D THE DAILY NBBKASlcAN T " A r ' -. ' '-' :-"".. m !&;? &r '.,sfV-. v- sn, ' - mms . : -WijW7. ' i:'ri.iuv'fe. ". . .r Vkf - T 'n i - Oliver Theatre Tf P A V MATINEE, 2:30 P VJLSM T ONIGHt, 8J15 James F. Fulton AND Hid MERRY COMPANY IN "A WIFE'S HONOR" Nlflht-25, 15 A 100. 'Mat 25 & 10c THUR8DAY NIGHT, MAY 7 MARY MANURING i i i. - i I. i-ir"1 SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 9 MAUDE ADAMS MAJESTIC Week .Starting April 27th The Fulton Stock Company Ln Hydleberg Slats Mxenred by Phoae at Thiatie Thro Dart li AdTlBCe. Auto 1528. Bill A936. Evenlns prices 16eand26e Matinees, Wed. and Sal IBo Box office opons 11 R. m. LYRIC THEATRE MATINEfi 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 & 9:00 1 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS OVERTURE Roy L.Matson, Musical Director LYROSCOPE . Minstrel TOM POWELL Late of Al. G. Field's Minstrels ILLUSTRATED 80NG "Walt for Me by the Mulberry Tree'M t JOHN J. WILDE, CONN, DOWNEY & WILLARD In a Comedy Playlet, Entitled "The Doings of Dr. Louder" W-r- -. - SING FONG LEE ff If ; World's Greatest Chinese Violin XVW'&Kr ' - Virtuoso THEMA8CAGNI8 ' European Premier Dancers 1LYRO8COPE T ' Tf L,. J. HBRZOG HE UMITOSITY BUNS' TAH.0N The iast woricdOM aadpriew right -' ' Oall a4erw store, . - 1100 O St r - llnol THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcamta'all students and InvlUs you to enW our Smoking ahd heading Room, It's a pleasure te please. Try us.' iVUl'L SMOKE, HOUSE. 1132 6 ST REET The trustees of Colby (Mo. College have recently elected Prof. Arthur J. Roberts tq succeed President White at the head of that Institution. Pro fessor Roberts Is a graduate of Colby In the class pf 1890 and while In col lege was an all-round athlete and a brilliant scholar. Drown Hall at jumigh University, erected by the alumni of the institu tion in honor of the late president, will be dedicated in the near futurp. This hall is to be the social center for the students -and will be the home of the Young Men's Christian Association of the university. The crew of Syracuse University will be guided by a Chinese cox swain when it rows in the big Pough keepste regatta next summer. C. H. Prey, florist, 1138 O 8t Try Francis Bros restaurant, 1020 P Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. Clements' photos are the best. Rates to students. 129 Bo. Eleventh. The class vof '08, at Minnesota, will not present its alma mater with' the usual memorial. Instead of the ordi nal gift the class will make the uni versity and the alumni the original present of the largest number of life memberships to the Alumni Associa tion ever taken out by a graduating class. It is believed that no greater good can be done for the university than by swelling the ranks of the asso ciation and so set the precedent for coming classes. Why not take your batSi at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Chapi Bros., florists, 127 Se. 12th. The best place to eat ln town Is at Dobs Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. Dr. Hill, Dentist. 233 So. Eleventh. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O, St. GEORGE BROS., Printers COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING AND STEEL DYE EMBOSSING A NICE LINE OP STATIONERY Fraternity Bldg., LINCOLN, NEB. UNIVERSITY JEWELER OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN Mil I STREET. . YELLIW FIOIT Ymm WmMmmmmam UmMMd , 9 BBf BBBJVPBBjBBjVJ wBJBBJI Don't Read This ft you don't, want good music. We guarantee this orchestra to be second to none; We don't charge two prices. Try us. Ask for recommendations. G. F. THORNBURGDIrecter Violin Taught Auto 5877 New Boeks In the Library. Anthropological Essays Presented to E. B. Tylor. Edited by W. H. R. RiverB and others. Beer, Q. L. British Colonial Policy, 1754-65. Beflrenson, Bernhard. Lorenzo Lotto. Browning, C-Bcar. The Fall of Na poleon. Chlsholm, O. A. Handbook of Com mercial Geography. Cust, Lionel. Albert Durer's Engrav ings. (Portfolio Monographs, Novem ber, 1884.) Dasent, Sir G. W. Popular Tales from the Norse. De Wlndt, Harry. Through Savage Europe. Egerton, H. E. Canadian Constitu tional History. Elzas, B.A. The Jews of South Caro-' Una from the Earliest Times. Farnell, L. R. Evolution of Re ligion. Foster, M. History of Physiology. Frazler, R. W. Literary History of India. Gardner, Percy. The Growth of Christianity. Green, J. R. Oxford Studies. Harrison, Frederick. The Creed of a Layman. Hill, Leonard. Recent Advances in Physiology and Biochemistry. Howard, O. O. Autobiography. Kitson, Arthur. Captain Jamen Cook. Lang, A. Custom and Myth. Morris, J. Japan and Its Trade. Osborn, H. ' F. Evolution of Mam malian Molar Teeth. Packard, F. R. History of.Medicine in the United States. Petre, F. L. Napoleon's Conquest of Prussia. Rfltehdall, Hastings. The Theory of Good and Evil. Rippmann, Walter. Sounds of Spoken English. Go to 'Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Dalrymple's quality. Eat at ElamB. RU88IA'8 COLLEGE8. Their Unruly 8tudents Gathered from All Parts of Empire. The Russian-student world does not represent a compact, homogeneous mass of Russians, but reflects the va riety of different nationalities, which form 144,000,000 .inhabitants of this empire and of its 100 or more lan guages and dialects. This is especially , apparent in the western universities, in Yoorleff (Dor pat), for example, where the Polish, German, Lettish, Esthonian and Rus sian students from district groups, the laBt comprising, besides "great" and ''small" .Russians, a number of Jews and of dark faced Armenians' of Georgians from the Caucasus. These groups are not on friendly termB with each other. It is impossible before a correct censtis has been taken to give an ex act estimate of the-numbor of stu dents., in 'theelgh-t t universities and about 'thirty-six high4 technical Schools for men and in the ten or eleven high-, or institutions for 'women; bui it is certain that the number has of late giteaUyJacreased,4 having rlseajn St Petersburg" from 14,600 Jn 1905, to 29, 500, Including about' 8,400 women. The total cannot he .below 64,000. The .students are concentrated in a few A. G. SPALDING &J BROS Vffiw j-P UJTwfcJ vttX The Largest Manufacturers in the World pf OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SUPPLIES Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Offlclnl Implements for Track and Field Sports . Uniforms for All Sports Spalding'B Handsomely Illus trated Catalogue of all sports contains numerous suggestions. Send for it. It's free. . A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yor.k, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, St Louis, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Syracuse, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Minneapo lis, Now Orlertns, Denver, Montreal.. AUTO 8834 - BELL A34 DR. J. R. DAVIS DENTIST Office hours 0 to . Sundays 10 to 11 SPECnL RATE TO STUDENTS Over Bank of Com., 13th & O Sts. Telegraphy... Is a lucrative occupation and a great educator Positions secured when proficient. Classes three nights a week. Western Telegraph School 4134 0 St. lcllA2311 We're now located in the molt Beautiful store in the west.' We handle the finest HOT PRINKS IIS in the city. Come in and try them. f UrcrIr Candy KitchtH J4tli and O So. wst Corner MOKSTMM eOSPUY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N St., LlHMtn, N. University Stwdints ' , Ladles and Gentlemen ItAn the market for a new typewriter or desirlpg to ,rent on, we' wouM be glad to have pungales man call and demonstrate the visible 'Underwood. Yours ri- spectfully, .' r A U "P."WW .! TYPEWRITElTCO it a : -714:P St,- Bell S4S H 'f 4 'r A