i iH" Aw T r- 4n 1 v OLIVER TIIEATKf TO-NlQFlt AT 8:15 tHE BlUdOMASTER With Harry Kemen and rfutn White Price: $1.00, 76c, 50c and 25c THURSDAY NIQHT, 8EPT. 24. James O'Neill In "ABBt BONAPARTE" Prices: $1.50 to 50c FRI., 8AT. AND 8AT. MAT., 8ept 25-6 "BUNCO IN ARIZONA" Prices Night: 50c, 35c and 25c. Matinee: 25c and 10c iMiraira WEEK Of SEPTEMBER 21 The Famous EDDY FAMILY Wire Runners, Jumpers, Dancers, Musicians and Acrobats. HOWARD, BLAND AND EFFIE LAWRENCE In "The Stage Manager." TOM MAHONEY Monologist and Vocalist CORA BEACH TURNER AND COMPANY "A Bluffer Bluffed." KEELEY BR08. jlnsrs . .toee NN Jee.... Comedy Bag Punchers. MARGARET KEAT8 Violin Virtuoso THE McCARVER8 Singing and Daricing Comedians VIA8COPE New and Novel Productions. MAJESTIC ORCHE8TRA MAT 8.- Tues., ThUrs. & 8at., at 2: Mats Tues., Thurs, A 8at., at 2:15. Prices Lower Floor, 25c J Bal cony, 10c and 15c. EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 PRICE8 15c, 25c and 50c. PROGRAM: M0N. TIES. & WED. Extra Vaudeville Attractions ARTHUR COLLIN8 AND THE "CARMEN 8I8TER8." World's Greatest Banjolsts. NELLIE REVELL Monologist and Vocalist. MR. JACK WILD 8lnging "WHAT WILL THE AN8WER BE?" CRONOPHONE Singing and Talking Selections. First Appearance of "A Tale of a Harem." Imperial Canal of China A Trip Through the BEAUTY 8POT8 OF DEVON SHIRE "Magic Dice." . . "MAGIC DICE" "MOTOR BOAT RACE8." "BATHING" "THE BLACK BANDIT" RA8TU8 GOT HI8 PORK CHOP8 "LITTLE BREADWINNER8" LYRIC ORCHE8TRA A BIG SHOW FOR A DIME 10c ALL 3EAT8 10c Four Shows Dally 2:00 3:30, 7:30 and 9:00. Faculty Notices. Students in field' geography 9 are not required to meet every Saturday. Persona carrying one hour may take a preliminary excursion and the two day's Plott trip. ThiB statement Is given to correct an error which has been made by a few students. G. E. Condra. A two-hour course on the History of the FlrBt Christian Century will be given in the European, history depart ment by Miss Laura H. Wild at 4 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 210 of Library hall. Course 7 in Publio Finance will not be given this year, but in place of it course 8 In socialism by Professor Le Rossegnol has been arranged for 9 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Freshme will dd well to patron- . ize (hose who advertise In the Nebras- kan. Tttey waul your trade and will treat you right The others' don't card for your business. WABASH LOOKS GOOD II HI I ! INDIANA SCHOOL HA8 THIRTEEN 1007 REGULARS ON HAND. IOWA CONFIDENT OF VlCTOMES Expects to Defeat Nebraska, Kansas I and Illinois Ames at Work for the Cornhu8ktors and Gophers. Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 20. At the close of the first week's practice, the footbnll prospectB at Wabash col lege appear encouraging to Conch Ralph Jones and the Wabaah fanB. Outside of the four "W" men who were graduated last June, the team of last year loses but one man, Pony Sohl, of Hammond, the half back and punter, who expects to enter Cornell university. Thirteen of the eighteen regulars in 1907 are in the fold and working hard. They include: Brown, center; Barr and Bowman, guards; Captain Heas and ex-Captain Glpe, tacklea; Burns, Dobbins and Patton, ends; Jack Hargrave, quarter back; Garvor, Steirs and Colbert, half backs, and Starbuck, full back. The squad this week numbers forty men, and In this number are several promising men who were stars on their high school elevens last year. The Wabash schedule this year fol lows: October 2. Franklin college. October 17. Rose Polytechnic. October 24. St. Louis university at St. ITouIs, Mo. October 31. Michigan "Aggies" at Lansing, Mich. November 7. Miami university at Oxford, Ohio. November 13. Notre Dame uni versity. November 20. Depauw university. Thanksgiving Day University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Neb. Iowa. Iowa'Clty- Iownr-gopt: "20. Between fifteen tnd twenty members of the Iowa football squad returned this week ready for the official opening of the season on Monday. With bet ter prospects than Iowa has had since the days of Dr. Knlpe and the famous 1900 team, Conches Catlin and Griffith will soon begin to whip Into shape an eleven to defeat Nebraska, Kansas and Illinois this fall. Iowa loses only four veterans, and the coaches are fortunate In having 000000000OOSOOQO000OSO0600000 I 19Q8 CornhusKer i Football vSchedule September 26 Peru dt Lincoln October 3 Doane at Iincolh October JO Grinnell at Lincoln October 17 Minnesota at Minneapolis dctober 24 Haskell at Lincoln October 31 Iowa at Iowa City November 7 Ames at Lincoln November 14 Kansas at Lincoln November 21 Hastirigs at Lincoln THANKSGIVING DAY-Wabash at Lincoln 000$0Q0$0$0$00$000000$0000$000000& star material from last year's fresh man team to All tho vacancies. There aro several candidates for each posi tion, and some of last season's regu lars will have difficulty In holding their places on the varsity. A dozen requests for playB have come to Coaches Catlin and Griffith this week from high school and small college coaches. Every effort Is be ing made by the Hawkeye football in structors to supply the deniand. Iowa will have 275 players this year; -and many of them, will be Immediately forwarded to the coaches at the smaller schools. Ames. Ames, Iowa, Sept. 20. With the en thusiastic meeting of the' football players' a'rid athletip supppriera e,d nesday .football -took a fresh iinp'etus hore, and the team; has se,abp,utjln earnest to get ready fdf the, Mlnhe- sota" and Nebraska games. Tho ag gios aro bent on winning from those iwo teams, which dofoatod thorn by such harrow margins laBi year. Coaches Williams and Jones and Traihor Jack Watson spoko to tho men, givlrig gohoral instructions and talking over tho Benson's prospects. Emphasis was laid an the matter of q'lean playing and prqmptnoBs in ap pearing for practice. t Lack of beef is Williams' complaint at the present time, and he predictB the team thnt represents Ames this season will not bo so heavy as last year's champions. Kansas. LAWRENCE, KAS., September 20. On account of the continued hot weather hiBt week football practice at the University of KanBttB Iub boon confined to modorate work in run ning down punts and klckoffd, with short signal practice each evening. If the heat moderates, Coach Kennedy will put IjIb pupils through tho paces and will begin both offensive and de fensive tactics for the Normal game, September 2.8. The practlco luBt weok 1ms been held on the golf links just south of McCook and for a couple of weeks yet McCook field will see little little of the work of the team, as both Coach Kennedy and Mannger Lans don wish to save the covering of grass as long as possible. While there have not been fewer than twenty-five men out at any prac tice, the loss of six of tho old heads of ldBt year'B team leaves Bevoral open places in the line-up thatrwlll not bo settled for some time. With this loss, however, Kennedy still has ton "K" men around whom to build his team. Sam Forter, whoso wonderful boot ing of the pigskin was the talk of the Missouri Valley last season, and to whom Kansas owes her victory at St. Joseph last Thanksgiving, probably will bo the most missed man, for there is no one at present who glveB promise of any approacch to his splendid form. Captain Rouse and Job White, ends laHt year, are gone, and It will be no easy task for the man who fills the place of "Red" Milton, the pluoky lit tle center, who was always In the game at every toot of tho whistle. "Red" Burt had weight and head work that will be missed for some time, and as yet no one Is in sight who can put the ball over from placement in such style as Cohn, who never hesitated at a chance from the forty-yard line. A probable Uno-up for the first game lo vib follows: "Swede" Carlson, cap tain of the baseball team and guard on the team last year, will begin at center, with an alternative of putting in Speer of the Tyros two years ago, and shifting Carlson to Ills old placo at guard. Reed, the big boy from Kan sas City, will be In his old position again this year and will be a tower of strength on that side of tho line. Other candidates for guard will bo Wood, siib-guard last year, and Randall, a big 190-pounder who was out for bas ketball last year, with a possibility of running in some oth'er of the heavy weights of the team as a mate for Reed. Captain Croweli, the husky lad ylio Y8..olectod to the captaincy after the dqathjOf Captain Apgriey last winter, should ,bp ohe of the boat tacklea in this Bectlon this year, and big "Bill" Caldweli will be in at that position on th.e.jfctherj e,nd .oMhe itee. PlefUnt will be at end again this year, and is Before you purch&id & fdiihtkirf p&i i ' : INVESTIGATE GONKLIN'S Self-Filling Fountain Pen 30LD in Lincoln eIy E. FLEMING 1211 O SfkfeET r - It's different from all other fountain peris and better ! I I mi I W-- M. .! .1 Mht 1M MM rf MANUFACTURED BY THE CONKLIN PEN COMPANY 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio CHRISTMAS MUSIC NEW SERVICES i&'Sijg&lUi.hSi'fflll U, WHeon. Free eamplee of eaeh to Huperinlendente or OhorUtere mentioning thll paper. ORCHESTRA B0ORIB to abore ( InitrumenU) 11.00 Mb. CHRISTMAS TREASURY Kt. 17 &2S&ati& tatleni, Kxeroltei tnd Dlaleiaei. It emu per eopr poet-paid, by mentioning thli paper. HUMOROUS CANTATAS FOR CHILDREN A CHRIBTMAB BBRRT OAHUKIHO (New. ItOe) by Ira. n. WHeon OLD Kill KRIMOLS br Chai. II. Oabrlel amta'b anraiBi rAfcxr r j. a. rarke Mention thle piper, lend II eente and et I eanlataa, ineinamg me mree a turned IF not paid for. fnolading the three abere, on lelettlon, To be re- NEW S. S. SONG-BOOK " "" WITH HBARI AHD V0I0I 111.00 per hundred. Re turnable tamp) lent poet-paid. CHRISTMAS ANTHEMS Horember CHOIR tBADIR (for itronf ehorni cholri. Morember CHOIR HBRALD (enj muilo) A free aample of each to choir leaden and organliti mentioning thle paper. ... la OeUro Form. Mention thli paper, lend 10 oenti and we will mall a large Mleetlon for examination. CHRISTMAS SHEET MMrJlfSi! M eeteetlone 10I01 and duet for all volcei to benaK for at nioai ahoet muilb rate or returned poatpald It good eondltloa In ten daji. OROAN VOLUNTARIES VWRSUS? THE LORENZ PUBLISHING CO. 1B0 Fifth Avenue lle-sil tr. rifta SI HEW TORS DAYXOH, OHIO Eternal Reveriue Stamps 12d in a tlobk for Only 10 Centi Each book contains xao script ure versus printed irt 3 colors dd ffiimmed naner and nerforated X actual (UK to te out j,a postan starrlps and stick on leiters,enTe!opsUitlhg cards, checks, etc. etc. Six Million Sold.Flrat 8 Months Send 10c in sUmps for book and agents' dltcoutitia) S3cnt Erancti Sodtty, 5J2 WmtbM&r. WiawppikW JUBILANT VOICES A naw mnalo book for Sunday School and parotlonal fiaatlnn. Bdlte4 by Doane. KlrkMfrleli Gabriel and fioffman, Much new material, Order of Berttpe, w In perfect physical condition this sea son, whore last season ho was Just re covering from typhoid fovor. At the other end will be Stanley Myers, ono of the best ends that ever played In the Missouri valley. Myers was out of. the game last year with a bad knee, but is as good ub ever now. Sioole, n sub-quarter last year, will start tho game at that position, with Tommy Johnson of Lawrence basketball fame pushing him hard to hold the place. Rice and Porter at naif are old heads at the gome, and nave saved the day at critical times in the past. Coach Kennedy has more men for fullback than he knows what to do with. Stephenson, always a tower of strength in bucking tho lino, is back? Dick Waring is out for that position for the first time In two years, and Mallam and Dahlene. both of whom are good at booting the ball, will bo material for either full or half. With this tried squad for a nucleus, and a lot of gr eerier men to pick from to fill up tho numbers of tho squad, Kansas feels that she has a good chance to bear off her share of laurels In the coming season. Football Notes. Tho University of Wisconsin has but five games scheduled for -this season. One of these is with Minne sota at, Minneapolis. ChaTles Daly, Harvard's greatest quarter back, will coach the Crimson team this fall. Princeton will start practice Thurs day afternoon. Their training .table wlilbe established September 80. Wisconsin has a ten-second man playing in the back field. Thre annual Jt. Paul's deception will be held at the church, Tuesday even ing, September 29i;fr,om, 730 to 10:00 o'clock. Qld and now students are in vlted. . . Hayd kyur falothes' preaaed at Weber's Suitorlum; Cor. 11th and O. (Tie ct(ktea aka n kM. rMUtuJX fa i wiiwn.m r- -smeii. f f ' ' ' !. T L fi r n f HiHRefr I C jkAaMM r 9 m Fm I L fllH aH ValHlL iiiiiiiiil IHiH'fZlXI. H al I THE TO WNM I no less than the gown I H has learned to like the I QliaH;ei-SizeCdllar I The best are the I H Hd '" ' I I JeiriMeTeTataTaTaTaYaYaaa fl Clubtt Ciialton AKapV Alcoh H I Cluett, 85c each, Arrow. J 5c each, B 8 idt lie I Cluett, Pehbody h Co. I Makera of Cluett find Monarch Slilrte ?. Be aura to be vtopetif eyiuiffMehain n STEV. IlNaamlrouCAMMOTCOWoHO.WoiiiAVff ,-' EIFLE8 '. . . froml25totise.W PISTOLS . . . from 2.00 id 80.0 SU0TQUW8 . . from 7.50 to 80.0 Ak yourdeafer and fiulit Send tot lie-cars' lllua. on out PoiMilar make. 1 tntej catalef.ilftntfff cited la SIIOOTIKC.toU ouhttobaralt. Mn4 tot tout ceau la tttutpt to corcrpoetare. (,-. ynu cann'pl obtain, we thfp direct rarfftigt (Mrftt frtatj, upoq receipt o( tmiMiogypom, Our attract I fe thrte-cofor Aliimlnura Ilanrerwtn be) seat anyVhaje fVr to f enta la etarqpa. w jr. gTZyXNR AM8 iLtlD TOOL 00. p.O.Bei A N EW QUARTER SIZE ARROW Clupeco Shrunk IB CENT! EACH a FOR 28 CBrlTS ,. Cluett, peebodr A Co.. Uakera fjfliL) NX S . rBa mT i YiGa0ijHI aw3eSJaUaVpjfcB I CJ I Coat Shirts II f M h.m awl coat off II UkMt II I M Ckt,tpMykC ltaaTeH Mlfcaf H 7?TZmj :.J ' 5 .1 ""rv