THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 2 gbe roail Tflebragftan ,TxiB PJIOPHIITY OP , THE UNIVKIIBITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln) Nobraska PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUHDAf AND MONDAT DY TUB STUPENT PUD. BOARD. MllCltltt Otnci, 126 HO. 14th 8t. ' EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Managing Editor... Herbert W. Potter, MO News Editor Lynn Lloyd, '11 BUSINESS STAFF. Manager George M. Wallace, '10 Circulation .....J. Roy Smith, '09 Atit. Manager... .Earl Campbell, MO Editorial and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poetoffloe, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts por InBortlon for every flftoon words or Taction tnorooi. Faculty notices tint! University bullotlnfl will Riadly bo published froo. Entorod at tho poBtofllco at Lincoln, Nobraska, as Bocond-class mall matter undor tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. LOOKING FORWARD. Tho Dally NobraBkan ontora upon another yoar's work undor conditions fully hb auaplcIouB as any that havo obtained at this Institution. Ub Hold of notlvItleB proaontB a bright array of proBpocta. Tho University, giving promlBo of nn Increased attendance, a atrongor oducatlvo system, and bov oral winning athletic teamB, offora all tho opportunities for success that a cbllogo dally should doslro. At the outeot thlB pnpor will adopt tho courso bollovod to bo the best for tho In- torosts of this growing Bchool and will follow It throughout tho aomoBtor. This will not bo a radical policy. Neither will It bo extremely conBorva tlve, but rather will bo a liberal course. For thla aomoator, at loast, tho Dally NobraBkan will be no enthusias tic xr ovor-zenlous reformer. It will not try to revolutionize tho customs of thla "University or bring about any changes In the established regulations of tho achool, and will accopt tho present order of things with complac ency. But tho Dally Nobraskan will stand for what la bolloved to bo right, and whore publicity can aid any Unl voralty enterpriao, or help a party which Is working for tho welfare of thoatato school, tho columns of this paper will bo thrown open to lend assistance to Uiobo deserving of it. The Dally Nobraskan last semester was slncoro and Btood for good prin ciples, but In tho enthusiasm for its cause It allowed ono reform to go too far without making protest. Tho Dally should havo Boon that cer tain men who wero attacked and Ib nooded. Thla may bo In class, politics, or In fraternity or social circles; but In each case tho motive back of tho opinion will not bo prompted by prejudice or dealro 6f Bolf-aggrandlzemont. Covort assertions havo frequently boon made that since tho board of regents purchased tho Dally No braskan over two years ago a censor ship has been placed over thla paper. Tho present editors begin tholr work without tho knowledge of any re striction on what Bhall bo printed in theso columns, and nro froo to ex press an opinion on or publish any University happening. No censorship oxlsta now. If ono la established this semester tho University public will learn of it. Tho Daily starta out unfettored and desirous of treating all elements with falrnoBB. No one society or department will rocelvo fnvora that any other cannot get. Fraternity man and "barb," engineer ing student and debating student will bo troated without favoritism. With Its nowa apaco Increased tho Nobraskan should bd nblo to "cover" tho departments of tho University more thoroughly than It wbb prepared to do boforo thlB year. Football, oc cupying as It does an Important place In tho life of tho Nebraska student, will continue to rocelvo a great deal of attention. Other departments nnd tho various societies of tho school, howovor, will not bo neglected. An offort will bo made to print all tho University happenings that are nows. giving them whatovor spaco their valuo demands. The Nebraskan may fall In Its alms, but It la going to mako an earnest offort to deal fairly and trusts its motives during tho semester will not bo mlsconBtruod. y Ml ;iii iff! limr mm iJi!:),:i Vnnr "VlU in i, i, i ''III ! 11 iriS;!:l!:,,.,',!!i, l 11 We Wish YOU Joi but to fed real joy you must let Ludwig build your Fall Suit. LUDWIG 1028 "O" MINNE80TA TRICKERY. Crafty Coach Williams of tho Uni versity of Minnesota has loBt none of his cunning and artfulness. Pass ing years chang not tho wily Gopher coach. Each spring may witness the loss of moro than half of tho Minne sota football veterans, but tho suc ceeding spring Dr. Williams bobB up with a froeh aupply of excellent ma terial. Failures, condltlona, and grad uations daunt him not. Faculty re Btrlctlona and conference rules aro no barriers to him. If ho wants n good plnyor for hla team ho gets him. This aubtlo trlckory was woll exhibited In tho manner In which Quarterback Georgo Cnpron wns brought buck In to the Gopher fold this fall. Last seaBon Capron was the lead ing drop kicker In tho west and ono of tho best In the wholo country. His too work brought defeat to both Ne braska and Ames, and tied up tho score In tho Wisconsin gamo Walter Camp and other football authorities concedod him a high place in tho 1908 Bhoes. So Coach Williams caught Capron by tho coat tails and pulled him Into tho Gopher camp over tho faculty fences. He cared not for university credits. They are cheap when the football supremacy of Min nesota is at stake. He feared not public opinion, either, for he haB boon playing his tricks In tho lime light for several years. There Is something about Dr. Wil liams' work In the case of George Capron which should mako any man but a butcher hold his nose. It 1b best described by that adjective often hurled from tho bleachers at an um pire "rotten." Nebraska and the other achool8 which meet Minnesota this fall ought to demand more than an explanation from Coach Williams and tho rest of the Gopher athletic authorities. Surely hero Is a case for Investigation by tho purity ath lotlc board of Nebraska. O 00000000OffiO00OffiOSO000000000 O A Word to Students At The Playhouses O 0000000000 aexaoeaaFxsexiFxaexx'AC 00000 O What do You Know about Budd Being in the Shoe Business? Hundreds of students have worn Budd $2.50 Hats the past few years. This season Budd makes a new bow to new and old Unl men with a new Budd Store at 1415 O with $3.50 and $2.50 8hoes. Young men's snappy shoes at a "cheaper" price. The new store has candy $2.50 hats and furnishings. And the old dump, at 1141 O, will be headquarters for students for their hats, their furnishings, and "party" supplies. Look me up. I am a better fellow than ever. St 1141 0 Street BUDD 1415 0 Street 0000000000000000000000000 fell undor the axe at that time wero Innocent, and It should have defended them If It waB the duty of tho Ne braskan (and It surely was) to as sist In reform, It was just as much its duty to protest when that reform went so far that It caught and pulled down Innocent men. Tho Dally NobraBkan this semester, while It believes reform is necessary at times, does not begin tho year with a storehouae full of ideas on how the University should be run or what changes should be made in tho laws governing it There will be no attempt to seek out weak spots In ,tho state school. Situations and con ditions will be handled as -they pre sent themselves1. , Often in the past this paper has held aloof from expressing opinions on various University movements and functions. Its attitude on many occa sions has been apathetic. A college dally occupies a position in Univer sity circles not unlike that of a city paper in tho community in which it circulates. Its opinions are needed to assist in the progress of the peo ple moylng in its field. The Dally Nebraskan will aim to follow out the work of an ideal college paper and will try not to shirk its duty. An at tempt will be made to give an edi torial expression where it seems one football ranks. But Capron is not a brilliant student and last spring failed so miserably in his studies that he loft the Minnesota school a delinquent and thus became ineligible for foot ball this fall. On thlB point, a Btu dent, writing to tho Chicago Tribune only last Sunday from Minneapolis, said: "Georgo Capron, who made a national reputation as a drop klckor, will no longer play with Minnesota. He fqll behind in his studies during the winter and finally left college. Capron's loss will be a great one, and there seems to be no one In his clara to replace him." Until last Tuesday everybody not well acquainted with the ways of Dr. Williams believed that George Capron had played his last Minnesota football. On that day, however, news was Bent out from Minneapolis telling of the election of George Capron as captain of the Minnesota eleven to succeed Captain Dunne, who committed sui cide last month. What had been done? Crafty Dr. Williams needed George Capron on his team this fall. He did not care that the quarterback was delinquent Ho knew, moreover, that tho strength of the Gophers this season depends on a klckor of the caliber of Capron. He had no other man among his can didates who could fill the 1907 star's The offerings- of tho Lincoln plny hoiiHcs for tho season of 1908-09 prom ise to ijo plentiful nnd of a qunllty that will please the mnny theatrical patrons of this city. Tho Majestic has been placed on tho Orphoum circuit and now Is Klvlnff high-class vaudeville unllko any seen hero boforo. Tho Lyric has nbarv doned vnudovlllo ior jieiv motion pic tures which aro described as "pictures which talk and sins." At tho Oliver the legitimate plays and tho popular mu Hlcal comedies continue to occupy tho boards. Tho season was ushered In tho last week of August at tho three houses and tho patronage at all of them has been heavy since then, although tho Oliver, with tho exception of tho opening night when Henry Miller presented tho ''Great Divide," has offered nothing that would please tho average student thcatrc-gocr. Manager Gorman opened his now vaudo vlllo Iioubo with fl strong feature bill and during tho three succeeding weeks has continued to plcaso largo crowds with an attractlvo varloty of programs. This week tho bill Includes a strong array of talented artists. William Morrow and Verda Schollbory In "Happy's Mil lion," and tho Frascona's operatic quar tet divide places as tho headllnors. Mor row In tho western comedy playlet wills great applause from his audience with his hearty laughing song. Cupid, who looks very much Hko Puck and who appears In "Happy's Millions" near tho close, receives several curtain calls at each performance. Tho Operatic quar tet pleases tho major part of all the audlonces. Reynolds nnd Donegan, late of Anna Hold's "Parisian Model" company, in troduce some clever dances on roller, skates. Their work Is a novelty that has not been seen In Lincoln before this fall. Gil Brown, advertised as a dancing Wonder, which ho Is not. has a few now clog stops. Tho Carl Dam mann troupe of acrobats and tho Schaar Whoolor trio in an astonishing bicycle act add to tho strength and worth of tho bill. THE SAVOY If you want to be dressed In tho very latest style, In the newest, choicest patterns for young men, and don't want to pay more than the best Is worth, como to 8PEIER & 8IMON'. It Is now a woll established fact that you can save 25 per cent on your Clothing, Including Shoes, Hats and Fur nlshlngs, If you buy hero. Wo prefer to give our customers tho ben efit of low prices to paying exhorbltant rent for a location in the high-Tent district. We carry everything In Men's Wear at prices that save you money. Come and see us, on tho corner of 10th and O Sts., ujat across tho street from tho First National Bank. The Home of the Stetson Hat. The Home of Good Clothes at Fair Prlcet. The Exclusive Lincoln Agency for Regal Shoes. iSpeier & Simon I NORTHEAST CORNER 10th & 0 STS. Just out of tho High Rent District 00000000000000000000000000 TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand $3 Per Nonth. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 116&-Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th George Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing Pino Line Pound and Box Stationery Fraternity Bldg 18th & N Bta' THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE B B B "Welcomes all Students. mrtCC nd Bilvor Letter PIPES jggx&.mm UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1183 O Btreet MAYER BROS. Head to Foot Clothiers. Welcomes Man to the College Lincoln. , . Where is there a better place to purchase the proper things in Men's Wearables than at a store which outfits you from head to foot? Clothes from the leading makers of the country go to make up our perfect showing. O S