i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i I, 1 1 P If I H: l I. "Men's Fashion Shop" "I can't befitted with ready-for-service clothes" says the skeptic. Then he goes on to tell about a long waistj or long arms, or sloping shoulders, or something else that necessitates clothes made to measure. He thinks he's either too big or too little to be properly fitted. If such a man would take the trouble to spend ten minutes in the FASHION SHOP tomorrow, he will learn his mistake. It once was impos sible for such a figure to be fitted; not so long ago, either. It is impossible now, unless the right store is selected. But correct fit for every man, the short man, the tall man, the average sizod man, the swagger young man, or the conserva tive dresser,' may readily be found in the Fashion Shop. "Men who know" invariably turn their 'steps toward this clever clothes shop. The tone and character of Fashion Shop clothes are making themselves felt wherever good dressers con gregate and more and more -thoughtful men are beginning to realize the fallacy of paying extravagant prices for garments made to measure. We are now showing an assort ment of the swagger Schloss clothes for young men, and a richjjlignified collectionof clothes for the modest dresser that are strictly "flie" things for spring of 1908. - - Men's Fashion Shop S i . '' ,,'""' mmh - h. m DtfMJW SCHLOSS WlOi. A CO HMClolhttkUMn fekktor aadNaw Ywfc ! I frA