TJHE;. NEPRA8KJIN J t OVING PICTURES and VAUDEVILLE 10c t 10c LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7t45 & 9t00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS OVERTURE THE GREAT KELTER Great Novelty Bounding Wire Act ILLUSTRATED 80NG "Honey Time" JOHN J. WILDE A Real Novelty GEORGE FREDO German Musical Comedian BERNICE HOWARD & CO. Presenting "Possum Ridge" LYR08COPE iGfLROY, HAYNE3 &MONTGOMERY In the Nautical Burletta "THE GOOD UHIP NANCY LEE" Stowaway Chas. Gllroy Captain Nausea Maurice Haynes A first-class passenger. ... . .' , . . . Kitty Montgomery MANKIN The Frog Man In His Scenic Production, "A Frog's Paradise" LYROSCOPE MOKSTROB COiPANY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N 9t.,.LInln, N.I MAJESTIC M GEORGE BROS., Printers S I COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING I I AND n I STEEL DYE EMBOSSING B A NICE LINE OP STATIONERY 9 1 Fraternity Bldg,, LINCOLN, NEB. I THE W SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all .students and Invites you to enjoy our Smoking and ' Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try us. - "UNI" MOKE HOUSE. !' . 1132 O STREET FENCING CONTEST. (Continued from Page 1.) Sixth Bout Smith dofoatod Rut ledge. Seventh Bout Farrow defeated Woods. Eighth Bout Petersen defeated Schmidt. Ninth Bout MoorehouBe defeated Rutledge. Tenth Bout Vlllars defeated Jef fords. Eleventh Bout Petersen defeated Woods. Twelfth Bout Farrow defeated Schmidt. Thirteenth Bout Moorehouse de feated Vlllars. Fourteenth Bout Smith defeated Jeffords. Fifteenth Bout Smith defeated Moorehouse. Sixteenth Bout Vlllars defeated Rutledge. Qualified for the finals: Farrow, Petersen, Vlllars and Smith. Finals. First Bout Petersen defeated Vll lars. Second Bout Farrow defeated Smith. Third Bout Farrow deTeatedPeler sen. Fourth Bout Smith deloated Vll lars. Fifth Bout Smith defeated Peter sen. Sixth Bout Farrow defeated Vll lars. Farrow, first, three bouts; Smith, second, two bouts; Petersen, third, one bout; Vlllars, fourth, no bouts. Y. W. C. A. AT CASCADE. - (Contlnued-from-Page 1.) - Day exercises, In which each delega tion does its particular stunt. Of course Nebraska's stunt Is always the brightest one. The average expense for the whole trip is from $45 to $50. No college girl who can possibly go can afford to miss attending one of these confer ences. The Worries "of Childhood. It must be a terrible thing to be a child nowadays. Overwhelmed with warnings and restrictions, they must not play with earth or sand, because these might contain the bacilli of phthisis, typhoid or tetanus; they must not play with other children, for fear pf contagious diseases; their food is weighed; they are even forbidden fo llow anyone to kiss them. This ml crobophobla Is absurd. Vienna Pam illenblaetter. Will Loan Money to Farmers. The Transvaal government, through the medium of a land bank that Is be ing opened, is about to lend approxi mately 112,000,000 to the farmers of the country to enable them to pur chase modern agricultural machinery and implements. To Keep Him In Trim. "I visited the tome of Sankold, the celebrated contortionist, the other day, and I must say he has installed one very peculiar feature." "And what might that be?" "He has his bed built In the form of an upper berth." Chocolates and Bon Boris. Suits and O'coats NO MORENO LESS World's Brsatast Tailors I' I'M aBMK3S3 r I II I -UNION MADE- J. F. GREGORY, Hanigcr and Cutter LIbciIi Iraich, (45 So. I3tb St. """iHaaMMHHMMaMHHpHiHiHanHiMMaaHnHH- UNION COLLEGE ii II 1 TM TAILORS Main Collirt ulldlng ....... Notice. Jack Best wishes everyone to empty his locker before leaving school. All lockers not opened and cleaned out before the close of school will bo broken Into and the contents de stroyed. Lost Ladles' gold watch, engraved with Initials L. W. L. Wilke, 'phone A-1833. Reward. Clements' photos are tlie best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house. Eleventh and P streets? Notice. All persons who do not get the 1908 Cornhusker which they ordered be fore school Is out will have the book sent to. them and a sight draft drawn on them for the price of the book and the express charges. All books to be gotten at the Unl. Book Store. HUBERT O. BELL, v Business Manager. THEY MUST BE SOLD Our large stock of JPennants and Upto-date Jewelry Discount 20 Per Cent ' i mmmmaimmmmmmEmmmmmea?mmmG We need the money you want the goods.' Get first choice fey coming TODAY. : IP Days Sale Today is the 3rd Day The University Book Store D. B. GILBERT, Hanagtr 340 Na. Ifth Strait . Llnwln, Ntbraska Made to Order, $15 i I For First Class Titltrlng AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Dr. Hill, Dentist, 233 So. Eleventh. Send In your news Items to the Dally Nebraskan. Go to MrsJ. 0, Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Chapln BroB., florists, 127 So. 12th. 8enior Play. All Seniors must secure their tickets' Thursday at 11 a. m., Library Build ing. Pay your assessment and secure four tickets to-the play. PURCELL, Chairman. Eat at Elam8. Dalrymple's quality. .Notice. All students In Field Geology 5 who have not made the trip to Milford will do so on Saturday, May 30, leaying Lincoln at 7 o'clock on the Burl.'ngton, returning at noon. G. E. CONDRA. V t Xk jOMMh X ( &