1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ttbe ails fllebrasftan THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVEflY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Pflbliatln etflct, 126 No. 14th St EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor-in-Chief Rott Kino, '08 Munaglno. Editor O. L. Fenlon, '08 Atioolate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BU8INE8S 8TAFF. Manager Oeoroe M. Wallace, MO Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HOUR8. -s. EdItor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, SJEOO PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each and the example of the Univeraity of Wisconsin with its Mock Congress to teach parliamentary practice 1b a good one, but national politics in college pre vent the very thing that kills preju diced partisanship namely an oppor tunity to think things over a little be fore getting Into the fight. Telephones: Bell A 1468, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents per lnaortlon for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall raattor under tho Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. Who says tho Swedes can't debate? Notice. Lost At Woman's Building, State Farm, a brass paper knife. This knife was specially designed ana greatly valued. No effort will be made to punish tho offender if it is returned within tho next few days. INTER-FRAT BA8EBALL. The Jokes in tho Cornhusker re what Interest you now. The views are more Interesting thirty years from now. Fete Day was originally a day when the proBpecU e University student came down to see the Bchool and for mulate a few ambitions with regard to his future. It has grown somewhat away from this purpose Into an inter high school contest day. With no ath letic field conditions are such that many young men and women came to Lincoln yesterday without appearing on the campus. This is perfectly In ac cordance with the over-emphasis put 8lgma Alphs Are Still In the Lead. The Inter-frat baseball season is gradually drawing to a close, but the championship is still far from being decided. So far, however, the SIg Alphs appear to have the best team, at least on the South side. They have played four games, winning them all and they have only, one more game to play, which Is a postponed game with Alpha Tau Omega. There Is only one possibility by which the Slg Alphs could be kept from winning the Sputh-side championship. If the A. T. O.'s defeat the Kappa SIgs, which seems at least possible, judging from Kappa Slgma's record so far, and then defeat the Slg Alphs, the two teams would be tied with .800 apiece. If such a condition comes to pass an extra game will be necessary to de cide which team shall meet the North bide winner for the fraternity cham pionship. On the North side there are three teams at present with a percentage of .750, and a hot fight promises to re sult. Wednesday the D. U.'s won two games, one from Sigma Chi by a score of G to 3, and one from the Phi Gams by a score of 9 to 2. Batteries, D. U., Sears and Russell; Sigma Chi, McCarty and McAllaster; Phi Gam, Houston and Matters. R E.S ULTS TELL! We claim to be tho best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are i to prove it Our methods aro the VERT LATEST and our work man the beat that money can aeoure. We olean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking in any way. We also olean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Qoods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do Hering and . repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRIOE LIST. J. C. WOOD fe CO. Phane !! 147 1S20 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 The Harvard Medical School With tho completion of tho new buildings, which were dedicated Sep tember 25th, 1906, this- school now has facilities and equipment for teach ing and research In tho various branches of mcdlclno, probably unequaled In this country. Of tho flvo buildings, four aro devoted entirely to lab oratory teaching and research. Numerous hospitals afford abundant op portunities for clinical instruction In medicine and surgery. COUR8E FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' course, open to bachelors of arts, literature, philosophy or sclcnco, and to persons of equivalent standing, leads to tho degree of M. D. Tho studies of the fourth year aro wholly lectlvo; they include labora tory subjects, general medicine, genoial surgery and tho special clinical branches. Tho next Bchool year extends from October 1, 1908, to Juno 24, 1909. The diploma of University of Nebraska Is accepted for admission. For dotalled announcement and catalogue, address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Mass. Save Us! O, Mr. President, Is It really your Intent To Bave us all from being buBted flat? If that is your intention We'd really like to mention The thing they call the "Merry Widow hat." It's a regular purse breaker And It covers near an acre; We've seen some fierce ones none the like o' that. O, get a message ready And fire It in, dear Teddy, Let congress curb the "Merry Widow hat." Three feet and sometimes wider, No one can sit beside her In street car, office, dwelling house or flat, Ask congress to relieve us For, Teddy dear, believe us, The worst ever is the "Merry Widow hat." The University of Chicago has given $200 towards sending American ath letes to the Olympia games in London. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Throo-yonr course, leading to doproo of Doctor of Law (J. D.). which by tho Quarter system may bo completed in two and ono-fourth calendar yrars. Collcgo education roquirod for regular admission, ono yoar of law being counted toward collcgo degree. Law library of 29,300 volumos. The SummcrQuartcr offer special opportuni ties to students, teachers, and practltloaers. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT ADDRE88 Boon of Law School, University of Chicago Iowa, is making elaborate prepara tions for Its first annual interscholas tlc meet which will be held May 16. sM 1 X ir"lMyvfTf,tw BasL'Ll BaTflBTsaTeTeTJ BaTsaTsSsaTav LHLsiiiB l aLLBeH Sew afBBBBw f BBBr 1 H II CLUPKCO SHRUNK lfl LW Quarter Sicca, 15c each, 3 for 35a YB VX CLUETT, PCABODV 4 CO., .VK NMOtn t ClBu and Mounh8hlrfeIB) Columbia and Annapolis will hold a dual track meet and crew race on Saturday. Ames girls have been prohibited from entering Intercollegiate athletic contests. THE FIRST TOUT ft SWINGS BANK GPfcjr&3K0&3 mmmmn pajd at sh pkb obnt feet Ntltoul BMk Rooms, Tenth ans" 0 upon athletics in American schools of all grades. The advantage of athletics is not primarily to develop physically but to teach young people that in or der to win they must "produce tho goods." This la no excuse, however, for forgetting the rest of the things that play some part in education. The Tfniverslty of Virginia has re cently instituted a political paper. The groat advantage of four years of col lege Is' to give people an opportunity to grow up in an environment that "will keep them from prejudices. Such a paper as this is therefore a detri ment, asv young men who read It will immediately take sides on national Is sues before studying them and so usu ally land on the side that father voted. Of course university politics, so long as they are clean are a good "training Yesterday the Slg Alphs defeated Delta Tau In a hard fought game by 7 to 6. Batteries, Slg Alph, Kempton and Greenslit; Delta Tau, Woodward and Farrow. The standing of the teams at pros-, ent Is as follows: 8outh 8Ide. Pld. W. L. P. C. Slg. Alpha Epsllon.. 4 4 0 1000 Alpha Tau Omega.. 3 2 1 .66f Delta Tau Delta 6 3 2 .600 Phi KaprJTPBl 4 2 2 .500 Beta Theta Pi 2 0 2 .000 Kappa Sigma 3 0 3 .000 North Side. Pld. W. L. P. C. Alpha Theta Chi .. 4 3 Delta Upsllon 4 3 Phi Delta Theta.... 4 3 Sigma Chi 4 1 Phi Gamma Delta.. 4 0 Petry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Prompt! ITHE RICE PDCAD Offl SPECIALTY BEOBXVB PAOMPT ATT AUCTION We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest COOL PRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Lincoln Candy Kitchen f 4th and O So. west Corner C ALU N G JCAWPS SIMMONS, , THE PRINTEP S17 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Penmanship, &c. Lincoln Business College 1 .750 1 .750 1 .750 3 .250 4 .000 Send In your news items to the Dally Nebraskan. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your WNhln &: ORDER YOUR PUNCH at FOLSOB'S Also everything in the "way of .cakes, plea, uuuuioa uuu icob. after the show. Something cool and refreshing Bell 456 Phone us (or Prices -Auto 2214 I J