The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 22, 1908, Image 1

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    ttbe 3Dail$ IFlebtaefean
Vol. VII. No. H9.
Price 5 Cents.
Elect Blue Print Staff for 1909 Re
ports of Committees Received
Adopt New Amendments.
Pan Hellenic Dance
The engineering society held the
closing meeting of tho year In Sci
ence Hall of the Tomplo on Wed
nesday evening. Tho attendance was
not large, but those who were there
had something to say. Tho most lm-
portant thing which came off was the
olection of next years' Blue Print staff.
The nominations were made by- tho
oxecutlveboard and are as follows:
-"Woods Edltor-ln-chlef, M. E. Stricter.
Business manager, J. B. Johnson.
C. E. Editor, E. M. Buol.
M. E. Editor, H. W. Mlnman.
E. E. Editor, A. ..1. Candy.
R. A. Gantt.
M. E. Stricter was elected editor-in-
chief aud A. M. Candy, M. E. editor,
these two being ihe only ones having
opposlt'.on. ' The remaining part of
the staff was elected unanimously.
The following reports were read and
accepted with the exception of tho
business manager's report of the Blue
Print, which was laid on the table un
til next semester when all money will
be collected.
Blue Print manager reports:
Receipts $346. 25
Expenditures 306.53
MAY 22, B9Q8
'Walt's Orchestra. Tickets, $2.50
OJlKslK05lK)KilK3K)OJK5WD3K5 O O K3KO00O0O00O
Companies About Evenly Matched
Officers Prom Fort Omaha Will
Act as Judges Review.
. Balance $ 39.72
H. B. Bergqulst.
Treasury report:
Balance on hand $128.40
Secretary's report:
Meetings 12
Smokers , . 2
Members voted in 159
New active members G8
Tho englnedlng banquet which 1b
the last event for the engineers this
year, will be given Saturday evening,
May 28 at 9 p. m.
Professor Richards, M. E., Profes
sor Stout, C. E., Q. C. Page, G. L. Sul
livan and H. E. Hurtz will talk. All
engineers should bo present as this Is
one of the most Interesting features
of the englnerlng society.
Thq constitution was discussed and
the following amendments presented
were voted on and accepted:
I. Tho membership of this society
.shall consist of honorary and associate
II. The word "associate" should be
lnsterted to preced the word "member
ship," in tht first and second instance
of Section I, Article VI. This will then
read as follows;
Any student who is registered in one
of the engineering groups of the Uni
versity of Nebraska is eligible to asao
clate membership in that society. Said
:student may become an associate mem
ber of the society by receiving a three-
fourths vote of all members present at
;any- regular meeting, his name having
(Continued on page 3.)
Forty-Three Entries In Try-Outs for
Debating Squad.
The tryouts for tho debating squad
are to bo held Saturday In two ses
sions. The debate In the forenoon
will begin at 10:5.0, and the one in
the afternoon will be started at 1:30.
The question Is: "Resolved, That
American Cities Should Adopt the
Commission Form of Government." On
account of tho large number of con
testants, each speaker will be given
but six minutes. The first on the af
firmative has five minutes for direct
argument and three for rebuttal.
Twelve seats at tho Round Table
will be filled, thirty-two men trying out
at this time. In tho preliminaries,
which are to be held next fall, tho
other eleven men will try out. as well
as any others who care to compete.
There were only twenty-three speakers
in all, In last fall's try-out.
Tho following are tho debaters who
will speak at 10:50 a. m., In Memorial
1. John L. Rice, Law, '10, McCook.
2. J. H. Scotney, '10, Belle Fourche,
S. D.
3. Jas. Brown, Law, '11, Nebraska
4. Jas. E. Lawrence, '11, Nebraska
5. George W. White.
G. Jas. Bednar, '06, Law, '10, Wy-niore.
). Earl D. Mallery, '10, Alliance.
2. Ross Bates, '10, Springfield.
Don Russell, Law, '10, Lincoln.
Stewart Dobbs, '09, Beatrice,.
Frank H. Rlnch, '09, Lincoln.
Paul Yates, '09, Lincoln.
The following will bo tho speakers
who will try out at the afternoon ses:
slon, 1:30 p. m.:
7. H. C. Hathaway, '11, Lincoln.
8. Richard Hunter, '09, Omaha.
9. 'Joseph Votava, '10, Edholm.
10. George Fltzslmmons, Law, '10,
11. Walter Weiss, 'U, Hebron.
12. Homdr Aylsworth, '10, Lincoln.
13. George Wallaco, '10, Omaha.
HPaul Hallderson, '10, Selden.
15? L. l. Bailey, ity Fairbury.
16. A. M. Oberfelder, '11, Sidney.
17. George Thomas, '10, .University
Off Today for the Missouri Valley
Conference Meet.
The University track team leaves
today at ono o'clock for Kansas City,
where they enter tomorrow In tho
first annual athletic meet of tho Mis
souri Valley Conference.
There are at present seven schools
In tho conference, Nebraska, Iowa,
Kansas, AmeB, Drake, Missouri and
Washington. Judging from the rec
ords the teams from somo of theso In
stitutions have made this year tho
fight for the championship will be a
close one.
According to the dope, the chances
for first place lie between throe
teams, Missouri, Ames, and Nebras
ka. If the Comhuskers can do as well
or a little better than thoy havo done
no far this year, their chances of vlc-
I tory are bright. In tho weights Col
lins ought to be able to got first place
In the hammer. His work In this event
has been very consistent and his rec
ords In practice look encouraging. In
the discus ho ouglit to got at least
third place. There are two men In tho
conference who havo beaten Collins'
mark thlB year In the discus throw, so
third place Is perhaps all that can be
hoped, for In this event.
Perhaps the strongest event the
Cornhuskers have Is tho mllo.Cap
tain Alden has run It In 4:37 already
this year and he thinks that the man
wlio beats him tomorrow will have
to run In 4:30 or under.
Knode, In the high Jump, and Perry
In the broad jump, are regarded as
sure point winners, while McDonald Is
expected to win something In the low
In the other events, too, Nebraska
is well represented and with consistent
work the team should make a credit
able showing.
Those who are to go on tho trip
are: Dr. R. G. Clapp, Captain Alden,
Wildman, Huglxes, Burke, Muller,
Davis, Bauman, Williams, McDonald,
Rathbone, McMasters, Collins, Perry,
Knode, and Chain.
1. H. F. Wunder, 'Q9, Shelby, la.
8. Ben (Sherrington, '10, Omaha.
(Continued on Page 4.
Tennis Notice.
H. D. Young, manager of the Ten
nis Club, would like to urge the con
testants to play - off their matches
promptly. The tournament is dragging
and must be hastened:-. All entered
set dates for their matches and any
one failing to appear at the time set
will lose tho match by forfeit.
Baked beans, baked onv.tho prem-
.ises and served hot with tiUIIcIoub-
brown bread, 10c, at Tho Boston
Tho annual competitive drill of the
battalion of cadots of tho University
of Nebraska will take place at tho
State Farm UiIb afternoon. It is nec
essary to havo tho drill at tho farm
slnco tho athletic field has been taken
for tho now engineering building.
Tho cadets will take tho street car
at 1:40 and tho drill will bogln
promptly at 2:30. Tho band will fur
nish music between company drills.
The program will probably bo as
follows :
1. Company competitive drill. Com
panies to drill In order determined by
2. Individual competitive drill.
3. Battalion drill.
4. Review by governor and staff,
and presentation of prizes.
Every company has been working
hard the last few weeks and It is hard
to see any difference In tho drill put
up. Each company 1b fortunate In
having a strong, heady man for cap
tain. Bolow wo print tho nameB of
the commissioned ofilcers and tho yell
of each company.
II. S. Stephens, captain.
N. P. Nelson, first lieutenant.
F. M. Weller, second lieutenant.
We are, we are, wo, are, wo say,
Wo are tho men of Company A.
Hoo Roo Hulla Balloo
Nebraska, Nebraska, Nobras-k-a!
R. E. Guthorlo, captain.
E. W. Hills, first lieutenant.
W. S. Housoworth, second lieutenant.
Ziplty Zee!
Hoo Rah!
Company B!
W. V. Kenner, captain.
C. K. Shedd, first lieutenant.
R. G. Williams, second lieutenant.'
C. I. C. C. U. P. Watcli us win it.
C. C. C.
K. Yoder, captain.
W. M. Weber, first lieutenant.
J. D. Taylor, second lieutenant.
P. D. Q. P. D. Qf
Just watch us. Seo what we
D! D! D!
The winning companies in former
competitions are:
1893 Co. D Cap., T. D. Eager.
1894 Co. B Capt, J."D. Dixon.
1895 Co. B. Capt, C. A. Elliott.
1896 Co. B. Capt, J. C, Sedgwick.
1891 Co. D. Capt, R. C. Saxton.
1899 Co. B. Capt, J. Stebbins.
1900 Co. D.tCapt, F. H. Woodland.
1901 Co. A. Capt, H. A. Tukey.
1902 Co. D. Capt, A. K, Barnes.
1903 Co. D, Capt J. R. Farnoy.
1904 Co. A. Capt, E. D. Stanley.
1905 Co. D. Copt, J. Hyde.
1906 Co. C. Capt, L. S. Syford.
1907 Co. C. D. S. Slaughter.
Three officers from . Fort Crook
will act as judges.