power of IiIb leadership." Thufe declared Hon. Albert Watklns In an address at chapel Tuesday morning. Mr. Wat- kins gave an unusually scholarly ad dress for a subject so largely political in its nature. His address proved very pleasing to the audience, for when the close of the convocation period arrived Mr. Watklns was In duced to proceed with his lecture by cries of "Go on" from the audience. In opening his talk ho declared thai his thesis was that Bryan would con tinue the vital leadership of Roose velt, but In a more orderly manner, and with that greater deference to the constitution which at bottom dis tinguishes a radical democrat from a progressive republican; also that Bryan has been politically Iser than Cleveland whose staple, oracular In fallibility, Is iheJfavorlte contrast to Bryan foolishness. The most constant and conspicuous mark of reactlonlsm is lack of orig inality. It looks backward Instead of forward, because It Is not original, and it acquires no originality because It always looks backward. When Bryan became conspicuous in 189G, his opponents hurled a large vocabulary of epithets at .him. From lack of originality the same epithets are re vamped in 1908. Meanwhile, there has been such general catching up "and catching on, that the epithet hurler hits as many Roosevelt as Bryan heads In the general commingling. The inconsistent confusion Is largely due to the persistence, through force of habit and greed for spoils of the two-party formation when the condi tions which once caused or excused it no longer exist. What shall wo say to the indubita ble fact that no human being has ever had so large a ' persistent following as Bryan, and that the quality of his followers constantly Improves. I can present no parallel to Bryan's con stancy to his policies except the Roosevelt-Taft faithful Imitation of them. The most venerable of the charges against Bryan is that he is a vagarist. The leader of a minority, and espe cially a confirmed minority, Is under great temptation to cultivate expedi ents and Is entitled to much Indulg ence In that field. Considering that Bryan assumed the leadership so young and has held It so long, it would be surprising If he had kept entirely clear of vagary. Bryan is sometimes arraigned as a socialist. It is platitude to say that every positive reform of importance proposed by Bryan or Roosevelt in volves progress along distinct lines of socialism. Not, only has Bryan been marvel ously constant to his main course, but he has been relatively far more con servative and circumspect than Roose velt, the most popular and powerful president Bryan, from the unauthor itative ranks of private life, in not immoderate language, has criticised (Continued on Page 4) 00000000000000000000000000 FOOTBALL A Anitelope Park SATURDAY, SEPT. 26TH 00000000000$00000000000000 Campus Gleanings Byron K. Eaton, M. E. 1908, 1b with the American Radiator company 'at Omalm. R. L. Kokjer, M. E. 1908, is with tho Union Pacific railroad at Choyenno, Wyoming. L. A. Sclplo, B S. C., M. E., of Pur- duo university, has been added to tho staff of the department of mechanical engineering. J. A. Beattlo, M. E. 1908, is with tho Union Pacific railroad at Donver. Sanderson's for shoes. They're the people that fit and please you. Clark E. Mackey, a graduate from both theM. E. and C. E. departments In 1908 Is now an Instructor in tho department of applied mechanics. Ho was married during the Bummer and brings his bride with him to Lincoln. Newell H. Dames, who was recent ly married to the daughter of Regent Whltmore, 1b now1 connected with the Washington Water Powter company of the state of Washington. Harry Porter, 1123 O, tho school supply man. "Max" Beghtol, Law 1910, Is report lng university nows for the State Jour nal. Frank Bullta Is still connected with the eJitorlal staff of the Star. Clement Waldron, A. B. 1906, and law 1909, is located in a law office in Omaha. A Beneral students' reception will be given In the parlors of tho First Presbyterian church, corner of Thir teenth and M streets, Friday even ing, September 25, at 8 o'clock. New students are especially invited. Students wanting supplies for bot any, zoology and mechanical drawing see Porter, 123 O, and save money. Robert Hill, 1906, who was superin tendent at Ewing last year, has regis tered in the law college. . Ross Armour, 1911, has entered Val paraiso university In Indiana. Flossy Erford, 1907, Is teaching. domestic science in tho Columbus schools. Lee Greenslit, 1908, is an instruc tor in the Gothenburg high school Ralph Murphy, 1908, will carry on scientific farming near Crete. Abble Stewart, 1908, Is teaching in the Fremont high school. Jean Sullivan, 1908, Is principal of North Platte high school. Why not send the Nobraskan to the folks they would enjoy it, and It saves letter writing. George Heinke, A. B. 1907, and law 1908, 1b practicing at Nebraska City. Allen Johnson, law 1908, married and located at Fremont this summer. Carl Beghtol, law 1908, is practic ing law In Salt Lake City. C. C. Mc Whlnney, law 1908, also Is located in the Utah city. The Y. M. C. A. social committee will nfeet in the rooms this afternoon at 5 o'clock. G. N. Venrlck, law 1908, Js prac ticing at DeWitt. R. R. Smith, law 1908, of Albion is a candidate for legislature on the republican ticket. L. M. 'Bailey, ex. 1909, enters the) university of Michigan law school this fall. Freshmen will do well to patron ize those who advertise In the Nebras kan. They -want your trade and will treat you right The others don't care for your business. X IgTlTGj Before you purchase a fountain peri INVESTIGATE CONKLIN'S Self-Filling Fountain Pen SOLD IN LINCOLN BY E. FLEMING, 1211 O STREET It's different from all other fountain pens and better MANUFACTURED BY the: conklin pen company 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio Shoes jfbjr WAN Stock No. 129 GUN METAL BUTTON 'SMII.i:" LAST $4.00 The man from Missouri is always welcome in our store. We claim much for RALSTON SHOES, but nothing which we cannot substantiate and it pleases us to hear a man say "show me." We've been in the shoe business for a long time, but Ralston Shoes are the only shoes we know which are stylish enough to please the eyes of the most fas tidious dresser without making his feet pay the penalty. There's a reason. Will you say "show me?' Branthwaite Electric Repairing. Sam Kearney has re-entered the university; Tho annual St. Paul's reception will be held at the church, Tuesday even lng, September 29, from 7:30 to 10:00 o'clock. Old and new Btudents are In vited. Allen Field, ex. 1908, enters Cornell law school this month. Have your clothes pressed rat Weber's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. Ada Haggard, ex. 1909, will enter the Librarian college In the University of Illinois this fall. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? W. T. Marsh, ex. 1909 law, will not bo in school on account of his busi ness interests. C. H. Prey, florist, 1133 O St. . Yard Smith, sx. 1909. Jaw,wllL.n.Qt return to school, "this year to continue his law studies. Some of our readers subscribe for out-of-town friends. What do you think about It? k Earl Mallory, ex. 1911, will not enter the university this year, owing to the Illness of his father. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes: 1107 O Btreet. G. Ri IAOIwF fe CO. CIGARS, T01ACC0 AND PIPES 119 Nerth ilth St., Lliili Ilw 'PHONE 49 w V. V Little Bldg.7T 15 'No. 1 1th St. TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand $3 Per Month. Bargains In Bebnllt Machine. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto ll-Bell 1181. 123 No. 11th George Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing Pine Line Pound and Box Stationery Fraternity Bldg. lSth&NBto. THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE -.Welcomea all dtadents. rv - B B B PIPES and Silver Letter xniaia work a Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE lias O Street Some of our readers send th "fog" to out-of-town friends. It tells nfw th,at would be too much feotfcwr to write. rl A r ...