THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN k. - i 7 LIS- n . MAJESTIC Week Starting May 18th ORCHESTRA CONCERT MOVING PICTURES MABLE MEEKER Novelty Dancing and Contortion Act. LE3SIF & ARRETTE Juggling and Gun Spinning HARRY FIR8T & CO. "The Marriage Fee" Seats Risanrid by Pkeii at Tkntti Thru Days ii Advance. Aula 152B. Bell A936. Evening prices 16c and 26c Matinees, Wed. and Sat 15c Box ofllca opons 11 a. in. LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 c ?tOO PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS OVERTURE CHAS. MARVELLE European Novelty Contortionist and Equilibrist JOLSON Black Face Comedian The Great Ed. ZOYARRAS Ameta Feats of Equiliborum THE BRUCES Eccentric Singers and Dancers, Intro ducing "Buck Dancing on Ball bearing Roller SkateB" ILLUSTRATED SONG "The Man Who Fights Fire" JOHN J. WLDE MISS. SOPHIE EVERETT & CO. Presenting' a Refined Hilarious One Act Farce, "A HOUSE WARMING" LYROSCOPE MOKSTROM C81PAIY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N St., Llnaaln, Nfe. GEORGE BROS., Printers SBEBBBBSBiKHEBEBSBB COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING AND STEEL DYE EMBOSSING ' ' A NICE LINE OF' STATIONERY Fraternity Blig., LINCOLN, NEB. THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and invites you to enjoy our Smoking and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please.' Try us. "UNI", SMOKE HOUSE. 1132 O 8TREET' L. J. HERZOG THE WHItltlTY MAMS' TJULM Th flBMt work don aadprioM right. 011 at ur mw tar 1190 O St. Lincoln BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kvary LoyAl University Sttfdeot Is urged to patronise these Nebras kan advertisers, and to mention the paper while doing so. I I I y"V f f ""WWf ""f ?"" V1 mP ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emmert. llXTH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Coop; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, WIndBor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt's Place. BUSINESS COLLEGES Lincoln Bus iness College. CLOTHING Farquhar; Mageo &' Deomer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. CO ALr-Gregory; WhitebroaBt. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin. coin Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co , Rood, Hlrschner-Morse. Folson. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln. Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham,' Yungblut, J. R. uavis, win. DRY GOODS Herpolshelmer; Miller fc Paine. DRUGGISTS Rlggs. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. J. C. Boll. HATTERS Budd, Heffley, Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELERS Tucker; Hallet. KEYS Thorp. LAUNDRIES EvanB; MorohantB; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsorri. Dalrymple, Hlrschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Hayden, Townsend, Clements. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds J Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis BroB.; Sams; Windsor; Elam's. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. TAILORS Backstrom; Dresner; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. TELEGRAPH S C H O O L Western Telegraph School. THEATERS Lyric, Majestic, Oliver. TYPEWRITERS Underwood, Sun. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Tuesday? May 18. Memorial Hall Freshman class meet ing. The faculty at Washington and Lea University have granted the students the right to assemble monthly at mass meetings to discuss toplcB of Interest to tho student body. Permission must be obtained to disciiBS tho different subjects that the students may wish to bring up, University Students Ladies and Tentlemen If in the market for a new typewriter or' desiring to rent one, we would be glad, to nave our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Yours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. 714 P St. Bell 348 Post Graduate Recital. Aiyso Swedberg, of the University School of MubIc, pupil of Henry Eeaines, will give a post-graduate re cital this evening, May 10th, at 8 o'clock, at (ho University Temple Theatre. The public is cordially in vited. The program followe: Sonata, G minor. Op. 22. .. .Schumann Presto -v Andnntlno Scherzo Rondo "Sad Birds" Ravel Andante from "Surprise" Sym phony Haydn (Transcribed by Snlnt-Sacns) Melodic, 0 Sharp minor, Op. R. . .Metzl Nine Preludes -Chopin Transcription of (he "Kermesso" (FauHt Salnt-Saens Les Djinns (The Demons) Franck Symphonic Poem for Piano and Orchestra. (Orchestral Parts on Second Piano) Ah last Saturday evening was cloudy, the Observatory will bo open to visitors Tuesday, .May 19, from 8 to 10 p. m., for a view of Jupiter. Inland Waterways. A number of University professors and state officials will give a sym posium on the development of the .Missouri nnd Mississippi highway on Wednesday evening In the Temple. The relative phases of the control in utilization will be discussed and spe cial subjects will be announced later. Governor Sheldon and Professors Bes sey, Caldwell, Barbour, Bengston, Stout, Phillips and Condni will give short addresses. It. G. Steele, '09, has taken a posi tion at the Toqunia National Forest Reserve In Western Nevada as forest ranger and writes that the work is highly enjoyable and that there nre good prospects for trained foresters In that region. WANTED-A ample Latest Model "Raneer" Duunxmoncyiui. irrtujorjuii particulars ana sttetai errer at once. put it to any test you wish. 11 i keep the bicycle ship it back to FlftTMV PUIfiFt Wc lumUhtlie highest, grade bicycles it is possible to make ritwivni rniUb at one small profit pbove actual factory cost You sae io to Sis middlemen s profits by buyin? direct of ui and have the manufacturer' amee behind your bicycle. DO NOT 1111 V a bicycle or a pair of tires from auyon at any trie until you receive our catalogues and leant our unheard of factory price and rtmarkabl special Villi Kill I RF CTAIIMIICH w,,cn Vu receive pur beautiful catalogue and I VW HILL DC AdlUrlldHCD 5tudy our superb models at the wcuUrfully lOW triCCS we Can make VOU this Vear. We tell the lilcrhest erjcle hlrvrlr for Irrnn nwuirv Ik than any other factory. lHC!Vf?l.l IIKA I.KIIM. f double" "our prices. Orders filled the SECOND II AND IIICXOLKS. Wc do not rcjrularly handle second hand bicycle, but tally have a number on hand 'taken in trade hv our !liir3rn rnall ttnrm. 'I'Iimk wi- nut r .C- . . . . t . -iv. usuany nave a numuer on nana taken in iromptly at prices rnncinc from 83 to 88 P.niTFDJQlKFS Blaslo wheels- Imported UUHO I CKsllllUC9, equipment of all kinds at ka(f promptly ai prices ranginc irom ca to a 50 HEDGETHORH 8 SELF-HEALING TIRES The reeutar retail trice ot these tiru is SSJO tertair'. but to introduce we w'll utlyouasamplepair(or$tJSOitaxhv)ithorderS4i). NO MORETRONBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS," Tacks or Glass wllLuot let too. air ouc sixty tnoucatiu pairs eoiu lost vcar. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. Vt,9unifriumt Maacwausize. itisitvcly and easy ndinr,vcrydutableaudlinedinsidewith a snecinl atinlttv of. rubber, which never becomes porous anu which closes up smnu punctures wuiio ti clio;v iiiRthcairtoescape. Wc have hundreds of letters from satis Ccd customers statins that their tires havconl v hce uponccor twice In a whole season. They weigh nomorctnan an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric tread. Tlie regular price of these tires is JS.50 per auvcrtisingpurposcA wcarc rnaktnga sp the rider of only U So per pair. All oral ecial factory fcrs shipped approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined anil found them Mrictly as rep'rcciiivU, We will allow-a cash Ulscountof 5 per cent (thereby making the price 84.05 per pain if ou send FULL OA8II W.IT1I OlIDKfl pud encloie this advertisement, We will alw mmUuc uickel plated brass hand numn. not satisfactory 011 examination We arc perfectly panic, ii.vou-ordcr a tiair of. tliefe tires vnti .. .... fe Wm .k.BV wear uetter. setter, last longer nd look finer tpau any tire ou that you will be 60 well pleased that wiien i'ou tut you lo send us a trial order at once, hence this know Wc want you lo send us a trial order at once, hence IIT Wlff JUfrjrfl ViDfP J0"'1 m,y nnv k,ntl ai any I,rJce ""Ml you send for a pair -T fUU fCsCI SftfraCO IlcdiretllOrn Pillicturol'roo tfrea on nnnrmnll nift Irlnl the special Introductory price quoted above; or write for our bfg Tire nnd Sundry Catalogue wftlch describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. nn Minr WAIT Iutrrite us a postal today. DO NOT THINK or UDYIXG abicyclc MWtMM WWMMM or a pjiir of tires from anyone until you k-now the new and -wonderful r offers wc arc making. It puly costs a postal to learn everything. Write It NOW, J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL A. G. SPALDING V$sS7 DTiAC uSSSro) 0-yj-t MJwlXJLB Nfrrffv' Tho Largest Manufacturers In the World of OFFICIAL ATHLETIC 8UPPLIES Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Ofllclal Iiiiplomont8 for Track and Field Sports Uniforms for All Sports Spalding's Handsomely Illus trated Catalogue of all spor'ts contains numerous suggestions. Send for It. It's free. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Syracuse Cincinnati, Kansas City, Minneapo lis, New Orleans, Denver, Montreal. H HUYLER'8 Chocolate) and Bon Bons. TIm Dtvt.Oatts UNIVERSITY JEWELER k IPTICIAR C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr. S.S. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 1 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Ye PatrtMft SelteHeJ RIDER AGENT IN EACH TOWN and district to rlfli. nnrl ililli!f a bicycle furnTslicdby us. Onr asents everywhere are IK ISO until you receive and approve of your bicycle. We ship e U. S. without a cent deposit In adacc, rayricht, and IKE TUIAL duiinr which time you may ride the bicycle and you .are then not. perfectly satisfied or do not wish to us at our expense and will not b out oh cent. . offers to rider agent. Wo are satisfied with profit above factory ut. Vnll enn ftll nur himrr ! I,nli tmt. .turn mmn nlif day received. trade by o cr 10. cr io. jJcicripitvc barcain lists mailed free. 'Zmi. ;. ....w ...... ....... ...... ..w .... v.. roller ch<iA aSd pcdala, parts, repal's and the uv.tal retail tri;u. rtnt :ln PUNCTURE - PROOF A SAMPLE PAIR TO IN1RODUOE, ONLY 'Notice tho thfokfubbor troail "X und pnuuturo strj;s ' and "D," also rlia strip "II" to provent rim cuittluj;. Thlt. tiro will outlast any other mnko-HIK'r. EUL&KIU uuO ESX HIUIXQ. n Dunined bciug given on the pair.but for nrice to same day ctlcr Is received. Wc ship C. O. T. on (J 80 k ' J,!'!,,. 'vJMSMii: wBttBttmBmmFmi' kliiBiflBKsssmlXssssssssWssssHf HlJSilT. j !.'''. r--rf- lixKixixixixixixixixixBaixixixB V-S'iW M 'x2jnmmm v i um m -kwim be returned at OUK expepne if for any reason they are .k... reliable and money scut tohslsns'safea). In n will, fir 111 that thev will rlda easier, ruti faster. an h lave ever used or seen at anv price. We VOU want n lli.-vr!" mil tvlll .w 111 vniir nnUr this remarkable tire pfTer. s of nt! F X