15 PJ THfi OAILV NEBRASKAN J -I" 111 III I I ' "' Ok u ll I I h i '' 'I I' " i.n (!, l!i 'I- I. 8 k. s " 1 . ttbe alls mebvagftan 1 1 1 1 i i ' ' " THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. EdItor-ln-Chlef Ross Kino. '08 Managing Editor Q. L. Fenlon, 08 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager Qeorgo M. Wallace, '10 Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HOURS. EdItor-ln-Chlcf 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clmrjrcd for at the rata of 10 cents por Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published freo Entered at the postofftco at Lincoln. Ncbrnnka, as second-class mall matter under tllo Act of Congress of Maroh 3. 187D. mortal lines: Of Cerberus and blackest Midnight born In Styglnn cave forlorn 'Mongst horrid shapes, and shrlekB, and sights unholy! Find out some uncouth cell, where brooding darkness spreads his Jealous wings, And tho night raven sings; There, under ebon shades and low browed rocks, As ragged as thy locks, 'In dark Cimmerian desert over dwell.. HOW TO DETECT THEM. Many people do not know what he T. N. E.'h are and still more do not know who thoy are. The question wan heard so many times on the com pus yesterday that it appears some convenient and Blmple formula for de tecting a T. N. E. would be useful. In the first place, you must have a suspicion that a certain man is a T. N. E. Then approach him casually and walk at least half a block with .him before broatchlng the subject. After he has commented on tho weather, you might suggest in an in different manner that yesterday's is sue of the "Nebraskon" was. quite in teresting. If he tries to appear un concerned, laughs in a little half hearted way, possibly blushes a little (though as a rulo they are not the blushing kind) and says, "Darned if not," then he is a T. N. E. To see one of the blighting influ ences of T. N. E , we have but to no tice the condition of that greatest of American games baseball in this University. For several years "Ne braska" has had a lofeing ball team. They have not only been beaten, but disgracefully beaten, and deservedly so. And what is more, seventy-five per cent of the students don't care a rain-check "whether they' win or lose, and wouldn't go two blocks to see them play. Why Is this? The answer Is, T. N. E. Every year, regularly, good and deserving ball players are discarded in order that inferior ones who are "in" on the pull may have tho places, and then with their votes help elect a "ring" captain for the next year's team. This year saw the an nual farce repeated. The year began with seventy-five candidates and some excellent material out. Prospects for a winning team were excellent. But there could probably be assembled hero at least two teams that could defeat the Varsity team now on its eustern trip. Some men whoso places seemed assured were left out on the last' day and known Inferiors substi tuted. Is it any wonder that they have lost the first -three games straight? Is It any wonder that no one seems to care? TWiller Sc Feilrt3 Ahite Goods Many unusually good values are the rule in our white goods section the prettiest patterns and the most serviceable fabrics. For graduating dresses we are showing some fine lines 61 Persian and French Lawns. 'Here are some: PER81AN LAWNS, 32 INCHES WIDE 18c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c and 60c FRENCH LAWN8, 47 INCHES WIDE 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 90c, $1.25 and $1.50 PARIS MUSLINS, 68 INCHES WIDE. 60c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 A little inspection will demonstrate values The abovo remarks, however, will not apply to every member of the team, for several, (at least four), have worked hard and faithfully to make baseball and the "Nebraska" baseball Womens Union Suits SECOND FLOOR ET The finest qualities that the money can buy, giving you a choice Unit for sizes, styleB and desirable features would bo hard to surpass. Lisle thread, low neck, sleeveless, close fitting at knee, or low neck, short sleeves, close fitting at knee CSft eithor at a suit k &M- Fine Cotton, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella style, CSsT trimmed with lace a suit ;.. m 9 "Strpttou" brand, fine cotton, low neck, sleeveless, oloso fitting at knee a very fine quality d ftO a suit JLW CUT PRICE SALE OF Women's LJsle Vests Lisle Vests," low neck, sleeveless, full tape neck and arms; 4 Of sizes 4, 5 and 6; our regular 25c Lisle Vests, see window Sat.. "Ov Knit Underwear Dept. is located on Second Floor, East side appear on a moments thought. And far be it from us to say that these are the only three of the Ten Com mandments which the T .N. E.'b habitually break. WEEK i We expect, our new fixtures. Come in and see all the new things in jewelry. WEDDING GIFTS TOO Hailett, Optometry Specialist. 1134 0 St. ESTABLISHED 1871 i WHAT AIL8 THEM? . What is the mattor with the T. N. E.s? Truly, "they have ears and.hoar not; they have eyes and see not," or they would realize that thoy are doomed. The day of gumshoe politics is past, In the college as well a's out side. Public opinion is arouBed and will no longer tolerate insidious moth ods of Corrupt, machine politics where by nn unscrupulous few seek to con trol tho Interests of the many. A fraternity whose membership, meet ings, and places of meeting are kept shrouded In mystery, whoso doings will not bear the light pf' day and the Investigation of honest men will be in deed 'accursed on earth and damned in the hereafter. team a success. One man In particu lar, after making good in one posi tion, aftor tho team was reorganized did equally as well In another. These few, too, who would liked, to have seen baseball on the square, were tempted to Withdraw from the team, but knew that that would only have made matters worse. A young man In the University has suggested that the "Nebraskan" pro vide a bureau of registration for the young ladles who are open to engage ment for the Sophomore "hop." He says ho has asked four and they are all taken, and thinks such a scheme would Bave some young man a good deal of trouble and the uninvited ladles much worry and a possible In ability to attend, ir mere are any young ladles who take kindly to the plan It would be but. the part of chiv alry for the "Nebraskan" to do its share. UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN. C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1121 1 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yew NtrtMf telklteJ M. C. Mills Withdraws. Mr. M. C. Mills lias withdrawn his name from the Hst of candidates for student membership on the Athletic Board. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Throoyoar course, loading to doproo of Doctor of Law (J. D.), which by tlioQuartor system niny bo comrlotod In two and ono-fodrth caloddni yenrs. Collogo education inquired for popular admission, ono year of law.bghjg counted toward collogo doRroo. Law library of 29,&X) volumes. Tho SummerQuarferoffers special opportuni ties to students, tedcherfl.'ano' pr'actitlpne'ri. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT ADDRESS Daan of Law School, University of Chicago I Big Savings In Women's Garments Milton might well have had T. N. E. in mind when ho wrote thoso im- It is entirely obvious that the malig nant influence of T. N. E. is not lim ited to college politics, but is moral, or rather Immoral, an well. Tha T. N. E.'s number among their mem bers some of the most notorious "boozers" in school. Of com-30, on the face of the matter, thoy are hypo crites or 'thoy couldnt be T. N. E.'s, and, being as a rule champion "Bluffers," they are soon driven to cheating' to get through school. Hero are drinking, lying, and stealing which I 8UIT8 A selected assortment of Suits from our regular stock; suits of which we have only one or two of a style, color, size and cloth, both Misses' and Womon's sizes, three tfrlce groUtta. OFF, 1-3 OFF and '2 OFF REGULAR PRICES. WASH SUITS 'A flpetJlal 'assortment, llnen rep cloth and white duck, a little soiled from handling, some colors arq a little off styles, but the value is still Intact; worth $7.60 to $12.00; special at $3.75 and $6.00. .WOMEN'S AND MI8SE8' SKIRTS Some of tho skirta have sold at as high as $5.00; colors are a little out of style, but the wear ing quality Is still there; special at $1.45. V ' ttfftf