w THB DAILY NEBRA8KAN . You cm M it jtitbjvufeyBs w- s cnwr JMw 1 ifA A Conklln's Self-Filling Pcu Is the -best fountain pen -for both student and professor on nccount of the Crescent-Filler. To fill Conklin's Fountain seit- F1LLING WPen simply dip it in any ink and press the Crescent-Filler that's all. No dropper no inky fingers no ruffled tompor. Guaranteed to be a perfect writer. Loading tlonlorn hnndlo tho Conklln. If yoars does not, order direct. KofuHo Rub Btltutos. Sond for handBomo now catalog. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. 310 Uinbillto Balldlof, TOLEDO, 0010 SAY, BOYS The girls are wearing mighty fine Tailored 8ults this 8prlng. "DO YOU THINK" ' They want to spend heir money for Tailored 8ults and go with afellow wearing a Hand Me Down 8ult. "THINK IT OVER." We will give you the Latest Style, Perfect Fit and the Nob biest Assortment of Woolens In the city. $25 and higher. Elliott Bros, Tailors 142 8outh 12th St. xourses: Bookkooping, Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Penmanship, &c. Lincoln Business College !?ffiw t.ucslll.lVfilVS S' .! llAH.ax fl-gut . AVIZK S7irO 796 IS! "TONE Pft VT$i groat centers, making access for work among thorn easier. All tho unlvorsl ties and almost all the high technical schools are non-residential. Tho distinctly Russian class of stu dents produce on a foreigner an im prossian that is not prepossessing. With tne exception of a fow dandles in tho capitals, they are mostly ex tremely poor and crowd Into tho uni versities without financial means, In hope of finding work or lessons tp live on, and many aro almost starving. A foreigner will alBo be struck by the unrullness, lack of restraint, unrelia bility, lack of enterprise and of perse verance, and tho more than loose way In which they regard the very worst forms of sin. Tho sense of right and wrong Beoms to bo obliterated to a terrible extent. But much must be said In favor of these students, to make up for those dark outlines. Russians are an emo tional people, quick to feel and to act under impulses, open to the worst and to the best and highest Influences. You will hardly anywhere find more warm-hearted, generous, unselfish people, once you have won thoir af fections. They are willing to spend and bo spent for a cause they have espoused. A woman student, living on fifty shillings ax month, used to give twenty to her Social Democracy party. "What do you sacrifice?" is a' usual question. Baron Paul Nlcolay, in "Student World." Bil(tcrd Trsdt Uuk $3kJf'"siXJmr FLAT Jiji ALL CLASP MP SILK BRIGHTON t Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece, -'pure silk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brass, canncrtj rus. 25c, ...a, .pajr, all dealers or by jmail. f ' '.' v PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Maktri of Pioneer Sutpendert Students wanting profitable and agreeable summer work see Mrs. Barkley. Suits and O'coats Made to Order, $15 NO MORE NO LESS World's Greatest Tailors UNION MADE J.'F. GREGORY, Manager and Cutter LlROtla Brack, 145 So. 13th St. - 0 '- !, UNION COLLEGE TAILORS Main Colltp Building Ftr First Class Talltrlnf; AT LOW PRICES n i. . . 1 1 (SsBHBaSBlBK AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW Here's A NEW SUIT IDEA For College Men Notice the long cut front and long lapels with creaped-back giving the coat a box effect, every line of this suit is marked with grace, beauty and distinctiveness and is shown in the newest materials and shades. Priced at $20 to $30 You'll find them up to the match in style, " ..- - - i .. .1 ..M .1 I. - .,.., -I. I in, I ! i - , fit and quality and to wear one of these handsome garments means to be satisfied with your appearance, in every sense. jJoctig Brand .mmi ATHMiwinn ziNcoLNMsn, 0 Street XJNCQLNNEB.