Wf'tK v l - ,.Uii ..Atou fr fl- THE DAILY NEBRASKA I fcbe ails fiebraoltan i. . ' ' TrtM PjCOPERTY OF TIID UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska rHMJSNEB EVERY BAT k&1 UtAi ftl Mffrtt BY THSl BTUI$HTu,VViJ BpARD. frtlKltlH i'tflci, 121 Ko. 14th St. t,,, EDITORIAL STAFF. Mltor,,. .......Clyde E. Elliott, '09 MurVifilrio EdltoV... Herbert W. Potter, '10 Ntws Editor... Lynn Lloyd, Ml H BU8INE88 STAFF. Mufmder rjeorae M. Wallace, 'iq Clrculiitlirt J. Roy Smith, '09 Vast. Manager Earl Campbell, '10 Etiltorlal arid Business Offlfce: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. jQ8CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Eaoh. ii Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clmrgod for nt tlio mto of 10 ccntH per lnaortlon for every flftoon words or faction thereof. Faculty notlcon and University bulletins Will Kindly bo publ'shod froo. Entered at tho poHtofllco at Lincoln, .Nebraska, as socond-clasH mall mattor under tho Apt Of ConKress of March 3, 1870. SEPTEMBER 22. 1008. EXTRA REGISTRATION FEE. Tho additional feo 'of $3 asseBBod (seniors and JuniorB who did not rogiBtor on Tuesday or Wednesday of last weok has boon tho cnuso of groat complaint among those from whom tho ponnlty was oxneted. Those stu dents plead Ignorance of the law, claiming that sufficient publicity had not boon gLven the now order to en able them to loarn of It. They do clare that tho collection of tho fee under, theso conditions was an In justice to thorn. But whethor tho foo was a just ono or not there can bo no question as to ihe motives that led to tho levying of It or to the enforcement of Its collection. They undoubtedly wero sincere. The rule was made with tho idea of expediting registration and tho figures for tho first two days of the assigned poriod show that it accom plished that end. it was not arbi trary and waff not Intended to do dis criminatory. Somo method had to bo adopted1 and tho rule of having the juniors and sonlora register first waB tho best ono that was devised. Upper clasBmen wero tho only students asked to have tnoir registration com pleted by Wednesday night, for, In assigning days to tho four classes, fco$ooboc8C)oooo030&oc Student Tickets I FNOR GIRLS f& IAELL AS BOYS I AdMts You fo All Athletics for $3.oo ON SPILE MT iJ n I Treasurer's Office C o - O p aria Y. M . C A. OLD TO STUDENTS ONLY Section Reserved for Girls' Rooting Squad OfflO00000000000000000000000? that seemed to bo the best way to assume tho success of tho plan. Notice of the oxtra feo was glvon in tho schedule of classes last spring and this fall and was printed in tho catalog of this year. That was ex pected to bo sufficient warning but It was not, and thero Is tho flaw In tho order, which really glveB tho penal ized students causo for complaint. Thero should have been wider and xnoro general publicity given to tho new rulo. Many upper classmen did not read the bulletins last spring and wont ' ajray from tho university totally Ig norant of the threo dollar ordor. Sohlo of them returned last week after Wednesday to face a three dollar ponaljy for failure to register on .the first two days, The older students should hardly bo expected to, read aji that Is printed, on a .. Bcneauio or classes. Most of them kndw what studies tlioy want to tike' ilk peed lb consult tho schedules otfjy, jto find at .whdl tioursthelr work Ooi&M., Few of them either, In re- forrlng to tho catalog, are likely to boo now rules. It, however, was realized that tho feo would work an lnjustlco iri caBOB, and whero a satisfactory ocusc was glvoh by a student, tolling why fie did not register In tho allotted period, ho vv'Kb ref eased from paying the J3. This hardly romoved the grievance of all against tho rule, for there are Borne students who are too timid or faint-hearted to approach tho chan cellor on n subject In wnfch they have to ask for a confession. Such "Was tho case with ono junior. Mo started to rogiBtor on Wednosday afternoon and wnB given a number, but the doors clOBod before his turn camo at the desk. Tho noxt morning ho entered the lino but tho fact that he had a number from tho provlous day did not enable the assistants in the registrar's office to excuse him, and he pnid his feo of $3. He did not have tho "nerve" to explain his case to Chancollor Andrews and went away from tho building complnlnlng against tho Injustice of the system. It is not denied that the new rule 1b a good one, for it is and ought to be onforcod in future registrations, but Hiifnclent warning should be given the students. A little notice will probably be sufficient In the future. It seoms to bo a hard task for fra ternities to obey the rushing rules. That $3 fee would buy a fair Stet son hat or two good seats at a show. It Is not tho cost of registering that flattens the pocket book; it's buying books that does the crimping. The Minnesota faculty have charge of tho kicking department In Gopher football this fall. They booted George Capron out of school last week. And still some straw hats venture around the campus. Equipped with ear laps they might be made to serve until January 1 instead of Septem ber 1. With William Jonnlngs Bryan Jr., running for tho head office In the sophomore class It looks as though the Fairview sage ought to got a presi dent In tho family protty soon. Notice of Meeting. Tho Ropubllcan Club will hold a mooting In tho music hall of tho Tom pie at eight o'clock Wednesday ovon lng for tho purpose of organizing and electing officers. PLAN FOR ANOTHER BIG YEAR. Dramatic Club Try-Outs to Be Held Early This 'Fall. Many of tho old members of tho Unlvorslty Dramatic club are back, and already several new plans and arrangements have been made for the betterment of the orcanizatlon. Tim mnttn for Mm nnminn- vnr wm be "Higher Standard", and this will be thoTirlnclnni nolnt tn ovMm, nt tho trv-outs whlnh nm t ho lioiH earlier than heretofore. During the past season prosperity has greatly favored this club and the future out look Is very promising. Last season olght successful plays wore presented, a new theater and club rooms pro cured, and equipment and furnishings purchased. The organization is at present upon a very excellent footing. Person who loanea fountain pon Mopday' morning in registrar's office, call at Dally Nebraskan office. At The Playhouses jt At The Playhouses", Tho bill nt tho Majestic this woolt Ih undoubtedly tho strongest presented at that theater this season. Thore is not a poor number on the program, that 1b speaking candidly Keoley Brothers, in n bag-punching and box ing act take well. Marguerite Keattf, violin virtuoso, pleases many. "A Bluffer Bluffed" 1b a one-act comedy force cloverly acted and very amuB Ing. Howard and Eflle Lawrence, how ovor, are the headllnerfl, In "The Stage Manager." The girl Is worth seeing. Tom Mahoney In Irish tnlkB Is not bad. Ho spoiled his stunt when ho nnswored the applause last night. The comedlnnB produced many hearty laughs last ovonlng. The Eddy Family has several excellent stuntB. FIRST Y. W. C. A. VE8PER CLA88. Meeting Held In University Temple On Sunday. The Y. W. C. A. held Its first vesper services for the new school year In tho Temple theater, Sunday afternoon. Tho meeting wns a Bible study rally and an Interesting program was given. Mrs. Lillian Dobbs Helms sang, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," and "Thy Will Be Done." Following this Mrs. A. W. Roth, formerly In North field Seminary and at present a mem ber of tho state committee of Colora do, spoke upon the subject, "Why Study the Bible?" She first pointed out that bible BtuJy 1b necessary be cause the bible is God's Word and contains tho foundation of the Chris tian religion a religion which is uni que Inasmuchc 'as It Is not only for tho Anglo-Saxon race, but for all na tions. Mrs. Roth Bpoke further of the influence of bible study upon the char acter of tho student and pointed out the great men whose lives had been guided and Bweetoned by scripture study. She then ended with the plea that the glrlB of the university Inter est themselves In bible study. An enrollment was taken of those desiring to enter any of the bible courses offered at tho university by the association. WI8CONSIN'8 TEAM 8ELECTED. Badgers Preparing For Debate With Nebraska. Tho Central Debating league, com prising teams from Nebraska, Minne sota, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin will hold its simultaneous debate Decem ber 11, Tho question to be debated will be, "Resolved That AIL American Cities Should Adopt the Commission Form of Government." Nebraska will take the negative side against Wis consin at Madison and the affirmative against Illinois at Lincoln. This is the second debate that Nebraska has had with Illinois. Tho systems adopted in choosing tho debating teams a( Nebraska and Wisconsin differ greatly. Wisconsin picked a team In May, while Nebraska selected a squad of twelve men, which will be increased td eighteen In nbout two weeks. Tom this squad the Nebraska representa tives will be chosen in November. This gives tho benefits of debating wokr to moro men than would be pos sible if the team were ohosen In the spring. Tho members of the squad picked by lNOO8Ka ar as ionows: uoss w. uaie8' aP"ngnem; James m. ueunar, ulucum "uu- u"erriuBwiu, umtuu; a UODD8' ueai"CQ; ari u- Mai' l3r Alliance; n. w. rouer, umana; F- A, .Relnsch, Denver; John L. Rise, McCook; T. P. It. Stacker, Lincoln; J- T Votova, Elholm; Goorgo M. Wal- lace Omaha, Found Some money near univer sity. Owner can have it by identify ing same and paying for this ad. See business manager. For Rent. Nicely 'furnished front room, first floor. Reasonable to right party. Call 1936 N Street. The Y. M. C. A, social committoo will meet in the rooms this afternoon at 5 o'clock. wD pB r . t ? ii . . . ?. k zs c .. fl .;i ; I r .IsM EiL. , r , , , LB nn TYPEWRITERS All makes rani&h with stand $3 ffer Month. fiarffalnfl In Rolmllt Machines. LINC&N JYf EWRJfER EXCHANGE , AaWllft-efcll 1(81. 122 No. 11th l w t g.stft ft Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing Pino Lino Ponnd and Bo Stationery Fraternity BldR lath & N Sts' THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomoa all Studonts. B B ninCC and Bilvor Lottor ft P I r t N Inlaid W6rk a a -J Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1132 O Stroot IIAfflMUimJS EE33EH1 PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINOS Mondays and Fridays Beginner's Classes Wed. & Sat. Private Lessons by Appointment 1124 N Street Auto 401 9 CEHTRflt NATIONAL BANK 2th and O Streets P. L. HALL. ProBldont F. E. JOHNSNN. Vico-Prosldont BBMAN O. FOX, Cashier W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Asat. Cashier L. J HER2?OG THE UNIVERSITY MAM'S TAILOR The Anost work done and prices right Call at our now store 1230 O St. Lincoln Ladies' and Men's Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. Hats clounod, blocked and repaired. BLUMENTHAL 227 No. Ilth Auto 4876 Ono Block South of Uni DR. J. R. DAVIS DENTIST CHARGES REASONABLE Over Bank ol Conmrce Some of our readers Bend tho "Rag" to out-of-town friends. It tells news tho,t would be too much bothoFlo write. Edwin I 00 ce tried to kiss a pretty girl in a canoe. Edna Did you get a turn down? , Edwin No, over. Chicago Dally News. A Friendly Tip. "My dear boy," said Enpeck, who impponwl to bo in a confide jitlol nood, "you will never know what real mpjMnesB !b until you ot married." "You rtrni't mean it!" oxclaimod Singleton, astonished at such a 10 fnark from such a source. "It's a fact," rejoined Enpeck, "but thon It will be too late for you to ap preciate it." Chicago Dally News. Corrected. Redd -Beon frog hunting? Greene Yes. "How aro tho frogs running this season?" . "They're not running this season, they're Jumping same as any other Boason." Yonkors Statesman. ( Evading the Issue. Mrs. Lushlngton And thero yo jwero, at three o'clock In the morning; Ihugglng that clgar-storft .Indian. .,;' Mr. Lushlngton Suroiy, mjr dar, you ar not Joalous? Judg N v