be Bailp IFlebraekan Vol. VII. No. J38. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY 7, J908. Price 5 Cents. x M.. T. N. E. SEEKS TO DUPE fRATERNITIES Meeting to Discuss Athletic Board Election Dis covered in the Whittman Garage. Accounts by Spectators. The second floor of Whitman's au tomobile garage was the scene of a Pan-hellenlc meeting Tuesday evening in which Theta Nu Epsilon was de cidedly the controlling factor. The meeting was in response to a concert ed movement on the part of the T. N. B.'s, whose political power was in jured by the recent Senate ruling In regard to Athletic Board elections. These men got together Monday after noon and that evening presented to their several chapters the Idea of a panhelenic meeting for the purpose of passing resolutions stating the neutral position of the fraternities in the coming election. The so-called panhelenic conference, however, proved to be purely a T. N. E. affair. The out-of-the-way place of meeting aroused the suspicions of some of the fraternity men not in the deal, who decided to attend the meeting. There was considerable surprise evidenced on the faces of some of the T. N. E.'s when they found strangers in thq con ference, but on account of the fact that, as it was purported to be a Pan hellenlc meeting, they had the privilege of coming, they held their places. They were also reassured by the pres ence of a goodly number of Theta Nu Epsilons who likewise were not dele gates to the conference. Business started after a few prelimi naries resulting in the election of Dan McCutcheon temporary chairman and ""Chick" Clark, secretary. The repre sentatives from the several chapters reported that they were instructed to "stay with the rest of the fraternities" and to discountenance any clique which should attempt to put up a ticket In the coming election.' On mo tion of Mr. Coufal, put with such ex quisite verbosity that the secretary, Mr. Clark was obliged to delegate an amanuensis, in the person of Mr. Voder, one of the Interested specta tors, it was moved that it be the senti ment 6f the fraternities that all organi zation be discountenanced, but that if any fraternity men should run it should' be with the consent of the Pan hellenlc council; this to be binding upon all fraternities, . It was suggested by Mr. Johnson of Alpha Theta Chi, another of the un notified "f raters," that as a delegate he could not bind' his chapter by the acts of the council until he should re fer the resolutions back to his fra ternity. Mr. Coufal then moved that, If Alpha Theta Chi'B delegate be not so delegated, this fraternity should bo debarred from a voice in the mooting. This motion was wltEclrawn after con sldorablo- disousBlon, and the original motion for the appointment of a com- . . . . ... mlttee passed. This committee was appointed as follows: Mr, Clark, Mr. Beghtol, Mr. ZImmer, Mr. Coufal, and the chairman in accordance with the motion. Another motion to make the meeting secret was discussed and dis- couragod, as the chairman stated that there was nothing secret In the con ference. The meeting then adjourned until eight o'clock Friday evening, after making arrangements with the editor of the Nebraskan, who hap pened in with Arthur JorgenBen, Hugh Craig, Berquist and others, for the publication of the resolutions In next Saturday morning'B Ibsuo. Just before adjournment one of the delegates, In speaking of the place for the next meting, said that he thought they were imposing on the establish ment as they never swept up after meetings. The resolutions contemplated by the T. N. E.'s and their sympathizers are aimed at the fraternity men who signed the recent petition to the Sen ate asking for the abolition of the voting tax and who are now exerting their efforts in the Interests of tho University to get out a ticket com posed of both "Barbs" and "Prat" men. Tho signers of this petition disa vow any personal interest In the mat ter whatever. They are not coming back to school next year, and only de sire to see tho new rule given a chance without being discredited by the elec tion of an all-"Barb" ticket. There have been several meetings of these men with prominent "Barbs"' for the purpose of securing n University spirit in tho matter and, although no particu lar ticket has been agreed upon, sev eral fraternity men have been pre vailed upon to enter the race on tho fair plan of election. Thefo have been repeated attempts on the part of the T. N. E.'s to discourage these can didates, but only one man, however, has withdrawn from the contest. It is probable that in an open T. N. E. matter the fraternities would rebel, but they now have little opportunity, as the. plan was so cleverly made that the election will occur before the next regular meeting time. 0K0K)K0KK0 Dramatic Club inTHURSDAY NIGHT. 0OJKMJq Tho representatives from the vari ous chapters at Tuesday evening's meeting were as follows: Phi Delta Theta Dan McCutcheon. Delta Upsilon "Chic" Clark. Delta Tau Delta Dale Porrin. Sigma Chi "GuBsy" Zlmmerer. Phi Gamma Delta Sam Buck. Kappa Sigma Glen Mason. Beta Theta PI K. t. Beghtol. Sigma Alph Web Mills. Alpha Tau Omega Ed. Coufal. Alpha Theta Chi Clarence Johnson. Phi Psi H. W. Post. Chancellor Androws, when inter viewed yesterday regarding the T. N. E.'s, stated that he thought the organi zation should be expelled from the In stitution, tho only question bolng tho best method of accomplishing this. Pie said: "You may quote mo in say ing that tho Regents are back of mo in this sentiment." LAST PRODUCTION. Dramatic Club to Give Final Plays Tonight. Tonight tho Dramatic Club will ap pear before the University public for the last time this season. Tho plan this year has been to get every mem ber of the club to take an actlvo In terest In the work by placing them In one or more playB. Every appear ance so far has met with marked suc cess and there is no reason to expect that tonight's entertainment will fall below the usual standard.. Several of the cast are on the Senior play this year" and others have appeared in suc cessful plays for the last two or three years. The plays tonjght are "Tho Man of Destiny," "Holly Tree Inn," and "In Honor Bound." The cast for tho first Is as follows: Napoleon Bonaparte. .Aldis E. Hibner A Strange Lady. . . t . .Neva M. Hibner A Lieutenant Harry P. Letton An Innkeeper Samuel A. Ersklne The action of this play takes place on May 12, 1796, two days after tho battle of Lodi, In which the French army under General Bonaparte re pulsed the Austrian army under Gen eral Boaullen, who attempted to pro vent the French, from crossing by means of a narrow bridge at that point . The scone... is the main room at Ginseppe's inn, on the road from Milan to Lodi, in Northern Italy. The following Is the cast for "Holly Tree Inn:" Job Cobbs, Landlord of Holly Tree Inn Allen (Pat) Murphy Captain Walmers, of Walmers Court Aldis E. Hibner Harry Walmers, orily son of Cap- (Continued on Page 4.) VViY 7 HOLLY TRpjE INN. MAN OF DESTINY IN HONOR BOUND SENIOR JOLIDAY ANNUAL OUTING AT MILFORD TAKE8 PLACE TODAY. Large Number of 8tudents on JH and Early for the Final Class Jolllfca- tlon of Fourth Year Students. In acordanco with tho University custom, the members of the Sonlor class nro taking their tfnnual holiday today. Shortly before 7:30 this morn ing about one hundrod and twenty or thirty of tho knowledge stored stu dents nBBombled at tho Burlington do pot to tnko tho special train for tho broad plains of Milford. No attempt was made to capture tho president of the Junior class or any othor outsider, the chief object of tho Seniors boing to reach the train themselves safoly. The Glee Club went along to furnish music for the occasion. Tho program for tho day has not been definitely decided on, but one thing sure, dinner will bo served at noon, as arrangemonts have been made with Dalrymplo to have enough provisions brought out to feed an army of tramps. Three ball games will probably be plnyod; tho first be tween two boys' teams; tlie second between two girl teamB, and tho third to decide tho championship. Besides theso games, several kinds of races wllj bo indulged in, such as potato race, peanut race, sack race, and a three-logged race. Those who enjoy rowing will have a splendid opportun ity to Indulge themselves in that line. Sometime in the afternoon a visit will bo made to the Old Soldiers' Homo and about an hour will bq spent in sliding down the Are escapes. Many cameras were in cadence as the crowd assembled this morning. The train Is expected back to Lincoln about six o'clock this evening. "x OBER TALK8. Field of the Young Men's Christian Association. r Last night, in the Temple Y. M. C. A. roms, C. K. Obor, Field Secretary forthe International Y.. M. C. A., gavo, a good interesting talk on the work of tho Y. M. C. A. and association work as a life work for college men to only an average sized audience, Tho Y. M. C. A. has entered into many phases of life, such as army, nayy, railroad, city and tho latost move Is Into the industrial flejds of the country. Owners of these industries realize the good of the1 work and are encouraging the Yf M .C. A to come anmng them. . The Y. M. C. A. are n a largp way solving the labor probJemB jn the largo cities, where sp many young men from the smaller .towns are rush ing In. 'The saloon problem is finding its solution In the Y. M. C. A. in., hat the -association is prqvlding a place Where conditions are eleyating r?Uer than demoralizing, the. saloon substi tute la" the if. M.. C., $. for fhe.yourfg man. - - . The, problem of" the ypung; boys Is) (Continued on Page, 4; ' VI M i : t .