""""" rtw; X r ft 51 V THE DAILY NEBRASKA ." ' '. - i We try to avoid purchas ing goods which have an ap pearance of value which they do not in fact possess. Such goods are made only to sell. We study the permanent interests of our customers. If you want to be properly fitted out for your college work, go to the CO-OPERATIVE for all kinds of University Supplies. We sell both new and second hand books. All kinds of outlines and supplies. Waterman's Ideal and Swan Foun tain Pens. History Paper and Note Books. University and Plain Station ery. Laboratory Supplies. Dissecting Instruments. Dietzgen Drawing In struments and Draughtsmen's Materi als. Fine Chocolates. Souvenir Postals. Pennants, Posters, Etc., Etc. The Co -Operative Book Company 318 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET States subtropical laboratory at Miami. Florida, whoro ha has boon for sovoral years. Bon Chorrlngton, 1910, has booomo toaohor of dobatlnR and athlotlo dlrootor In tho Omaha high school and will not bo In school during tho coming year. Chorrlngton was olootod as ono of tho Btudont mombors of tho athlotlo board last spring. B. fi. Quthrlo, 1908, was on tho cam- Eub Tuosday. Ho Is planning to bo In lncoln during tho coming yoar. Samuel IUnaktor, 1909, was on tho campus TuoBday. Ho has boon spond lntr tho summer at his homo In Boatrlco and returns to Oxford, England, this month. -. .. Lawronco Woavor, 1910, has accoptod a position with a Boatrlco roowBpapor, and will not bo In school during tho coming yoar. O. "W. White, 1909, spent tho summer studying tho commission form of gov ernment In wostorn cities. Ho visited Kansas City. Denver. Salt Lako City, Portland, San Francisco. Los Angeles, El Paso, Galveston, Houston, Dos Molnos, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Raymond. J. Pool roturnod recently from tho University of Chicago whoro ho took special work In plant physiology nnd morphology under Drs. Barnes and Coulter. Ho undortook to learn tho mothodB employed In presenting hlB sub Jcot in Chicago and comos back with many wordB of praiso for tho University of Chicago. Ho will havo chargo of tho samo work this year that ho had last yoar. On account of tho orowdod condition of tho class room and laboratory In tho nrst division In Botany I, students aro advised to reglstor In tho socond divi sion, which recites at 2 oolock. Studonts who took summor Bchool Botany A, and rocolvod four hours of credit, may comploto tholr six-hour ro qulromont by registering for Botany I for two hours and taking it as a throo hour Bubjoct until tho first of Decem ber, whon they may drop tlvo subjoct with a two-hour credit. All football candidates desiring lockers should seo Manager Eager at onco In regard to samo. Tho regents roqulro that all students taking part In athletics or gymnasium work shall pass a satisfactory physical examination. Appointments for tho ex amination can bo mado at Dr. Clapp's office at any time. Several now members have joined the botanical staff this year. Miss Delia Ingram, A. B., of Washington state college, is fellow In botany, and Is In chargo of tho books and pam phlets In room No. 104. J. W. Rob erts, A. B., University of Nebraska, Is follow In botany, In charge of the foronoon laboratory division. .Miss Qraco Emet, B. Sc, University of Ne braska, 1b fellow in botany, In charge of tho store-room, in place of Miss Darling, who is teaching botany in the Beatrice high school this year. The annual St. Paul's reception will bo held at the church, Tuesday even ing, September 29, from 7:30 to 10:00 o'clock. Old and new students are Invited. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. Why not send tho Nobraskan to the folks they would enjoy It, and It saves letter writing. Some of our readers subscribe for out-of-town friends. What do you think about It? Beckman Bros. O street. Fine shoes. 1107 OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT, 8 AT. & SAT. MAT. "A STRANGER PROM BERLIN" TUESDAY NIGHT, 8EPT. 22 THE BURGOMASTER PRICES $1.00 to 25c. THURSDAY NIGHT, 8EPT. 24. JAMES O'NEILL "ABBE BONAPARTE" Watch the Windows MILLER & PAINE For New Fall Styles A Noteworthy Showing of New Fall Styles in Women's Suits. Exact copies of imported modes up to one hundred dollars- good taste, style, mater ials, dualities and values Paramount! The very latest mil and winter styles are now grouped on our sales parlornoor readily observable and inviting your criticism. The stunning styles in long coats, the 'close-fitting skirt models, the strictly high grade tailoring, the swagger, dressy trimmings large pockets, reveres buttons, etc. are the features that make our new fall modes commendable and remarkable. The materials are fine Broadcloths, Serges, Cheviots, Chevron and Diagonal Weaves, Fancy Worsteds, etc. ; the color range is complete; .prices $20.00 to $100.00 Of Interest to Students and Those Who Provide for Their Needs 16 x 16 Oak Table 65c Gas Mantles, special 24 x 25 Oak Table.$1.45 three for 25c Sewing Tables, extra fine T. ,, . i finish and strength. $1.25 ?as LlShts complete- The M. and P. Oil nickle for 30c plated lamp, shades are Inverted Gas Ligets, extra $1.25 for 65c . Full line gas, electric and oil lamp supplies all the new ideas in de-natured alcohol stoves, irons, etc. Books at Special Prices GOOD WEBSTER DICTIONARIES "Webster's Practical Dictionary best cheap dictionary on the market copyrighted 1906 by the publishers of the Inter national Dictionary. Our' 4W special price dfcOC Ideal Edition of the Practical Dictionary bound to stand years of hard usage; excellent paper. Our - special price- J1 Webster's Condensed Dictionary bound like the deal editions larger, with patent thumb index. - 4 m Specia lprice p JL bJ FOR LATIN STUDENTS Burt's Latin-English Dictionary revised and enlarged. Best tor students' use endorsed by the university teachers. Pub lisher's price 75c. Wo will sell forty copies only, JO at, each .""....' OC FOUNTAIN PEN BARGAIN 'The Laughlin" fountain pen, widely advertised in leading magazines as a $3.00 fountain pen for $1.00. Wo will sell a limited number of .these pens this, week IMP at, each , OC ' iUFM.