The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 23, 1908, Image 1

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    TBbe.Dails IFlebraekan
Vol. VU. No. 150.
Priced Cents.
Entertaining Address by Noted Head
of National Bureau of Chemistry
Pleases Nebraska Students.
Dr. H. W. Wiloy head of the
United States Bureau of Chemistry
delivered an address at a Bpecial con
vocation yesterday morning which
was much enjoyed by the students
who were present. Dr. Wiley's cen
tral thought was the conservation and
proper utilization or Youth, which he
styled as the moBt valuable of all the
nation's natural resources. The speak
er had a pleasing manner and intro
duced numerous remarks of a witty
Introduced by Dean Ward as one
who -was. a man of affairs as well as a'
professional man, Dr. Wiley first re
ferred to his pleasure at greeting the
Lincoln students as well as those at
the medical school in Omaha, where
he delivered the commencement address-
Thursday evening. Ho then
spoke' of the session of governors and
other notables recedtly held in Wash
ington for the discussion of the preser
vation ot the natural resources of this
country. In the speaker's opinion
such gatherings as these are of in
calcuable benefit to the country at
"But," said Dr. Wiley, "one natural
resource, and one which I think the
most valuable of all, was not consld
ered at that meeting. I refer to the
young people or our country, a re
source far more valuable than any of
those considered by the Washington
conference. I am a believer in Youth.
I know the necessity of conserving the
resources of youth. Youth cannot be
entirely conserved but it can be part
ly conserved and properly utilized. It
is the object of the University to dis
cover how best to utilize the energy
of youth.
"Today there are great problems
"concerning the natural resources
which are awaiting solution. The coal
supply is being, exhausted. Where will
the future Obtain its supply of energy?
Suppose the winds may be harnessed.
This Is to be expected. In any case
the exhaustion of the coal supply will
never bo allowed to stop the world's
progress. This 1b but one of the many
problems which you young people will
be called upon to solve.
'The diplomas which you receive
grant you certain privileges but in
every one ql them there is also the
clause, 'and the responsibilities there,
with, You cannot have the privileges
without the responsibilities. If women
choose to be professionals, then they
must assume the responsibilities of
professionals and support the men
just as a man would have to Support
a woman in like circumstances.
"We "can got along-without lawyers,
without 'doctors, without many other
professional men, butjwe cannot live
without cooks. ;i 'bejleve that three
fourths of the divorce's In this country
jareicausedbybdcoqking, I think he
The Nebraskan will be sent to
all subscribers who go to camp
if notice is left at office before
5 P. M. Monday. : : : : :
ooooooo o o
statement made by a woman at a farm
ers' institute in a certain state is per
fectly true. She said that ihe only
way to keep your husband at home 1b
to feed the brute.'
"Great things are accomplished by
youth. Old age la great for many
thingsJnit jnot for. Initiation and. ac
complishment. You young people have
youth and Its companion, opportunity:.
I congratulate you on your opportuni
ties. I hope and believe that youth
will bo prolonged that man will no
longer be old at thirty; that he will
retain the flush of youth at forty. But
if the flush is gone, do not use analyne
dyes. Preserve Youth, but do not imi
tate it.
8ergeants McAllister and Holland of
Company A Wtn First and 8econd
Places In the Individual.
Inter-Fraternity Ball.
A few more games have been pulled
off in the-inter-frat ball league. The
Kappa Sigs forfeited to A. T. O., Wed
nesday, and the Betas to the Phi Pais
on Thursday.
On Wednesday the Betas and Kappa
Sigs were scheduled to play, but the
Betas forfeited again.
Yesterday the Alpha Taus defeated
the Slg Alpha in a hard fought game
by a score of 7 to 6. This ties the
two teams for the south side champion
ship at .800 each. They will meet
again in a short time to play thlB off.
The batteries yesterday were Slg Alph,
Kempton and Greenslit; A. T. O.,
Flower and Reynolds.
Wednesday the D. U.'s. defeated the
Phi Delts in a game to play off the
three cornered tie on" the north side.
This puts D. U., In the' lead. The
score of the game was 9 to 5.
The standing of the teams at pres
ent Is as follows :
South 8ide.
Pld. W. L. P.C.
Alpha lau Omega.. 5 4 1 .800
Slg. Alpha Epsilon.. 5 4 1 .800
Delta Tau Delta.... 5 3 2 .600
Phi Kappa Psl..... 5 3 -2 .600
Kappa Sigma 5 1 4 .200
Beta Theta Pi 5 0 5 .000
North Side.
Pld. W. L. P. C.
Delta Upsllon 5 4 1 -.800
Alpha Theta Chi .. 4 3 1 .750
Phi Delta Theta 5 3 2 ..600
Sigma Chi 4 1 3 .260
Phi Gamma Delta.. 4 0 4 .000
AH those who wish their Nebraskan
delivered at the Y. M.. C. A. postofflce'
at camp are requested to leave their
names at the office before 5 p. m Mon
day. Plm like mother tried to make.
Baked fresh twice a day by an expert
wqfraa pie baker, at The BppUw
Contest for the Captain Worklzer
Prize In Armory.
Captain Worklzer has offered a prize
consisting of a foil, mask and plastron,
to the winner of an opon fencing con
test which will take place In tho Ar
mory Monday evening at 7:30. The
contestants will be divided into two
squads and every man in each squad
will fence one short bout with every
other man in that squad. Tho two
best men in each squad, will qualify
for the finals and there loo, each man
will fence one bout with every other
man in tho finals.
. The rules of the Amateur Fencing
League will govern and the decision
of the Judges will be partly on tho
number of touches scored and partly
on form, The r.uleH are as follows: ,
1. Each bout shall consist of four
minutes actual fencing, and contest
ants shall change positions after two
minutes. Contestants shall come on
guard in the middle of the space, at
(he command of a judge. In case the
judges cannot decide, contestants shall
meet for an extra two minutes dura
tion, changing sides at the end of one
2. Touches shall count only when
made upon the body within the limits
bounded by the collar of tho fencing
jacket, the medium line, tho hip, and
a lino drawn from hip to tho posterior
limit of tho armpit around the front
of the arm and along the crest of -the
shoulder to the collar. A touch on
any part of the boundary lines shall
3. The competitor attacked .should
parry. If a stop thrust be made it
shall only count in favor of the giver,
provided he not be touched at all.
4. A touch, whether fair or foul in
validates tho riposte.
5. A touch' is of no value when the
point is twisted onto the body after
the slap of the foil.
6. The judge must stop a corps-a-cprps
as soon as made.
7. A disarmament is of no value. A
touch immediately following a disarm
ament counts.
8. A point scored from a thrust start
ed with the elbow behind the body
(jab thrusts) shall not count.
9. Each contestant shall fenc6 with
the same hand throughout the bout.
10. Contestants shall fence within a
marked space twenty feet long and
three feed wide.
11. When a contestant oversteps
these limits a judge ' shall stop the
bout and each judge shall award a
touch to tho opponent of the man over
stepping these limits, and the contes
(Continued on page 3.)
Company A captured all tho honors
yesterdayin one of tho snappiest com
petitive drills ever hold by tho Uni
versity battalion. Tho drill was hold
upon the fine grassy field at the State
Farm and was witnessed by a large
crowd of people. Tho solid turf a
tho Farm contrasted very favorably
with tho five inches of mud upon the
old athletic field, whore the drill Was
held last year. The cool, clear weather
also aided in producing a fast, snappy
The drill began promptly at three
o'clock, Company C appearing on the
fiold first. C company was followed
by Companies B, A and D, in the or
der named.
Bet won the company drills tho large
crowd of spectators were entertained
with miiBlc by the University Cadet
Band. As each company marched on
to the field it was greeted with cheers
from us supporters. Tho drill was
Judged "by Captain Grimm and Xiiou
tenants Owry and Haskell, officers of
the United States army from Fort
Crook. . .
Tho company drill wbb followed by
tho Individual drill, in which each
company is represented by four picked
mon. A company was represented by
Sergeants Holland, Plumb, McAllister
and Corporal Hathaway. D company
by Sergeants Cary and Coupe, Cor
poral Scotnoy and Private Lord. B
company by Sergeants Jones, Mahood,
Byerts and .Olson. C 'company by Ser
geants Peters, Schmidt and Davison
and Corporal Balllnger.
Tho individual oompet was closely
contested. Beautiful silver cups were
awarded to tho winners, Fourth Ser
geant McAllister, first, and First Ser
geant Holland, second, In place of tho
gold and silver medals previously
given to tho winners in this event.
Battalion drill, under the command .
of Major Wasson, was held after the
individual drill. The companies were
also judged upon their execution of
this drill, which was a new feature in
the annual compet.
The rank of tho companies as de
cided by the judges was as follows:
1. A. Score, 938.043, basis of 1000.
2..D. Score, 932.0.
3. C. Score, 889.9.
4. B. Score, 873.9.
Governor Sheldon presented the cup
to tkp winning company. He related,
briefly the history of the cup and
mentioned the part played by alumnae
of the University in the Spanish-American
war. He complimented tho bat
talion as a, whole upon Its excellent
appearance, efficiency anil high char?
actor and praised A company for pos
sessing the skill necessary to win
among such competitors.
The Governor also presented the
4 ,
(Continued on Page 4. "