THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 ! I 1 I , i I - .4 ; r Sbe PgUp flebrasftan THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nebraska. PUBLjSHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Olflci, 126 No. 14lh St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Edltor-ln Chief Ross King, '08 Mannglno Editor Q. L. Fenlon, '8 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BU8INE88 8TAFF. Manager Qeorge M. Wallace, MO Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HOURS. EdItor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p.m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance 8lngle Copies. 6 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents per Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published free Entered at the postofTlco at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Conpross of March 3. 1879. MORE ABOUT BOOZING. Severn! men hnvo appeared nt Uni versity pnrtioH thlB winter Intensely tanked. Theao functions are very well mannged, the conduct of tho students ordinarily being most praiseworthy, but n few such appearances as the above at least deserve mention. Recital for Graduation. Binmn Isabel Preston, of the Uni versity School of Music, pupil of Henry Eames, will give a recital for graduation tonight, May 6th, at 8 o'clock at the UniverB'ty Temple Theator. The public is cordially In vited. The following is the program: Gavotte (from Second. Violin So nata); transcribed by Snint- Saens Bach Prelude, F minor Snint-Saens Papillons, Op. 2 Schumann Polonaise, B Flat minor ...Chopin Adleux Weber "On the Mountains' Grieg Op. 39 Song of the Lark; Song of the Reapers TachaikoTBky Concert Etude, Op. 24 Moszkowski Concerto, C .Major Beethoven Allegro con brio. (Orchestral Parts on Second Piano) Tho Junior program yesterday morn ing wuh excellent. Montgomery seoniB "favorably impresed" by tho Phi Beta Kappa bunch. Remember the date, May 15th, tho "Cornhusker" comes out. "Save up your monoy." The friends of Mr. F. W. Upson will be plensed to learn that ho 1ms re ceived a fellowship in the Department of Chemistry at the University of The Y. M. C. A. Minstrel. On May 15th the students of tho University will have an opportunity to attend the first minstrel show ever given by the Y. M. C. A. It may seem rather an incongruity to connect tho Y. M. C. A. with any such an institu tion as a minstrel, but nevertheless those who attend the performance on tho 15th will see that the boys of the Y. M. C. A. are not always of the "long face" type. With two of the best comedians in the city for "end men" and with a chorus of well-trained male voices, the requirements for a good show will be complete. The chorus has been training for some weeks and the Jokes are of the kind that "take." The minstrel will probably be made an annual affair and should be well supported by the student body. Those hnving it in charge realize that it is nearing the end of the year and that there is constant demand for the stu dents' monoy and for that reason have fixed the prices within reach of all. Be a Y. M. C. A. "booster.' Tennis Tournament. Entries are coming in for the Uni versity tennis tournament. Play will begin In the tournament as soon as PLEASE PAY UP! If you have not paid your subscription, please let the matter have your early attention. $1.00 for second semester. Office open daily 2 to 5, room 7 Administration building. : : : : ' Chicago. For the past year Mr. Up ton has been a fellowin the Chemistry department here at Nebraska. He will take up his newwork in the fall and all his friends ish him well. This is aot only another compliment to our Nebraska students, but to our very ef Uclent Instructors. Bates recently won the annual de bate, with Clark. The question dis cussed was tho desirability or a larger navy' -4Ji - "Resolved, That the Federal Gov ernment should hnvo control of cor porations doing an interstate busi ness" was tho question In the recent Syracuso-Bowdoin debate. Syracuse won. Harvard won from Yale in their eighteenth annual debate,. Tills was the fourteenth Victory for Harvard. the weather permits, . this week if possible. All those who wish to enter oither in the singles or doubles and who have not already hnnded in their nameB should do so at once. The nnmes can be given to Manager II. D. Young or left at the Nebraskan office. Tho Tennis Club dues are one dollar per year and no entrance fee-will bo charged for the tournament to those' who have paid tlleir qlub dues. Evory ono is eligible to compete and tho en try llBt should be a largo one. The winners of the tournament will prob ably represent Nebmska in the matches with Kansas and Missouri. PrpfesHor Charles Furlong, formerly of Cornell, in charge of an expedition, has arrived at Valparaiso, Chjlli, after a, successful journey across Terra Del Fuego and the Pntagonian Pampas. The Official Ball Used by All the Bhj College Nines " If you attend the hig college games you yyi fintj that, the ball almost invariably used is the REACH OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAGUE BALI,. College men wonV have anything but the BEST that's why they all use the BSkl Ball College men know that the Reach Ball has been adopted by the American League for ten years and is the official Leairue Hall w .u- . i. i iw uiiici l.lll UU UiCU III any League game. TttAfv a; va. JSJ&$lJ ( V ) Guarantee The Reach Trademark on all Sporting Gcods is a guarantee of quality it means satisfaction, a new article, or your money back (except on Halls and Bat j under $1.00). The Reach OllSdnl Base Ball Guide for 1908 Just out It's the recognized authority on Bise Ball matters. The Official CmA nt fh Amort. can League. History and action pictures of 1907 World's Series. Schedules, rules, records, etc. 10 cents at dealers' or by mail. If not at your dealer's ive ivill supply our goods direct on receipt ef prici. Write for 1908 Base Ball Catalogue ami free Base Ball Story by Elbert Huhlurd. A. J, REACH GOMfPQtVV, 1799 Tulip Street, PHILADELPHIA ' 1 B sBBBBBsVt vllliim sLLsammmmmmm. B iBH JBlllllllllllllllllB BlUIIIV MT .m LPLillllllllllllllllllV (WrM JsLfafafafBBBtw'Lfafafafafafaff Candidates for Athletic Board. Tho following men have signified their intention of being In school next year and have announced themselves as candidates for student members of the Athletic Board: Ben M. Cherrington. Sidney Collins. Clyde E. Elliott. Edward F. Guidinger. James B. Harvey. Sidney T. Frum. H. O. Perry. Walter W. Walsh. J. M. Patton. W. A. Kelly. !wTit I intend to bo in school next year and will be a cnndldato for student member of the Athletic Board. F. A. PETERSON I Will bo In school next year and wish to declare my intention of being a candidate for a student member of the Athletic Board for the coming year. GEO. A. WESTOVEIl. DAHGE PR06RAUS BAMQUET MENUS CAUJJWggARDS SIMMOTHE PjMWTBjj S17 80UTH TWELFTH ST. UNIVERSITY OFGHIGAGO LAW 3PHQOJL, Tlirco-yonr course, leudluf; to dojrrco of Doctor of Law (J. D.), which by thoQuartorHystom may bo comrlotod in twp uud ouo-fourth calendar years. Collogo education required for icgulnr admission, one yoarof law boioff counted toward coIIoko dotrrco. Law library of'29,3db volumca. Tho SummerQuirtcrofiers speclalopportunl tlca to students, teachers, and practitioners. KOIt ANNOUNCEMENT ADDRESS ffoan of Lavy chgolf Unhejrslly of Chicago Frats and Sororities When in Need of Coal call and see the.. WHITEBREAST We will treat you right. Phones, Bell 234 ' - Office U06 O Street. CO. r Auto 3228 A ! ,'''ii,"if . ,i.rm.r