The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1908, Image 1

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    TRberB)ail$ IRebraekan
VII. No. J36.
Price 5 Cents.
Team Preparing, for Kansas This
Week Freshmen to Meet the
Wesleyan Team Saturday.
The preliminary track meet which
was hold at the Fair Grounds Inst
Saturday was In many ways a very
successful one. No new records were
made and the time In the dashes was
stow, but nevertheless Dr. Clapp 1b
well satisfied with the results.
In the dashes and hurdles the run
ners had to faco a strong wind, which
partly accounts for the slow time
made in thoso ovents.
In" the 100-yard dash two preliminary
heats were run, the first four men in
each heat qualifying for the final heat.
Wildman won first place, but was hard
pressed by HugheB and Reed.
The finish of the two-mile run was
one of the most exciting events or the
day. Bauman set the pace from the
start, but was closely followed by
Williams for the entire distance. They
sprinted the last quarter and both
were about "all in" at the tape. Ban
man won )y a few feet.
The one-mile run- was also a very
pretty race. Captain Alden and Davis
fought hard for first place, Alden win
ning out after a strong finish. Davis
got revenge in the half-mile, however,
'by beating Alden five yards.
The quarter was quite a surprise to
everyone. George, who xis ineligible
for the 'varsity, won with Mueller sec
ond. Bentley, Perry and Burke, all of
whom Tver rogarded. as Winners, fln-
: Ished in the order named.
Another try-out will probably be had
in this evont before the Kansas meet.
"A. p. Smith, last year's star -quarter-miler,
may possibly get out this week.
With him in the game again the qunr-
- ter would be-in-saf-hands.
Reed, a freshman, sprang quite a
surprise by taking third In the 100
and second in the 220. He Will be
captain of the freshman team, whlchJ
meets the Wesleyan 'varsity team at
"Wesloyannext Saturday.
In the weights the work was rather
disappointing. Tho Collins brothers
have been doing good work all spring
1 and they were expectedHQ break some
' .records. , This may come later in the
' year, however.
The summary .of the ovents Is as
100-Yard Dash.
First heat wftdman 1st, Perry 2d,
rMcGogy 3d,. Anderson 4th. Time,
$.3 0 4r6 seconds. . . i
, , Second heat Hughes 1st, Reed 2d,
Campbell 3d, Bentley 4th. Time,
10 4-5 seconds.
Pinal,., heat Wildman 1st, Hughos
2dReed3d, Campbell 4th. TImV. 11
. 220-Yard Dash.
Wildman l&g -RetT'd; Hughes and
Campbell pedTfor3d72fTlme'23.$6., H
440-Yard Dash.
George ist, Mueller '2d, Bentley 3d,
Perry1 4th. Time;;554-17.
(Continued 'on page 3)
Sophomore Hop
Informal, $1.25
Commissioner of Corporations to Meet
Students Today.
Hon. Herbert Knox Smith, Commis
sioner of Corporations in the Depart
ment of. Commerce and Labor, Wash
ington, D. C, will be in Lincoln today
to meet certain students of the State
University who had applied for posi
tions as inspectors of timber and sim
ilar work. The Department of Com
merce and Labor seems to be rather
rigorous In the rejection of those who
have not studied economics, to judge
from the experience of one of our
graduates. On the other hand, thoso
who have had a full course In eco
nomics nre gladly appointed to such
positions, as witness the activity In
that department of Messrs. W. B.
Hunter, A. M., C. Bowlby, A. M., A. M.
Levy, G. Cowgill, Worthy P. Sterns,
A. M. Nebraska, Ph.D. Chicago, Ray
P. Tech, A. M.
It would bo worth while for such old
students of economics as have not ap
plied or passed their civil service ex
amination, but would like an appoint
ment, to seek an interview with the
commissioner through the Department
of Political Economy.
May Morning Breakfast.
The annual Y. W. C. A. May morn
ing breakfast occurs next Saturday,
May 9, at St. Paul's church. All who
have attended this function know
what an enjoyable affair It is and all
new Btudents should be present.
Anyone wishing to get tickets can
- geL them . of Miss VIbbard, Mr. Der
Klnderen or Mattie Woodworth.
Breakfast will be served-from .7 to
9:30 altwenTy-flve cents a plate.
Dramatic Club.
There will be a meeting of tho Dra
matic Club at q. 106 at 11:30 a. m.
today. Important business Is to be
transacted and nil are urged to be
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Fzaternily Hall
Debating and Orotorical News of the
Clyde C. McWhlnney represented
the Unlvorelty of Nebraska nt the an
nual meeting of the Delta Sigma Rho
honorary debating fraternity, which
met at Iowa City last week. Provision
was made for the installation of new
chapters at Virginia, Missouri, George
Washington, Pennsylvania and Syra
cuse Universities, each to pay ex
penses of Initiation. The ritual was
also revised.
In the annual oratorical contest of
the Northern Oratorical League, held
recently, Oberlln won first place and
Wisconsin second. Robinson, who will
bo remembored as the star orator of
the. Wisconsin debating team two
years ago, represented that university
In this contest.
Illinois was voted into the League
rand Nebraska was turned down, tho
formor being preferred because of
geographical position.
The Hamilton Oratorical contest has
been called off this year. Tho Hamil
ton Club of Chicago offers annually u
prize of $100 for the winner, who then
becomos a member of the club.
Prof. Hutton Webster's Book.
Tho Athenaeum of London, In its
issue of April 1 1th, contains a roview
of Prof. Hutton Webster'snow book
"Primitive Secret Societies," which is
three columns in length and highly ap
preciative. The Athenaeum is rated
as the most important and authorlta
tlve book re vlo wing periodicals pub
lished in the English language, and
Dr. Webster's friends feel very much:
gratified that his book had received
such commendation from such an im
portant source.
Pies like mother tried to make.
Baked fresh twice a day by an expert
woman pie baker, at The Boston
Joint Party Between the Two Societies
in Agricultural Hall at the State
Farm, Saturday Evening.
Union Program.
Tho Union Society gave a unique
program Friday ovenlng in ''Scones
from tho Southland." Most of tho
characters woro in negro color and
costumo, and as far as possible tho
negro dialect was used throughout the
program. The specialties were: A
debate on "Which Has Produced tho
Most Wonders, tho Land or Wntor?"
by Wastover and Waldo; a dialogue
by Wont worth, Shonka, Tnlbot nnd
Miss Drlftmolr;' Wcntworth as "Tony"
soemcd at home, while Hejm nnd
Thomas as comedians, assisted by tho
Dark Town Quartette, wore particu
larly well received. Atkins favored
the audience with a reading, "Flshln'
on Sunday."
Tho Misses Chambers opened and
closed the program with piano and
violin music. -
Boys' program next Friday.
Palladlan Program.
The Palladlan Society, Friday even
ing, was favored with one of tho best
literary programs Hint has boon given
recently. Miss Strickland gave a vocal
solo. Miss Hildrith gave an Interest
ing description of tho Omnna Indians,
based largely upon personul observa
tion. She discussed tho religious prac
tices und peculiar habits and customs,
dwelling nlso upon tfle superiority or
tho Indian ponies. Mr. Provost's sub
ject was "The Dreamer, Bane or
B.esslng?" Ho developed tho idea of
two kinds of "dreamer," the construc
tive and destructive, of which the con
structive is preferable. Miss Barn
hacLIollowed with an instructive book
review of "Dr. Luo from Laborador."
The program was closed by n talk by
Mr. Peterson on "Prospective Presi
dential Candidates." He remarked
that RoosevelLcouJd. succeed himself,
but could not name his successor. Ho
discussed tho leading Republican can
dldates and finally compared them
with Bryan, whom" ho considered the
strongest man to succeed Roosevelt;
After the program tho Palladmns
woro royally entertained at Rlggs by
one of its members.
Joint Party.
Tho Joint party of tho 'Unions and
Palladians Saturday etenirig was a
grand success. Fully ono hundred
people gathered at tho Agricultural
Hall at tho State Farm, all wltjx ono
definite purpose In view, to have a
good time. In the opening stunt, Von
Forrell carried off the honors by solv
ing "Why a Woman Is an Animal?"
Great excitement followed In tho sing
ing contest, in which Miss Williams,
"Miss Borkey, Von Forell and Walker
succeeded In producing tho best effect.
The May pole dance with the. societies'
colors was n particularly vbeauttful
scene. Excellent music wns furnished
by the Union orchestra. Owing td the
closeness of tlio Vote as to. wHlch so
ciety .had had the .better, tlnio it-was
deemed, advisable to ' call . Jjt "a draw,
which will be ? pulled off inept year at a
similar occasion, 4 " t .
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