THE DAILY NEBRASKAN II r In u ! Gbe Bails IRebraefean THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVER8ITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nobraslca. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MMOAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PobliCillH Otflct, 121 Ne. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor-in-Chief a-0"-K!"0 !? Managing Editor O. L. Fenlon, 08 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BUSINESS STAFF. Manager George M. Wallace, MO Circulator W. A. Jones, ;0 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, MO OFFICE HOUR8. Editor-in-Chief 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 6 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1883 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged Tor at tho rato of 10 cents per Inoortion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bullotlns will gladly bo published froo. Entorod at the postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-claBS mall matter undor tho Act of Congress of March 8. 1870. Thoro 1b a good and n bad way of helping ono another to stand together. Henry Cnmpboll Bannerman was a politician who won and held his place by his conBummato ability and perse verance. He lmew how to take "In finite painB." The Athletic Board Election la drawing near and twelve men have tiled statements of their candidacy with tho secretary of tho board. This gives tho voter an ample opportunity to select men whom ho thinks best flttod for the position. Tho number of candidates would indicate a lively contest and a largo vote. In any event, -there will bo a greater number of per sons satisfied with the results of the election than there has been for some time. RESULTS TELL! W claim to be the best GLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and aro tare to prove It Our methods aro the VERY LATEST and our work men the beat that money can secure. - We dean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking In any way. We also olean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Oeods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. C WOOD fe CO. Phene !! 147 1820 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 I Tho track meet Saturday was a great success considered with refer ence to tho number of contestants. If such interest. Is shown bpth by par ticipants and spectators under the most unfavorable circumstances, wo have reason to beliove that with a good field this side of athletics would, be exceedingly popular. Stand up for Nebraska and rise up nnd demand nn athletic afield. X One .of tho biggest and "'best things that Is possible in the life of a college ithan is the privilege of attending a Student Conference. The student leaders of seven states wlll'be called together by. tho Young Men's Chris tian Association for ten days, June 12 21, at Cascade, Colorado, to consider the great' problems of student life, and to enjoy fellowship and recreation to- gothor In ono of tho mosl beautiful mountain retreats in Colorado. Tho program as arranged has ad dresses by many of tho strongest men in Y. M. C. A. work, among whom aro the following: Dr. 8. M. Zwemer, P. R. O. S Secre tary Student' Volunteer Movement. "Mr. B. T. Cotton, Secretary Interna tional Committee, Foreign Work De partment. Mr. A. J. Elliott, Student Secretary International Committee. Rev. Robert F. Coyle, D. D., pastor Contral Presbyterian church, Denver. Mr. E. C. Morcer, mission workor, Now York City. Prdty F. A. Wilbur, University of Kansas. Mr. Bruno Hobbs, field secretary, In ternational Committee. Dean Edward S. Parsons of Colorado Collego. Others who are considering the invi tation to attend Include: Rev. Daniel E. Jenkins, D. D., presi dent Presbyterian, Theological Semi nary, Omaha. Hon. H. M. Beardsley, mayor of. Kansas 'City, Mo., and president of Y. M. C. A. Rev. F. T. Bayloy, D. D., pastor of Plymouth Congregational church, Don vor. Mr. Fletcher S. Brockman, national secretary for China Young Men's Christian Associations. Rev. F. T. Truitt. D. D., of Dallas, Texas. The morning and evening meetings will be ' given up to conferences and Inspirational addresses. Men of inter national reputation- will be present with messages to fit the needs of col lego men. On tho bank of a little mountain stream that runs down from perpetual snow will be held at sunBOt overy day, a meeting at which will bo presented the claims of different call ings as life-works for college mon. Many men will find their place in lifo and be forever repaid for going. The afternoons will be given up to athletic sports, Including mountain climbing, tennis and baseball, in which different states will qompeto for tho champion ship. It cannot be estimated what the conference will mean to those whoso privilege It Is to go. There is ,no fel lowship on earth like the fellowship of Christian college men. Silver and Gold. ' The "Cornhusker" will be out the 15th day of May. The price ot tho book will be $2.00 if taken on or before tho day of publication, and $2.25 after ward. Thrf statement made some days ago about there being only a lim ited number of books seems to havo been taken by some as merely a scheme to get orders; however, this Is n fact, and those who' have given orders 'Will bo served first and those who have not will run their own rlskt both as to tho getting of books and paying of tho extra price, The Official Ball Used by All the Big College Nines If you. attend the big college games you will find that the ball almost invariably used is the REACH OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAGUE BALL. College men won't have anything but the BEST that's why they all use the & Ball College men know that the Reach Ball has been adopted by the American League for ten years and is the official League Ball. No "other can be used in any League game. (fim SaSv ffi&LtlV ( Y? ) Guarantee un The Reach Trademark on all Sporting Gcods is a guarantee of quality it means satisfaction, a new article, or your money back (except on Balls and Bat3 under $1.00). The Reach Official Base Ball Guide for 1008 lust outU's fic recognized authority on 03se Ball-matters: The Official Guide of the Ameri can League. History and action pictures of 1907 World's Series. Schedules, rules, records, etc. 10 cents at dealers' or by mail. If not at your dealer's wr ivil supply our ifQOifs direct on receipt , r.f price. Write for 1908 Base Ball Catalogue and free Base Ball Story by Elbert Hubbard. A. , REACH COMPANY, 1799 Tulip Street, PHILADELPHIA Orders can be given to any member of the staff or can be left at the Corn hUBker office, In the basement of the Administration Building. HUBERT O. BELL, Business Manager '08 Cornhuskor. Candidates for Athletic Board. Tho following mon have signified their intention ot being In school next year andjiave announced themselves ns candidates for student members of the Athletic Board: Ben M. Cherrlngton. Sidney Collins. - Clyde E. Elliott Edward P. Guldlnger. James B. Harvey. Sidney T. Frum. -... H. O. Perry. ' Walter W. Walsh. J. M. Patton. W. A. Kelly. I intend to bo in school next year and will be a candidate for student member of the Athletic Board. P. A. PETERSON. k I will bo In school next year and wish to declare my Intention of being a candldato for a student member of tho Athletic Board for tho coming year. . GEO. A. WESTOVEIt. Stt m Itll4ff C fc y m HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing K Rush Medical College JK AFFILIATION WITH 0 litfcrjBlta of (Jlytraso College work required for Admission Full work In the Summer Ouarter Write (or full particulars to the Dean of Medical Courses, The University of Chicago.; OR feu Chocolates and Bon Bona. &&ft4S9Sy . U ' ; ORDER YOUR PUNCH si FOLSOM'S Also overyttring in the way of bakes, pies, candles and Ices. Hot, Chocolate with Whipped Cream after tho show? cPhiM ut for Prtott Auto 22K I - J S . - " F '& ;.&3m 1 '.VMmie 'ifU&fi