The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 22, 1908, Image 2

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Sbe Baling mebraeftan
Lincoln. Nebraska.
Publication Otflce, 126 No. Utti St.
EdItor-ln-Chlef Ross King, '08
Managing Editor Q. L. Fonlon, '08
Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10
Manager George M. Wallace, '10
Circulator W. A. Jones, '10
Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10
EdItor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p.m.
Manager 9 to 10 a. m.
Editorial arid Business Office:
Postofrice, Station A. Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advance
Single Copies. 6 Cents Each
Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged
for at the rato of 10 ccnta per Inoortlon
for every flftcon words or fraction thereof.
Faculty notices and University bulletins
will gladly bo published froo
Entered at the postofflco at Lincoln.
Nebraska, as second-class mall matter
under tho Act of Conpress of March 8.
YeBtcrday morning's musical pro
gram In chapel was one of the most
enjoyable of tho year. The work of
our chorus Is commendable. It Is es
pecially commendable because Is Is
so truly representative of the school.
Competitive drill occurs today at
the farm and a large crowd is expected
as usual. Regardless of weather tho
students always turn out to wltnesB
this annual event. From the under
class man's point of view tnls Is what
makes his year's work in the military
department worth while. In going
through a. contest of this kind with
forty other men makes him a friend
and comrade of every other man in his
company. After weeks of hard prac
tice, every bit oi which does him
good, the private, the corporal and the
sergeant get out for team work that
dents usually desire to talk over their
plonB with parents this will give them
something definite to propose for tho
next year's work.
It 1b the usual thing, however, to find
students thinking after a year's resi
dence at the University that they
know exactly what is best for them.
It was in answer to this mistaken
notion that the system hold sway so
long, under which "eleotlvo aptitudes"
of the student decided his coivso or
freedom from anything like a course.
It is p'ctty well agreed nowadays tine
tho student needs advice. Tho facul
ty of the University Is unable to glvo
each student the attention that he
ought to have. Parents and friends,
then, ought to bo consulted. Under
tho new system tho student begins to
think about his course early. Let him
not forget that although father and
mother may not have attended college,
their advice Is good, nevertheless. And
the alumni of the Institution are so
numerous as to make it possible to get
help soinewhero boforo returning In
tho fall. Tho new plan ought, there
fore, help decrease tho number of com
plaints from graduates that they were
permitted to register for anything and
everything their notions pointed toward.
Four Years Ago.
Tho captalnB o tho different com
panies were given swords.
The Freshmen class ventured forth
with caps. Trouble is anticipated.
Hon. W. J. Bryan addressed the
students on "Principles In Politics."
Company A won tho annual com
petitive drill. Company Q celebrated
the evqnt in tho evening,
Nebraska won in tho Minnesota-Nebraska
track meet by a score of 62 to
Tho battalion was ploasantly wel
comed In York by a heavy and ex
hlllratlng rain.
Everj article In our stock had been put In within the last two
Priced are a little lower on Jewelry and Silver than last fall.
See our swell line of Watches, Sterling Silver Bracelets Neck
laces, Spoons, etc.
Hallett, Optometry Specialist. 1134 0 St.
Is to bring honor to tho colors of the
company. Only one company can win
but all can put up a good drill.
The old habit of painting the town
red after the drill, has almost disap
peared In the last few years and It Is
hoped, for the good of the winners and
the reputation of tho school that it
will be completely done away with th's
year. There can bo but little objec
tion to the. usual demonstrations with
tho exception of the Injury to property
and the daubing up of 'things about
.the town. Don't think that such" things
are an indication of company spirit or
college spirit. They simply Indicate
Miller Sc Paine
Our extensive line is made up indi
vidually of Trunks that will with
stand all the banging they are likely
to get, no matter where they are
likely to find themselves. Trunks
that'll hold all you wish to put into
them. Trunks that'll get there and
get back again and be hardly a bit
the worse for the experience these
are the trunks that we carry and sell
at prices less than you'd willingly
pay. Best Cowhide Cases -with or
without straps sixty-five distinc-"
tive styles or sizes graded in price
by half-dollar stages.
Five to Eighteen Dollars
Large stock tan oxrords, snappy
styles at popular prices. Rogers &
A linen tablet for 10 cents today.
University Book Store.
Wanted Young man to wait table
at first-class boarding house; experi
ence preferred. Phone Auto 3052.
Lost Between Fifteenth and R and
Library, shield pin with B. H. '0G on
It. Return to Librarian's desk.
. Thrro-yi-nr course, leading (odot'roo of Doctor
of Law (J. I).), which by tho Quarter nybtcmrany
bo comjlotM in two and ouc-foiirlh calondnr
jrnrs. CoIIcko education required for regular
admission, one yeurof law boinc counted toward
coIIoro degree. Law library of 29,300 volumes.
The SummerQunrtcroffcrft special opportuni
ties to students, teachers, and practitioners.
Dean of Law School, University of Chicago
It's Remarkable
.The new method of registration
should receive tho careful attention
of all. By this means the overcrowd
ing that usually attends registration
will be greatly lessened. Where stu-
Three Years Ago.
M. A. Benedict. E. D. Crites. W. T
Day, F. E. Denny, F. I. Falrman, Ed,
Loomis, A. H. Lundin, J. K. Morrison,
R. A. Van Orsdel, A. H. Wellenslck,
C. C. Wllsonand E. P. Zimmer Avere
elected to the Innocents.
The ninth annual Pan-Hellenic
dance was held at the Auditorium.
Tho Sombraro was placed on Sale.
There Is some talk of tho Junior and
Senior classes combining and publish
ing the book under the name of tlu
two upper classes.
Georgo Be'rge addressed the Uni
versity public upon "Citizenship."
Tho annual High School Fete Day
was not tho cause of classes being ex
cused as is usually the custom.
Tho Dramatic Club presented "The
Shakespeare Water Cure."
A fight took place on the big r.ock oc
casioned by the Freshmen wearing
caps. The trouble was looked for.
How clothes can be made to fit so per
fectly, said a wearer of one of our Ken
sington Suits. This is a sample of the
good things we hear every day for them.
If they weren't good, extra good, so many
men capable of judging wouldn't be wear
ing them. Make in models to fit men of
every proportion, and wonderfully design
ed andlaHored. There's a tremendous
amount of hand work put into them, too.
Settle- the Suit Question today look the
Kensingtons over,
Magee & Deemer
The Home of Kensington Clothes
I' i