Ibe H)ath IRebraekan Vol. VII. No. 137. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, J908. Prici 5 Cents. DEBATING NEWS QUESTION FOR INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATES 18 ANNOUNCED. .. Preliminary Debates for the Selection of Next Year's Squad to Be Held This Spring. , "The question for the third annuul debate in the Central Debating League, which will be held December 11, 1908, was announced yesterday by Professor Fogg, secretary of the league. The question is: "Resolved, That American cities should adopt a com mission form of. government." It is not certain thflt this will be the final phrasing, but the question will bo as above. The Central Debating League is composed of, the following universi ties: Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illi nois, and Minnesota. Each university will have an affirmative team at home aqd a negative at some other univer sity. Nebraska will meet IllinoiH at Lincoln and will send a team to Madi son against Wisconsin. In selecting the question, each uni versity .proposed the one it desired to each of the others. The five questions submitted were then arranged by each school in the order .af preference, and the question receiving the ''highest . number of votes was- selected. The question agreed Upon was proposed by the University of-. Illinois. The other, four questions proposed were as followM By Nebraska "Resolved, That the ;United States government should establish a system of postal savings banks." By Minnosota "Resolved, That fur ther material increases in the United States navy are undesirable." By Wisconsin "Resolved, That a system of asset currency in connection with our national banks would be de sirable." By Iowa "Resolved, That the Fed eral Government should establish a bank ojf tho United States, constitu tionality granted." The date of tho preliminary debate is to bo announced at the end of the week. This debate will take place In about threo weeks. A large number of men are expected to try out this time as greater interest s shown in debating here oach year and a number have already signified their intention of entering. Ober Will Talk. Mr. Frank Ober of New York City will, talk at tho Y. M. C. A. men's meeting in the Temple tonight. Mr. Ober Is Field Socretary of the Inter national Committee and also Editor-in-Chief of "Association Mtm." State Secretary aBlley is in a large meas ure responsible for Mr. Ober's visit to Lincoln and tUg collego associations 'of Nebraska. The meeting will begin at 6:50 p. m. and cloBe at 7:30. Baked beans, baked on the prom ises and served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. CK000000WJ1 Sophomore Hop FRIDAY, MAY 8TH, '08 Informal, $1.25 K0CtfKKKro O DRAMATIC CLUB. Series of Plays Will Be Given Tomor row Night. Next Thursday evening at the Uni versity Templo Theater, the last of tho many, Bu&cesflful productions by tho Drama'tic "Club will bo given. More Interest has been shown during the past winter in this line of work than ever before. The now theater, with its beautiful scenery, thp stand- ard of the productions given, and the successful Interpretation of tho plays reilect much credit upon the Dramatic Club. Recently much new scenery was purchased by the club, and although the attendance has been good, they are still in debt. It is hoped that this last production will be so well attend ed that this indebtedness can be erased. Tho plays which will be given are three of the most successful that have been worked up by the club this win ter. This, together with the fact that several of tho most prominent of the University people will appear prom ises" an entertainment of rare worth. Tho plays and casts arenas follows: George Bernard Shaw's "Tho Man of Destiny." . . - Nova HIbner. A. E. Hibuer. Harry Letton. Sam Ersklne. Sydney Grundy's "In Honor Hound.'' Francis Gould. Kathleen. Llnderman. Edward Johnston. Alden Bumstead. "Holly Tree Inn." Bashlo Tully. Bessie Holcomb. A. E. Hibner. John Purcoll. Notice. Tho Sophomore Ivy Day fund com mittee meets today at 12:45 o'clock In U. 212, to exchange names and report colections mado to date. QoyMomoo&to 5 Dramatic 5 THURSDAY .NIGHT,, TViAV T 3 ' Q 8 , HOLLY TREE INN 5 2 MAN OR DESTINY g 2 IN HONOR BOUND g 5ooooooooooooooooko Fzalernily Hall O K)!KiK3lKJlKiK000005( IVY DAY ATHLETICS. Al Entries to Be in by 8aturd?y Even ing Trophies to Be Awarded. All men intending to enter tlu) Inter class athletic meet at the State Form on tho afternoon of Ivy Day must have their entries in the hands of Dr. Clnpp before Monday noon, May 11. Eligibility requirements will fol low those of tho regular track teams except those parts relative to resi dence. This means that Freshmen will bo allowed to enter, but it ulso means that each contestant must be up in studies. After all entries have been, made, a committee consisting of the four clasB managers, with T. F. Mueller as chairman, wil meet with Dr. Clapp and go over the list, approv ing the names of those who may enter under these requirements. The following prizes will be award ed the winners: For first place In each event, a heavy bronze (or per haps a light silver) medal; for sec ond and third plnces, ribbons; for the best all-around athlete, a gold medal; for tho winners of the class relay race, Jerseys with class numerals ; for tho winning class, a silver cup, to be set aside and exhibited in the Temple Trophy Room as the property of thp class for the period of one year. Tho medals mentioned above are to be of special design. Aid to Farmers. The Agricultural Experiment Sta tion has just Issued Pr,ess Bulletin No. 29, on "Pocket Gophers," by Prof. Lawrence' Bruner. The reason for his writing the bulletin is the fact that the damage from this pest is increas ing and many letters are being re ceived asking how it may be extermi nated. Ho suggests several methods by which they may be combatted. James McGeachlm, visited his fraternity Sunday. 'QJ, of Orleans brothers over CluJb JUNIOR PROGRAM i "MONTY" RECITE8 P. B. K. PIECE WRITTEN BY FRED BALLARD. Other Excellent Numbers Rendered by Eleanor Barbour and the Junior Male Quartette. "Monty" was great no question about It. It Is rumored that Professor Bolton has been engaged ever since convoca tion yesterday trying to figure out how his second self got beyond control and filled a place on tho Junior program. Ho won't believe that it was "Monty" with his delightful impersonations who discussed so learnedly with Pro fessors Fling, FosBlor.'Frye, Fogg, and others, whether Mirabeau was en titled to a P. B. K. But It was only "Monty" Guy Montgomery is tho name given on the programs which tho Juniors didn't pub lish. Montgomery delivered the goods which Fred Ballard had manufactured. First he was a Senior with palpitating heart, listening fearfully for his name on the llBt of P. B. K.'s "Monty" mis takenly called them "honor men." Then he appeared as a professor un der whom the honor man had won his credits. Or rather, ho appeared as several of them. Whether or not Mirabeau was entitled to a P. B. K. was not definitely sottled by the dis cussion of the professors. However, it is announced that Professor Fling will treat tho subject fully in his "Lifo of Mirabeau," to be published in a few years. The honor man received tho congratulations of tho instructors sandwiched between their opinions on Mlrnbeau, and then proceeded home ward to hear the admiring plaudits of his friends. Not tho least appreciated tribute was the gianUP. B. K. key, with tho motto, "in Grades We Trust.' Everyone agrees that the piece was well constructed and the large audi ence that filled tho theater gave the speaker "prolonged applause." Con gressional Record. Tho monologue was great, but so were tho rest of tne numbers. Miss Eleanor Barbour received enthusiastic commendation for her rendition of' a flute boIo, accompanied by Mrs; Ray mond. A quarter composed of Messrs. Wnllaco, Kettridge, Plumb, and '-Git-tings gave as the opening and closing numbers of the program threo favorite songs, which were heartily encored. And now, in three weeks, the -Seniors. Notice. Tho Phi Beta Kappa elect are- re quested to meet in U. f06 today at 12 o'cRJck for a short session. Notice. Approved candidates for positions in tho Bureau of Corporations of the Department of Commerce and Labor will have an opportunity to meet Com missioner Herbert Knox Smith Jn the office of the Department of Political Economy and Commerce, Wednesday, May 6, at 2 p. m. W. 0 LANGWORTHY TAYLORV n