The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 14, 1908, Image 1

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    J$te. )ail$
Vol. VII. No. J43.
Price 5 Cents
xooooooooooo 00 oooooooooo
Scholarly Oration Delivered by Jossph
M7 Swenson on "True Education
and Ideals" Other Exercises.
Under almost Ideal conditions the
morning exercises of Ivy Day were
.witnessed by a large crowd. The fol
lowing was the program:
Music University Chorus
Ivy Day Oration.. J.M. Swenson
Class Song Senior Chorus
Class Poem' Edna Rudersdorf
Presentation of Class Gift : ..
.Arthur Jorgensen
Response Dr. Bessey
Planting of the Ivy
May Pole Dance .
Bf-low we give extracts from Mr.
SWonson's oration, which nearly
everyone pronounced the best Ivy Day
oration given In recent year's. Lack
of space will not permit us printing
it in whole:
"Success-in school, we have found,
cannot be presented to us as a gift,
it cannot be bought by hiring a tutor
to do our intellectual gymnastics; It
can be' bought nl 110 less a price than
consistent Btrenuous effort. And so,
If we would be absolved from the un
pardonable! sin of Ignorance, wo must
absolve ourselves; If we would be
wlBe at forty, we must hustle at
Ivy Day Orator "
"But as in school so In after life.
We may have ever so fine spun
theories of success. We may know
tho facts ot history,- we may know the
...laws ,of political economy the laws
of Increasing and decreasing returns'
we may know the Whys and the where
' fores of failures and succQsses, but un
Tless we vitalize our thoughts and act
upon our theories they are but hoi
. low mockeries. Nor will good inten
sion, frione avail us aught. We must
, produce results. We do not forgive
tho doctor for poor treatment simply
si because his intentions were good; we
l dot not tolerate the engineer's lopsided1
' bridge ,nor the lawyer's slipshod, logic,
,' because 1, they .intended potter. The
.: merely good man has a mighty poor
' chancer The gardenqr -must prow
. good .plants; not good intentions. The
. englireer"mu3tr constructs good roads
and bridges",. and ,not merely ppod
theories' and formulae, and the law-
yor must prove his' case by good law
and not by mere 'sophistry. 'By their
'fruits ye shall know them.' By their
(Continued on page 3,)
,.. Comes
Three Matches In First Round Have
Been Played.
The tennis tournament for the cham
pionship of the University Is well
undei way and the Interest In Its out
come Is steadily increasing. The
matches in singles have not yet begun,
but all of the matches except one In
tho first round of the doubles huve
bten played.
The. first match was played on Sat
urday between Young and Racely and
Cook and Runny. The first set was
hard fought, going to douce. Young
and Racely won it, 7-5. They took
tha second set easily by 6-1.
The second- match was between
Slaughter and Post and Hall and
Walker. Slaughter and Post had been
picked to do some good work in the
tournament and considerable surprise
was evinced when they lost the first
set G-7. In the second set, howevor,
they picked tip, winning by G-2. They
took the third set and the match by
the score of 6-3.
Wood and Schmidt won from Oster
hout and Kokjer In straight sets, 7-5,
It has been characteristic of all tho
matches played so far that the first
set was hard fought, going to deuce In
each case.
One match remains to be played In
the first round between Ersklne and
Drue and Ritchie and Flowers. As
soon as this Is playe'd, which will
probably be today, the semi-final
round may be started.
The first round In singles will prob
ably bo, started this week.
Regents of the State University ot
Iowa have selected Marc Catlln coach
for another year. . '
Baked beans, baked on the prom
ises and served hot With delicious"
brown bread, 10c, at Tho Boston
Pn -Efelfeftic Djice
MAY 22,,49.Q8
r 1'
Wltps Osclhiestra
Quit ...
O 0OO0ro5WD000O0
Sophomore "Living Dummies" Given
First Prize.
LiiBt evening at eight o'clock the
four "ton-mlnuto class -programs"
were given on an out-door pavilion
at the State Farm, as a jiart of the
Ivy Day exercises. " All were humor
ous take-offs on prominent Uniyorslty
people or events and were we'll re
ceived. The Freshman program came first.
A Freshman boy spoke a parody on
Marc Antony's speech over the body
of Caej-ar, giving fulsome, tho some
what sarcastic praise to the Seniors
and Frtshmen, and heaphm corre
sponding odium on the Sophs. Then
five girls and three boys stood In a
row, each with ,a letter hung round
tin neck, the whole' spelling "Fresh
men " Each, recited a little slam on
some Senior whose Initial he wore,
and all then sang a Freshman class
The Sophomores presented three
"living dummies," or mechanical fig
ures, whoso parts wore acted by "real"
Sophomores. The speeches wore made
by a "phonograph" at the rear pf the
'stage. Two of tho figures gave a
"dlaloguo between two prominent P.
IJ. K.'s, and the thlid gave a satire
on Joseph Swenson, the Ivy Day ora
tor, the vehicle being a parody on
Spurtacus' speech to the gladiators
The Sophomores were awarded first
place by the three Judges. Mr. Ford,
Mr Gass. and Miss Howell.
The Juniors satirized tho coming
out of the "Cornhuskor," tho fort
nightly rush to hand in Freshman
themes at noon Saturday, and the
May Polo Dance by the Seniors.
The Sonlors held a mock trial of
Prof Fred Morrow Fling, author of
the book called "The Life of Mlra
beau," on the charge of being present
at Milford with the Seniors on
"sneak day." The defense was In
sanity, hut ho was convicted and sen
(Continued on. Page 4.)
TicKets, $2.50
Sophn Second Juniors and Seniors
Tie Freshmen 67, Sophs '43,'-the .
Juniors and 8eniors 17 Each.
In the interclnss athletic meet,
which mndo up an important part of
the Ivy Day program at tho State
Farm yesterday afternoon, tho Fresh
men came out victorious. The fight
for the clnss championship was hot
botwee ntho Freshmen and tho Sopho
mores. Perhaps the mose exciting event on
the program waB tho half-mile relay.
This was very closo throughout, but
Burke, who ran third, gave his man
Perry a load of twenty feet ovor Wild
man, the last Freshman runnor. After
a beautiful raco, Wlldman finally
overtook Perry und won the raco by
less than a yard for the Freshmen.
The track was Blow and the races,
though all of them were Interesting,
were not faBt. Tho wind kept tho
time down considerably.
After the track meot an exciting
I five-inning baseball game was played
between tho -"Spikes" and The "iron
Sphinxes." It resulted in u victory
for the "Spikes" by the score of 4
tO 1. s
The Individual championship was
won by Sidney Collins, who won three
firsts and fifteen points.
100-yard Dash Wlldman, Freshman,
first; Hughes, Junior, second; Mc
Donaftl, Sophomore, .third. Time,
10 1-5.
8hot Put Collins, Freshmnn, first;
Patten, Junior, second; Kroogeh,
Junior, third. Distance, 37 feet '.
Pole Vault McMustors, Sophomore,
first; Russell, Freshman, second;
Holtz, Freshmnn, third. Height, 9
feet G Inches.
120-yard Hurdle McDonald, Sopho
more, first; Russell, Freshman, sec
ond; McDavitt, Freshman, third.
Time, 1G2-5.
One-Mie .Run Aldon, Senior, first;
Davis, Senior, second; Votaw, Fresh
man, third. Time, 5:15,
440-yard Dash Burke, .Sophomore,
first; Bentley, .Sophomoro, second;
George, Sophomore, third. Time,
55 3-5.
Hammer Throw Collins; Fresh
man, first; Pe.trashek, Freshman, sec
ond; Pnttqn, Junior, third, Distance,
132 feet 0& inches.
220-yard Hurdles McDonald, Soph
oniore, first; Rathbone, Freshman,
Freshman, second; Russell, Fresh
mnn, third. Time, 28 3-5. ' ;
Running Broad Jump Perry, Soph
omore, first; Reed, Freshman, sec
ond; Davis, Junior, third. Distance,
21 feet 2 Inches.
Discus Throw Collins, Freshman,
first; Petroshek, Freshman, -second;
Patten, Junior, third. Distance, '1J0
feet 3 Inches.
. 220-ya'rd Dash Wlldman, "Fresh-
(Continued on Page 4.