rHfe THE DAIIUV INBBRASICAIN ,- r m i 't M i M ft! 1 1 tfbe DUtl ttcbtnehau TliB PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. rmilHEl ETEIT kkl EXCEPT SUNDAY AKB HMIAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOAltD. MtttfM WW, 121 W. 14ft It. fcDITOftlAL STAFF. Edutbr-lh-fchlef hoii Klho, 'W Managing Editor Q. L. Fenlon, 08 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BUSINESS 8TAFF. ManAtisr aeorfle M. Wnllape, Mb Circulator .. A. Johm 10 AsslsUht Clfculatbr L. J. Weaver, MO OFFICE HOURS. Editor-in-Chief 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. there Is no' doubt that inHho end' every one will be better satisfied with him Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitotflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, B Cents Each Telephone: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 Candidates for Athletic Board. The following men have signified their Intention of being In school next year and have announced themselves as candidates for student members of the Athletic board: Ben M. Cherrlngton. Sidney Collins. Clyde E. Elliott Edward F. Guldlnger. JamoB B. Harvey. M. M. Jennings. H. O. Perry. Walter W. Walsh. INDIVIDUAL, NOTICEB will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published freo Entered a,t the postbfflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as l socond-class mail matter under the Act of ConprcsB of Maroh 8, 1879. There is some talk about school that the fraternities Intend to not only withdraw from this year's Athletic Board election, but to vote for the poorest men that they can find In order to discredit the change of method and the removal of some of the old clique. They will do nothing of the kind. No one would be so ab surd as to think that the fraternities as a whole are such a crowd of chil dren as to do a thing of this kind. This talk (for there Is nothing to it, but talk) is being originated among a few campus gate politicians who are nagged on by the element that is suf fering from being deprived of the plums. The hotter air Is the more it expands, and so there Is apt to be an impression that fraternity men are in such small business. The truth is that if any of the eligible, fraternity candidates have the backbone to stay I inn I I Intend to be in school next year and wish to announce my candidacy as a student member of the Athletic Board. SIDNEY T. FRUM. Mathematical 8ominar. The next meeting of the Mathemat ical Seminar will be held Saturday, May 2, at 7:30 p. m., in M. A. 301. The following is the program: ScaleB of Notations C. J. Moury, K. W. Powell. Hyperbolic Functions Miss Aileen Qant. Determinants Miss Mabel Wolcott Unions and Palladlans Attention. Don't forget the Joint party tonight at the State Farm In the assembly roopi of the Agricultural Hall. A fine line of entertainment Is being planned and a good time is assured to all. The big contest of the evening will be to decide whether the Unions or the Palladlans can have the best time. Everybody turn out and help your society. There will be no regular car chartered, but the State Farm car leaves Tenth and O streets at 8:00 p. m. and every twenty minutes there after. So arrange accordingly. The baseball game scheduled for May 4, between Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Alpha Epsilon will be played this morning at 10 o'clock at Antelope Park. IRISSUITS TELLlI W claim to bo the bBt GLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are to prove It Our methods aro 4fce VERY LATEST and our work- Mm the best that mbney can seoure. W clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or blinking In any way. We also olean gentlemen's olothlng of all kinds. Qeods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do tiering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J.C WOOD & GO. Ptiene !! 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 in the race the very men who are now cussing the loudest will turn around and voto for the men whom they think the best candidates. The fraternity men are not going to play sore-heads. ' . J There -is nothing God-sent about the new method of electing, but thfere can t. be no doubt of the source of the old 4 system of political leverage. By elect ing all barbs this year the fraternltlesj would accomplish nothing. They can never get a corner on things again with the sentiment among the faculty as Jt iff in the matter and trying to discredit the movement ub a barb af fair would discredit no one but them selves. t So far voters cannot miss It ,muohon any$pf the candidates. The best thing for every one to do is to give the right a good fair trial, and' The Harvard Medical School With tho completion of tho now buildings, which wero dedicated Sep tcmber 25th, 1906, this school now has facilities and equipment for teach -. big , aad research In. the various branches of medicine probably unequaled Irt .this country. Of tho five buildings, four are devoted entirely to "lab oratory teaching and research, Numerous hospitals afford abundant t op--, portunitles for clinical Instruction In medicine and surgery. COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. r A four years'- course, open to bachelors of arts, literature, philosophy r science, and to persons of equivalent standing, leads to the degree of Mi . Thh fttufllnb nf Ihn fourth VMir are whollv alnctivo: thov Include labor!- tory subjects, general medicine, general surgery and the special clinical branches. Tho' next school year extends. from October 1. 1008, to June 24, 1909. The diploma of University ofv.Nbraka Is accepted for admission. For detailed announcement and catalogue, address 8 HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Mass. Let us take your measure today and make to your order a suit that is perfect inStyle. Fit. WorKmanship and Quality DRESHER, The TAILOR 143 South Twelfth Street LINCOLN, NEBRASKA The University of Chicago will prob ably adopt a course to prepare men for work in the United States consular service. This Is the third college In America to offer such a course, the others being Yale and Columbia. Six students, representing Pennsyl vania, Columbia, Cornell, Princeton, Yale, and Harvard, are to meet repre sentatives of Cambridge and Oxford In a chesB tournament which will be conducted by cable. ThomaB Kalends, 18 years old, a bootblack in a barber shop at Alton, 111., whose perfect speech ittracted the attention of Dr. D. G. Ray, class ical professor in Shurtleff College, has been appointed critic of the Greek class In that college. The boy is a graduate of tho AthenB, Greece high school, and is a student of ancient and modern Greek. The boy gives half a day each week instructing the Greek students in accent and pronun ciation. In exchange he has agreed to accept instruction in the English, which he came to Americano study. Through the courtesy of the college authorities a room in the physics lab oratory "has been renovated and fitted with suitable furniture Tor the use of the Y. M. C. A. at the North Dakota Agricultural College. Freshmen Attention. All Freshmen who desire caps will please see one. of the following at once: ' Alden Bumstqad. Lester Bratton. Chester Hatfield. UNIVER81TY BULLETIN. HEFFLEY S I UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO tAW SCHOOL Throo-your course, loading to doffrco of Doctor of Law( T. D.), which by tho Quarter system mny In romrlotod in two and ono-fourth calondar yi nre. Collogo education i-ulrod for regular admission, anoyoart flnw being counted toward culloco dogrco. Luw library of 23,000 volumes. The SummerQuarteroffcrs special opportuni ties to students, teachers, anil practitioners. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT ADDRESS Dean of Law School, University of Chicago W JT4 SL mM AF Saturday, May 2. 8:15 p. m. 1227 G St. English Club meets with Mr. Geo. Bartlett. Thursday, May 7. Temple. Dramatic Club. Friday, May 8. Sophomore Hop. Prof. Charles L. Norton of the Mas sachusetts School of Technology has invented a. fireproof wood. It Is made from short fibre asbestos. Phi Alpha Tau. There will be a Phi Alpha Tau meeting Monday night in the Temple at nine o'clock. Important business will come up. Everybody Is urged to attend. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing "Arrow i CLUPCCO SHRUNK IB "fc Collar K .$ Quarter 8lzei, 15c each, a for 35c. 11 ifiii CLUKTT, fCABODY CO., . -V".'. IftktriofClMttand Uomreh RhlrU. , ' HUYLER'8 Chocolates and ton Bons. H Seo Ludwig about your clothes. I ORDER YOUR PUNCH at FOLSOrS Also everything in the' way, of cakes, pies, candies and ices. Hot Chocolate 1 with Whipped Cream after the show, ' ' Bell 45$ . Phone us fer Prices -M 22U H xwmiHiiMitfi fitfMBMattfi